Spring boudoir note

Chapter 305 Storage

The earthquake was serious, and the weather was getting hotter day by day.

There are countless deaths and injuries in the affected areas, the weather is hot, and flies and mosquitoes are raging, which has become a terrible plague. If the disaster area causes a large-scale plague, it will be a new unrest.

The focus of the court is on the food and shelter of disaster victims, and the defense of border gates. No one mentions the health and safety issues in the disaster area.

Zhu Zhongjun thought of it first.

He discussed with Gu Jinzhi: "Before the flood and earthquake, you have led the team to the disaster area many times. Is post-disaster reconstruction as important as health defense?

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

"The imperial court should organize the epidemic government." Gu Jin's way: "Naturally, there will be imperial doctors to go back to the disaster area"

Zhu Zhongjun frowned.

He said, "If I guessed it correctly, the epidemic should be the disaster area where the plague occurred, and the court can think of it. Now, they are not aware of hygiene and safety. If no one mentions it, I'm afraid the epidemic government will not be formed.

Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

"Aw someone to inquire about" Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun nodded.

Gu Jinzhi called Si Jian and asked him to go outside to inquire to see if the hospital was in the epidemic office when it was set up. As a result, he came back and said "no".

"It should still be mentioned." Gu Jin's way: "Health and safety after the disaster is more important. If it is not handled properly, it will cause a plague. Nowadays, it's getting hot day by day, and the wound is easy to rot"

Zhu Zhongjun thought so.

He said, "Let's wait and see how the emperor dealt with my illness. If it is a happy event to block the courtier's criticism of his virtue, I will perform well. Make the emperor's argument more sufficient; if it is covered up, let's not show the limelight.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

They have been paying close attention to the movement of the court.

Gu Jinzhi also took the opportunity to tell his parents the news about Zhu Zhongjun.

Gu Yanzhen was still lying in **, and Song Paner sent a maid to serve him.

Hearing that Zhu Zhongjun was well, Song Paner looked at him strangely and even wanted to poke him.

Gu Jinzhi sat aside and smiled.

In the evening, Song Pan'er went to the outer court to see Gu Yanzhen and told him the news again.

Gu Yanzhen was also stunned and wanted to see Zhu Zhongjun.

"Don't move first." Song Paner said, "The day before yesterday, you had to go to the inner courtyard for dinner and said that it was okay to sit in a rattan chair. As a result, it hurt again last night. Don't toss around anymore now. I'll just call the prince to come and talk to you.

She asked Mu Qing to call Gu Jinzhi. Let Gu Jinzhi bring Zhu Zhongjun here.

Gu Yanzhen also looked at Zhu Zhongjun carefully, as if he wanted to see through him.

Zhu Zhongjun let them take a good eye, but he was so funny that he couldn't help but bring it out at the tip of his eyebrows.

Gu Yanzhen felt it. Zhu Zhongjun is no different from before.

"Is it really good?" Gu Yanzhen asked Zhu Zhongjun. How good is it? Do you remember what happened before?"

"I don't remember much about the past." Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "It's just that my mind is clearer now, not as chaotic as usual."

The way of speaking is very different from before.

Gu Yanzhen knew that he was really good.

He couldn't help but say happily, "I'm about to get married. The prince will be fine, which shows that our sister Jin is the lucky star in the prince's life!"

Song Paner coughed.

She also thinks so, but it's hard to be so straightforward.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled, looked at Gu Jinzhi, who was holding a smile, and said, "Yes. The queen also told her brother that Xiaoqi was my lucky star. Today, the queen also gave Xiaoqi an emerald ring, which was given by the father to the queen, and the queen's favorite.

His speech and thinking are not only clear, but even a little smart.

Gu Yanzhen was overjoyed.

Zhu Zhongjun recovered like a normal person, which is undoubtedly a great joy for Gu Yanzhen and his wife.

The couple have been looking forward to their daughter's good marriage.

Zhu Zhongjun is handsome and comes from a noble background. Except for the fact that he is stupid, he is outstanding in other aspects.

Now he is not even stupid. There is no doubt that he is the son-in-law of the dragon.

"Mom, don't talk about it for the time being," Gu Jinzhi told his mother.

Song Pan'er's happy heart was slightly cold and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It is most safe for the emperor and the empress dowager to talk about this matter first. The earth dragon just turned over. Anyway, we should pay attention to it. Our family, don't ruin the emperor's business, Gu Jin's way.

Song Paner thought about it and nodded.

The earth dragon turned over and caused so much damage that the courtiers were blaming the emperor.

But the emperor doesn't want to be blamed by the courtiers all the time.

If there is something to prove that God is just a hint, not a blame, then the emperor will bear a lighter burden.

What's the bigger gift than waking up your brother?

This is God's reward for the emperor.

"Don't worry." Song Paner said, "How can my mother talk nonsense?"

Then she pulled Gu Jinzhi again and quietly asked her, "Do you remember you after the prince is ready?" He used to listen to you very much.

Song Paner was worried that Zhu Zhongjun would recover, his personality changed, and she no longer loved Gu Jinzhi.

People always expect to be perfect.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and bowed his head without answering.

Song Paner didn't know whether she was sad or happy, so she didn't ask much.


Half a month after the earth dragon turned over, the disaster relief food and fodder raised from Jiangsu and Anhui have started. The 50,000 elite soldiers mobilized from Shoucheng went to Juyongguan fortification.

After the matter was initially settled, the title of the crown prince and the sacrifice of heaven to the ancestors were put back on the agenda.

The courtiers quarreled uncontrollably.

This time, they were not divided into two factions and quarreled with each other. Instead, they united into one and argued with the emperor. Whether it is the power of the Tan family or not, they are afraid of God's condemnation.

And everyone agreed that this is a great disaster from the sky, but the emperor's behavior is against God's will.

There is no crown prince in the country, and the world is unstable.

This is the emperor's way against heaven.

The emperor couldn't stand it and finally agreed to be a crown prince.

The Ministry of Ceremonies quickly chose an auspicious day.

Coincidentally, two days later. It's June 20th, which is an auspicious day for everything.

The Ministry of Ceremonies reported it to the emperor.

The emperor did not dare to be angry again, so he happily accepted this date: "June 20 is an auspicious day, and the establishment ceremony will be held on the 20th. The sacrifices and preparations of the construction and storage ceremony should have been organized by the Ministry of Ceremonies. Due to the rush of time, the ceremony must not be lost at all, otherwise it will desecre the gods and ancestors. Acting in the cabinet, assisted by the Ministry of Ceremonies.

All the courtiers were relieved.

The emperor also smiled and said to the crowd, "The so-called happy events are double. The day the king of Luyang turned over in the earth dragon. Unfortunately, he was hit by the beam of the house. In a coma for four or five days. I and the empress dowager were originally worried. They just thought that God was dissatisfied with my son and punished me. I don't know, after the King of Luyang woke up. The evidence of his stupidity has been completely eliminated. Now he is smart and smart. I am very relieved. Since God has given me this great blessing, it shows that it is not my fault for not establishing a crown prince. Where on earth am I losing my virtue? You need to visit again. I'm good at improving."

After saying that, he got up and left.

The eunuch hurriedly announced his withdrawal.

left a large hall of stunned courtiers.

The emperor came out of the hall and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

These days, he has been scolded by those ministers every day, but he did not refute the position and suffered a lot.

Those ministers are not afraid of him at all.

They scolded the emperor. If the emperor imposed the punishment on the doctor, the emperor himself would leave a mediocre reputation for thousands of years, and he would have to replace those punished ministers for a long time.

He won't be so stupid.

They scolded the emperor, and the emperor could not punish him for the sake of Mingjun's reputation.

And they are all full of poems and books, and cursing people is also quoted from classics, and the emperor can't refute it at all.

The fact that the king of Luyang woke up finally made the emperor refute it.

He is inevitably in a good mood.

He didn't know when Zhong Jun was good, but he knew that his mother and Zhong Jun used Gu Jinzhi to deceive him. At first, when he knew about this, he was angry with his mother and Zhong Jun, and Gu Jinzhi. For a moment, he felt that although he was the son of heaven, he was a traitor.

It was not until his mood calmed down that he thought of the benefits of Zhong Jun's sudden awakening.

If he is barren, why does God grace him and make his stupid brother recover?

He agreed to establish the crown prince because the emperor was also afraid of the purpose of the earth dragon turning over.

The courtiers said that he did not set up a prince, which led to God's punishment. The emperor believed it.

But he doesn't want to bear it alone.

Now, he can not only be a wise king, but also take the army of ministers back a game.

About the queen, they probably don't dare to quarrel anymore.

This also earned the emperor time.

He walked to his mother's Kunning Palace.

The Empress Dowager is still copying Buddhist scriptures.

"After my mother, I have agreed to set up a crown prince. The construction of the reserve ceremony will be held in the day after next. The Cabinet and the Ministry of Ceremonies will prepare the etiquette of sacrifice and canonization. The emperor said to the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager was stunned.

"So urgent?" The Empress Dowager asked the emperor.

The emperor smiled and said, "The Tan family has been planning for several years. Can you not be in a hurry? I'm really tired of competing with them all day. The livelihood of the world is so important, but I have to fight with my courtiers every day. It's not worth it. Let's set it up first"

This made the Empress Dowager's heart jump.

What is "get it first"?

Are you still going to change it?

The abolished prince is extremely desolate in the end, and it is even difficult to save his life. How can the emperor's words make the eldest prince deal with himself?

The emperor was not satisfied with the eldest prince from the beginning.

Now that the Tan family is so noisy, the emperor is even more disliked with the eldest prince, and even a little disgusted.

However, the second prince was born with a natural twist, and the emperor had no other choice.

God didn't help, and the disaster of the earth dragon turned over, which gave the Tan family an excuse.

"Your Majesty can't think so!" The Empress Dowager is gentle and kind, with a little fierce look in her eyes. "Since she has established a crown prince, she should teach the prince wholeheartedly and plan for the world. If the emperor is dissatisfied with the prince, it will make others excited. In the future, the emperor will have other princes, won't he make his brothers discord? If it goes on like this, the situation will inevitably be unstable, and the country will be unstable.

The emperor was very angry with the courtiers, the Tan family and the eldest prince.

In front of the Empress Dowager, he did not hide anything.

It was not until the Empress Dowager said such a word that he realized that he had overdone.

No matter how angry you are, you can't hold the Chujun's fire.

He was stunned and said seriously, "What the Queen Mother said is very much, and I remember it!"


Second update! There is also the third update, which may be later. To be continued.