Spring boudoir note

Chapter 329 Satire

Zhu Zhongjun slept very well.

The weather in the golden autumn is gentle, comfortable and intoxicating.

At the moment of the first lunar month, he woke up.

It's not yet dawn outside, but the woman who cleans the yard has already got up.

Sweeping the floor in the yard, there was a slight rustling sound.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't make a sound. He put his hand on his head and looked at the top of the tent. The silver gauze curtain penetrated into the thick light, and he could see the colorful clouds embroidered on the top of the tent.

He remembered the way he saw Gu Jinzhi put on his wedding dress in his previous life.

At that time, she didn't smile. She lowered her eyes all the way, and her face was rubbed with rouge. It was red and touching. Zhu Zhongjun only thought she was shy.

His heart was melted by something and became a pool of tender water, which could only reflect Gu Jinzhi's appearance.

Now, he is going to marry Gu Jinzhi again...

God is so blessed.

What is the fate of two generations?

Zhu Zhongjun felt comfortable.

After lying down for a while, the blue screen window penetrated the thin morning light.

Zhu Zhongjun sat up, put on his clothes and walked to the bed.

The guards and servants who served him were awake.

Hearing the noise in the room, the guard outside asked, "Your Majesty, have you got up?"

Zhu Zhongjun hummed.

The servant is about to come in to serve him.

"Chen Dingwen, I have to go to the palace today. You stay in the house and don't have to follow me. Zhu Zhongjun said.

He went out recently without Chen Dingwen, but only the bodyguard Shicang.

Shicang is a bodyguard in the royal palace. Zhu Zhongjun was newly transferred, not from Luzhou. Shicang is about thirty years old, tall and strong, silent, not as clever as Chen Dingwen.

Like a wooden man.

Chen Dingwen turned his eyes doubtfully and dared not disobey Zhu Zhongjun's meaning.

As he spoke, the boy brought hot water.

Zhu Zhongjun got up and washed his face.

The towel was soaked in hot water, steaming, and Zhu Zhongjun tied it directly to his face. The pores are open, the skin on the face is stretched, and Zhu Zhongjun feels very comfortable.

As soon as he put down the towel, Zhu Zhongjun heard the footsteps keenly.

It's a little light, and it's messy soon. It should have run over.

He frowned. He frowned.

Song Pan'er is not a harsh mistress, but the servants in the family are afraid of her and have good rules. It's not an emergency. No maid dares to run like this.

Gu Jinzhi would not run away like this.

His eyes turned to the door.

Sure enough, the next moment, someone knocked on the door.

The keeper opened the door.

Chen Dingwen also read it.

The person came in a blue dress, tall and graceful, similar to Gu Jinzhi's figure, and his figure is graceful.

She ran in a hurry, sweaty on her temples, blushed, and her eyes were big and bright. When I walked in, there were many small spots on my face. It's not beautiful, but it's not ugly. The small spots on the face are like freckles, a little likable.

Chen Dingwen is a young man.

He lowered his head in embarrassment and dared not look any more.

"The Nishang?" The towel in Zhu Zhongjun's hand had not been put down, and the steaming water vapor came up, as if it was entangled in vain.

He looked at the Nishang running in in a hurry and thought to himself that something had happened to Gu Jinzhi. His face suddenly became cold and he asked Nishang, "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, has our girl come to you?" Nishang asked anxiously that she ran all the way to the outer courtyard. He ran too fast and gasped for breath.

"No." Zhu Zhongjun said, he was a little uncomfortable in his heart, "What did you do, girl? Didn't you say it?"

"No..." Nishang breathed his breath and wiped the sweat of his temples. "The girl has to get up at the beginning of Mao every day. Even if she doesn't sleep well at night, she wakes up at the beginning of Mao. Last night, Zhu's mother and Wei Wei were on duty, and they didn't wake up after the first moment. We went in and saw that the window behind the inner room was open. I wish my mother and Wei Wei couldn't wake up. The girl is gone..."

Zhu Zhongjun's face suddenly turned white.

He asked harshly, "When did you not see me? You didn't hear anything at night? What did Zhu's mother and Wei Yu say?

"Wake up, I wish my mother can't wake up..." Nishang was shocked by him.

Zhu Zhongjun immediately understood that this was a psychede.

I wish my mother is an old man and takes care of Gu Jinzhi all year round. A little bit of noise, I wish my mother should know.

"Have you found anywhere else?" Zhu Zhongjun asked again.

Nishang nodded: "... The door of the courtyard is not open. The key is held by the maidservant. The girl didn't go out of the courtyard at all last night. The maidservants were also afraid of being worried for nothing, so they looked everywhere.

The towel in Zhu Zhongjun's hand became cold from hot air.

He suddenly slammed in the basin, and his face suddenly appeared: "Look again. Stone warehouse..."

Shi Cang, the bodyguard, hurried forward.

Zhu Zhongjun ran out quickly.

When Nishang saw that Zhu Zhongjun had left, she also hurriedly followed him out.

Chen Dingwen and several young people stood behind him and didn't dare to make a sound.

When the prince is angry, he is more fierce than Lord Ning, and some people are terrible.

"What a strange thing. The girl disappeared in the early morning. Where did she go?" A sling whispered, "Have you been taken by a ghost?"

"Nonsense." Another young man immediately said, "Our girl is a living Bodhisattva. Yanling Mansion is dedicated to her everywhere. The incense has been burning for several years, and the ghosts are afraid of our girl!"

"... A few nights ago, when I got up in the middle of the night, I saw a shadow on the other side of the courtyard wall. I'm afraid it's a ghost, right?" The third sling.

"That's your dazzle." The second boy laughed at him.

"No, no, I've seen it too." The first coon also said, "In the past two days, there are always ghosts climbing over the wall at night... Our girl must have asked the ghost to get the messy graveyard. Do you want to tell your wife to send someone to the grave?

"Where did you come from?" Chen Dingwen suddenly interrupted, "How can there be a ghost climbing over the wall?"

There is no ghost climbing over the wall.

In the middle of the night, there are strong martial arts and skillful people turning in and stepping on it, which is very possible.

Although the king of Luyang lives in this house, the guards are not strict at all.

Although there are women and maids everywhere, there are some young guys in the outer courtyard, and the courtyard is decorated.

There are rules for maids or women who don't go out at night, and the maids can't enter the inner courtyard at night.

If someone from martial arts comes in, it's like no one's way.

Chen Dingwen has known this for a long time.

Therefore, he was very careful at night for fear that something would happen to the prince.

Then he thought that under the feet of the emperor, no matter how good his martial arts skills were, he did not dare to climb over the wall.

Large families, the courtyard walls are high, and there are night duty everywhere at night. Ordinary thieves will be caught when they come in. Those who are good at it will not come to the Gu family to steal things.

Chen Dingwen thought that the Gu family was not a powerful family, and there was not much gold and silver. There was no need to specialize in defense masters, so he didn't say much.

Listening to a few gentlemen, someone did come in at night.

Chen Dingwen's back is a little cold.

What if the target is the King of Luyang?

"It's in the west. It's on the other side of the West Garden. The little one said.

"Ter me to have a look." Chen Dingwen laughed.

He has only been here for a short time, but he has a good relationship with the servant who serves Zhu Zhongjun.

He was kind and beside the prince. These little men flattered him in the first place; and he didn't take Joe, and often took some change to give these little guys to drink.

After going back and down, these little people were wary of Chen Dingwen.

"Go." The little one said.

The three shouldrons took Chen Dingwen to the place where they met ghosts.

Some people believe that some people don't believe it, but they won't argue about it, just think of it as after dinner.

These two shoes have met and told people about it. However, other people in this house have never met a tall man who can climb over the wall, and they don't have the consciousness to suspect that someone stepped on it.

Chen Dingwen was the first to pay attention.

If Miss Gu hadn't disappeared, Chen Dingwen wouldn't have thought too much about it.

Who eats too much wine and is not dazzed?

"...It's right here." When he arrived at the place, the boy showed it to Chen Dingwen.

Chen Dingwen said thank you very much and said, "I'll see if I can meet the ghost. You go back first, so that no one will serve the prince when he comes back."

Then, he stayed to check it carefully.

The three shoes walked back and smiled, "Do you want to hit a ghost in the daytime? He also fainted."

After saying that, the three of them laughed.


Zhu Zhongjun followed Nishang and almost turned over the Gu family.

There is no Gu Jinzhi.

Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen were also so anxious that their faces turned white.

"Lock up everyone in the yard and wait for me to ask." Song Pan'er said to Gu Jinzhi's maid Zhilei.

Then she took someone to Gu Jinzhi's yard.

Zhu Zhongjun had no luck.

Gu Jinzhi was kidnapped.

The wall of the Gu family's yard is normal to block the thieves or people without martial arts. If martial arts or brocade guards come in, they can't stop it at all.

He thought of the emperor in his heart and was already furious.

Did you arrange a big wedding while pretending to be taken away?

Gu Jinzhi did not follow Song Pan'er.

He went to the palace.

Early in the morning, several empresses and princesses in the harem were sapporating the empress dowager in Kunning Palace.

The bodyguard said that the king of Luyang was coming, and the Empress Dowager was also slightly stunned.

It's too early.

Zhu Zhongjun usually goes to the palace, at least after the beginning of the year...

"Come on in." The Empress Dowager said. Turning around, she said to the queen's concubines, "Go back first."

Everyone got up one after another, saluted the empress dowager, and filed out.

When Zhu Zhongjun came in, he bumped into the concubines.

He ignored it at all and broke in directly.

"What's wrong with the King of Luyang?" Tan Guifei asked.

Zhou Guiren, who followed her, smiled and said, "I'm afraid I got some treasure. Are you in a hurry to give it to the Empress Dowager? Your Majesty governs the country with filial piety, which touches the sky, and the king of Luyang is also the most filial piety.

"You're right." Concubine Tan showed a faint smile.

"Zhou Guiren is really a hundred and a hundred and a hundred." Zhang Shufei was also beside her and said with a flattering smile.

Tan Guifei gave her a cold look.

Since the king of Luyang went to the Tan family and point out the status of Zhang Shufei in the palace, Tan Guifei did not give Zhang Shufei a good face.

Tan Guifei recently praised Zhou Guiren as her voice worm, and squeezed Zhang Shufei aside.

Zhang Shufei is still brazen.

Tan Guifei doesn't look good every time.

Just like now.

Zhang Shufei was not annoyed. She smiled and covered up the embarrassment.

Gu Defei, who was not far from Tan Guifei and Zhang Shufei, rolled her eyes.

She can't stand both Tan Guifei's arrogance and Zhang Shufei's flattery.

Zhou Guiren has recently gained momentum, and he doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. She glanced at Concubine Gu De's expression, and she squeezed her lips and smiled, "Sister Shufei makes fun of my concubine, and Concubine De can't see it. It's still Defei's sister who is fair.

Everyone's eyes were on Concubine Gu De for a while.

She was still rolling her eyes at that time.

When seen by everyone, Concubine De still showed a white eyeball. She didn't look at others, but only looked at Zhou Guiren and said, "Can't you see you? I can't afford it, Sister Zhou. You climb so high that I can't see you even if I have a neck. How can I see you?

Someone couldn't help laughing.

These days, Zhou Guiren is a little aggressive, and no one can see it.

But no one dares to say anything.

Only Concubine Gu De dares to compete with Concubine Tan.

Concubine Gu De's sarcastic words reached the hearts of everyone, and no one couldn't be secretly happy.

Zhou Guiren's face turned red.

I saw someone say that "yinju" is an inexplicable law, and the vision is a fantasy.

In fact, "yin residence" comes from the criminal of the Law of the Ming Dynasty. As for the vision, there are really too many, which have nothing to do with fantasy. The emperor likes to make the royal power more mysterious words, so as to rule the people.

For example, Emperor Yinzhen of the Qing Dynasty asked officials to present "auspiciousness", so all kinds of strange clouds were reported in various places, and they appeared everywhere for a while. Because Yunnan, Fujian and other places are far away, and the local officials want to share a piece of the pie and vote for the emperor's favor. There are many strange visions. The emperor is eager to have a vision to affirm his achievements. He will not send someone to expose it. I just chose one of the examples to write (no charge)