Spring boudoir note

Chapter 434 Active

Section 434 Active

The next day, Gu Jinzhi boiled orange peel water for Yanshan.

Children's cough, orange peel water is a good choice, gentle and not harmful.

But Yanshan doesn't like to drink it.

He used to drink it when he was a child, but now he is a little resistant to the taste.

It's probably the smell, which always makes him remember the pain of cough and illness.

He usually doesn't even like oranges.

Gu Jinzhi is going to coax him to drink.

He took two sips and then couldn't help spitting out.

He won't vomit after taking such a bitter medicine. On the contrary, he can't stand the sour and sweet orange peel water. Gu Jinzhi is very helpless.

She had to say, "If you drink it obediently this time and stop coughing, I won't cook this for you next time. I promise."

Yanshan coughs a little every year, and Gu Jinzhi will give him this recipe.

He really suffered a lot.

He believed it when he heard that there was no need to drink it again.

It may be a psychological effect. He didn't spit out a bowl of orange peel underwater.

He snuggled in Gu Jin's arms and said, "Mom, I'm sleeping with you today..."

When he was a child, he was weak and Zhu Zhongjun was not at home. He slept with Gu Jinzhi.

Later, Zhu Zhongjun felt that it was inconvenient for Yanshan to sleep among them. Gu Jinzhi also felt that it would cause Yanshan's Oedipus complex, and the child would be more timid, so he moved him to another yard.

However, as long as there is a chance, he still wants to sleep with Gu Jinzhi.

When you are older, it is not appropriate to sleep with your mother.

Gu Jin touched his head in pain and said, "Okay, Yanshan will sleep with his mother tonight..."

When Yanshan was ill, Yan Ying was still practicing martial arts.

One hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

After that, he also ran to the yard of Yanshan and asked, "Brother, are you all right?"

He really wants Yanshan to get better as soon as possible, and then follow him to practice martial arts.

Children of his age like to be together.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Your eldest brother is fine." Then he was afraid that the wind and cold of Yanshan would infect Yan Ying, and said, "Did your father come back?" Yan Ying went to the door to wait for your father..."

Waiting for Zhu Zhongjun to come back is one of Yan Ying's favorite things.

He ran away immediately.

Song Paner also went to see Yanshan.

She also brought Yanshan his favorite snacks.

Yanshan has no appetite.

His hair is dizzy.

Song Pan'er looked at Yanshan's sad appearance, and her heart was also cold. She felt that Yanshan's little face, after only one day, suddenly lost its flesh and was frighteningly thin.

Maybe Yanshan is usually so thin, but he can't see it in thick clothes, right?

When Yanshan fell asleep halfway, Song Paner talked to Gu Jinzhi. She was surprised and asked Gu Jinzhi, "Why did he lose weight all of a sudden?"

"... It's just a little cold, and it's a little less. Don't worry, mother." Gu Jinzhi smiled and comforted his mother. But her smile was a little reluctant.

"Don't worry about it either." Song Paner took Gu Jinzhi's hand and said, "I see that you are also losing weight. The child is cold, and you are in such a hurry. What can you do? You are a two-body person..."

Gu Jinzhi sighed.

She talked to her mother from the bottom of her heart.

"Mom, let me say something unlucky to you: Every time Yanshan gets sick, I keep him out of the ghost gate. You don't know how scared I am. In those years, if I hadn't been stubborn and had to follow the prince to Luzhou, he would have been safe and stable. He is like this now. I owe him everything. Gu Jinzhi said, his eyes were a little red.

She said this to her mother for the first time.

Song Pan'er immediately raised his face and said, "This is nonsense. If you are pregnant with him, you will be kind to him. Otherwise, he still doesn't know where the wild ghost is now. I haven't heard that parents owe their children. You and the prince have been strange since childhood, and your mother doesn't bother you. But these ideas are too vulgar. Don't think so."

Gu Jinzhi burst into tears and laughed.

Song Paner said that she had a strange personality since she was a child, which made Gu Jinzhi suddenly think of her childhood life, and she had a little honey in her heart.

Yanshan's illness, even a minor illness, made Gu Jin's burden frightened.

When her mother said this, she was in a cheerful mood.

The wind and cold in Yanshan continued until the fourth day before it slowly showed signs of improvement.

But his cough is getting deeper and deeper.

Gu Jinzhi still cooks orange peel water for him every day.

Yanshan drank with tears in his eyes. But thinking of Gu Jinzhi's promise, he didn't have to drink this next time he got sick, and he gritted his teeth and insisted.

He was so young and sensible that Gu Jinzhi was moved.

On the second day of April, there was finally a little spring in the capital. The sun was warm and gentle. The air is full of the sweet smell of spring flowers.

The green leaves in the courtyard stretch slowly. The warm sun basked over the treetops, leaving mottled shadows on the ground, like crystal and transparent jade falling on the floor tiles.

Yanshan's cough has gradually been relieved.

Gu Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

He coughs now, but from time to time, and the wind and cold have faded away.

When Yanshan's illness recovered, Gu Jinzhi remembered that he had not had a good chat with Zhu Zhongjun for a long time.

In the past ten days, every time Zhu Zhongjun came back, Gu Jinzhi was on the other side of Yanshan.

Gu Jinzhi took Yanshan and Yan Shao to play. He was thinking about Zhu Zhongjun, and Zhu Zhongjun came back.

She was slightly surprised and got up to greet him. She was about to ask him why he came back this morning. Zhu Zhongjun had already said, "Is Yanshan all right?"

He has a sweat on his forehead.

When he came back in such a hurry and asked, Gu Jinzhi was stunned and said, "No, it's okay. What's wrong?"

Zhu Zhongjun smiled, squatted down, pulled Yanshan and Yan Shao to his side, and said, "Yanshan, take Yan Shao to play with the wet nurse. Dad and your mother went into the palace to see the emperor's grandmother, and they will be back soon.

Yanshan nodded.

If it's Yan Ying, she will definitely jump and say that she will go, but Yanshan is still a little shy and doesn't want to go to the palace.

He took Lao San Yan Shao's hand, and the two brothers went to find Yan Shao's wet nurse.

Zhu Zhongjun said to Gu Jin, "Clothe quickly and go to the palace with me. My mother is sick..."

Gu Jinzhi quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"...I said I was dizzy, and I almost fainted today." Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jinzhi thought about what would cause dizziness, so he went in and changed into a pink satin round collar.

Zhu Zhongjun's carriage stopped at the door.

He helped Gu Jin up the carriage.

He asked the coachman to drive slowly, don't bump Gu Jinzhi.

"...When did you get sick?" On the way, Gu Jinzhi asked Zhu Zhongjun about the Empress Dowager's condition, "Is it caused by the disease for no reason?"

"I was angry for a while, and I felt dizzy at that time. After all, she didn't care much about her age. It will be fine in two days. I committed it again today, and I almost fainted. Zhu Zhongjun said, "Peng Leyi of the imperial hospital has been taking care of the empress dowager over the years, and the empress dowager's case is under his control. The Empress Dowager said that since Xiao Qi is in Beijing, please come and have a look. She still trusts you the most.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

Then she asked, "Why is the Empress Dowager angry? I have rarely seen the Empress Dowager so angry..."

"The affairs of the court. The prince wanted to depose your uncle. Seeing that he was so reckless and reckless, the Empress Dowager called him to Kunning Palace and cursed him. Then let him go to accompany your uncle. I asked your uncle to return to the court. He didn't go, and the Empress Dowager was even more angry, which made her dizzy. Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jin's consteredness.

She didn't know that these things had happened in the court.

"Why didn't you tell me when?" Gu Jinzhi asked, "Is my uncle still in court?"

"He didn't come today." Zhu Zhongjun sighed, "The first assistant can't leave the court in two days. Your uncle is in a deadlock with the prince now, and he only went to court every other day. You take care of Yanshan these days, so I didn't tell you, so that you won't be upset.

"...Why did it happen like this?" Gu Jin said, "Now that your majesty is in his own expedition, if my uncle is so angry with the prince, won't he give the whole court to the Tan family? You should persuade him."

"The prince wanted to promote his teacher Yuan Yuye to be the secretary of the Ministry of officialty, but your uncle disagreed, so he had an argument with the prince in the court. Then, the prince left a few cabinet elders to talk to your uncle in the small study of the East Palace.

Your uncle's attitude is resolute, that is, he is different from Yuan Yuye's Ren's letter. When the prince was angry, he smashed the inkstone on the bookcase at your uncle, making your uncle's court uniform covered with ink. Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jin's consteredness.

"What's wrong with the prince..." She hesitated for a long time and couldn't find a suitable word to describe it.

Zhu Zhongjun shook his head and said, "The prince has always been like this. His other things are good, but he has a too close relationship with Yuan Yuye. He was bewitched by Yuan Yuye and always wanted to make Yuan Yuye an official. Last time he recommended Yuan Yuye as a grain envoy, which was refuted by me and recommended your uncle. The prince has always hated me. Now your uncle refutes him again. He is a new hatred and an old hatred, so he is so decent.

Gu Jinzhi's silence.

Zhu Zhongjun continued: "He made your uncle lose so much face. There are too many things to do with it. Your uncle doesn't give a little color to the prince, and no one will be willing to rely on your uncle in the future, so he will lose his power. This contest can't be stopped for a moment.

Gu Jinzhi is still silent.

In her heart, she felt that the future of the Gu family needed to take greater risks.

A Yuan Yuye, let the prince hate Gu's family.

Even if the family is safe and guarding itself, there is a danger of extinction.

Instead of sitting and waiting to be killed, it's better to take the initiative.

Uncle should have recognized this before he dared to argue with the prince like this.

"Prince, he makes me uneasy." Gu Jinzhi's voice was very low, "You also offended him. Look, he and his uncle are like this. If he ascends the throne in the future, it will be difficult for the Gu family, and it will be difficult for you. We can't live a life of fear with extravagant expectations.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled.

He gently hugged Gu Jinzhi's waist and whispered, "I don't like the prince either. He wants to be the emperor. It's a spring and autumn dream.

He showed his attitude.

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

Her mood plummeted.

She doesn't want to take any risks. She only wants her children to grow up healthily and safely in the era of peace.

But once you realize that this longing may be broken and your family may suffer, you should take the initiative.

God helps self-helpers.

Gu Jinzhi has long been no longer extravagant. One day, the prince will release his past grudges with the Gu family.

The person who hates you, even if you kneel under his feet and lick, he still hates you.

Today is the last day to double. Ask for a pink ticket. If you have pink tickets, please support me! Love everyone!! RS