Spring boudoir note

Chapter 344 Unscrupulous

After the morning ceremony, banquets were arranged in both the inner and outer palaces.

Zhu Zhongjun accepted the greetings of the order officer outside.

And Gu Jinzhi was inside and accepted the courtesy of the life-in-law inside and outside.

The banquet is placed in Xilan Hall.

The concubines in the palace, except for the first-class imperial concubines, all have to salute Gu Jinzhi. And the foreign woman only has one class of life to enter the palace.

Aunt Cheng is still a ceremonial person and led Gu Jinzhi to the main seat.

After the ceremony, he was promoted to the throne first.

Gu Jinzhi still made four worships, worshipped the concubine, and then sat down.

When she sat down, everyone sat down one after another.

The banquet begins.

Gu Jinzhi glanced at everyone, with many strange faces.

She has known most of her wives in Beijing over the years because she is sick...

But in the capital, only a very small number of people came to see her.

Therefore, most of your ladies are very strange to Gu Jinzhi.

Zhu Zhongjun's uncles and brothers, with the princess, rushed back from the fiefdoms everywhere to attend the wedding of King Luyang.

There are only three brothers of Zhu Zhongjun, among which Gong Jinzhi, the princess of the king of Nanchang, knows him, and the other two have never seen them. Zhu Zhongjun has many uncles, and those old princesses are in fiefdom, and most of them have not seen them.

There are also the eldest princesses, eldest princesses, etc.

Gu Jinzhi's eyes slipped over their faces one by one and wrote down their appearance.

I thought that I would go to Luzhou in three months. I didn't have much contact with these people, and it was unnecessary to remember their appearance, so I withdrew my eyes.

I ate for an hour at the banquet.

Then, the banquet was over and the stage was opened.

Many ladies rushed over and talked to Gu Jinzhi.

Most of the first-class wives are older.

Gu Jinzhi spoke to them gently.

When it was Princess Jane's turn, her smile was very reluctant and a little reluctant.

The ladies sitting far away began to talk about Princess Jane: "...it has changed a lot."

"I'm thin." Some people say, "It's never like this."

"My eyes are also a little stunned." This means that Princess Jane is not as graceful as before, and she has become a little dodgy, as if she has never seen the world.

She has really changed a lot.

For more than a year, Princess Jane didn't go out much, and most of the entertainment was done by the wife of the prince.

Because she is a princess, there are very few families that can let her visit in person, but it is not noticeable.

Today is the first time in a year that she will be in public.

The first-class lady and princesses present, who hasn't seen Princess Jane?

Her strangeness surprised everyone.

In the past, Princess Jane was a gentle and dignified woman. Although he is not the articulate, he has everything. When she sees anyone, she treats her with courtesy, and no one doesn't praise her.

Today, not to mention salute, it's just to talk well. Her eyes are vague and dodged.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi, Princess Jian was a little scared.

At the beginning of Shen, the foreign women got up and said goodbye.

The concubines also said goodbye one after another.

Defei is the last one.

She stayed and talked to Gu Jinzhi for a while.

However, the two are not close enough and have no topic.

Gu Jinzhi asked about the third princess.

The third princess is two years old.

"She can say anything." Speaking of the third princess, Defei smiled and opened the chat box. "I went to see her the day before yesterday. She asked me why she had long legs..."

Gu Jinzhi sneered and asked, "How dare you ask this?"

"That's not true." The corners of Defei's eyes were full of laughter. "I said, long legs are walking. She asked why she had to walk. Can she sit in the basin like an osmanthus flower in the corner and ask Mamber to sprinkle water..."

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help laughing at the scene.

Concubine De also smiled and said, "... I said, you can also sit in the flower pot and ask Mammy to sprinkle water on you. Yesterday, the emperor came to Jinghe Palace and told me that the third princess was crying and had someone pull up the osmanthus tree in the room. Mother Qin, the wet nurse, couldn't beat a few servants, so she had to pull it out. As a result, the third princess sat in the flower pot and asked Mammy Qin to sprinkle water on her. It was not good for Mammy Qin to coax her. If you want to hold her up, she will keep crying. It happened that His Majesty went to see her, and then he picked her up.

Gu Jinzhi laughed even more.

Aunt Cheng couldn't help laughing.

Among the children in the palace, because the third princess looks like the emperor, the emperor loves her the most.

"...Your Majesty asked her why she had to sit in the pot. She said that she also wanted to bloom, fragrant. He also said that his mother told her. When Your Majesty came to ask me, he was angry and laughed, saying that I was also like a child, and my nonsense misled the third princess. Concubine De continued.

Speaking of this, her eyes were wrinkled, and she couldn't help laughing.

These days, the emperor always goes to her in order to raise the family.

It can be seen that Concubine De is happy because of this, and her whole body is full of joy.

"The third princess is so funny." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile.

Children's world is wonderful and fantastic.

"Yes." Defei Dao. Then he remembered something and looked gloomy, "If only it had been so interesting all the time..."

As a mother, they all have such a wish, hoping that the child will always be happy and healthy without suffering.

But how is that possible?

As you grow up, the more things you experience, the more simple it is, it's not interesting, but stupid.

"Since Zhang Shufei was locked in the cold palace, the eldest princess was so scared that she fell ill and lost a lot of weight. Your Majesty still insisted that she move out of Kunning Palace." Concubine De suddenly changed the topic and said, "Anyway, Concubine Zhang is also the biological mother of the eldest princess. It is meritorious to add more words to the palace. I locked it up for no reason, and the rules in this palace are really ruthless. If I have a little difference in the future, the third princess..."

She is a little sad.

Who doesn't have it in the palace?

Except for Tan Guifei's pleasure, all the other concubines are in danger.

Gu Jinzhi's face changed when he heard Defei's words.

"Mother!" Gu Jinzhi's voice slightly increased a little.

The wall has ears, and in this deep palace courtyard, Concubine De actually said these words easily...

If she hadn't only gave birth to the princess, if the emperor didn't need to take care of the family, she wouldn't know how Concubine De would have died.

Her words made Defei's heart jump.

Every time Lan'er advises her, she needs to think twice about what she says.

But in front of Gu Jinzhi, he mentioned the third princess again. Concubine De relaxed her guard and blurted out the words in her heart. She is originally an incalculated character. Except for her own cousin, Concubine De won't say such a thing in front of others.

The hot atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Concubine De also regretted her loss and said nothing more.

"It's not too early. I'm not in vain." Gu Jinzhi resumed his smile and said to Concubine De, "When I'm free, I'll accompany my mother to see the third princess. I want to stay in the palace for a few days and often accompany the Empress in the future.

Concubine De got up and said goodbye.

Back to Jinghe Palace, Lan'er, who had been following Concubine De, knelt down and begged Concubine De: "Madam, fortunately, it's Princess Luyang today. If it were someone else, wouldn't the words be spread? If it reaches your majesty's ears, won't your majesty doubt that your majesty is unkind as a father?

The more Concubine De thought about it, the more she felt that she was presumptuous today.

If you want to be vigilant at all times, it will take a long time to develop slowly.

Concubine De has never been like this for 15 years in her mother's family.

It has only started now, and there are always times when it is accidentally exposed.

"At that time, only you and Princess Luyang were there..." Concubine De's voice was empty.

"And Aunt Cheng from Kunning Palace." Lan Er said, "Don't worry, Aunt Cheng's side, Princess Luyang will naturally tell you. The maidservant only begged the Empress, and don't do this again next time. If the Empress is different, the maidservant is a dead end, and the third princess is helpless. Please think more about the words of the maidservant.

Concubine De picked up Lan'er.


After Concubine De left, Gu Jinzhi really described what she had just said in front of Aunt Cheng.

Aunt Cheng smiled and said, "Princess, I entered the palace at the age of 12, and now it's almost 16 years..."

She has many years in the palace. She knows what to say and what not to say.

Gu Jinzhi's description seems to be unnecessary.

If it is needed in the future, Aunt Cheng will not cover up Concubine De because of Gu Jinzhi's description. Therefore, Gu Jinzhi's description is completely superfluous.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Thank you, aunt."

She deliberately misinterpreted the meaning of her aunt, and she was willing to keep it a secret.

Aunt Cheng just smiled and said nothing more.

Gu Jinzhi sat down and asked Aunt Cheng, "Is there anything else to do besides going to Kunning Palace later?"

She wants to change her body.

"I have nothing to do today." Aunt Cheng said.

Gu Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

She was making tea, thinking about something silently and didn't say a word.

At the beginning of You, Zhu Zhongjun came in.

He has been slightly drunk.

"When did you break up here?" He asked Gu Jinzhi.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the alcohol was so full that Gu Jinzhi was a little drunk.

"It's been over for a long time." Gu Jin's way.

"Let's go and pay my mother's peace. Let's rest early." Zhu Zhongjun said.

His steps are still steady, but his eyes are a little confused.

Gu Jinzhi got up and followed him to Kunning Palace.

The Empress Dowager frowned and said to Zhu Zhongjun, "Why did you drink so much wine?"

"I can't refuse." Zhu Zhongjun said, "They all congratulate me on my great joy. Mother's queen was originally a great joy. Their congratulatory messages came to my heart. How could she not drink wine?

A heat wave surged up Gu Jinzhi's face.

The Empress Dowager smiled in her heart, but she pretended to blame: "I drank too much, don't you feel bad? Go back early and have a rest.

Zhu Zhongjun said yes.

Gu Jinzhi saluted with him, and then left Kunning Palace with Zhu Zhongjun.

The two went all the way back to Xilan Hall.

Zhu Zhongjun did drink a little too much.

It was okay in Kunning Palace, but I vomited when I returned to Xilan Hall.

Gu Jinzhi served him and rinsed his mouth.

As he vomited, he muttered, "...the amount of alcohol is so bad."

He disliked the poor drinking capacity of King Luyang.

Zhu Zhongjun was very good at drinking in his previous life.

Gu Jinzhi patted him on the back and said, "Say less. Do you still feel bad?"

"It will be all right after vomiting." Zhu Zhongjun said.

He spit out everything in his stomach.

Gu Jinzhi served him to rinse his mouth again.

Then, she ordered several attendants to carry Zhu Zhongjun to **.

Zhu Zhongjun fell asleep.

I don't know how long he slept, but Zhu Zhongjun woke up thirsty. He opened his eyes, and the lights in the inner hall were dim. Gu Jinzhi half sat in **, holding his chin in his hand, thinking about something.

Zhu Zhongjun struggled to get up and asked Gu Jinzhi, "Are you still awake?"

Gu Jin was shocked and smiled and said, "Is it bothering you?"

Zhu Zhongjun shook his head and said, "I'm thirsty."

"I'll pour water for you." Gu Jinzhi got out of bed, took the kettle from the warm circumference on the table, and gave Zhu Zhongjun half a cup of warm water.

She served Zhu Zhongjun and drank it.

With a cup of belly, Zhu Zhongjun still felt burning in his stomach and thirsty.

He handed the cup to Gu Jinzhi again: "Pull another half of the cup."

Gu Jinzhi poured him another half a cup.

After drinking, Zhu Zhongjun felt a little more comfortable.

He also half sat down and asked Gu Jinzhi, "What time is it?"

"It's just three hours after Haizheng." Gu Jin's way.

It's just past 10:30 at night...

Is it so late?

"It's so late, why don't you go to bed?" Zhu Zhongjun asked tentatively, "Can't you sleep?"

"Hmm." Gu Jin said, "Wal something..."

"What do you think?" Zhu Zhongjun asked her.

If Gu Jinzhi didn't want to tell him, she wouldn't take the initiative to say that she wanted to do something.

"I'm thinking, who is the best to be the queen." Gu Jin said, "I think Concubine Tan is the most suitable..."

Zhu Zhongjun was slightly stunned.

This idea is undoubtedly in line with that of the empress dowager and the emperor.

The emperor's least optimistic thing is Tan Guifei.

"...If the emperor does not choose the Tan family, he will choose our concubine De and the Su concubine of the Su family." Gu Jinzhi said again, "Our concubine De can't do it. The emperor pushed her to the forefront of the storm, which would kill her and the third princess; Concubine Su is a good person, and I like her very much.

Zhu Zhongjun frowned deeply.

If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, how can you think about this?

Recommend a friend's book: "Little Pastoral Home", Author: Su Zihua; Reborn farmer's little Lori, many people, many things and the best; parents are angry, and sisters and brothers are bullied. How do you live? Don't be afraid, there are the best spiritual springs and powers; take your family to a well-off life and be a majestic landlady!

If you read the title and introduction, you will know that it is a cool article about the power of farming. If you like farming, go and have a look. Su Zihua's update and character are guaranteed. RS