Spring boudoir note

Chapter 363 Retention

This blizzard was more serious than expected. It fell for three days and nights in a row, and the snow when going out could be submerged on the waist.

In recent decades, there has been no such heavy snow in Beijing.

Many of the houses in Fujiazhuang are old houses, and the roof walls are not so strong. Many people's houses have collapsed, and the two thatched huts built by Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi have also collapsed.

Like livestock sheds, they fell a lot, and many cattle, sheep and horses were crushed to death.

The Gu family's ancestral home also has some years. However, when the house was built at the beginning, it was the most prosperous time for the Gu family. The beams were made of the best wood, well maintained, and almost collapsed.

"...When the snow stops, build another room." Lin Yi felt more sorry for his hut. He went to see it once, and all of them were buried in the snow. He looked very reluctant and turned his face to Gu Chen.

Gu Chenzhi laughed and said, "Do you still cover it? In a few months, it's time to go back..."

Lin Yi was slightly silent.

Gu Chenzhi saw the clue and asked him, "Do you want to stay here?"

Lin Yi did not answer immediately, and he replied with a smile.

Gu Chenzhi thought of Dr. Ling.

Dr. Ling's death, there is not even a barefoot doctor in the ten miles and eight villages near Fujiazhuang. The people are sick. In addition to carrying them by themselves, they are asking God to worship Buddha...

Lin Yi wanted to stay and be a barefoot doctor to solve the suffering of the people. Gu Chenzhi agreed very much.

He felt sorry again.

Lin Yi is a good teacher and friend, and Gu Chenzhi respects him very much. When Gu Chenzhi returned to the city, he would definitely open another pharmacy. If Lin Yi could follow him to help, Gu Chenzhi would be very grateful.

But Lin Yi's stay is good for the people. Gu Chenzhi's words did not go deep.

The goose feathers on the top of the head are snowing heavily, wrapped in silver everywhere, and I don't know when it will stop.

The two brothers walked back, but only a few steps to the Gu family's ancestral home.

When I entered the inner courtyard, I saw that the main room burned the kang and the stove.

The hot kang was covered with a brocade quilt, and Zhu Zhongjun, who had not recovered from his leg injury, lay half on the kang, and his eyes were full of tenderness and looked at Gu Jinzhi. And Gu Jinzhi was sewing with the maids, and there was no one in his mouth talking to Zhu Zhongjun.

Anyone can see that Zhu Zhongjun loves Gu Jinzhi very much.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi looked at each other and entered the room.

When Gu Jinzhi heard the footsteps, he quickly put down the needle and thread, took the maid to scoop up the hot water in person, and washed Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi's face.

"Has the hut fallen?" Gu Jinzhi asked his eldest brother.

Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "With such a lot of snow, there is no beam in the grass shed. Can you not fall? Fortunately, we have nothing in it, only a few tables and benches. When the snow stops, let's see if it can still be used when moving out..."

How can there be a tone of the eldest son of the Hou family? Like a small farmer in the countryside, cherish things so much.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help laughing and said with a smile, "Big brother is so economical. Uncle, aunt and sister-in-law know it. I'm afraid they will be sad."

"The particles are exchanged with both hands. If you can save, save more, and it's not a shame." Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "My father knows that there is only happiness..."

Zhu Zhongjun also smiled.

He felt that the government of Gu Chenzhi's identity could be domineering in the capital. Who would have thought that Gu Chenzhi lived in a thatched hut in the countryside, with a light meal, and a few tables and chairs were also distressed?

Lin Yi looked at Gu Chenzhi and smiled.

After washing his face, the maid Qiu Yu brought the tea.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi sat on the master's chair and asked Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun, "What were you talking about just now?"

"... It's so snowy in the capital that I'm afraid it's even bigger in the north. Cows, horses and sheep will freeze to death this year. The people outside the outside of Serbia have no five elements and eight works. They only raise some cattle, sheep and horses to trade with us. The livestock were frozen to death. They couldn't live, and they had to enter the customs to rob. What's more, not long before Juyong Pass, the dragon turned over. I don't know if the fortifications have been built. Can it be Mongolians? Gu Jinzhi told Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi about the topic of her and Zhu Zhongjun.

When she finished speaking, Gu Chenzhi already had a heavy face.

Gu Jinzhi's words hit everyone's concerns.

This year is really a bad year.

"An Nanguo has won the battle. It's the time when morale is greatly boosted. I don't think it's necessary to worry." Seeing that Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi had nothing to say to Gu Jinzhi, Zhu Zhongjun helped to make a round.

Lin Yi smiled.

Gu Chenzhi sighed.

It happened that the little maid came in and said it was time for lunch.

Everyone had lunch, and someone outside invited Lin Yi and Gu Chenzhi.

Someone in the west of Zhuangzi was smashed by the falling beam. The sharp wooden stake was nailed into the shoulder and sprayed blood as soon as it was pulled out. The family had nothing to do.

Lin Yi heard that he hurriedly carried the medicine box with Gu Chenzhi and went out.

"In the past two days, there are always people injured in Zhuangzi." Gu Jinzhi sighed, "I don't know when this snow will stop..."

She was nagging, and another maid came in, saying that a carriage had been sent to the city, and a boy was waiting outside to come in to say good service to the princess.

"Who is it?" Gu Jin's question.

"It's Si Jian." The little maid replied.

Gu Jinzhi is busy and asked to come in.

For a moment, Si Jian quickly walked in. He was wearing a hat and a jacket, but a pair of boots on his feet, although he was soaked.

He knelt down to salute Gu Jinzhi, which showed his intention: "With such a heavy snow, my wife was afraid that there was not enough rice, vegetables and vegetables in the countryside, so she sent some. The carriage was parked in the outer courtyard..."

Gu Jin's great joy.

"How much did you send?" She asked Si Jian.

"There are half a car of cabbage, two porks, twenty live chickens, twenty live ducks, five wild pheasants, and a large piece of wild boar." Si Jian answered one by one, speaking clearly, did not stutter, and was fluent. "There is also a car of rice and noodles, a car of charcoal."

Gu Jinzhi nodded with a smile and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, send it here in the snow." Then he asked, "How is everything at home?"

"Young Master Eleven coughs a little cold, and the rest is fine." Si Jian replied.

Xiao Eleven has been weak and sick since he was a child.

As soon as the weather changed, Xiao Eleven was about to catch a cold, and Gu Jinzhi didn't pay attention to it.

She nodded and called Begonia: "Go and get some silver and reward Si Jian and the boys along the way for drinking."

Begonia Road is.

Si Jian quickly knelt down and thanked him: "I thank the princess for the boy."

Gu Jinzhi waved his hand and let him get up.

Bingang quickly took out the money.

She first handed over a piece of two taels of silver to Si Jian's hand and said with a smile, "These two taels of silver, you can buy some wine, buy a few catties of cooked chicken and cooked meat for the kids to eat. You can drink and eat the money by yourself.

Si Jiandao, thank Sister Haitang, and thank you for reviewing Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Unload the things. You can go back early so as not to worry your wife. Say hello for us, just say that I'm fine with the prince, and I'll go back to the city in a few days. Don't worry about it, madam.

Write it down one by one.

He turned around.

After Si Jian left, Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "When this boy was in the pharmacy, I looked at him well. It's better now. He is your companion, isn't he?

Gu Jinzhi nodded: "Yes."

"How about calling me when I arrive in Luzhou in the future?" Zhu Zhongjun asked.

"All right." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "That Jiqi in Luzhou, you call me..."

Zhu Zhongjun laughed.

Gu Jinzhi's tone, like jealousy, made Zhu Zhongjun very happy.

Then, he said in a straight color, "That Jiqi's origin is not clean. Isn't it annoying to put it by your side and you deal with her? You'd better leave it to me."

Gu Jinzhi deliberately stiffed his face and said, "Is this reluctant?"

"Hmm." Zhu Zhongjun nodded and smiled, "I can't bear to worry about you..."

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, as if the sun was shining on her face, and Zhu Zhongjun's heart was like the scorching sun, warm and bright.

He thought he would never see Gu Jinzhi's smile again.

Thinking of this, my eyes are hot.

When he encountered Gu Jinzhi's problem, he was sentimental.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and restrained his emotions.

In the middle of the afternoon, the snow finally stopped.

Aunt Li came in with her daughter-in-law and girl, saying that she would go back to clean up the house and see if she could make a small hut and live in it first.

Gu Jinzhi pretended to be unhappy and said, "You are too polite. I'm here in the spring. You often send me some vegetables, and I didn't lie with you. Now it's a piece of effort, but you are so polite. Obviously, you underestimate me and think I'm cold-hearted. The snow is colder. How can we live in the hut? Isn't it going to freeze to death?

If you still remember the friendship in the past, you can live at ease and go back when the snow melts and the house is repaired. The prince and I want to go back to the city for the Spring Festival, but the young master and Mr. Lin want to stay. You are all here for the Spring Festival. The two of them also prepare hot dishes and have a reunion dinner. It's convenient for you to kill two birds with one stone. Why not?

Gu Jinzhi wants to stay with Aunt Li's family for the Spring Festival.

Seeing that she was extraordinarily sincere, Aunt Li said such a thing again, and then refused to look false.

Their family really has no place to settle down.

Aunt Li took her daughter-in-law and daughters, knelt down and kowtowed to Gu Jinzhi, thanked Gu Jinzhi for his kindness.

"The rice you cooked is delicious, and the prince likes it very much. We are here, and you will be tired to cook for us for a few days. The prince and I are very grateful. Gu Jin's way.

Aunt Li hurriedly said yes.

She is equivalent to working in Gu Jiazu's house.

Gu Jinzhi didn't mention the salary to her.

After making a conclusion, Aunt Li took the children out.

Gu Jinzhi went back to the inner room.

She planned to sit down and make some needles and threads with begonia and autumn rain, but it was too cold. Seeing that the kang was extremely warm, she also wanted to go to the kang.

"Bingonia, you have an unexpected head, someone came in and said it." Gu Jinzhi said to Begonia.

After all, the countryside is different from that in the family. It is always a little inappropriate for the couple to sit on the kang day-to-day.

Begonia Road is.

Gu Jinzhi got into the brocade quilt on the kang.

She sat at the other end to keep warm.

Begonia asked her, "What book does the princess want to read?" When Begonia came from home, he brought two medical cases of Gu Jinzhi at the head of the bed.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "No one to give me is..."

Begonia took the book to her.

Zhu Zhongjun sat down and fell asleep.

The room is quiet.

"...Princess, it's the first moment of You. Do you want to have a meal?" Begonia suddenly made a sound, breaking the silence in the room.

Gu Jinzhi looked up and saw the bright light coming in the closed window, and he thought it was too early. Hearing what Begonia said, I thought that the outside was full of snow, which was reflected on the window paper, which was so bright.

"It's so late. Have the young master and Mr. Lin come back?" Gu Jin's question.

Bang shook his head and said, "The outside said no..."

Gu Jin frowned. He frowned.

Today's update, ask for pink tickets, everyone. RS