Spring boudoir note

Chapter 397 Willpower

Section 397 Willpower

Gu Jinzhi didn't see Jiang Xin in the end.

It's too late.

The next day, they went back to the palace.

until before the Spring Festival, Gu Jinzhi never left the palace.

When she was in the palace, in addition to seeing Concubine Su and Concubine De every now and then, she greets the empress dowager and the queen every day, rain or shine.

In this way, she often comes to the Tan family, and no one cares about it.

Gu Jinzhi tried his best to flatter Tan, and Tan also enjoyed it. Looking at Gu Jinzhi's flattering appearance, Tan was very relieved and happy.

Tan doesn't like Gu Jinzhi. Gu Jinzhi was too favored in front of the empress dowager. Everyone in the palace talked about her, which was full of good words, which made Tan not like her...

Gu Jinzhi didn't know the depth and wanted to see Tan.

Tan is too thin, her face is pale, her eyes are lightless, no matter how good the powder is, she can't hide it, and she is often distressed.

Over the years, I have also taken medicine, but it's not good.

Gu Jinzhi has the reputation of being a magic doctor, so she said that she would see Tan's doctor, but Tan was also a little moved.

Can think about it, but Tan still refused.

Tan doesn't trust Gu Jinzhi. She knows the inside story of Gu Jinzhi's kidnapping.

Gu Jinzhi has no eyes. She goes to Kunning Palace to greet her every day, and then talks about seeing a doctor every day. She seems to be **gu Jinzhi.

For example, she said the first day, "Isn't the Queen's stomach very good? Everything you eat is in your stomach, which makes you feel uncomfortable, but you have to get up and vent several times at night, so that you can sleep soundly. Did the mother ask the Empress Dowager to treat the intestines and stomach?

Tan is indeed like this.

She has had a bad stomach for some time.

The imperial doctor invited exhausted all kinds of prescriptions to take medicine, but that's all.

Tan resisted and didn't answer Gu Jinzhi's words.

The next day, Gu Jinzhi asked again, "Empress, you didn't sleep soundly at night. You finally fell asleep, and you often have leg cramps, right?"

Tan also has this problem.

She has been the queen for seven years, and her heart is haggard. In this harem, everything belongs to the Tan family. The emperor has not stopped over the years.

He not only continued his old relationship with the old concubines, but also spoiled the new concubine and enjoyed it. Whoever suffered the injustice immediately went to the emperor to complain. The emperor turned back to find the Tan family and asked the Tan family to be fair.

Tan has no son, and the prince is not close to her. But without the prince, she can't settle down as a queen. To ensure that the prince can ascend the throne smoothly, there is a Tan family outside, and the Tan family alone inside.

Naturally, the fewer children in the palace, the better.

Are there still few emperors to change the prince?

The emperor was not satisfied with the prince in the first place.

And the old concubines in the palace are not so greedy that they always have to fight for something to be willing; and those new concubines don't know the depth of heaven and earth and want to reach the sky in one step.

No one is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Tan's predecessor was fine. In the eleventh year of Shuntian, it was her third year as queen, and she slowly became bad.

That year, she was a little frightened.

It's also a little ridiculous to say.

In March of the eleventh year of Shuntian, the Tan family accompanied the empress dowager and the emperor on March 3. When she dispersed at night, she was surrounded by a large group of maids and returned to Kunning Palace. On the way, a cat suddenly rushed out and landed on the hem of Tan's skirt. It ran in panic and screamed miserably.

At that time, everyone was walking quietly, and suddenly a night owl rushed out. Everyone was unprevented and sled.

And the cat named Chun sounds like a fetus...

Tan was shocked. He didn't possess it for a long time, and his legs were weak.

If it were normal, she would not have been so scared, just because in the first two days of that day, she had just secretly sent someone to give abortion pills to those who were pregnant. The talented man was bleeding heavily, so he went there...

There is still a lingering fear in Tan's heart.

Tan did a lot of this kind of thing.

Not to mention the birth, it is the second prince born by Cheng Lifei, the living child, also dead, isn't it? Mr. Tan is familiar with it. She is also trying to preserve her status and survive, so she is at ease.

But that night, she had a nightmare. She dreamed of a thin woman, holding a bloody child in her hand, and came to her to drink her blood. The child opened his eyes, and his eyes were green. Where is the child? It's a skinned cat.

Tan had heard the play of "civet cat for prince", so she knew that she skinned the cat like a newborn fetus. I have this in my memory, and I dream of it.

After that, she met the cat at night two days later...

Back to Kunning Palace, Tan changed his clothes and found that his back was soaked.

It's so ridiculous that she was scared by a cat.

After that, she sent someone to find the cat. The courtyard wall in the palace is high, but the cat is flexible and agile. It is possible to turn in from the outside or sneak in by the door.

I looked for it for a few days, but I couldn't find it.

Tan is unwilling and wants to continue to look for it. The other concubines in the palace didn't know what was going on, and they were panicked for a moment.

Finally, the Empress Dowager knew.

The Empress Dowager asked the reason for the Tan family.

Tan knew that the emperor was the most filial. In front of the empress dowager, she did not dare to be rude. She respectfully told the empress dowager about the wild cat: "... Maybe the palace wall was holed by mice and cats. If it is not filled and known by the people outside and dug in, won't it be the inner court?

The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "This is a strange thing. I haven't seen a wild cat in the palace for so years. The cat can't swim. It's the Jinshui River outside. How did it jump over? The Jinshui Bridge and the Meridian Gate were guarded day and night. I didn't know that such a living thing came in outside, but I didn't notice..."

The empress dowager means that it is impossible for a cat to come in outside, and whoever has a cat in the palace has a record to check.

She hinted that Tan was thinking nonsense and making a lot of noise, which was not decent enough, so the Empress Dowager was not satisfied.

The Empress Dowager likes purity. There are also means behind her, but the calmness on the surface is what the Empress Dowager wants to see most.

The means behind it is the ability, and the empress dowager doesn't care; on the surface, it is noisy, it is without self-restraint, and the empress dowager can't tolerate it, even the Empress Tan.

Although she said with a smile, her eyes kept looking at Tan's eyes.

Tan didn't dare to do this.

After playing that, she heard the cat barking at night. The heartbreaking cry and even the sound of "mother" made Tan suffer from insomnia all night.

She asked the people in the palace: "... Did you hear the cat barking at night?"

Everyone is looking at Tan's face.

Some people say they hear it vaguely, while others say no.

No one dares to tell the truth in front of the queen, because no one knows what kind of words the queen wants to hear. In case of a mistake, it will be a disaster.

Tan asked several times, but he didn't get an accurate answer and got angry. As a result, Kunning Palace went up and down and said unanimously: I heard it.

She's better.

But it's still annoying. I fell asleep at night, woke up again, sent someone to look for it, but I couldn't find it. After more than half a month, Tan was infected with inactivity.

A month later, a dead cat was found in the corner of Kunning Palace. She knew that there was indeed a wild cat, not her delusion. In this way, Tan's heart is much calmer...

Although she could still hear the cat barking after that, she suspected that the palace man deliberately killed the cat in order to comfort her, but when she was quiet and not so afraid, she was a little energetic.

But this sleepless disease, it doesn't work to ask the doctor to take medicine, but it is difficult to fall asleep.

She has this symptom for three months.

Later, the emperor said that he also had a sleepless disease at the beginning. It was the fourth imperial doctor of Qin Shen who opened lily perilla soup and went to the palace to recuperate.

Tan also invited Qin Shensi.

Qin Shensi said: lilies and perilla have no effect on treating insomnia. At the beginning, the emperor was sleepless and had no medicine to cure, and the lilies were in full bloom in the morning and evening, and the perilla fell in the morning and evening. It may not be useful to the queen.

Later, Qin Shensi opened another party and gave Tan for two months, and her inactivity gradually decreased.

Nowadays, she still doesn't sleep very well, and she can barely sleep for two hours a night.

Since then, her body has been constantly ill. Today's wind is cold and coughing, and tomorrow's chest is suffocating and painful. After a few days, I have a stomachache again. Since then, I have not stopped and become thinner and thinner...

Someone said behind her back that she was going to die.

spread to Tan's ears. After hearing this, Tan was half angry and quarreled secretly in his heart. Do you want her to die? She has to live so that they can't get what they want!

Every person has a kind of willpower.

When the desire to survive is strong, the disease will also give in. Tan didn't die, but got better day by day.

In the 14th year of Shuntian, her grandfather, Lord Tan, passed away.

Tan has no good impression on his grandfather. In those years, she was made infertile by her sister. In addition to the crown prince, this account was also on the Tan family.

Her mother and her grandfather are all the objects of Tan's hatred.

She knows that she can't leave the Tan family now, and she and the prince need the Tan family. When the prince ascends the throne in the future, she becomes the empress dowager, and her status can no longer be shaken, and she will clean up the Tan family.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. If you want to achieve a great career, patience is the first priority.

Billy's sword is sharper, it's time!

Lord Tan was so resourceful in his life that he couldn't stand the sword of time and was accepted by God.

Tan's father is not talented.

And Tan You, the eldest son of the next generation of the Tan family, is the first in martial arts today, but his brain is not easy to use. Tan didn't pay attention to his brother Tan You.

As soon as her grandfather died, the Tan family was just around the corner. Tan was happy. In those six months, she watched it gradually become plump.

In the following years, she still had minor illnesses, but there were no major problems. I sleep less, but I don't have nightmares at night.

In the past six months, she has never eaten sweetly and can't rot.

The imperial doctor showed her the medicine to treat the stomach. At first, it was fine, but recently it didn't work very well. Over and over again.

Some imperial doctors even said that she was too thin, which led to this.

Tan also wants to be disaster-free and disease-free.

At the beginning, the Empress Dowager was so ill that it was Gu Jinzhi who was cured.

And now, Gu Jinzhi said that she wanted to see Tan.

Tan has a deep understanding of the torture of a long illness.

Gu Jinzhi's words are powerful to her.

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday, so I took a day off. This is the only chapter today. RS