Spring boudoir note

Chapter 314 Stealing Kisses

It was already the middle of the night when Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun returned to Gu's house.

Song Pan'er has been waiting to leave a door for them.

"How's Princess Jane?" Song Pan'er asked Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jin said: "The old disease relapses. I prescribed the prescription, but she didn't feel well after taking it, so she stopped taking the medicine. I guess it's almost done. How do you know? The recurrence is more serious. He went crazy at night and took a knife to kill people.

Song Pan'er listened to the reason and spat: "I invited a doctor, but I didn't take medicine. Isn't it your own fault?"

Gu Jinzhi sighed.

Song Paner didn't complain much. Seeing that it was late at night, he said to Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun, "I cooked bird's nest porridge here. You two use some and go back to rest. You don't have to get up early tomorrow. I'll ask someone to stay for dinner. When will you get up and eat again?

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said thank you very much.

Song Pan'er's arrangement is thoughtful and considerate.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Your Majesty, use it. I'm not very hungry."

After eating, Gu Jinzhi should at least move and rest for two hours before going to bed. Eat and sleep, accumulate food in the stomach, over the years, there are more and more poisons in the intestines.

Now that I eat, I don't have time to move. I will definitely go back and go to bed immediately.

"Eat something to be afraid of, it's not greasy." Song Paner stared at Gu Jinzhi, "You are so thin that a gust of wind can blow away."

She thought Gu Jinzhi was afraid of gaining weight.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't say it, so he had to agree.

The maids brought up the already cooked bird's nest porridge.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun sat opposite each other.

Zhu Zhongjun ate happily. He is a little hungry.

Gu Jinzhi didn't eat for a while, and he ate very reluctantly.

After Zhu Zhongjun ate two bowls, Gu Jin's one bowls moved a little and a half.

Song Paner no longer embarrassed her. She asked the maids to hold the lamp and sent Gu Jinzhi back to her room. She also called Song's mother, took the right card and key, and opened the corner door to send Zhu Zhongjun to the outer court.

"Don't bother like this. I'll rest at Xiaoqi's place." Zhu Zhongjun knew that from the inner courtyard to the outer courtyard, there were many corner doors that needed to alarm many people.

In the evening, he is also tired of tossing and tossing around.

He yawned on purpose.

In the past, he often rested with Gu Jinzhi.

Song Pan'er was about to agree when she heard Gu Jin say, "No. You are very good now. Living in my house is very eye-catching. Rest in my yard again. If it spreads out and my reputation is not guaranteed, what's the benefit to you?

Song Pan'er was stunned.

Zhu Zhongjun looked at Gu Jinzhi with resentment.

Gu Jinzhi was unmoved.

Song Pan'er hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Sister Jin is right. You are not what you used to be, and there are still rules. If it falls into a small population, you and Sister Jin are not good.

She is still not used to Zhu Zhongjun, who is getting better.

I didn't care about this in the past, but now I don't have this kind of consciousness.

It was not until Gu Jinzhi said this that Song Pan'er seemed to be awakened by a ladle of cold water.

"I'll take you to the outer courtyard with my mother Song." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile.

Zhu Zhongjun is still unhappy.

He looked at Song Pan'er aggrievedly.

Song Pan'er didn't look at him.

He had to follow Gu Jinzhi out of the house.

"I really hate you for being so serious." On the way, Zhu Zhongjun kept whispering.

When he is capricious, he is not as mature as a teenager. No matter how old the man is, there is an eight-year-old boy in his heart. Once someone spoils him, he will lose his temper.

Just like Zhu Zhongjun now.

"I'm the real scripture." Gu Jinzhi said carelessly, "You don't know how polite I am!"

Zhu Zhongjun gritted his teeth.

Song's mother followed them, pretending not to hear.

When Zhu Zhongjun was sent away, Song's mother accompanied Gu Jinzhi to her yard. At this time, Song's mother said, "The girl and the prince are so good, not to mention the third master and lady, even we are happy to see it."

Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

She asked, "Do you think the prince and I are very good?"

Song's mother smiled and said, "Isn't that good? The prince loves the girl and listens to her. It's good to be stupid, but it's better now. The girl also loves the prince"

Gu Jinzhi doesn't know how to answer.

"I don't particularly care about him." Gu Jin's way.

Song's mother laughed: "Is the girl still shy in front of her mother? It's too late for my mother to like the girl.

She decided that Gu Jinzhi loved Zhu Zhongjun very much.

Gu Jinzhi didn't ask anything more.

When she returned to her yard, she wished her mother all of them didn't sleep and waited for her to come back.

When she came back, he served her and asked her what was going on in Jane's palace.

Gu Jinzhi said it briefly.

She is not used to going to bed late and her eyelids tremble.

Although the wind is cold in the middle of the night, it is still hot in the tent.

But Zhu's mother was afraid that Gu Jin would get cold, so there was a thin soft quilt on the mat.

Gu Jinzhi slept until the fourth watch, and he woke up hot.

The back of her neck was full of sweat.

Zhu's mother and Nishang, who were on the vigil, fell asleep, and Gu Jinzhi did not call anyone to serve her to scrub.

She lay in **, thinking about Song's mother's words just now, tossing and turning.

At the first moment of the second day, the maids woke up.

Busy in the yard, the maids swept the floor, fed the birds, and whispered.

Gu Jinzhi shouted at the maid, and she was also ready to get up.

Zhilei came over, hung up the curtain with a gold hook, and asked her, "The girl woke up so early and stopped sleeping?"

Gu Jinzhi said, "No, I can't sleep"

The maid took the water and served her.

After dressing, she sat in front of the dresser, and Zhilei combed her hair.

Gu Jinzhi remembered what happened last night and asked Zhilei, "You see, the prince and I often hang together. Do you think I love him?"

Zhilei squeezed her lips and smiled and said, "Why did the girl ask this? Of course it hurts. The prince likes to stick to the girl. If the girl didn't love him, she would have been bored long ago."

Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

If she hated Zhu Zhongjun, she would have been bored long ago.

It turns out that others can see more clearly than her.

Gu Jinzhi was a little panicked.

She sat in front of the dresser and was distracted for a long time.

Her mood also plummeted.

I wish my mother saw that she was fine yesterday, and it was like this when she got up today. She couldn't help but worry and asked Zhilei, "What did the girl say to you?"

Zhilei was also a little scared.

She looked at Gu Jinzhi's question and said anything coldly.

She told Zhu's mother about the conversation with Gu Jinzhi in the morning: "It's the girl who asked first. Let's look at her and the prince. Does she usually love the prince? To be honest, the girl is unhappy.

Several people who serve close to Gu Jinzhi's yard all think that the King of Luyang loves Gu Jinzhi, and Gu Jinzhi also loves the King of Luyang.

So, Zhilei doesn't know what she said wrong.

Zhu's mother smiled and said, "Our girl, I feel uncomfortable. It's the prince who always sticks to her. She gives people face, and the prince doesn't care. If it's that suspicious and thin, just think that our girl doesn't like her.

Then she smiled and comforted Zhilei, "It's okay, the girl is just shy."

Zhilei felt that Gu Jinzhi was not shy.

She seems to be angry

Thinking that Zhu's mother was more insightful than herself, Zhilei didn't say anything more, although she didn't understand why Gu Jinzhi was angry.

She carefully served Gu Jinzhi for breakfast.

After breakfast, the weather became very hot again.

not far from the yard, there are two tall ancient locust trees, full of cicadas, and the sound is cut, one hissing one after another, adding more heat.

The scorching sun coming through the window lattice was dazzling.

The ice was sent to the main courtyard.

Gu Jinzhi sat on the kang in the east and read a book.

There is ice in the room, and there is still heat.

On both sides of Gu Jinzhi's nose, there are faint beads of sweat.

Zhilei took a fan, sat on her, and gently fanned for her.

It was almost noon, and the hot sun made Lin Ying smoke. The leaves of the ancient locust tree are charred and dying. The sound of those cicadas singing in the trees became clearer and clearer.

Hot and stuffy.

These days are the hottest time of the year.

When Zhu Zhongjun rushed to the inner courtyard with the sun, he was sweating all over.

His Xiabu can pinch the water on his back.

"How did the prince come in the sun on such a hot day?" I wish my mother was distressed. She quickly asked someone to take Zhu Zhongjun's changed clothes to him and take off the straight clothes.

Zhu Zhongjun let them serve and said with a smile, "I'm in the room, and I don't think it's so hot outside. I didn't know it until I came out. The ground is hot. I'm wearing thick-soled shoes, and my feet are so hot.

He used to be white. He went to Luyang for a year and came back to tan very much.

So his face was so red that no one else could feel it.

Gu Jinzhi still sat, looked at him, and then buried himself in reading.

The maids were busy, and then Zhu Zhongjun sat down.

He asked Gu Jinzhi, "What book do you read?"

"The medical scriptures left by my grandfather." Gu Jinzhi replied that his tone was not salty or light.

Zhu Zhongjun leaned over to her and sat down and said, "Show me too?"

Gu Jinzhi gave him the medical book by the way.

She stood up by herself and went to the inner room.

Zhu Zhongjun was confused and took the medical scriptures and followed him in.

I wish my mother not allow other maids to come in to serve.

She knew that it was useless to say it, so she had to stop the maid from breaking their etiquette.

Gu Jinzhi sat down to **, and the more he thought about it, the more boring it became.

My head is a little heavy. I don't know if it's too hot or because I didn't sleep well last night.

She lay down **.

Zhu Zhongjun followed in, and Gu Jinzhi knew it.

She was a little annoyed. She put down the curtain and hid in the bed.

Zhu Zhongjun got in.

Gu Jinzhi suddenly sat up and said, "Go out!"

Zhu Zhongjun was slightly stunned.

Gu Jinzhi didn't expect his voice to be so abrupt. He softened his tone and said, "It's so hot, crowded in one place, and I'm upset. You go outside to play for a while"

Zhu Zhongjun saw that she was indeed in a bad mood.

He didn't insist and turned around and went out.

Gu Jinzhi lay down and slept in a daze.

Then I woke up again.

She turned over and suddenly bumped into the warm embrace.

Opening his eyes, Zhu Zhongjun was lying sideways, facing her, and sleeping soundly.

He breathed evenly and slept sweetly.

Gu Jinzhi did not move.

She can smell the incense on his clothes.

That's Gu Jinzhi's commonly used incense. Zhu Zhongjun left his clothes here, and Zhu's mother also put them in Gu Jinzhi's cabinet.

His clothes are full of Gu Jinzhi's breath.

The bridge of his nose is straight, his lips are not thin, and his upper lip is slightly raised, which is very beautiful.

Gu Jinzhi remembered that a long time ago, the king of Luyang, who was not sensible about the world, kissed her. His lips, soft and soft, suddenly reflected in Gu Jinzhi's heart.

And after Zhu Zhongjun fell asleep, he looked like a baby, simple and handsome.

Gu Jinzhi supported his body slightly, half got up, gently approached him, and pecked his lips gently.

[To be continued