Spring boudoir note

Chapter 354 Back to home

Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

She couldn't help thinking of her parents in her previous life.

It's mainly her mother.

At that time, my father was busy with work and didn't have much time with Gu Jinzhi. Relatively speaking, she spends more time with her mother.

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, I often told my mother about my friends and interesting things in the garden. My mother's expression was very perfunctory, and I hoped she would finish it quickly.

Gu Jinzhi was gradually able to read her expression and was very nervous.

She had conflicts with her children in kindergarten, and her mother's expression became more solemn.

After that, the mother went to the kindergarten teacher to respond to Gu Jinzhi's problem.

She told Gu Jinzhi, "If there is anything, tell the teacher."

It's just a small contradiction between children. Maybe the mother only needs to hug Gu Jinzhi and say that the child is fine, and the children are also unintentional. They want to get along well with everyone like you.

However, the mother chose to tell the teacher to let the teacher control the children in the class and not to make trouble for Gu Jinzhi.

At that time, in Changzhou, the parents in Gu Jin's family were leaders. The young and promising leaders have been down lowered from the capital. At first glance, they are the children of the family. Who dares to mess with them?

From now on, teachers and children have been as far away from her as Bodhisattva.

Gu Jinzhi worked very hard and finally developed two reluctant friendships.

How young was she at that time?

In order not to let himself down, Gu Jin tried not to make friends with others later. She is good to everyone, but in her heart, she resists deep contact with everyone.

When she arrived in primary school, she changed her classmates and teachers.

Of course, there are also classmates who know about her and tell others not to mess with her, but Gu Jin is friendly. Many people don't believe the words of their classmates and still have contact with Gu Jin.

Gu Jinzhi carefully maintained her classmate relationship.

In the second grade, Gu Jinzhi failed in the exam, and the math exam was very poor, so he suddenly fell to the bottom tenth place.

She went home very nervously and told her parents.

The father just smiled and said, "I just failed an exam. You usually work very hard. You may be nervous. Don't care too much.

The mother didn't say anything at that time.

Gu Jinzhi doesn't know what his mother means.

After dinner, my mother was working in the study. Gu Jinzhi came in and whispered that he had failed the exam again.

The mother didn't raise her head and said, "Jinzhi, you are already a big child. You didn't do well in the exam. How do you want your mother to help you? You tell your mother, just let her worry about you. You are only in primary school now, and you have only walked a short part of your way to study. Do you always need someone to help you? In the future, when you get good grades, tell your mother; if you don't get good grades, you can figure it out by yourself, okay? Mom doesn't have to ask you to do well in the exam every time. It's enough to work hard. Mom believes you.

Gu Jinzhi knew from that time that others didn't care about her life, even her mother.

The pressure of their own life is enough to make them tired of dealing with it. When your bad news is not enough to make them gloat, they will be annoyed and don't even want to know.

The closer you are, the more you don't need to know your troubles.

Later, Gu Jinzhi reported the good news but not the bad news.

In her later life, she dealt with her own pressure and never caused trouble to her relatives around her. Like Zhu Zhongjun's words about her warm family, Gu Jinzhi thought, what's the use of telling him?

It's just to make him worry about Gu Jinzhi.

Your own business, find your own way.

"Family harmony, friends and colleagues around you are the basic needs of people. No one wants to live in the miasma..." Gu Jinzhi responded to Zhu Zhongjun with a smile, "Do you have to lose it before you fight for it? What you said doesn't make sense.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled.

Whether it is true or not, he is willing to believe it. He also hoped that Gu Jinzhi had a good life, so that Zhu Zhongjun could feel less.

The honor guard was slow, and there were people watching along the way, blocking the road.

From Chengtianmen to Yuanbao Hutong, if you usually ride a horse, you will arrive in a quarter of an hour.

At this moment, it took me an hour and a half to arrive at Yuanbao Hutong.

The elephant of the king of Luyang stopped directly at the door of the palace.

When the elephant stopped, the bodyguard moved the horse stool, and Zhu Zhongjun got out of the car first.

Then, Aunt Cheng came forward and helped Gu Jin get out of the car.

At the gate of the royal palace in late autumn, the climbing vines swayed with dead leaves, adding a few wisps of loneliness. Even if the firecrackers are loud and the drums are loud, it is difficult to hide.

When he got out of the car, Gu Jinzhi took a deep breath.

The air is slightly cold.

The chief s-in-chief of the other hall greeted them at the door with all the family.

Zhu Zhongjun advanced to the gate.

Gu Jinzhi was supported by Aunt Cheng and slowly entered the gate.

Many guests have come to the main hall of the other hall and the main hall of the inner courtyard.

The chief custoon quietly told Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun sent Gu Jinzhi to the door of the weeping flowers before he folded himself to the outer courtyard.

Gu Jinzhi followed Aunt Cheng to the main hall of the inner courtyard.

The main hall was full of people, but it was silent.

Gu Jinzhi came in, Aunt Cheng sang and drank loudly, and the ladies retreated to the side.

There was an incense case in the main hall. Gu Jinzhi came in and set up the incense case first, and then gave birth to the concubine.

She saluted four, and then sat down.

Everyone saluted her one after another, and Gu Jinzhi did not need to reply.

"The princess is overjoyed." Everyone said some auspicious words and gave gifts.

Gu Jinzhi smiled, and the maid beside her helped to take it over. She thanked her.

Then, a banquet was held to entertain the people who came to congratulate.

Gu Jinzhi sat with him and had a wedding banquet.

He was busy until the beginning of the afternoon, and it was getting late. The people who came to congratulate him got up and said goodbye, and Gu Jinzhi was able to catch his breath.

Aunt Cheng accompanied Gu Jinzhi to complete the last procedure of the wedding. She also saluted Gu Jinzhi and then got up to say goodbye.

"I'll send it to my aunt." Gu Jinzhi endured his fatigue and sent Aunt Cheng to the door of the hanging flowers.

She said to Aunt Cheng, "Give greetings to my mother for me, and then said that Xiao Qi and the prince are all right. In a few days, I will go to the palace in person to greet my mother."

Aunt Cheng smiled and said yes.

She sent Aunt Cheng away, and Gu Jinzhi returned to the main courtyard.

She looked at the people who were serving the room.

There are two maids in front of them, about 20 years old, and their appearance is not excellent; for the rest, there are seven or eight little maids, all of whom are beautiful, and their eyes are very flexible, not as calm as the two big maids.

It is not difficult to see that these two big maids should be old people from other restaurants, and these young people were temporarily selected for the wedding.

is not his own person, Gu Jin thought.

These maids may be simple little maids, or they may be mixed with all forces. Gu Jinzhi didn't dare to say anything. She just looked at them with her eyes.

The maids all lowered their heads and didn't know what Gu Jinzhi was doing. They just felt that the scene was very quiet.

Because of the silence, the reactions of the maids are also different.

If you are nervous, you may not be really afraid; if you are calm, you may not always pretend.

Gu Jinzhi thought about it and asked the names of the two maids with a smile.

"The maidservant's autumn rain..."

"The maidservant leaves..."

The two big maids answered.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

"Qiu Yu, go to Gu Zhai to see what Mrs. Gu is doing. If you are not busy, open the corner door and I will visit you. Gu Jin's way.

There is a corner door between Gu Zhai and the royal palace, which is not a secret.

Qiu Yu is busy.

She turned around and left.

About a quarter of an hour, she came back.

"...The maidservant came back from the corner door. Mrs. Gu is waiting for the princess. Autumn rain road.

Gu Jinzhi asked the maid to change her clothes and change into clean and comfortable casual clothes.

She went out with Qiu Yu and said to another maid, Mu Ye, "If the prince comes in, tell him that I went to Gu's house."

Muye Road is.


In the upper room of the Gu family, Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen were looking forward to it.

They have heard that Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun left the palace today.

According to the custom, among the people who are greeted, the people who care for the family can't go. Because everyone wants to salute the prince and the princess, and the Gu family is the mother of the princess, so there is no need to salute the princess.

So, Gu Yanzhen and Song Paner waited at home and sent a small man to inquire about the movement of the royal palace.

I waited for only three hours.

Gu Jinzhi came back from the corner door with the maid, which was very convenient.

Seeing Song Pan'er, Gu Jinzhi's tears rolled down.

She saluted her father Gu Yanzhen with tears in her eyes.

Then she saluted her mother. Before the ceremony was made, Song Pan'er pulled her up, hugged her in her arms, and cried.

The mother and daughter cried for a while, and then sat down.

Just sitting down, Zhu Zhongjun also came.

He also changed his casual clothes, saluted Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen, and called his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen responded, still respecting Zhu Zhongjun as the prince.

"My father-in-law and mother-in-law called me Zhong Jun later." Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "Half of my son-in-law didn't let his parents respect me. Isn't it my birthday?"

Gu Yanzhen liked Zhu Zhongjun's attitude very much and said with a smile, "Okay, Zhongjun, he will be his own child in the future. Sister Jin will be handed over to you, and your mother-in-law and I can rest assured..."

When Zhu Zhongjun was in the Gu family for a long time, Gu Yanzhen understood his personality.

This is not a compliment, but a sincere word.

Zhu Zhongjun was also happy and said yes.

Song Paner smiled and shouted Zhong Jun, and then said to the three children standing on the ground, "I don't know how to call people. Call me the seventh brother-in-law later.

Gu Jinzhi's three younger brothers stood there.

Lao Ba returned to Songshan Academy the day after Gu Jinzhi's wedding.

Now there is only Brother Xuan and Xiao Shi and Eleven.

Brother Xuan is reluctant.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi Xiao Shi looked at Zhu Zhongjun curiously.

Song Pan'er asked them to call the seventh brother-in-law. The two three-year-old baby called the seventh brother-in-law with a milky voice. The voice was loud and crisp, and Zhu Zhongjun's heart suddenly melted.

He can't wait to pick it up and kiss it.

Brother Xuan muttered in a low voice.

The family said, and Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun stayed at Gu's house for dinner.

After that, they went back to the royal palace to rest.

On the way back, Zhu Zhongjun said to Gu Jinzhi, "The boy Xuan doesn't like me. He also blames me for robbing his sister. You used to have a good relationship, didn't you?"

Brother Xuan has been close to Gu Jin since he was a child.

At that time, Aunt Hong was still in the house. Her mother Song Pan'er was sometimes angry, and Brother Xuan was a little afraid of her mother. And Gu Jinzhi is gentle to him, and he naturally has a good time with Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Didn't you rob someone's sister?"

Zhu Zhongjun clenched Gu Jinzhi's hand tightly.

The two of them rested all night and slept separately again.

On the second day, after breakfast, the maid Muye came in with a greeting post, saying that it was a post from King Jian's Mansion to Gu Jin. Princess Jian and Sirou County mainly came to visit Gu Jinzhi.

King Jian is Zhu Zhongjun's own uncle, and Gu Jinzhi is also a new daughter-in-law. She is the most famous. It is also polite for King Jian's house to visit first.

Gu Jinzhi knew that the Jian Palace would not be so polite.

Either Princess Jane's illness is more serious, or Princess Sirou's illness is unsolvable.

Gu Jinzhi took the post, thought about it, and wrote a reply.

She refused Princess Jane's visit on the grounds that she was a junior. In her reply, she said that she should have gone to visit Princess Jane. She did not dare to let Princess Jane visit her, and lost the courtesy that the younger generation should have. It's just that she is so busy that she can't leave for a while.

After a few days, she will have some free time and then go to the party.

After writing, she sealed it seriously and shouted Muye: "Send someone to Jian's Mansion."

I'm sorry I didn't update it yesterday. It was too late to go home. I fell down in ** all of a sudden. I fell asleep without washing my face, so I got up early. Forgive me, tears"_RS