Spring boudoir note

Chapter 319 Follow

Gu Jinzhi tidied up his clothes and sat up.

The more Zhu Zhongjun thought about it, the more he regretted it.

What's wrong with it? You should eat it first.

He flinched, as if he didn't want to do it with Gu Jinzhi.

Besides, he felt uncomfortable all over, and the heat wave surged up his head, which was more powerful than just now. He was not as rational as he was just now.

He is going to hug Gu Jinzhi again.

Gu Jin was in love for a while and made up his mind to have a rain with him.

If she misses the opportunity, she feels boring.

Zhu Zhongjun hugged her. She pushed Zhu Zhongjun away and only said, "Speak well. It's still early. Do you want to be kicked out?

Zhu Zhongjun sat down immediately.

After such a scene, the depression in the hearts of the two people has been reduced by more than half.

Zhu Zhongjun's desire is also slowly going down.

He just found that he was not as angry as he was when he came back.

Gu Jinzhi used her method to appease his irritability,

After he calmed down, Gu Jinzhi asked him, "Do you still want to be the emperor?"

Zhu Zhongjun was silent.

It's not so easy to be an emperor.

Anyone wants to do it.

What Zhu Zhongjun should consider is not whether he wants to do it or not, but whether he can do it.

It is difficult to usurp the throne.

"...He doesn't like me." Gu Jinzhi said to Zhu Zhongjun, "Sometimes, obsession is just a knot in the heart. He has a knot in his heart for the king of Luyang, so it's like this.

Zhu Zhongjun looked at her and didn't answer.

"You used to be so tired, do you have to repeat it again?" Gu Jinzhi continued, "I'm not trying to stop you, I just feel that it's not worth it. Conspiracy is too difficult, the success rate is low, dangerous, and the consequences of failure are heavy. You are just a favor from God, borrowing a young body to retire. If you don't go to Yangguan Avenue, do you have to plot against it?

"As long as you are willing, the difficult road is worth it!" Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jinzhi's heart seemed to have been hit by something.

"... Are you angry and beautiful?" She asked pretending to be a joke.

Zhu Zhongjun looked at her.

His eyes were like water, tightly entangled with her, and his eyes were shining like gems.

Gu Jin's heart was palpitated.

Then, she saw Zhu Zhongjun roll his eyes and said, "You are sentimental again!"

Gu Jinzhi had to smile.

Her eyes disappeared for a moment.

The mood is very shallow and flashes by. No matter how shallow it is, that kind of expectation has existed. It's really like a child in love.

The more she lived, the more she went back.

She hurriedly restrained her mood.

"I promised to marry you, and I won't go back on my word." Zhu Zhongjun said with a straight color, "Who wants me to be happy, I'm going to sleep!"

This time, it was replaced by Gu Jinzhi's silence.

Today, after the emperor confessed, her life came to a fork in the road.

Choice has become her problem.

She can't escape.

She doesn't think it must be Zhu Zhongjun.

But compared with the emperor, she is willing to marry Zhu Zhongjun.

is Zhu Zhongjun, the idle prince.

There is an emperor in the middle, but I'm afraid that Zhu Zhongjun, an idle prince, won't last long. If he is unscrupt, Gu Jinzhi's life will be in a mess.

Following Zhu Zhongjun's conspiracy, he succeeded in mixing a queen. One person was promoted to heaven, and the family was crowned as a marquis. Failed to put the whole family in.

If you don't go to the palace to serve the emperor with Zhu Zhongjun, and share the same man with so many women, it's disgusting to think about it. The emperor's promise to Gu Jinzhi's queen may probably be empty words. How can a man's promise be believed?

At that time, you will be low and small all your life. You will not be tolerated by the queen, and you will be not happy by the empress dowager, and it will be difficult step by step.

Stretching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife.

Instead of being tortured to death so slowly, it's better to have a good time.

In life, you should always take some risks.

"Zhu Zhongjun, let's do it!" Gu Jin's way.

When Zhu Zhongjun heard this, his blood suddenly spread.

"Didn't you mean to wait for the wedding night?" He was a little short of breath. "Do you really want to do it now? I'm afraid that you will regret it and make trouble again..."

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

"Where and where?" Gu Jin said, "I mean, let's rebel and be the emperor!"

Zhu Zhongjun was slightly stunned.

He looked at Gu Jinzhi in disbelief.

"You are not going to retire. Are you willing to give up your current comfort?" Zhu Zhongjun asked.

"I want to be a queen and retire again." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I think we will succeed. On the day you crossed over, a Taoist priest said that I would be the queen in the future.

Zhu Zhongjun couldn't help laughing.

He is a non-believer.

So Gu Jinzhi's words made him feel funny.

"All right." Zhu Zhongjun suppressed his smile and said, "Do you want to follow me to rebel? Have you figured out where to start? Go to the palace to assassinate the emperor?"

Gu Jinzhi stared at him.

He treats Gu Jinzhi as a child.

"I'll listen to you." Gu Jinzhi said seriously, "You deploy, I'll follow you..."

Zhu Zhongjun only felt a warm current, lingering in his chest. His eyes are almost wet.

These words are more beautiful than any love words.

"Gu Jinzhi, don't go back on your word." Zhu Zhongjun looked at her firmly.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

Zhu Zhongjun took advantage of the opportunity to hug her.

The two stayed in the room for a long time and bolted the door again, which made Zhu's mother very uneasy.

She lay at the door and listened to it several times.

She didn't hear anything, which made her even more uneasy.

Young children, impulsively did something out of line, but what should I do?

On weekdays, these two people don't know how to avoid suspicion...

"Girl, it's too late to watch. Don't you rest?" I wish my mother shouted loudly outside the door.

Zhu Zhongjun let go of Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi got up and opened the door.

I wish my mother looked at her with her eyes, and Gu Jinzhi deliberately did not look at her.

Zhu Zhongjun came out and went to the warm pavilion to rest.


When he came back from Linglong Zhenfang, the emperor had insomnia again that night.

He had this problem when he was a child.

There are so many things in his heart that he can't sleep.

Last time, Gu Jinzhi said that he was suffering and couldn't fall.

Thinking of Gu Jinzhi, all kinds of emotions surged up together.

The emperor remembers Gu Jinzhi's appearance very clearly. He can even sketch her outline with his hand in the dark.

Thigh, thin, not so beautiful, but the eyes are beautiful.

When she looks at people, her eyes are calm and very approachable.

When she rejected the emperor, her words were vicious and she didn't drag her down at all.

The emperor didn't understand: where on earth did he attract Gu Jinzhi's disgust?

Even if she doesn't have such a strong relationship with Zhong Jun, she should be a little moved by his love.

He is the real dragon emperor, the most extraordinary man; he inherits half of his mother's appearance, and he is also handsome.

He is not as tall as Zhong Jun, but he is of medium size, slightly taller than Gu Jinzhi.

He is also the Lord of the world.

To be his woman, you should feel honored.

He can love her and make her famous for thousands of years.

But she doesn't want to...

Tossing and turning, I can't sleep at all.

After saying such cruel words, the Tang Dynasty appointed the concubine's mother as the queen, the daughter-in-law as the concubine, etc...

The more I think about it, the more chagrin I feel.

It shouldn't be like this.

He just went to warn Zhong Jun. By the way, he pretended to deceive the king and gave her a warning. How could he take such a step in the end?

Gu Jinzhi and Zhong Jun's marriage, he has drawn up the imperial edict and postponed it to September next year on the grounds that the earth dragon turned over.

Make them auspicious clothes, but to prevent the queen from blocking him from issuing the order, and it is easy to explain it to the queen.

The emperor wants to do it slowly.

He wants to reveal a little bit like his mother, and he wants to seal Gu Jin as the queen.

In this way, the mother will not be unable to accept it at once...

What should I do now?

Do you still postpone their marriage as planned?

Gu Jinzhi now knows his intention. Will she resist more and more?

What the emperor wants is not a woman, but a lover.

A woman who knows how to love him, just like she loves Zhongjun, not a walking dead woman full of resentment.

This toss is the fourth watch.

The emperor wants to get up, first go to Kunning Palace to send his peace, and then go to court.

The palace people served him to change his clothes.

Xiang Liang came in.

Xiang Liang is the imperial eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor, and he is responsible for helping the emperor criticize the red. Some of the memorials handed over by the cabinet were not important. Before the emperor could criticize the red, he handed them over to Xiang Liang.

He left the palace yesterday, and all the memorials were handed over to Xiang Liang.

When he returned to the palace, Xiang Liang had not finished dealing with it.

The emperor took a look at him.

There was a thick silt in his eyes, and he should have not slept all night.

With so many chapters, Xiang Liang was careful again, and he must have been busy all night.

"Your Majesty." He knelt down to Liang and handed a memorial to the emperor. "This is the memorial presented by the imperial king, and the cabinet has voted for it. The maidservant thought about it over and over again and didn't dare to criticize it. Please have a look.

The emperor knew that it was more important.

He is a little annoyed.

He didn't sleep all night. He was in a bad mood and was most afraid of something to do.

He took it over and hadn't read it yet. He asked Xiang Liang, "What's the matter?"

"Yes... it's the king of Luyang..." Xiang Liang Dao.

The emperor was stunned.

He quickly opened the chapter and browsed ten lines at a glance.

After reading it, he tightened his thick eyebrows.

As if he was unwilling, he read it again.

Then, he closed the chapter fiercely, fell to the ground, and scolded, "It's ridiculous! What is the imperial historian Wang Xian? I think he is crazy with idleness! Reject it!"

The maids and attendants all over the room were so scared that they knelt down.

Look, as long as his tone is a little focused, these people are scared out of their wits, not to mention his bad words.

Why is Gu Jinzhi not afraid of him?

His thoughts are split.

Xiang Liang also knelt down and exclaimed his majesty's anger before pulling back the emperor's thoughts.

"Your Majesty, this chapter has been voted on by the Cabinet. The meaning of the first assistant and the elders of the cabinet still needs to follow the rules, otherwise the decrees are not strict and the imperial platform is not correct..."

The emperor glared at him.

"... In the early morning, the imperial history will definitely participate in this matter. If your majesty rejects it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the ministers to agree. He whispered to Liang.

The ministers and the emperor have quarreled in the Taihe Hall more than once.

He wants to remind the emperor to be mentally prepared.

The emperor is extremely irritable.

Why are all the things in one place?

He lost his temper and picked up the memorial chapter again.

"Liu Shu." The emperor called another eunuch, "You went to Kunning Palace, that is, I got up late today and went straight to the early morning. Wait until the court, and then give my mother's security.

He took the memorial in his hand and sat down for a moment before he got up and went to the Taihe Hall.

The first update, ask for a pink ticket. RS