Spring boudoir note

Chapter 366 Dihuang Pills

Ling San Mazi inquired overnight. Although she didn't dare to say that she already knew Gu Jinzhi's identity, she also guessed that she was inseparable.

Gu Jinzhi is accompanied by a bodyguard, which is well guarded, which is bigger than Gu Chenzhi's appearance. She followed Gu Chenzhi again. Should she be from the Gu family?

Isn't it the seventh lady of the Gu family's medical competition?

She married the King of Luyang last year, and now she is the princess.

She is very famous in the capital, and people in the nearby village have heard of it as anecdote.

And now, she appears in Lingjiazhuang to see Ling San Mazi.

Ling San Mazi didn't fall asleep all night, and his wife was even more excited, as if she saw the light.

The next day, Ling San Mazi greeted Gu Jinzhi at the door early. He didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid of breaking this layer of window paper. Gu Jin regretted because of the noble identity of the princess, and it was difficult to make a diagnosis.

Gu Chenzhi and others didn't say anything.

Ling San Mazi invited Gu Jinzhi, Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi to the main courtyard, and only called Gu Jinzhi a "girl".

His wife, Mrs. Ling San, also came out.

Not long after she had just died of her son, Mrs. Ling San had not been dripping for almost half a month. She was thin and weak, her eyes were blue, her eyes were red, and her eyelids were swollen and shaky.

Gu Jinzhi looked at her appearance and couldn't help but feel sad.

Which woman can withstand such torture?

Three sons died in a row, and there is no doubt that he scraped meat from her three times. This kind of pain can be imagined without experience.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi both have feelings in their hearts.

Mrs. Ling's clothes are very loose, which shows that she has lost weight temporarily, otherwise she will not have dressed so inappropriately.

She did not avoid suspicion. She came out directly to see the guests, reluctantly supported him, and gave a blessing to Gu Jinzhi, Gu Chenzhi and Lin Yi.

There are not so many rules in the countryside.

Gu Chenzhi is uncomfortable. He is not a relative of his family. He always feels inappropriate to talk to his women's family in the inner courtyard. In his education, etiquette is very important.

But it's not easy for him to leave one of Gu Jin here.

Ling San Mazi had no friendship with the Gu family. Although there was a bodyguard following him, Gu Chenzhi was still worried, so he had to be patient and stay.

Lin Yi is used to it. When he and his master traveled south and north, he often went to their inner house to see his wives and ladies. Because their masters and apprentices are outsiders, whether they are small families or deep houses, their precautions against them have been reduced a lot.

Lin Yi doesn't have the feeling of Gu Chenzhi.

Gu Jinzhi first diagnosed Ling Sanmazi's pulse.

He thanked him. There was a little unnaturalness on his fat face. He must be afraid that Gu Jinzhi would miss his rudeness last night.

Gu Jinzhi only said, "You reach out your hand."

Ling San Mazi rolled up half of his sleeves and put his hand on the kang.

Gu Jinzhi diagnosed his pulse.

Then, I looked at the tongue coating and face.

After reading Ling San Mazi, she asked Mrs. Ling San to sit down again: "I also want to diagnose your pulse..."

Ling San Mazizi got up and gave up her position to the third wife.

As soon as the third wife stood up, her hair was dizzy, and the stars were shining in front of her, and it was hard to walk.

The maid helped her..

A little maid spread a handkerchief on the kang, and the third wife put her hand on it.

After Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis, he also looked at the third wife's tongue, and then looked at her face carefully.

Mrs. Ling San's face turned blue because she accidentally lost weight. Even so, there is also a little dark red.

These are all kidney fires.

In traditional Chinese medicine, kidney fire is not called kidney fire, but kidney yin deficiency. If the kidney yin is weak, the fire will be strong.

Ling San Mazi and Mrs. Ling San both have kidney yin deficiency and fire, so their children are born with fire poison. Fire poison vented in the form of erythromythoma.

This disease has existed before.

Under today's medical conditions, it is very easy for young children to died, and doctors did not pay attention to it. It was not until Chen Shigong, a doctor at the end of the Ming Dynasty, found a prescription that there was a solution to this disease of erythematoma.

If Ling San Mazi's child met Gu Jinzhi at the beginning of the disease, maybe Gu Jinzhi could cure him.

Now, it's too late to say anything.

Fortunately, kidney fire does not affect fertility. When the disease is cured, maybe Ling San Mazi and the third wife will have a child, lively and healthy.

There are always regrets in the world.

"The third master took kidney pills, and the third wife took Liuwei Dihuang pills. Use big pills twice a day for kidney pills; take small pills for Liuwei Dihuang pills three times a day. Gu Jin said, "When the disease of kidney yin deficiency disappears, and then stop taking it, you can prepare for pregnancy and take care of the healthy and lively child."

Ling San Mazi nodded repeatedly.

Lin Yi and Gu Chenzhi looked at each other in consterance.

Gu Jinzhi came out to write a prescription.

Lin Yi said to Ling San Mazi, "You go first. After writing the prescription, you can pick it up. Since you believe us, what about Dr. Ling's death? You should also think about it carefully..."

Ling San Mazi retreated.

Seeing that there was no one else in the warm pavilion, Lin Yi asked Gu Jinzhi, "There are Zishen Pills on the market, but I haven't heard of these Liuwei Dihuang Pills..."

Gu Jinzhi looked up.

Lin Yi was very sure. He nodded and said, "I really haven't heard of the Liuwei Dihuang pills on the market."

Gu Chen's knowledge was limited, so he didn't interrupt.

...Then I'll tell you the prescription, and you can make it for me. Are you good at pharmaceuticals? Gu Jin's way.

Zishen Pill was created by Li Li Dongyuan, a famous doctor in the Jinyuan period. It has been 300 years now, and the effect of treating kidney fire is very good. Zishen Pill is composed of Zhimu and Huangbai, with a small amount of cinnamon added.

And Liuwei Dihuang Pill was created by Xue Ji, a famous doctor in the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

It was precisely because of the advent of these two drugs that it took more than 120 years for Chen Shigong to create this suitable prescription to fundamentally avoid the congenital disease of fetal tumors.

Now it is the middle of the dynasty, and Gu Jinzhi thought that Liuwei Dihuang pills had already come out.

How do you know? She misremembered the time.

She wrote out the prescription: eight yuan for cooked ground yellow, four yuan for dried yam, four yuan for dried yam, three yuan each for Zexie, Danpi and Bai Poria.

Lin Yi was very curious, so he picked it up and took a look.

Gu Chenzhi also came over to have a look.

"Zhang Zhongjing's golden qi has a kidney qi pill, which is quite similar to this prescription." After reading it, Gu Chenzhi laughed and said, "There are only two medicines missing: cinnamon and aconite."

Lin Yi also laughed: "This medicine is really available. However, it is not called Liuwei Dihuang pills, but Qian's kidney tonic pills. It was Qian Yi, a famous doctor in the Song Dynasty, cut Zhang Zhongjing's prescription to get this medicine. I haven't seen the secret recipe. It's just such a few medicines. The secret recipe of Qian's kidney tonic pills is still in Qian's hand..."

Although there is no intellectual property right in this era, the secret recipe is a family heirloom.

Many people have studied that it is not as good as Qian's kidney pills. I don't know if it's true or psychological.

In these years, Qian's kidney-tonifying pills are still very useful.

Gu Jinzhi's Liuwei Dihuang Pill is Xue Ji's prescription in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. The medicine is indeed different from that of Qian Yi, a famous doctor in the Song Dynasty.

She wrote the dosage clearly, which made Lin Yi very rare and looked at it in her hand for a long time.

The medicine on the market is very good for nourishing the kidney.

The kidney fire like Ling San Mazi is more appropriate than Xue Ji's Liuwei Dihuang pills.

"Don't buy it from the pharmacy, let's make it ourselves." Gu Jin said, "The medicine in the pharmacy is naturally good, but it is not suitable for the previous evidence. The effect of the medicine is different from the increase or decrease of one point. Mr. Lin, according to my prescription, grab the medicine and medicine.

Lin Yi nodded.

When he got home, Lin Yi made Liuwei Dihuang pills and Zishen pills that night.

The few of them went to Ling San Mazi's house the next day.

This time, Gu Jinzhi stood behind his brother and Lin Yi without coming out.

Gu Chenzhi put the pills in the brocade box and put them in his hand and said, "Sanmazi, I'll give you these medicines. You can visit five hundred taels of gold and silver."

Ling San Mazi's mouth twitched.

Although he has a lot of fields, the rent of a year is only about one hundred taels.

Gu Chen's mouth was five hundred and two, which made Ling San's meat painful.

Ling San Mazi hesitated.

Gu Chenzhi continued, "You don't have to give up. We don't want this money, or you take it. You send two flexible maids to take care of Dr. Ling's old mother. They eat and drink from your house every day until the end of the old lady. Every meal should be good, and you have to build a house for Mrs. Ling that can shelter from the wind and rain. After a year and a half, your daughter-in-law will have another child, and the child will be fine when she is three years old, you can treat Mrs. Ling as your own mother. If it's not good, we'll pay you the money..."

He is much more comfortable without Ling San Mazi to take out the money now.

He read that Gu Jinzhi was a living immortal.

At the beginning, Gu Jinzhi cured the stroke of the empress dowager brothers, not only in the capital, but also everyone near the capital.

Where is this reputation, how can Ling San Mazi not believe it?

He immediately agreed, "Okay, I support Dr. Ling's mother. If my child grows safely to three years old in the future, I will give half of my field to Dr. Ling's nephews to pay for his life.

"I will send someone to see it regularly. If you are disrespectful to Mrs. Ling, don't blame me for being ruthless. Gu Chenzhi raised his face.

He looks serious and has a little dignity in the government.

Ling San Mazi Dao is.

He and Mrs. Ling San eat Gu Jinzhi every time.

The medicine was gone, so I went to Gu's house to get it again. I had been taking it for half a year.

Half a year later, Mrs. Ling San was indeed pregnant. She was pregnant in October and gave birth to another son. God still felt sorry for Ling San Mazi.

The child has grown to one year old and has no symptoms from the previous children.

Ling San Mazi knew that he had really misunderstood Dr. Ling. He personally went to repair Dr. Ling's grave and recognized Dr. Ling as his brother-in-law.

Ling San Mazi and Dr. Ling were originally the same surname, and they were still brothers in the tenth generation. Dr. Ling did not have incense. Ling San Mazi let his son also recognize Dr. Ling as his godfather, and will offer incense to him in the future.

Old Mrs. Ling died before Ling San Mazi's son was born.

Ling San Mazi has always been Yinuo and is very kind to the old lady.

At the beginning, it was said that he would give the land to the nephew of the Ling family, but Ling San Mazi was reluctant to give it. It's just that many years have passed, and Gu Chenzhi is also busy and has long ignored it.

Ling San Mazi recognized his brother-in-law, and asked his son to provide incense for Dr. Ling. He was benevolent and righteous. It was meaningless to force him to divide the land to his nephews who did not take care of Dr. Ling enough.

Since then, Ling San Mazi has been more and more compassionate.

These are all after the story.


After Gu Jinzhi opened the prescription for Ling San Mazi, he lived in Zhuangzi for half a month.

Zhu Zhongjun's leg injury has recovered 60%, and it's okay to barely walk.

It was almost the end of the year, and Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun returned to the capital.

The second update, there will be another update later. This month will be over in a few hours. If you have a pink ticket, please vote for it. RS