Spring boudoir note

Chapter 428 Cold Heart

In the imperial study, everyone looked at the eunuch Mo.

And the eunuch Mo bowed his head and answered without noticing everyone's surprise.

When he finished speaking, the needle fell quietly in the imperial study, and the eunuch Mo also played drums in his heart.

He didn't dare to look up.

"Ap, come and find it quickly." The emperor's voice was low, with thunder and anger.

The eunuch Mo listened to it, and his heart trembled slightly. He is thinking, did he say something wrong or did something wrong?

He quickly kowtowed and said yes.

Before leaving, he looked at the King of Jin.

The king of Jin shrank his shoulders, his eyes were confused, and somehow looked at the eunuch Mo.

Eunuch Mo was even more confused.

He quickly rushed back, took something, looked carefully, and didn't find anything strange, so he took it in his hand and rushed to the imperial study.

The emperor asked Eunuch Mo to open it in public and show it to him.

He didn't seem to know the jade pendant. He looked around carefully, and then threw the jade pendant into the box, regardless of whether he had broken the jade pendant or not, and then said fiercely: "Show the prince and the king of Jin, look at what this is!"

Eunuch Mo didn't know what had happened, but he also understood that this jade pendant was a little hot.

He respectfully took it down and walked to the prince.

The prince's face was purple, his fists were tightly clenched, and he had blue veins.

Seeing the eunuch Mo brought it over, the prince didn't look at it. He just stepped forward a few steps and said, "Father, the third brother cried so pitifully, saying that his jade pendant had been stolen. When the minister saw him like this, he was eager to maintain it..."

With a crisp sound, the emperor slammed the ink cartridge in front of the case to the ground.

The emperor's face was pale, and he was already red with anger at this moment.

The eunuchs who served held their breath, and their legs trembled with fear.

The emperor interrupted the prince with a smash, and his eyes turned to his other son, King Jin.

"Yan Shan, what did you say to the prince?" The emperor's voice was lower.

He is now trying his best to bear the roaring public anger. Therefore, the voice is lower than usual.

The king of Jin cried loudly and couldn't stop crying: "...I don't know, it's the prince's brother who killed the son..."

The prince was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

The king of Jin bit the prince, which seems to be illogical.

The emperor heard the truth from it: it was the prince who forced the king of Jin to complain...

The King of Jin has been spoiled since he was a child.

Compared with the prince, the emperor never had high expectations for the king of Jin, so he loved him more. The emperor did not harshly scold the king of Jin for biting at this moment, but only felt that the king of Jin was just a child.

The child is ignorant.

The king of Jin was only six years old, and the emperor did not ask his teacher to enlighten him. All the truth he knows is from women in the forbidden palace.

As soon as he had something to do, he cried at a loss and even recommended the responsibility to the prince. It is not a defect of other people's personality. It's just that I don't like the world.

The King of Jin is weak and incompetent at this moment. He can also let the emperor see the shadow of the concubines.

The emperor was heartbroken.

These two sons, one is weak and the other is stupid.

"Father, my son and minister don't have it." The prince saw the king of Jin bit him. He immediately knelt down and said, "Father, my son and minister only have one brother. How can my son and minister hurt him? He said that his jade pendant had been stolen..."

But the cry of the king of Jin resounded throughout the hall, covering up the prince's sophistry.

Yan Ying was scared by them and let Zhu Zhongjun hide behind him.

Zhu Zhongjun gently protected his son and stood aside silently.

"Don't cry!" The prince scolded the king of Jin harshly. You useless thing, you always cry like a woman! You tell your father what you said to me, otherwise..."

"What else?" The emperor's interface.

The prince was upset by the king of Jin's crying, and he spoke unscrupulously. He was a little anxious to jump over the wall, but he was seen by the emperor.

This son is not enough to entrust the country, the emperor thinks at this moment.

The king of Jin is still young and can still be upbred. The prince is almost 20 years old and has already lost the possibility of sculpture.

The emperor's anger immediately subsided.

He has always been dissatisfied with the prince, and it was not until now that he made up his mind: after he cleaned up the Mongol tiles and Tatar this time, the first thing he did when he came back was to train the king of Jin and let him replace the prince Yanze.

The prince was answered by the emperor and kowtowed in fear, saying, "Father..."

The emperor said, "The prince, get up. I'm so tired today. You all retreat.

The prince also said that the emperor had given a win-on to the eunuchs around him and asked them to invite the prince down.

The king of Jin was too scared to cry.

The emperor also asked him to follow Eunuch Mo.

When only the emperor and Zhu Zhongjun and his son were left in the imperial study, the emperor said to Zhu Zhongjun, "I know that Yan Ying has been wronged, and there are a lot of jade pendants in it. I ask Liang to pick a few pieces for Yan Ying..."

He wants to understate the matter like this.

The emperor's son falsely accused Lai Yanying, which is not suitable for public announcement, making the prince and the king of Jin look useless.

The emperor can scold his son, but he doesn't want Zhu Zhongjun to delve into it.

Zhu Zhongjun accepted it as soon as he saw it. Knowing that he had left face for the emperor now, the emperor was grateful, so he said, "Thank you for your reward."

In other words, he didn't say a word.

He took Yan Ying out of the imperial study.

Immediately, the emperor asked someone to hide it, found ten pieces of good jade pendants, and sent them to Yan Ying.

After the matter was explained, the emperor sat alone in the imperial study and did not summon the minister again.

The emperor is not sure about this expedition. He went on an expedition with the former emperor once, and also went to the front line once.

But that time, if Xu Qin, the Duke of Shen, hadn't saved him, he would have almost lost his life.

That incident became a joke in the army.

Others say that the prince is useless, but just a hairy boy who looks like a woman and stinks.

In the hearts of the border generals, he is afraid that he is not as high as Jiang Liang, the Marquis of Yuanping.

In recent years, the morale in the northwest has become more and more depressed.

If it was still the emperor, it would be impossible to lose a Guyuan town casually.

If such an important town is not taken back, the morale of the court will be even lower, and the Mongolian tribes will always hit the capital one day.

The emperor must be recruited in person.

In this personal expedition, he hasn't left yet, just like looking at the demon mirror, showing the prince's true nature.

The prince's problem is that the emperor knew much more in the past.

In the past, the emperor thought that the prince still had something to do. The prince is a gentle and kind child, but he is easily excited.

Speak better. The prince is clear about kindness and resentment; to put it hard, the prince is wayward.

His personality, if he is an ordinary child, is so straightforward and enthusiastic, quite popular.

But as a king, his character is what makes him fatal.

This time, the preparation for the personal expedition, let the emperor take a thorough look at the prince.

The emperor's heart is already half cold.

Now, the prince clearly wanted to revenge on Zhu Zhongjun for refuting his words in the morning, and dragged the king of Jin to the emperor without investigating at all. Still in front of the emperor. It satirizes Zhu Zhongjun. He also insulted the King of Jin.

If he is just a son, the emperor can also forgive him.

However, he is the prince.

His behavior is imprudent and reckless. If the world is in his hands. Sooner or later, there will be chaos.

It's not easy to change the prince...

The emperor was most concerned about the expedition. It takes a month to transfer troops. He didn't have time to think about the prince first.

In another month, he will go on an expedition.

He is really worried about handing over the capital to the prince.

Therefore, he lifted Gu Yantao to the position of Shoufu first, and then left Zhu Zhongjun behind. He raised Zhu Zhongjun's position in front of the prince, and even scolded the prince in front of Zhu Zhongjun, just to make the prince understand that Zhu Zhongjun is the most trusted person of the emperor, and the emperor does not hesitate to face the prince...

If the prince offends Zhu Zhongjun, he will offend the emperor.

It's a pity. Judging from today's events, the prince did not understand the emperor's meaning at all. Maybe he realized it, but he was not afraid at all.

He probably feels that his position as a prince is strong and unshakable.

He doesn't need to please the emperor at all.

At this point, the emperor was both disappointed and shocked.


At night. Zhu Zhongjun went back to the hall.

Gu Jinzhi is waiting for him to come back.

The jade pendant rewarded by the emperor has been delivered.

"...what did the emperor say?" Gu Jinzhi asked Zhu Zhongjun to put down the child, and the couple said privately, "I've been rewarded with so many jade pendants. It must have been known to the emperor about the king of Jin. Did the emperor ask your father and son not to mention it again?"

Gu Jinzhi's jade pendant is a mouth-to-mouth sealing fee.

Actually, this is not true.

These jade pendants do mean this.

Zhu Zhongjun pulled her in his arms, hugged her gently, and whispered, "I'm going to deal with the matter. No one in the palace knows that the king of Jin compensated Yan Ying for the jade pendant, as long as Yan Ying and Yan Shan don't say it..."

Gu Jinzhi's heart was slightly confused and said, "Will the emperor come to his senses and feel that something is strange?"

"...No. Unexpectedly, today's incident involved the prince, and he was scolded. Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "The emperor is now full of dissatisfaction with the prince and worries about the expedition. He won't have the energy to pay attention to me.

Zhu Zhongjun can do things so well in the palace, which shows that he has a lot of connections in the palace.

Gu Jinzhi thought that in the seven years in Luzhou, the money he sent to the capital every year accounted for 30% of the Luzhou treasury. That's a lot of money.

Nowadays, it seems that the money is spent on the blade.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

Zhu Zhongjun patted her on the back and let her go.

Gu Jinzhi no longer mentioned this matter.

Later, the Empress Dowager faintly heard a little wind.

The emperor was so angry that it was impossible for the empress dowager, who had always been clear-sighted, not to know it.

She sent someone to investigate.

As a result, the king of Jin smashed Yan Ying's foot. She didn't find out. She just heard that the king of Jin met the prince in the imperial garden. The prince lost his temper and scolded the king of Jin a few words.

Finally, the prince took the king of Jin to the imperial study to complain and framed Yan Ying.

The Empress Dowager thought that the mastermind of the whole matter was probably the prince.

She was very angry.

Stealing is not a big crime in terms of law, but in terms of personality, it can almost erase all the advantages of a person. If Yan Ying carries the name of stealing, she will probably be inferior in her life.

The Empress Dowager felt that the conflict between the prince and Zhu Zhongjun in the court actually involved a small child, and the means were both lowly and vicious.

What if the Empress Dowager makes the prince dissatisfied at all in the future?

Will he do the same to the empress dowager or even the emperor?

The prince's filial piety in the past has become insignificant.

The Empress Dowager felt very chilled. RP