Spring boudoir note

Chapter 293 Schizophrenia

King Jian was overjoyed to hear Gu Jinzhi's words.

He said, "Thank you very much."

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

Simple contact, Gu Jinzhi felt that King Jian was not as sloppy as Jingli said.

He even has a lot of mental arithmetic.

He talked to Gu Jinzhi in a relaxed way.

I don't want to expose myself too much, and I don't want to offend Gu Jinzhi. His attitude towards Gu Jinzhi is very cautious and serious.

And Princess Jane, even if she was accidentally sober, maintained her noblewoman's posture and spoke very decently.

In such a short moment, Gu Jinzhi made a big difference to this simple palace.

She thought of the death of the third master of the Tang family and the death of Ji Taner, and she couldn't help but feel cold. I'm afraid of the death of the third master of the Tang family. Isn't it such a simple martyrdom?

Gu Jinzhi was vigilant in his heart, so he didn't dare to talk more about Zhu Zhongjun's problems with Jian Wang.

She thought that King Jian should be a smart man.

If you can make him stand beside Zhu Zhongjun, an empty word is useless and requires practical benefits.

And the reason why he stayed from the fief to the capital was far from the rumored that he disliked the poverty of the fief.

I'm afraid that the emperor knows these things.

Everyone struggled to maintain the royal family affection and tried to break the window paper.

Gu Jinzhi won't do it.

This is not her business.

She put away her sharpness and a gentle attitude.

"Is that a prescription or acupuncture?" Seeing Gu Jinzhi's brief silence, King Jian reminded her.

"My grandfather is good at acupuncture, but I'm not very good at it. There are long and short feet. I'd better prescribe a prescription for medicine. I'm sure of this. Gu Jin said, "Can I borrow a pen and paper?"

King Jian nodded.

He called a maid to come in and study the ink for Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi sat behind his desk.

His desk is neatly placed and clean up.

Only those who like to read and cherish books can clean up the bookcase so cleanly. Just like Gu Jinzhi's grandfather.

People who have a perfunctory attitude towards learning are always unwilling to sort out the books, like Gu Jinzhi's father.

She can see that King Jane loves reading.

Thinking about it, the maid has helped her grind the ink and spread the paper.

King Jian sat on the master's chair beside him.

Gu Jinzhi opened the prescription. After writing, when the ink was not done, he got up and handed it to King Jian.

King Jian also stood up and took it over to have a look.

The prescription says: one yuan for yellow, five yuan for red peony, three yuan for Chaihu, two yuan for Mutong, two yuan for tangerine peel, four yuan for mulberry white skin, eight yuan for peach kernels

Gu Jinzhi prescribed a lot of medicine.

King Jian doesn't understand pharmacology, and he doesn't quite understand.

"Catch the seventh pair. Fry a pair of water into one dose, drink one dose a day, and drink it for seven days first. Gu Jin's way.

King Jian nodded, called a little maid to come in, asked her to take the prescription, give it to the prince, and let the prince grab the medicine in person.

"I don't have the nature of medicine." King Jian said, "What's wrong with the princess's illness? What are these drugs used to treat? Please ask Miss Gu for your advice.

"I look at the princess's face. She has red silk in her eyes, and her tongue has dark purple lines, which shows that her heart and brain qi and blood are stagnant, and her mouth and blood do not run, and her brain and dirty qi cannot be connected, so she is sometimes dazed, sometimes crazy, and sometimes awake. The prescription I prescribed is called Crazy Dream Awakening Soup, which dredges qi and blood, connects the heart and brain, and her illness will naturally be cured. Gu Jin's way.

Crazy Dream Awakening Soup is a work written by a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty.

Princess Jane's disease, in the words of Western medicine, is called schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a relatively common mental illness, severe psychosis.

Traditional Chinese medicine is called epilepsy.

Some people are crazy and silent, like dementia; some people are crazy and moody; some people have both. The difference is mainly based on the cause of the disease.

The princess's disease is not caused by fire, phlegm and other reasons.

She is caused by the stagnation of qi and blood, and the qi and blood of the brain and the qi and blood of the organs.

After the Qing Dynasty, most of the treatment for this disease is the "crazy dream awakening soup" of Wang Qingren, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty.

Before Wang Qingren's crazy dream woke up, there were not many records of crazy evidence like Princess Jane.

So many famous doctors have never seen it.

"Is that all?" Jane Wang didn't believe that "can you take a few doses of medicine?"

"Well, the medicine needs to be verified." Gu Jinzhi nodded affirmatively, "My grandfather always said that medicine is like using a soldier, and it is expensive but not much. It was not cured before, but the medicine was wrong. Drink it first. If it doesn't work, you can change to another doctor."

King Jian frowned slightly and relaxed.

Gu Jinzhi opened the prescription, went to the main courtyard again, and saw the princess.

The princess has fallen asleep.

The prince and the prince said to her nervously.

She got up in her dream and went crazy when she was half asleep. It was horrible.

Gu Jinzhi didn't bother again.

She said goodbye to King Jian.

King Jian asked the concubine to send one to Gu Jinzhi.

The imperial concubine sent Gu Jinzhi to the door of Chuihuā.

She whispered to Gu Jinzhi, "My mother-in-law's disease is so well known all over the city. Something happened to our family this year, and you also know it. With these things added, it is rare to have peace at home.

The matter of the little princess in Jian's mansion caused a lot of trouble in the city.

Adding the strange illness of the princess, the Jian Palace will become everyone's discussion like the Tang family.

And Jian Wangfu, I don't want to be too conspicuous.

They are in the capital, which is not in line with the ancestral system.

If more things happen, those sour literary ministers have to participate in a book, so that they must go back to Henan, I'm afraid even the emperor can't stop it.

The emperor may not like them to give up the guard and stay under the emperor's eyes.

But the emperor did not dare to defend King Jian regardless of the ancestral system.

King Jian's Mansion is trying to reduce its sense of existence.

Gu Jinzhi nodded and said, "I know. Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense."

The concubine smiled.

On the way back, Gu Jinzhi couldn't help thinking that Jane's palace didn't have a good reputation. Jane Wang himself, in particular, has a reputation for being a little sloppy, which may have been spread in their house.

The purpose of

is to keep King Jian in Beijing.

What is the matter of avoiding Henan when King Jian stays in the capital, or does he have another purpose?

Zhu Zhongjun should know.

It's a pity that he is not in the capital.

Thinking of Zhu Zhongjun, Gu Jinzhi's heart was slightly cold.

She is powerless to support her forehead.

Now if you want to marry him again, the Empress Dowager will be completely offended.

This is not the point.

The point is to misunderstand the emperor, thinking that she wanted to go to the palace to withdraw from Zhu Zhongjun. In order to avoid becoming one of the canaries in the three palaces and six courtyards, marrying Zhu Zhongjun is the best choice and the only choice.

The times are too unfair to women.

No matter how hard you try, the road is still so narrow.

There is no right to choose, only to be chosen.


When she came home from Jian Wangfu, Song Paner looked at her with a smile on her face.

He looked at Gu Jinzhi inexplicably and asked her what was wrong.

Song Pan'er took out the text of the Ministry of Ceremonies.

The emperor has issued an order to let the King of Luyang return to Beijing.

In another month, Zhu Zhongjun will have more capitals.

Gu Jinzhi listened and did not show a happy expression. Thinking of the day Zhu Zhongjun left Beijing, she cried so much that Song Paner was a little puzzled by her current stelge.

"Sister Jin, aren't you happy?" Song Pan'er asked her.

Gu Jinzhi came to his senses and smiled: "No, I'm very happy. He is going to get married in September, and he will come back to prepare. It's just that he shouldn't be able to stay at our house when he comes back this time. I'm thinking about this"

Song Pan'er doesn't believe it.

Gu Jinzhi is indeed not thinking about this.

She was thinking that the emperor gave an edict to let Zhu Zhongjun return to Beijing. So the last time he wanted to kiss her, was it just a moment of anger?

Things are too smooth, which makes people uneasy.

Gu Jinzhi's first thought was uneasiness.

Something always happens when you release the Buddha.

This premonition is very strong.

She came out of her mother and walked all the way to her yard.

The maid followed her and dared not disturb her.

Gu Jinzhi walked. When she came to her senses, she had already arrived at the huā garden in the outer courtyard.

My grandfather's study was here.

Now there are only three lonely huts left, standing in the shade.


King Jian said nothing in front of Gu Jinzhi. When Gu Jin left, he asked someone to invite Peng Ti to come.

Patten arrived quickly.

"Look at this recipe. Can you give it to the princess?" King Jian showed Gu Jinzhi's prescription to Peng Leyi.

Peng Leyi looked at it.

In Gu Jin's prescription, peach kernels are the main medicine.

As long as the peach kernel is used to dispel blood stasis, it is combined with red peony medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; while tangerine peel, mulberry white peel, etc. are all drugs for qi.

"This is a medicine for promoting blood circulation and qi." Peng Leyi said, "Is this the recipe opened by Miss Gu?"

King Jian nodded.

Peng Leyi said, "Miss Gu thought that the princess was qi and blood coagulation." He diagnosed the princess. At first, he thought it was qi and blood deficiency, and he also replenished the blood. Will it cause more stasis of qi and blood? Then, he thought it was boldness.

He has been making up for the princess.

Later, the princess showed a little depression. He thought it was liver stagnation and used some free dispersion. As a result, the princess's illness became more and more frequent.

Did he have a relationship from the beginning?

Peng Ti's head buzzed.

"Available" He didn't look well, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a few words. Fearing that King Jian would think too much, he explained, "I don't think of it. Miss Gu's medical skills have become so amazing. Peng admires it."

King Jian looked at him suspiciously.

He could see Peng Ti's nervousness and could think of the reason.

He didn't say anything.

Everyone makes mistakes.

King Jian never left idle.

He nodded and sent Peng Leyi back.

The maid boiled the medicine and gave it to the princess.

That night, the princess got up in the middle of the night. This time, she got up to do needlework, read words in her mouth, and talked about the prince's childhood.

King Jian didn't dare to sleep after tossing around all night.

At dawn, I took another dose of medicine.

She slept until half an afternoon.

When she woke up again, she was not as stunned as usual.

She looked at the prince hard.

I know the Buddha, but I can't remember it.

This has been greatly improved.

King Jian knew that Gu Jinzhi's medicine had worked.

The third update. Although it's a little late, it's still hard to code it. Please ask for a pink ticket. The day before the end of the doubling is getting shorter and shorter. If you have a vote, please vote quickly. Don't let me look forward to it. Thank you!! Love everyone! ( To be continued