Spring boudoir note

Chapter 331 Reappearance

Gu Jinzhi has been drowsy.

She could feel that someone was feeding her water.

But she couldn't wake herself up.

I understand in my heart, but my limbs are weak. The body betrayed her brain and was uncontrollable and dizzy. She didn't even have the strength to struggle, allowing nightmares to control her.

She is in one dream after another.

The dream is messy.

Rongnan when he was a child and Rongnan when he grew up were all mixed in time and space.

Gu Jinzhi hasn't missed Rongnan so crazily for a long time.

Rongnan was very interesting and very smart when he was a child. Everyone said that he looked like Zhu Zhongjun.

Boys are all inherited from their mother's IQ. Rongnan is so smart that he is obviously like Gu Jinzhi...

But Gu Jinzhi is not as good as Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun covered up Gu Jinzhi's light, so people say that Rongnan and Zhu Zhongjun are carved in the same mold, and no one is sure of Gu Jinzhi's credit.

When Rongnan was six or seven years old, he loved horse riding.

Gu Jinzhi took him to the horse farm, and he couldn't control him in a moment.

He didn't listen to Gu Jinzhi when he was crazy.

When the matter was over, Gu Jinzhi said it, and he pouted aggrievedly.

Rongnan in the dream is no longer short.

Gu Jinzhi said that he turned around and ran away.

She went to chase Rongnan, but found Rongnan when she grew up.

He looks like Zhu Zhongjun, with an excellent appearance, and there are always girls around him.

And he only circled around Huainan.

Rongnan was very painful to Huainan. He thought of everything for Huai Nan, which was more painful and careful than Gu Jinzhi's adoptive mother.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi only thought that he loved his sister, and they were brother and sister.

Gu Jinzhi also has cousins and sisters. She also has a good relationship with several of them. She is not separated from each other and loves each other.

She has always been less sensitive to men and women.

Men's and women's feelings, she rarely thinks about love, only as friendship or family affection. She still doesn't quite understand why love arises so easily.

It is difficult for her to have a good impression on a person.

If she realized it early and stopped it in time, she would not have hurt Zhu Zhongjun and Rongnan later.

The saddest time for Rongnan to cry is when Huainan leaves him.

The way he shed tears, Gu Jinzhi is still unforgettable.

Rongnan, who grew up in her dream, has been crying.

Such a big young man, who cried bitterly, stung Gu Jinzhi fiercely.

Gu Jinzhi's tears can't stop.

She wanted to walk over and shout Rongnan, but she couldn't make a sound.

She cholted her throat and tried her best to shout.

After countless attempts, she finally shouted out: Rongnan, Rongnan...

She shouted over and over again.

Rongnan just didn't look up at her and kept crying.

Gu Jinzhi didn't understand why he didn't walk over, but just kept shouting.

Dreams are absurd.

"Rongnan?" Suddenly, someone wondered, "Who is Rongnan?"

"Is it the character of the King of Luyang?" Someone answered that the voice was not low or high, and it came into Gu Jinzhi's ears.

Gu Jinzhi wanted to see who it was, but it was thick black around.

It's so dark that I can't see anything else except Rongnan crying not far away.

The more you look, the darker it gets closer and closer, almost engulfing her and Rongnan.

"No. There is a word "yong" in the name of the late emperor. How can it be called Rongnan? The voice at the beginning said, "Go and check, I'm afraid it's her lover."

His voice is low and rough, very magnetic.

"Yes." Another voice answered.

A thick and rough voice, a young and loud voice, are two people.

Wake up, wake up, Gu Jinzhi told himself...

"I didn't expect that the rumor that she fell in love with the King of Luyang was all fake." The rough voice mocked, "I'm afraid it's a play for people to see. It's a capable person who can pretend for so many years without asking the empress dowager to see the flaws. We underestimated her."

Gu Jinzhi wants to struggle.

She wants to wake up.

Maybe she is going to die, otherwise, what's going on with this nightmare?

The powerful arm raised her upper body and made her half sit down.

Someone pinched open her mouth, and her fingers were rough, which made Gu Jinzhi's mouth sore.

Then, a cold porcelain touched her lips.

The warm, slightly astringent water flowed into her mouth along the cold porcelain.

She didn't have the strength to struggle, allowing the water to flow into her mouth and stomach down her throat...

The water doesn't taste good.

Gu Jinzhi choked several times.

She doesn't know when to finish the irrigation. As the water flowed into her body, she fell asleep again and never heard any sound again.

In the dream, Rongnan disappeared.

"...Hey, which class are you in?" Suddenly, someone shouted behind him, which shocked Gu Jinzhi.

As soon as she turned around, she saw the boy in a school uniform, with a straight and long body and a gentle and warm smile. He pretended to be strict, but with a smile in the corners of his eyes, very kind.

It's Qian Zhan.

And Gu Jinzhi was lying at the door of the studio in Building 3, looking inside.

She is sending something to her classmates.

Gu Jinzhi had a female classmate who lived close to her family when she was in high school. Their mothers are college classmates, which is better. Gu Jinzhi can't say anything about the friendship with that girl. Gu Jinzhi can't remember her name now.

That female classmate was lost, and it was true that Gu Jinzhi often brought things to school for her.

They are not in the same class. Usually, Gu Jinzhi wants to learn traditional Chinese medicine from his grandfather, and he doesn't have time to play with her. He nodded until graduation.

But he got to know Qian Zhan because of this.

Qian Zhan is the brother of that female classmate, and he also learns painting.

After graduating from high school, he went abroad to study finance.

Which class are you in? It's the first time that Qian Zhan and Gu Jinzhi have talked.

Seeing that Gu Jinzhi was a little stunned, he didn't know how to answer, but he laughed and said, "I'm teasing you. You're in Class 12, Grade One, right?"

Gu Jinzhi was stunned again.

She is really in Class 12 of senior high school.

Qian Zhan's smile is very warm.

When Gu Jinzhi saw him for the first time, he felt that he was a person worth visiting.

He knew Gu Jinzhi, knew her class and name, and even said the origin.

After that, he often used his excuse to find Gu Jinzhi.

He also went to take care of his family on the weekend.

Gu Jinzhi was afraid of delaying her studies, so he told him the truth and told him not to come home.

At that time, she thought that the friendship between boys and girls was really different.

Until he graduated and went abroad, he went to Gu Jinzhi more and more frequently.

Finally, he confessed to Gu Jinzhi, which stunned Gu Jinzhi.

I still remember that day when he was a little nervous and embarrassed and said, "I like you."

Gu Jinzhi thought about it at that time and said: Oh, I should not be annoying...

She thought it was strange.

If you don't like her, why do you want to be friends with her?

Then I heard him ask, do you like me?

Gu Jinzhi replied: I like it.

Qian Zhan's face was a little red, his smile was shy, and his at a loss was very delicate, which was completely inconsistent with his usual image of a gentle elder brother. Gu Jinzhi was a little confused.

When the two walked forward for a while, he took Gu Jinzhi's hand.

Gu Jinzhi was stunned at this time.

She just realized what had happened...

confused, they confessed to each other.


, Gu Jinzhi didn't explain anything. She didn't hate this misunderstanding.

Qian Zhan, don't let her hate it.

With him, she felt very comfortable, and his smile was particularly warm.

Gu Jinzhi thought at that time, this is love, right?

After Qian Zhan went abroad, he contacted Gu Jinzhi every day.

He is very clingy.

Later, Gu Jinzhi went to the United States and was with him. His doctoral studies became heavier and heavier, so he was less attached to Gu Jinzhi.

Qian Zhan is Gu Jinzhi's first love. He sticks to Gu Jinzhi and can't wait to be with her for 24 hours.

Gu Jinzhi doesn't dare to dislike it, although sometimes she also needs some private space and time other than sleeping.

She thinks that love is like this.

If she feels annoyed, it's because she doesn't love him enough. She should work harder.

With this view, later in his marriage with Zhu Zhongjun, Gu Jinzhi always felt that Zhu Zhongjun's friendship with her was not right.

Zhu Zhongjun doesn't stick to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi's judgment of love is whether it is sticky or not...

The love with Qian Zhan almost got married, like a roll of black and white tape, which will be put in Gu Jinzhi's mind little by little. Although I lost my original heartbeat, I remember it all.

Happy and sad, I remember it clearly.

"I thought that when things passed, you would definitely go to the United States with Qian Zhan..." Zhu Zhongjun suddenly appeared and interrupted the black and white film.

His face was flawless in front of Gu Jinzhi, and he said this with a handsome smile.

He was very young at that time.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi was very uncomfortable.

In the current dream, she doesn't feel it.

She even wanted to answer Zhu Zhongjun: She won't go. Qian Zhan doesn't need Gu Jinzhi's pity.

and Qian Zhan's dream was interrupted by Zhu Zhongjun and could no longer be picked up.

Zhu Zhongjun in the dream is fleeting.

Like his feelings with Gu Jinzhi, Gu Jinzhi can't catch it.

There are some clues, but she is still not sure what that means.

It's a little sweet, which also makes Gu Jinzhi feel that it is her unilateral sinking...

Then, Gu Jinzhi dreamed of Chen Chen again.

Chen Chen...

Whenever you think of it, you are a creepy man.

It's like a dream.

I dreamed of him, and the scenery around me retreated, pale and turbid, which was uncomfortable.

His face is also a little deformed and ferocious.

In Gu Jinzhi's heart, he is always fixed as a man who presses her on his body to be violent, and his facial features are terribly distorted.

He rushed up, fixed Gu Jinzhi's head with both hands and kissed her lips.

A warm breath comes through.

Wet and hot lips linger on Gu Jin's lips.

His tongue stretched out and stirred Gu Jinzhi's tongue, making her nowhere to escape.

She wants to scream.

Chen Chen's lips left Gu Jinzhi's lips. He slowly moved down and sucked her chin little by little. Then, his tongue licked Gu Jinzhi's neck.

The feeling of crispness stimulates Gu Jinzhi.

All of this doesn't seem to be in a dream.

It's so terrible.

Gu Jin's stomach rolled in waves. She waved her hands and feet with all her strength to resist, but she heard a crisp and rapid sound of chains.

"Really..." The man who licked her neck whispered.

Gu Jinzhi's hand moved again.

The sound of the chain rattling came again.

She suddenly opened her eyes.

She opened her eyes for the first time in such a long time.

She really woke up.

Someone pressed on her.

I'm sorry for the late update. It's early tomorrow. RS