Spring boudoir note

Chapter 327 The vision

The Empress Dowager was stunned.

She gave Aunt Cheng a win-eye and asked her to take down the palace people who were serving the whole hall.

Only the emperor and the empress dowager's mother and son were left in the inner hall. The empress dowager held her son's hand.

The emperor's palm was cold, which made the Empress Dowager panic.

She was worried, and her tone was still gentle: "... The emperor was crowned crown prince at the age of six, and he followed your father to rule the government; at the age of 20, he ascended the throne, subdued the old minister, and promoted new talents. Fu Rui Bingzhen, the world is ruled, and the ancient Mingjun is just like this. How can he say the word 'done'?

The emperor sighed gently.

The Empress Dowager's words made his scattered heart gradually return to his position.

There is water in the corners of his eyes.

He turned his head slightly and inadvertently brushed away the water from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm confused." The emperor said, "Let the queen be frightened."

The Empress Dowager also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who in the court made the emperor angry?" The Empress Dowager asked with a smile, "Those old ministers, pedantic but loyal, the emperor knows in his heart. If it hadn't been for the wise emperor, they wouldn't have dared to argue with the emperor..."

The emperor smiled.

There are indeed some old ministers who don't gang up in the court.


His heart was tight again, which made him breathless.

"It's not arguing with anyone." The emperor's face was slightly restrained and said, "It's the Tan family. They killed Wang Xian, the imperial historian, right under my nose.

"Wang Xian?" The Empress Dowager asked.

The emperor nodded: "It's the king who impeached Zhong Jun."

The emperor did not explain what happened in the court.

He thought that the Empress Dowager was very clear and there was no need to repeat it.

But Wang Xian's death was just a matter, and the Empress Dowager may not know.

He focused on the cause of Wang Xian's death.

"...Wang Xian is wrong, and the crime is not to death. If you kill him, won't the history of the youth confuse me with Zhou and Jie? I said, let the third division retry and sentence him to exile. The more the emperor said, the angrier he became. "I just finished it. In less than half an hour, Wang Xian 'commissioned himself in fear of sin'. Mother, if I don't make Tan the queen in the future, will I not be able to tolerate me in this palace immediately?

He remembered the behavior of the Tan family.

Before the crown prince, the Tan family did not dare to be so arrogant.

At that time, they were worried that the emperor would die and refused to be the eldest prince.

Even if the Tan family wants to rebel, they must have an open reason, otherwise they will be a traitor.

The prince is undoubtedly their greatest hope.

Don't rebel, be a powerful minister, control the emperor, and be even more carefree.

Now, the eldest prince has been appointed as the crown prince. Can he be abolished? From today's matter, the emperor can't make the decision.

The emperor, known as the supreme of the world, is also under the order.

Can the emperor still command his subordinates now?

The ministers all rode on the head of the emperor.

How not to be shocked?

"Is the emperor too careful?" The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "Maybe Wang Xian really committed suicide in fear of crime?"

The emperor shook his head: "Mother, you are so kind."

The Empress Dowager smiled.

She knows her son very well. The emperor is already a mature emperor, and he has his tricks and thoughts. He said this to the empress dowager, just to vent his chest's breath, not to seek the empress dowager's advice.

What the Empress Dowager should do is not to be like a strict teacher, but to be a kind mother, so that the emperor can speak freely.

She didn't say anything superfluous. She followed the emperor's meaning and said, "The Tan family has never left any handle..."

"Yes." The emperor said, "Father, in those last days, he talked to me about the Tan family all day long. The father said that the Tan family acted cautiously. Be patient and work slowly with them. Don't be reckless, otherwise you will be subordinate. My father's words are baht.

The Empress Dowager answered and said, "Your Majesty remembers your father's painstaking efforts. Your father's knowledge is also gratifying."

The emperor sighed again.

He asked the Empress Dowager, "Mother, do you think I'm too young?"

"Long live the emperor, he is only twenty-six now, and he is naturally young." The Empress Dowager laughed.

The emperor also smiled.

He is still young, but the old marquis of the Tan family is old.

Except for the old marquis, no one in the Tan family has set foot in a high position and has little experience in court fighting.


The emperor always consumes more energy than them.

Wait for them to go downhill, and then kill them all.

Now, the emperor is not reckless, and the Tan family does not dare to act rashly.

We have nothing to do with each other.

The emperor hopes so, and the Tan family wants it even more.

After thinking about this, the emperor was much more happy.

The Empress Dowager took the opportunity to say, "The emperor is merciful. The running dog of the Tan family was killed by the Tan family himself, which also made the emperor sad."

The emperor was just a little shocked by the Tan family.

After being shocked and stable, after thinking about it, the royal historian Wang Xian deceived the monarch and colluded with the Tan family behind his back, which was hateful enough.

If there is no enmity with the Tan family, the emperor also feels that it is not a pity for Wang Xian to die.

"I'm young after all." The emperor laughed at himself.

The Empress Dowager was completely relieved.

The emperor's mood is over.


The imperial historian Wang Xian was just an impeachment of the King of Luyang. As a result, he committed suicide in prison without being convicted.

Outsiders don't know who did it.

But no one wants to go to the footsteps of Wang Xian, and no one has the courage to mention the matter of King Luyang again.

Since the matter of the residence of King Yin in Luyang has been postponed, it is time for his wedding to be discussed.

In the early morning of the second day, the emperor said that he was very disappointed with Wang Xian in the face of civil and military officials. He only said that he would let Wang Xian's body be brought back by his family. There was nothing else to say, and he did not even investigate whether he was really "fraidated by himself".

The ministers of the Tan family's gang were proud: the emperor also showed weakness, and it was really promising to join the Tan family.

Other ministers are a little chilled.

Then, the emperor changed the topic, talked about the wedding of the king of Luyang, and asked how the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies was preparing.

Zou Shixing, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, hurried forward and replied: "Weichen is the deputy envoy, Wang Luxiang, the minister of the Ministry of Household, is the main envoy, and Hu Zehan, the minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, is the main marriage. The princess's crown dress is ready, the female official becomes a gift, and the internal official often urges the makeup. Zhang, the wife of Yuanpinghou, was ordered to make the bed. Jingzhong Yipin and his subordinate foreign women, congratulated four times; the princess's sedan chair entered the noon gate, and entered the door on the right..."

All the courtiers were shocked when they heard it.

The wedding of King Luyang, the weight of the ceremonial person is unprecedented.

The minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies considers herself a deputy envoy; Mrs. Yuanpinghou, the daughter-in-law of the eldest princess of Minghui, makes the bed; the female official is Cheng Wan, Aunt Cheng of Kunning Palace...

I'm afraid that the bride price and honor will be more luxurious.

Hearing this, the emperor nodded with approval and said to Zou Shixing, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, "It's done very well. Less than a month is an auspicious time, and everything should be ready.

Zou Shixing is busy.

The emperor asked him to retreat.

Then, other officials reported other political affairs.

He was busy for three moments. Seeing that it was time for the next morning, the emperor saw that everyone was a little tired and had nothing to do, so there was a lower court.

A bodyguard suddenly came to the palace and said, "Your Majesty, the governor of Fujian has come all the way here, saying that there is something important to do, and it is urgent."

Everyone immediately whispered to each other.

Fujian is remote and full of water bandits all year round. Has anything happened again?

"Please come up." The emperor's voice was also a little tight.

The bodyguard takes the order.

Soon, the Fujian political envoy in official uniform, named Ying Wei, rushed to the Taihe Hall.

He knelt down and saluted, saying long live.

"... On the first day of June, half of the sky was dyed red when I got up early, and the red glow in the sky lasted until the afternoon. The people worshiped each other, saying that this is a omen of great prosperity in the world, and I'm afraid that the wind and rain will be smooth in the next few hundred years. Ying Wei said what he said.

There are visions in Fujian, and there are strange clouds.

The civil and military officials and the emperor were stunned.

"Say it carefully." The emperor said.

Ying Wei said, "It was when I got up early, there was a red glow cage cover on the top of Tianxia Temple, and it didn't disperse for half an hour. When the people saw it, they thought it was the manifestation of the Bodhisattva, and they all rushed up to worship. If you are far away, you can worship on the spot. I can't imagine that the red glow has not faded, and the more it expands, slowly covering half of the sky.

The people were scared and all knelt on the ground. At noon, the sky was full of red light everywhere. At noon, lightning and thunder, with golden light shining, like the shape of a dragon..."

Some courtiers inhaled.

From ancient times to the present, there have been visions in the sky, all of which convey the will.

The son of heaven is the emperor.

Therefore, everyone, including the emperor, was stunned to hear it.

"... The golden dragon lies down, quite weak. The people had never seen this before. They knelt in the yard and dared not look up. Lightning and thunder, lying golden dragon, it's really never been seen in ancient times. Jinlong lay down and was lived in by Hongxia, but he wanted to struggle. However, the red glow in the sky can't get rid of it. Then, there was a fish dragon head, and the whole body was dark clouds, kneeling under the Wolong and holding the Wolong up with his body. Then, flying higher and higher, Jinlong gradually got up and traveled all over. Those red clouds slowly dispersed with the dark clouds. Ying Wei Dao.

After he finished speaking, there was no sound of inhaling in the hall.

In the hall where the needle can be heard, the emperor sat infatuated and didn't speak for a long time.

"What helps Jinlong get out of trouble is the fish dragon's dragon head, which is Ao." When the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies was silent, Zou Shixing stood up first and said, "May 29th, Juyongguan turned over, and the movement was so great that all the public said that God was dissatisfied with your majesty. Now it seems that it is the blessing to be born and protect the master. It is not the loss of your majesty's virtue..."

"Exactly!" Hu Zehan, the secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, said, "Your Majesty, this is the real will of God."

Hu Zehan is not from the Tan family.

Last time, the ministers accused the emperor one after another, saying that he had not appointed a crown prince, which made God furious. Hu Zehan knew in his heart that it was the conspiracy of the Tan family and had long been dissatisfied.

Now, he is taking this opportunity to fight back against Tan's power.

"Your Majesty, I thought that what Hu Shangshu said was exactly." Another minister stood up to support Hu Zehan and fight against the Tan family.

The others in the hall also recalled and quarreled.

Last time, the Tan family criticized the emperor with such righteous words. Now, those who are not from the Tan faction will fight back.

The emperor was silent.

He was distracted and didn't hear the crowd quarreling at all.

Until the next dynasty was announced, the emperor was still distracted.

He quickly arrived at Kunning Palace.

He told the Empress Dowager the words of today's Fujian governor: "... Queen Mother, the Aoyu is also a dragon. It is only because she lies in the ground that she is a dragon. He is also the son of the dragon. A vision appeared in Fujian. Someone helped me get out of trouble. That man should be a dragon. Wasn't Zhong Jun good at that time? Zhong Jun is the eldest son of his father. He called him Ao, and he can't be wrong.

The first update, ask for a pink ticket. Today's update is still available. RS