Spring boudoir note

Chapter 358 Brother and Sister

Gu Jinzhi got up and left, and Grandma Zhen also wanted to send her. Zhen Mo gave her a wink and asked her to stay and serve her father.

He himself sent Gu Jinzhi out of the hospital in person.

The people who followed are far away.

Zhen Mo took two steps behind Gu Jinzhi and walked to her left.

"Why did the princess come here today?" Zhen Mo said behind him. His tone was not good. I don't know whether he blamed or worried, and his voice was both depressed and a little angry.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Let me come and see you."

Zhen Mo knew that this was nonsense.

His face was a little purple, but he didn't dare to attack. He had to gritt his teeth and suppress his anger and said, "The villain is in the city all year round, and there is another yard. You even know the houses in the village of the villain, and naturally you know the yard of the villain in the city. Since you want to see me, how can you give up the near and far?

Gu Jinzhi stopped slightly, looked back at Zhen Mo, and said with a smile, "If I go to the house in the city to find you, can I see you?"

Zhen Mo chocked.

If he knew that Gu Jinzhi had gone in the house in the city, he would have climbed over the wall from behind.

He doesn't want to be involved with Gu Jinzhi now.

But Gu Jinzhi ran to his father.

Zhen Mo had to come back.

In less than half a day, Tan You will definitely know.

At the beginning, when Tan You took Gu Jinzhi away, he almost wanted to use violence. It was Zhen Mo who stopped him, and Tan You also cut Zhen Mo's sword. Cut on the left arm.

Although the wound is not deep, it has never hurt the muscles and bones, and has already healed. But a scar is still there, turning out the bright red new meat, always reminding Zhen Mo...

Now, Gu Jinzhi came to the door in person again, and Zhen Mo couldn't explain it clearly.

It's okay to be next to Tan You. He is an affectionate and righteous iron-blooded man. Only for Zhen Zhen's death, he hit him too hard. When he treated Gu Jinzhi, he was a little crazy and irrational.

Knowing that Gu Jinzhi has arrived at Zhen's house, what did Tan You think when he turned around?

I guess it's exciting again.

Zhen Mo was afraid that Tan You would be offend again.

Last time, Tan You was so muddy that he almost let the court know.

"...I have never had a friendship with you. Why did you come to see me?" Zhen Mo skimmed his head and forced himself to clear up the relationship with Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and didn't answer his words. He only asked him, "Have you recovered from the injury on your hand?"

Zhen Mo's heart was shocked.

He stepped back two steps, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Throughout the whole process of kidnapping, Gu Jinzhi has been half unconscious. She has been awake several times, but she is also blindfolded.

Although she called her brother for help, Zhen Mo was not sure who she was calling. She just thought of Zhen Zhen in her heart and showed sympathy.

After that, Zhang Daokun was arrested, and Gu Jinzhi did not come out to refute. He pleaded for Zhang Daokun, and Jin Yiwei also wanted to take Zhang Daokun to death.

Zhen Mo thought that Gu Jinzhi himself was also confused about this matter.

Now listening to her tone, does she know that the kidnappers are Tan You and Zhen Mo?

Zhen Mo was shocked: Isn't this woman afraid that Zhen Mo will kill her in order to save her life?

"You...what did you say?" Zhen Mo was close to half a step, and his voice was low and short. After a moment, he felt that he was not polite, and secretly took a step back.

"What I'm saying, you naturally know it." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I'm here today, and your adult must know it. If he asks you, you can tell him openly that I came here on a special visit..."

"You're crazy." Zhen Mo cursed in a low voice and became anxious, "You'd better go quickly. I don't know you well. Don't involve me."

Gu Jin took the first two steps, got a little closer to him, and said, "I won't get involved. You think I'm my sister, I know, otherwise you wouldn't save me. I'd rather be stabbed. I will repay you."

Zhen Mo wants to retreat again.

But the person in front of him flashed with the light in Zhen Zhen's eyes and locked Zhen Mo tightly, and his footsteps did not move.

Zhen Mo thought of his younger sister, who depended on each other for his life, and felt a great pain in his heart. He only felt that his sister was tortured to death in the Tan family.

If Zhen Mo hadn't followed Tan You, he really wouldn't have met Tan You.

If you don't meet Tan You, when you are really old, marry a man who does the shop in the town, or marry a blacksmith, and only do some odd work at home to subsidize the family. It's simple and quiet. Maybe you can live a long life, right?

In terms of money, Zhen Mo can help her one or two. If her brother-in-law dares to bully her, Zhen Mo can also stand up for Zhen Zhen.

Without Tan You and the Tan family, it is definitely not the end of the funeral at a young age.

In the final analysis, it's all Zhen Mo's fault as a brother.

Zhen Mo did not blame Tan You for not taking good care of his sister. He only hated that it was his own opportunity to let his sister meet Tan You, which changed his sister's life.

He always feels sorry for Zhen Zhen.

"All the people who know the truth, or know that we are similar, are surprised; or think of me as her and want to take it for themselves. Only you are different.

You treat me as a person. You don't want me to be true again. I hope I can live a normal life..." Gu Jinzhi didn't wait for Zhen Mo to answer and continued, "Otherwise, I can't save my innocence and marry the King of Luyang smoothly. I will never forget this kindness. We don't have blood, but I think you are the benefactor of regeneration, my brother. I won't hurt you, don't worry..."

After saying that, she turned around and walked away quickly.

Zhen Mo is still in a state of mind.

The hazy red back is tall and slender, moving forward, with firm and slow steps, and a little stubbornness, just like his sister Zhen Zhen.

Zhen Mo chewed Gu Jinzhi's words carefully in his heart, and there was a little chill in his heart and a little comfort.

I was shocked. It was she who knew the real kidnapper for a long time, but she dared to be so calm and take the initiative to attract Tan You's attention again. Is this stupid and reckless, or is it a planned move?

Are her words sincere or have no intention?

Thinking of her words, she said all of Zhen Mo's good intentions. She knew Zhen Mo's help to her, which made Zhen Mo feel deeply comforted.

Zhen Mo was stunned for a moment. When he caught up again, Gu Jinzhi's carriage had already set out from the gate and disappeared into Zhen Mo's sight, leaving only a piece of dust.

What should I do now?

You should immediately go back to the city and tell Tan You that Gu Jinzhi knows the real identity of the kidnappers. She may testify for Zhang Daokun, and they should be ready to deal with it.

Zhen Mo folded back and wanted to lead the horse back, but suddenly flashed: Is this Gu Jinzhi's purpose?

As a woman, Gu Jinzhi is the victim of the kidnapping. She can only minimize her own harm: without **, she can pretend that she has been in a coma and doesn't know anything at all.

She doesn't know, so what happened to her. Her man has no real evidence and is often willing to guess her experience in a good way.

This is what she wants to see.

However, she was unwilling to let Tan You go unpunished, so she came to the door with great fanfare and let Zhen Mo tell Tan You about it. Their master and servant first messed up and tried to cover it up. Instead, they showed a flaw, which was noticed by the royal family and finally set her body on fire.

Thinking of this, Zhen Mo felt that he could not take the initiative to tell Tan You anything.

Gu Jinzhi came today, and Tan You must know it.

Zhen Mo can't take the initiative to tell, and cover up one or two.

But what if it's not?

People's hearts are unpredictable.

If you do something bad, you need to deal with the aftermath. This road is too difficult to walk.

Zhen Mo feels very tired.

He is a soldier from a blacksmith's family. He is brave and desirable on the battlefield. But he was stunned by the matter of turning his mind.

Zhen Mo walked back, and his wife Ou Shi greeted him.

"What did the princess do today?" Ou Shi asked Zhen Mo in a low voice, "She scared me to death and scared my father."

Zhen Mo went to his father in silence and did not answer Ou Shi's words.

Knowing that Zhen Mo had always been taciturn, he followed a few more steps and asked repeatedly.

Zhen Mo then said, "Don't ask too much. I'm not sure. Take good care of your father and children, and you don't have to worry about other things.

This is perfunctory.

Eul's is not satisfied with this perfunctory.

She looked up and wanted to say a few more words, but she saw that her husband's eyebrows were locked and seemed to be worried about hardships. Ou's questioning had to swallow it back.

Zhen Mo went to salute his father.

Mr. Zhen doesn't talk much.

Gu Jinzhi's visit had a greater impact on him. He sat in the master's chair and did not move for a long time until Zhen Mo came in.

Zhen Mo went to the room and said to Ou Shi, "Go ahead. I'll talk to my father. There is no need to prepare anything. I have to be on duty tomorrow. I need to rush back to the city before the curfew.

The Euclidean Road is.

As soon as the Eori left, the room fell into silence, and the father and son were speechless.

"That child seems to be real..." After a long time, the old man said.

Zhen Mo nodded: "Yes."

The old man, who has always been clumsy, has no sighed except for this sentence. Obviously, there are thousands of words in my heart, but I can't say a word.

He suffocated for a long time and asked Zhen Mo, "Is she really a princess?"

Zhen Mo nodded and said, "Yes."

"Alas, a good girl." The old man sighed, "If you can be a princess, your family will definitely be good. You can eat and wear warm clothes. It's not true. It's good, it's good..."

The old man said, his eyes were slightly wet.

Zhen Mo also had a tingling pain in his heart.

He didn't answer.

The scene is quiet again.

"...She said she would come back?" After a moment of silence, the old man suddenly asked this question.

Zhen Mo said helplessly, "Dad, she is a princess. It's rare to surrender to our cheap land once. How dare you expect to come again?"

The expectation in the old man's eyes turned into a burst of ashes.

"Alas, in the past, neighbors used to say that things in the world are strange. There are some things that you can't even dream of. It turns out to be the truth. How could I have thought that people in the world could still be printed like a mold. It's a strange thing. The old man said.

Zhen Mo has no interface.

The old man also felt that his sighs were meaningless.

My son may not like to listen to these words.

He said, "How many days will you come back to stay?"

"I'll be leaving in a minute." Zhen Modao.

"Then let's go." The old man said.

Zhen Mo got up and said goodbye.

It used to be the same. Both father and son are not good at words, and they are not the same business, and there is no topic to talk about. Every time Zhen Mo comes back, he also sits with him, talking about meaningless topics like now.

If so, every time I leave, Zhen Mo is still reluctant to give up.

He came out of his father, went to the main courtyard, said goodbye to his wife and children, and quickly drove back to Beijing.

When we get to the city, it will be dark and we are about to update.

Zhen Mo arrived at home, washed his face, and the servants brought dinner.

After a simple dinner, Zhen Mo was no longer in the mood to practice riding and shooting, and was ready to rest early.

Someone knocked on the door, very hard, shocking, and even Zhen Mo, who was about to rest, heard it.

He was so excited that he quickly asked someone to open the door.

This is to make up for the day before yesterday. I'm sorry that I haven't updated o(╯□╰)oRS in the past two days