Spring boudoir note

Chapter 431 Being scolded

Section 431 Being scolded

Gu Jinzhi and Gu Xuanzhi sat down in their grandfather's study and said something for an hour.

She slightly modified and polished the lovelorn she had experienced in her previous life, changed it into the name of others, added an ancient background, and told Brother Xuan.

"... I can't eat, I can't sleep well, and I lose a lot of hair. Later, when I got married, the things in my heart gradually faded away. When I have a child, I don't remember. Later, she also had both children. The husband and wife loved each other until they were old. Instead, they were looking for a bamboo horse when they were young, and they could no longer remember what he looked like. Gu Jin said it out of the way.

Brother Xuan listened to it, and the Buddha was talking about his mood.

Gu Jinzhi described that feeling, and he felt it with him.

He was silent for a long time before he said, "That Miss Dong is the one who is the loser..."

In that story, Gu Jinzhi coined a name, surnamed Dong.

"...So, you don't have to be alone. That unsinner woman will also feel guilty and sad for a lifetime. Gu Jin said, "Brother Xuan, no matter when there is a crack between the two people, no one can think about it."

Brother Xuan was stunned.'s

He was very sad to be disappointed in love, but what really made him unable to let go was the resentment and indignation. No one wants to be let down.

When he knew that those who failed him would also live an unsatisfactory life, the burden in his heart was reduced by most of it.

After Gu Jinzhi finished this story, he saw that Brother Xuan frowned slightly and listened to her words. She suggested to him, "Do you want to go to Henan?" The eldest brother went to Henan to collect medicine in the middle of the month. How about you follow him?

Although Brother Xuan relieved some embarrassment and pain in his heart, he was not in the mood to go out.

He wants to refuse.

Gu Jinzhi took the lead and said, "That's the end. I'll tell my eldest brother tomorrow..."

She was really popular. She went out the next day and asked her eldest brother if he wanted to go to Henan in the middle of this month.

Big brother Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "I happened to go. What kind of medicinal herbs do you need? Give me the prescription, and I'll bring it back to you..."

Gu Chenzhi knew that Gu Jinzhi was pregnant again, thinking that she wanted to have an abortion. Therefore, if you don't worry about using the medicinal herbs outside, you need Gu Chenzhi to do it for her in person.

"It's not about medicinal herbs. I want my eldest brother to take Brother Xuan out for a walk. Gu Jin's way.

Gu Chenzhi was puzzled and said with a smile, "What's wrong with your family recently? First, Brother Xuan went to Yanling Mansion thousands of miles away, and then Brother Xuan also went out..."

"...It's okay at home. It's just because it's okay, I'm bored. Boys can't stay at home all day. The eldest brother took him to the drug market and asked a guy to follow him and walk around. Gu Jinzhi laughed and then took out a purse. There are several silver tickets starting with a thousand taels in it. No matter how much it costs. It's all mine."

Gu Chenzhi smiled, put Gu Jinzhi's purse back in her hand and said, "What does the eldest brother do? If you go out with the eldest brother, can you still restrain Brother Xuan? You ask him to come. The cost is big brother's.

Big brother has always been generous.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Thank you, brother."

Before leaving, she went out and put her purse in the hands of the pharmacy shopkeeper and asked him to give it to her eldest brother. She took the carriage and went home again.

Brother Xuan is still listless today.

But there are also changes.

At least he is not lying still.

When Gu Jinzhi came in, Brother Xuan was writing.

He doesn't write well. I don't know how much he has written. A pile of waste paper was lost in the place.

"Big brother agreed." Gu Jinzhi said with a smile, "Before, Brother Yan said that a gentleman established the world and read thousands of books for thousands of miles. You too, and you should also travel thousands of miles. Go out for a walk and see the world. It's boring to stay at home..."

Brother Xuan is reluctant.

He is not in the mood to go out now.

Although he talked with Sister Seven for a long time yesterday and was in a better mood, he was not ready to go out.

Even Li Huai asked him to fight, but he refused.

It can be seen that my sister is very happy. He can't bear to show his sister's kindness, so he said, "Okay, I'll go. I'll tell my mother later."

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

At dinner that day, Brother Xuan went to tell Song Paner about this matter.

Song Paner was a little surprised.

She was looking at Brother Xuan's depressed spirit day by day. She was worried, but she couldn't ask why. Seeing that he also wanted to go out for a walk, and Gu Chenzhi took him, Song Pan'er was very relieved.

She is more assured that Gu Chenzhi's work has always been safe.

She agreed to Brother Xuan and told him, "Your eldest brother is going to do business. Just play with him, but you can't cause him trouble."

Brother Xuan said hello.

The matter has been settled.

On February 16, Brother Xuan followed Gu Chenzhi to Henan Pharmaceutical City.

The emperor also left Beijing on an expedition.

The capital has a new curfew.

Many businessmen felt that the capital would not be peaceful, and their families moved south one after another. But most people are still attached to their hometown. If they don't reach the Juyong Pass, they can comfort themselves that the capital is safe.

Therefore, Jingli did not cause too much panic.

The army set out, and Zhu Zhongjun personally escorted him to Juyong Pass.

Yan Ying really wants to go. Zhu Zhongjun didn't allow him to go, and he began to cry.

In the end, it was Gu Jinzhi who suppressed him and said that if he was not obedient, he would not be allowed to eat.

The children are close to Gu Jinzhi, but they also know Gu Jinzhi's character.

Yan Ying cried a few times, so she didn't dare to cry.

After half a month, Zhu Zhongjun returned to the capital again.

The prince supervises the country, and there is no big deal in the court.

Zhu Zhongjun stared at him closely.

He took the opportunity to attract a larger minister.

The prince doesn't know these.

Gu Jinzhi's stomach is also slightly bulging.

In March, she began to vomit again and couldn't eat.

She spends most of her day in bed. Song Pan'er comes to see her every day and talks to her.

Song Pan'er and Zhu Zhongjun both felt that Gu Jinzhi's baby was a little strange.

Her body is not sick, but she often can't lift her spirits.

is similar to Huaiyan Mountain in those years.

But the child did not hurt the fetal gas, so the situation is special.

Gu Jinzhi gave birth to three boys before.

As soon as the situation is special, everyone guesses that the baby must be a girl.

Zhu Zhongjun came back at night, hugged Gu Jinzhi and talked to the child through his belly. He is even thinking about his daughter's name.

Yan Rou, Yan Wan, Yan Yun, etc., said a lot, Gu Jinzhi thought it was very beautiful.

She asked Zhu Zhongjun to write it down and wait for the child to be born in the future. Choose another one from it.

Zhu Zhongjun said hello.

"Draft a few more boys' names." Gu Jin said, "What if it's a son?"

"It's my daughter." Zhu Zhongjun said with determination, "My hunch is always accurate."

Gu Jinzhi's smile.

She gently touched her lower abdomen.

She is also looking forward to having a daughter.

There was no biological daughter in the previous life, and his adopted daughter Huai Nan were not close in the end because of Rongnan. It is said that the daughter is the mother's intimate little cotton-padded jacket, and Gu Jinzhi is very envious of having a daughter.


In early March, Gu Jinzhi raised the fetus at home.

Gu Zhai is already busy.

Gu Yanzhen officially invited Wang Shilang to propose marriage to Zou's family.

Zou's family responded happily.

The two families began to exchange Geng posts.

The Gu family also got the Geng post of the Zou girl.

Song Paner pressed the Geng post of the Zou girl on the bottom of the teacup in front of the statue of the Kitchen King to observe the divine will. Such as within three days. Everything at home is as usual. You can further calculate the eight characters.

Those three days. There is no one at home who breaks the dishes for no reason, and there is no quarrel. It shows that the gods recognize the marriage.

Three days later. Song Pan'er asked someone to write eight characters for Brother Xuan and the girl of the Zou family.

By March 15th, the eight characters have also been tested.

Song Pan'er used a lot of money, so the person who measured the eight characters said: The eight characters of Brother Xuan and the five girls of the Zou family are a perfect match.

The whole family is very happy.

Zou's family is even gratified.

After exchanging the Geng post and testing the eight characters, you can officially discuss the marriage.

Gu Xuanzhi also came back from Henan.

He was in a much better mood and brought a lot of gifts and distributed them to his family.

He brought a pair of jade bracelets to his mother. I also brought jewelry to Gu Jinzhi, and also brought her a lot of ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and other tonics.

He came back happily.

He went home and heard that the Gu family had changed the Geng post with the Zou family, and he was very close to the fifth girl of the Zou family, so he didn't say anything. It's just that the face is lonely and can't be covered up.

Song Pan'er couldn't help it anymore.

That night, when everyone dispersed, she left Brother Xuan to talk.

"...You haven't seen the fifth girl of the Zou family, and you don't know her appearance and character. Why are you unhappy?" Song Pan'er said, "My mother has seen her. Can't you come back from marrying a mother-in-law? Are you unlucky to have a long face like this all day long?

Brother Xuan lowered his head and didn't answer.

Song Pan'er was so angry that he continued, "It's not for you to get into the son of a son. What's so difficult for you to marry someone back? Tell your mother, why don't you want to?"

Brother Xuan sounded like a mosquito and said, "There is no unwillingness..."

Song Paner heard it and said, "This is what you said, and I believe you. In the past, I don't care. From today on, you have to cheer up and be happy with people..."

Brother Xuan nodded slowly.

Song Paner said even more: "You are such a big young man, and it's not your mother's turn to ask behind you. Since you are going to negotiate a marriage, you have to be sincere. What do you think? I don't care. You should have a smile on your face. Let me see you look depressed again, and I won't give up.

Brother Xuan nodded gently and hummed.

"Go ahead." Song Pan'er said rudely.

Gu Xuanzhi came out of the main courtyard.

He sighed deeply.

Somehow, his mother scolded him, and he felt much more comfortable.

The depression also went to 50%.

Now I'm still a little sad, but when I think of Sister Qi's words, I have to let go of her hand. Cai Yan may not be comfortable in her heart.

In this way, Gu Xuanzhi felt very balanced.

My heart is balanced, and I only think that there is no fate.

Speaking of which, he doesn't know what he likes Cai Yan.

It's just that I met him once when I was a child, and then I sneaked around. As for her character, Gu Xuanzhi doesn't know...

I can't bear it. I feel uncomfortable, but I don't know how to look for life.

After that, he was really much more cheerful in front of people.
