Spring boudoir note

Chapter 400 Bite the Hook

Section 400 Bite Hook

If the body becomes worse and the camp guard is weak, all kinds of conditions will emerge.

Tan is just a little cold, but he looks depressed and a little late.

Usually, she is so fat and pink that I can't see her age. Today, for some reason, she changed her fresh makeup, and her old appearance was at a glance.

She often got sick a few years ago. In less than half a month, she slowly got better again. I get sick every three or four months. I know, I feel sorry for her, and I tried my best to live for this breath; if I don't know, I just think she often pretends to be sick.

The Empress Dowager and Aunt Cheng are the kind of people who don't know.

In their eyes, Tan is cunning and unscrupulous. Sometimes I'm so sick that I think she's going to die, and I can't think that I'll get better in a few days. There must be a reason for singing this today. Therefore, looking at the shaky Tan, Aunt Cheng was concerned, but her eyes were not warm.

Gu Jinzhi came forward, invited Tan's pulse, and went back to reply to the Empress Dowager later.

Tan didn't want Gu Jinzhi to consult in his heart. Gu Jinzhi has taken the initiative to see Tan many times, which must be of bad intentions. However, she burned in a daze, and her head was stained with paste. She really didn't have the energy to worry more. The Empress Dowager sent Gu Jinzhi again. She had to stretch out her hand and let Gu Jinzhi pulse.

Gu Jinzhi asked for a moment, and the expression on his face was soothing and relaxed, not as solemn as other imperial doctors.

Tan looked at it, and hope suddenly rose in his heart.

For a moment, Gu Jinzhi got up and said to Tan with a smile, "The Queen is just a cold disease. Take some medicine seriously and you will recover in a few days..."

Tan rarely smiled and said hard work.

Gu Jinzhi got up and opened a prescription for Tan.

Although Tan is young, his body is tight.

She has problems with her internal organs, especially her spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach is the land of Zhongzhou, the axis of the four fortunes, the source of biochemistry, and the foundation of the body. If the spleen and stomach are insufficient and can't rot food, the body can't absorb nutrition, and qi and blood are not enough to operate. If the qi and blood are not good, the body is like stall water.

How can sta-water-like qi and blood be healthy?

Fever is not a warning of physical condition.

Over the years, the Empress Dowager has been very strict in managing the inner palace. When the imperial doctor comes in for consultation, there are rules. He can't see the woman's face and consults through the curtain. It's just a pulse. Asking where he is uncomfortable, which causes headaches and feet.

Actually, this is not bad.

Gu Jinzhi remembers that his grandfather once said that during the Taizu period, men were not allowed to enter the inner palace. The prince, princess, concubine or even the empress dowager in the palace are sick, and the imperial doctor can't enter. It was just the eunuch in the palace who dictated the patient's illness to the imperial doctor, and asked the imperial doctor to prescribe the prescription and take the medicine.

The consequences of such consultation lead to a lot of child death.

Then the pediatric doctor entered the harem.

Later, all the imperial doctors could enter, but the rules were still there.

It's not that the imperial doctors are not good at medical skills, but that they don't give them the opportunity to consult carefully.

For example, if the food can't rot, he often has diarrhea. Tan must have thought it was a disease in the intestines, so he invited a doctor and said that his intestines were not good. The doctor asked for the pulse, and saw that the pulse did have such symptoms, which was similar to Tan's complaint, so he treated it according to enteritis and other methods...

In the long run, every time I get sick, I treat something, but it delays the most fundamental.

Gu Jinzhi opened spleen soup.

She said to Aunt Cheng, "I brought some Angong Niuhuang pills. I'm going to get one and give it to my mother. The fever can go away tonight. If you drink the recipe I opened, you will recover in a few days.

Aunt Cheng smiled and said, "Princess Holy Hand. I'll go and get the medicine for you."

"The medicine is even expensive. I hid it." Gu Jinzhi said, "I'll go back to pick it up by myself. Auntie, wait for me, and I'll be back as soon as I go."

Aunt Cheng laughed and only thought Gu Jin was joking.

Angong Niuhuang Pill is a medicine of the School of Thermology in the Qing Dynasty. It belongs to the antipyretics in traditional Chinese medicine and is the most precious.

Not in this era.

Gu Jinzhi took some with him, which were made by Lin Yi a few years ago. The medicine made by Lin Yi has the best effect. He has good medical skills, and his pharmaceuticals are also first-class. Famous doctors in this era are all about pharmaceuticals. But pharmaceuticals, like medical skills, also require skills and accumulation, and not everyone can achieve a high level.

Lin Yi Pharmaceutical is very outstanding, even surpassing his medical skills.

He is an idiot. He doesn't want fame, doesn't want money, doesn't love beauty, and all his energy is on medicine and medicine.

Only when you are refined and professional can you be talented.

Gu Jinzhi took Angong Niuhuang pills with him. He was afraid that the children would catch a cold on the road, and he also wanted to leave some spare for his parents and the empress dowager. From the time I came back to now, I didn't mention the treatment in front of the Empress Dowager, so I didn't send it.

She went back to Ping's hall in person, took a grain of Angong Niuhuang pills and gave it to Tan.

Tan hesitated.

She hesitated so much. When she came back to her senses, she saw that Aunt Cheng's eyes were different, and Gu Jinzhi's face also sank slightly, and Tan's heart suddenly. She was not afraid of Gu Jinzhi, but she did not dare to offend her aunt.

Aunt Cheng is the most valued person of the Empress Dowager.

Tan thought that Gu Jinzhi did not dare to feed her poison in front of so many people. The murder of the queen is a capital crime, and it also involves the king of Luyang and the Gu family. Gu Jinzhi should not be so stupid.

In front of Aunt Cheng, he regarded Gu Jinzhi's good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs. He turned around to let the empress dowager know, but he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied. Once the Empress Dowager is dissatisfied, she really needs to control it. She always has to find fault with the Tan family, and the Tan family is also in a dilemma.

Only then did she eat Angong Niuhuang pills.

Gu Jinzhi and Aunt Cheng saw that she had taken the medicine, and when they saw Gu Jinzhi's prescription, the medicine was also caught. The two of them got up one after another and went to restore the order to the empress dowager and the emperor.

Tan asked the maids to send them to the gate of Kunning Palace.

The confidant of Kunning Palace boiled the medicine. Tan drank it, her body was warm, and she was tired, so she fell asleep.

She had a dream.

In the past six months, I have often dreamed. There is always nothing good in dreams. In the dream, if someone chases her or fights with others, or meets ghosts, she is half scared to death. The tone in the dream is always gloomy and horrible.

The dream is different this time.

She dreamed of the back garden of the Tan family in her childhood.

It was a golden and fine Double Ninth Festival. After the rain, it was sunny for the first time, the weather was slightly cool, the flowers of Zhu Jin were withered, and the chrysanthemums were fragrant. The sun shone on the corner of the pavilion and came in through the curtain, with wislings of gold threads, reflecting the golden ring jade hairpin, burning bright eyes.

She heard laughter, light and pleasant laughter.

There is also a strong aroma of wine and powder.

This is the Double Ninth Festival when the mother takes her young aunt and aunts.

At that time, there were only a few children at home. And the girls, only her and her twin sister, so everyone loves them and teases them. Her mother takes their sisters wherever she goes. My mother is proud of them, and she can feel it.

From the memory to the time before entering the East Palace at the age of 12, she lived a rich and warm life of the daughter under the doting of her elders at home, without fighting, darkness and calculation.

The aunts and aunts she saw were all gentle and peaceful. Maybe they have a different face behind their back, but Tan hasn't seen it. All she knew was that those people spoiled her.

Her mother's young and beautiful face was in front of her, shouting her name in a low voice and holding her in her arms.

In her mother's heart, she is more obedient and cute than her sister. My father likes my sister, but my mother prefers her. Therefore, she believed in her mother so much that she and her sister finally said.

In the dream, my mother, aunt and aunt have been joking. She secretly took a sip of wine, a little spicy and a little sweet...

This wonderful feeling was with her until she woke up.

She opened her eyes, and there was a bright light in the tent.

Tan was stunned at first, and then sat up.

Maybe she got up a little fiercely. She was slightly dizzy in front of her eyes and recovered in a moment.

Unexpectedly, there is a sense of refreshment.

It has been three years since the 12th year of Shuntian. Every day when she wakes up, she seems to have experienced a long journey, and her head is buzzing and painful. She hasn't had this kind of comfort after sleeping for a long time.

Her hair and back are a little sticky. When the fever subsided last night, I sweated a lot. If it were normal, she would definitely not be able to sleep, but now she doesn't know until she wakes up.

She called the palace man close to her and asked what time it was.

"It's a moment, my mother..." The palace man replied.

So late? Tan was shocked and got out of bed.

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. Both internal and foreign women will pay New Year's greetings to her, and it will start at the beginning of the year. When it comes, there will be a banquet in the palace, and the banquet should begin.

“...... Who went to the palace for me? Tan asked the palace people around him.

The maid of honor smiled and said, "No one. The Empress Dowager asked to say that the Empress accidentally had a cold wind, so that all the ladies were exempted from the ceremony and went directly to the Qionghua Hall to the banquet.

Tan Shi was slightly stunned.

Then, she smiled.

She returned to ** and continued to lie down for a moment before she slowly got up. That dream is too beautiful. It's all what she has experienced. Tan is about to forget that life can also be so warm and happy. She doesn't want to wake up and aftertaste for a long time.

But aftertaste after waking up, my mother's appearance is no longer so gentle and kind, which makes the memories begin to deteriorate.

She stopped recalling and just lay quietly.

What if you steal half a day's free time?

The confidant groom combed Tan's hair, looked at Tan in the mirror, and said, "Your Lady, you look so good today."

Tan's face is still the same as before, and he has not improved. However, the confidant in the palace knew Tan's thoughts. Seeing that she had been asleep for a long time and in good spirits, they deliberately flattered that her face had improved.

Tan believed it and looked at the mirror and said, "I also think it's really a little better." She was in a better mood and asked the maid of honor, "Last time Gu said that she had a wonderful medicine for all diseases for me. Is it probably this medicine?"

The maid didn't know either, and said yes.

Tan thought that since this medicine can repel fever, it may really cure all diseases. If she is so sick, Tan is willing to give Gu Jin a little sweetness. She thought to herself.

Today, the Empress Dowager is busy meeting the foreign women. Gu Jinzhi should be fine.

"Go, invite Princess Luyang to the palace..." Tan called a little maid of honor and said to her, "Just say that I'm good. Ask her to come and talk."

The little maid took the order to go. RS