Spring boudoir note

Chapter 388 Planting

After coming to Luzhou, Gu Jinzhi has been resting because of the unstable fetal position. Zhu Zhongjun is in charge of everything in the house.

The inner court was handed over to Zhu's mother and Nishang to take care of it.

She trusts the maids brought by Gu Jinzhi's dowry very much.

Although these maids have not suffered from her or experienced life and death, Gu Jinzhi knows that they are reliable, and they also know that Gu Jinzhi is worthy of loyalty. This is the friendship that has been with each other for several years.

After Nishang got married, Gu Jinzhi gradually transferred her errands to Zhilei and Nianlu.

I wish my mother is old. Gu Jinzhi let her enjoy happiness and no longer let her take charge.

Now, Nishang is pregnant and it is difficult to serve Gu Jinzhi. Zhilei and Nianlu have become the pillars of this inner courtyard.

Another big maid, Youhe, is not good at ability. Fortunately, she also had no desire to fight for favor, and quietly followed Zhilei and Nianlu.

She is only a few months younger than Nishang, and she is almost twenty-three years old.

Because Gu Jinzhi's marriage was delayed for too long, her maids were also delayed.

Marrying Zhu Zhongjun, Gu Jinzhi also wanted to set the marriage of several big maids as soon as possible. I had no choice but to get pregnant, and I had a fetal gas all the way from the capital to Luzhou. In Luzhou, I have been recuperating this year. Except for Neon, other lifelong events of the maids have not yet been decided.

At the end of the year, after the New Year, the maids are one year older.

Gu Jinzhi discussed with Zhu's mother.

Zhu's mother said, "Are you still worried about this? Take a good rest and take care of yourself..." She felt that Gu Jinzhi was still not looking well.

Sheng Yanshan has caused Gu Jinzhi's physical condition to decline sharply.

I wish my mother doesn't want her to worry about these important things.

In the past year, not only Zhu Zhongjun has been worried all day long, but also Zhu's mother.

Gu Jinzhi finally got better. He was too worried. I wish my mother was afraid that she couldn't stand it.

"Young He is the oldest of several people. After the New Year, she will be twenty-three, and it's not easy to suffer any more. Gu Jin said, "Yanshan is still small, and I really have no skills to split up. I will entrust this matter to you first. Don't say anything to Youhe, so that she won't be shy. If you have the right person, just tell me..."

Zhu's mother smiled and agreed: "Youhe was also grown up by me. Like Wei Wei, I am my daughter. It's the best thing to leave this to me. Don't worry.

She has nothing to do recently, and she is a little idle.

Gu Jinzhi nodded with a smile.

"... When the matter of Youhe is settled, I will also set the wedding date of Wei Wei, but it will be more than April. Zhilei and Nianlu Xiaoyouhe are one year old and want to help me in charge. Let's talk about it next year. Gu Jin's way.

Wei Wei and Si Jian made a marriage.

This is Zhu Zhongjun's decision.

Zhu Zhongjun wanted to reuse Si Jian. He knew that Si Jian was secretly in love with him, and he also knew that Zhu's mother and Gu Jinzhi were willing to match this pair, so he took the opportunity to make a marriage for them.

I was supposed to let them get married at the end of the year. How do you know that Gu Jin's premature birth, coupled with Zhu Zhongjun's own thinking about things in Henan, his energy is scattered, these little things are left behind.

Now he doesn't know the return date.

Gu Jinzhi was afraid that Zhu's mother would wait for a hard time, so he mentioned this.

Zhu's mother smiled and said, "What's the hurry? Youhe is as big as Neon, four or five years older than Wei. Now that Nishang has a child, we should hurry up the matter of Youhe. She is still young, so she is not in a hurry..."

Every mother is the same. She not only looks forward to her child getting married as soon as possible, but also reluctant to give up her daughter.

I wish my mother understands how she is about Wei.

She smiled.

After my mother received the order, I was very active and busy choosing a good son-in-law for Youhe.

Gu Jinzhi takes care of Yanshan all day long.

The day is the end of the year.

On the night of New Year's Eve, there was a strong wind, the windows were hunting, the lanterns at the door of the courtyard were shaky by the wind, and the night was as cold as ice.

The room is as warm as spring, and the candlelight is slickering.

The emperor has no special edict this year, so he does not need to go back to Beijing to accompany the empress dowager for the New Year.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't come back, and there was no letter. Gu Jinzhi didn't know if he was safe.

Only she and Yanshan celebrate the New Year.

On such a New Year's Eve, Gu Jin passed away a lot before. At that time, Zhu Zhongjun always didn't come back. He seemed to hate the New Year and the habit of the Zhu family's New Year's reunion. During the Spring Festival, there are only Gu Jinzhi and Rongnan.

I left my mother's house, and it's only her and Yanshan this year.

Yanshan went to bed early, and Gu Jinzhi himself did not have a vigil. He rested early and let the attendants have fun by themselves and have a happy New Year.

She doesn't have too much sadness.

In a daze, she slept until dawn.

The wind was blowing all night. After it stopped, the yard was in a mess. The wind stopped and the snow drifted, and for a moment, the sky flew like goose feathers, and soon covered up the mess.

The maids and servants gave New Year's greetings to Gu Jin.

Gu Jinzhi rewarded them with red envelopes.

In the morning, five of the generals of the royal guard came in to pay New Year's greetings to Gu Jinzhi and Yanshan. The rest followed Zhu Zhongjun to Henan.

Gu Jin thanked them and asked the outer court to prepare a banquet for them.

All morning, Yanshan was sleeping, and Gu Jinzhi had time to entertain these.

There are not many people in the family, but they are busy until noon.

During lunch, Lin Yi came in.

Zhu Zhongjun was not at home. Naturally, it was not easy for Gu Jinzhi to keep him to eat in the inner courtyard. He just ordered the outer courtyard to prepare a banquet for Lin Yi alone.

Lin Yi said thank you.

Gu Jinzhi left him to talk.

"... At the beginning of spring, I want to find a place to plant the poppy seeds. The pulp of poppy seeds, I want to put it up and make it into a new medicine. Gu Jinzhi said to Lin Yi, "After the Shangyuan Festival, I will start to prepare. I'm not good at pharmaceuticals. I hope you can help me..."

Lin Yi frowned.'s eyebrows. He did not answer immediately, but said, "I planned to go back to Beijing after the New Year. Your eldest brother opened a pharmacy, and you know it. He wanted me to go back to be a sitting teacher, and he wrote many times to ask me about the date of my return. Second, my master closed in Fenghuangling and let me enter the world for three years. It's been almost five years now, and he doesn't know where he is going. The master is like a father, I want to find him..."

"This..." Gu Jinzhi said, "I really want to keep you. Besides, Yanshan can't live without Mr...."

Lin Yi was silent.

He was also a little hesitant and reluctant to leave. His feelings for Gu Jinzhi and his wife are very ordinary, but he is very reluctant to give up Yanshan. Yanshan has no blood relationship with him, but since he was born in Yanshan, he took care of him, and he had a little affection for Yanshan.

Lin Yi has no family, and he cares about this kind of feeling very much.

But he can't let go of the master.

Gu Chenzhi opened a pharmacy in the capital.

"...Sir, please stay." Gu Jinzhi interrupted his silence and said, "The doctor doesn't treat himself, and my husband is not here. I'm afraid I can't take care of Yanshan. Yanshan is still young. I really want you to take care of him for a while. The prince and I are very grateful. As for your master, I will send someone to look for it. If there is any trace of him, I will tell you; on my eldest brother's side, I will also write to explain.

Lin Yi is still a little hesitant.

Gu Chenzhi's pharmacy, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not.

He wants to find his master.

If Gu Jinzhi hadn't moved the fetus, Zhu Zhongjun had invited him to Luzhou, he would have looked for it long ago. His master is good at martial arts, his personality is strange, and his whereabouts are erratic. He is not worried. Just as an apprentice, you have to know the whereabouts of the master.

However, Gu Jinzhi also said that she was afraid that she would not take good care of herself in Yanshan and needed Lin Yi.

It was difficult for Lin Yi to decide for a while.

He said, "Princess, let me think about it..."

Gu Jinzhi persuaded again: "I'll send someone tomorrow to inquire about your master. You know, there are guards in the royal palace who specialize in inking news. They are trained by the prince himself. I'm afraid it's faster than you can find them. Sir, it's better to stay at ease. If your master needs your care, I won't keep him anymore..."

Lin Yi still said that he should consider it.

Gu Jinzhi sighed, and it was not easy to force others.

Heavy snow fluttered all day.

On the third day of the first lunar month, Lin Yi came in to see Yanshan, greeted Gu Jinzhi, and said his decision: "... My master's where he is, please pay attention to the princess. If I find him, I will serve him again.

He decided to stay.

Gu Jin's great joy.

She asked Lin Yi, "What is your master's size, what name do you use to walk, and what are your usual clothes, accommodation, and dietary preferences?"

Lin Yi told Gu Jinzhi little by little.

His master is highly medically skilled, claiming to be a real person in Xinglin, medium size, thin...

Gu Jin's notes were sent to the outer courtyard for people to find.

And the matter of planting opium poppy, Gu Jinzhi gave it all to Lin Yi.

The medicinal properties of opium poppy are recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica. At present, the Compendium of Materia Medica has not yet come out, and even Li Shizhen was born.

Lin Yi doesn't know what opium poppy is for.

Gu Jinzhi talked to Lin Yi in detail. She said that there is something called morphine in the poppy pulp, which can act as a tranquilizer. She also said that the poppy shell can remove stomach heat and treat dysentery.

After repeated refining, the pulp can be made into a paste. Inhalation is addictive, but it is very effective to take medicine, and the amount is controlled in advance.

After listening to it, Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

He is very interested in novel drugs.

Gu Jinzhi gave him this task.

Poppy is something that came from the Western Regions. Gu Jinzhi accidentally got it from Fujiazhuang, which was brought back by Fu Wanyou's son from the Western Regions. Luzhou should not be able to find it.

Therefore, the seeds are very precious and need to be taken care of by experienced flower farmers.

Lin Yi said, "I'll leave this matter to you. Don't worry, princess. I'll ask for advice if I have something to do."

Gu Jin's way of thanks.

Lin Yi got busy.

By February, he had found a suitable garden and gardener, and also took a few seeds for research. While studying ready-made seeds, wait for new poppy fruits to grow.

Gu Jinzhi gave it to Lin Yi, and he didn't intervene much, so that Lin Yi didn't feel that he didn't trust him.

In mid-February, Zhu's mother finally became a person for her child's luggage. He is the little keeper of the royal office.

Zhu's mother inquired about his family background and character clearly. Gu Jinzhi also saw it and was very satisfied, so he settled down.

Gu Jinzhi told Youhe.

Youhe listened to Zhu's mother and blushed and said that it was up to the princess.

Gu Jinzhi will set her wedding date on the first day of May.

The wedding date is set for March 18.

In this way, the house can be lively for a while.

Gu Jinzhi is very happy to have a happy event. As soon as she was happy, Yanshan was also in a good mood and ate and slept as usual. Yanshan, which has been seven months, has grown from four catties to ten catties.

Gu Jinzhi finally understood that Yanshan and she have a special mood feeling. As long as she is in a good mood, Yanshan will also be in a good mood...

Gu Jinzhi felt that this was unscientific but wonderful.