Spring boudoir note

Chapter 463 Soft Service

Section 463 Soft

The queen fell ill, why did the princess take the people in the East Palace to serve?

Not to mention so many palace people in the palace, even the emperor's concubines, who can't serve the queen?

This is a conspiracy.

The prince thought that the queen was competing with him.

This made the prince feel disgusted and rebellious.

He is an impulsive person.

People like him can only follow him, not too much to force him.

And his wife and concubine are his family, and he is very well maintained. The queen touched his reverse scales, and the prince's eyes were stained with anger.

It's very late. Now I rushed to Kunning Palace and fell into the lower part.

Impulsive people are impatient, and the prince is no exception.

He is so anxious that he can't sleep now.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

The queen not only falsely slandered him for pushing the queen, but also detained his wife and concubine, which is a threat.

The prince just couldn't figure out why the queen suddenly fell out with him.

In the past, although the queen was somewhat indifferent, she was willing to live in peace with the prince, and the prince could also see it.

Why is it so abnormal now?

The prince suddenly thought of Peng Leyi's words yesterday.

Is it related to the onset of the queen?

Sickness makes people's temperament change a lot, and there are also some.

What's wrong with her?

Originally, I wanted the crown princess to inquire about the news to see if the queen had made a secret deal with the empress dowager, but he accompanied the prince's wives and concubines.

The prince is not worried about the princess.

The crown princess is very popular, and nothing will happen to her in the inner palace.

The prince is very worried about Chen Liangdi.

Chen Liangdi was pregnant, and the prince had known it for a long time.

Just because he has always spoiled Chen Liangdi, he has been particularly doting with Chen Liangdi recently, and the crown princess did not find it.

Chen Liangdi said that the crown princess was not necessarily happy to know that she was pregnant. If Chen Liangdi gave birth to her eldest son, the crown princess felt more threatening and would not tolerate her.

The prince repeatedly assured that the princess was not so stingy.

But Chen Liangdi didn't give up and didn't want to tell the crown princess.

She said: "In the first three months, the fetus was the most unstable. If the crown princess intends to make trouble for the concubine, the fetus may not be able to keep it. Why don't you tell the princess after three months? It is said that this is a folk saying. It is not appropriate to publicize it in the first three months, otherwise it will be unstable.

The prince couldn't resist Chen Liangdi's coquettishness, so he agreed.

The day before yesterday, Chen Liangdi had told the crown princess about this matter, and she had also discussed it with the crown prince in advance.

The night before yesterday and last night, the prince rested with the crown princess, and the crown princess didn't mention a word.

The night before yesterday, the prince thought that the princess wanted to talk about it tomorrow; last night was the queen's business again, and the prince was flawless. Now that I think about it again, I can't help but feel cold on my back.

Does the crown princess really have any crooked intentions?

Is it only the queen's intention to detain the prince's wife and concubine, or is it the princess's obstruction?

The prince suspected the crown princess.

Before the day before yesterday, didn't the crown princess really know about Chen Liangdi?

The queen, the crown princess, Chen Liangdi, these faces slipped through the prince's mind one by one.

He is not sure of anything, and he will not rush to do anything else.

The court worked hard, and the prince felt more and more that the old minister in the court was dissatisfied with him. Some people speak bluntly and show it in the early morning.

Last month, the prince dismissed the six-grade chiefs of the two criminal departments and replaced them with Yuan Yuye's cronies.

Whoever makes the prince unhappy, the prince will depose him and let him go to the remote south to be an official.

This month, the prince has done a lot of such things.

At first, it was very effective, but gradually, the courtiers no longer paid attention to these threats. Even if it is deposed, it can't make other ministers feel afraid.

They looked at the prince's eyes, but there was one more contempt.

Another teacher of the prince secretly told the prince: "If you want the old ministers to be loyal, you can either have excellent ability to convince them, or kill a few more people to make them afraid. You are just dismissed from office. When your majesty returns to the court, those old ministers will write and cry again. Those who are dismissed can still come back. Prince, it's thankless for you to do this. Who doesn't have much courage to be a Beijing official, and who hasn't rolled through the wind and rain? They are not afraid of you at all.

This teacher is also close to Yuan Yuye.

Yuan Yuye agrees with this.

He also felt that the prince should kill a few disrespectful ministers.

But the prince was scared.

He has never killed anyone.

When his father was the prince, he followed him to the Northwest Front. And he has never left the court. The courtiers contradicted him, and he was going to kill the man, which made the prince feel strange.

Isn't this dizzy?

The prince is inspired to be a wise king.

Although the masters said so, the prince still did not dare.

Therefore, the courtiers continued to despise him and were very arrogant.

headed by Gu Yantao.

If you have to kill someone, the prince just wants to kill Gu Yantao.

But killing people is not that easy.

If you want to kill people through etiquette, you need to go through the trial of the three divisions. And Gu Yantao's power is spread all over the court. It is unlikely that he will be killed if he successfully passes the trial of the three divisions.

The prince won't try so easily.

is about to enter the autumn. The drought north of the Yellow River has no harvest, and the people have been displaced. And there is war in the northwest, which needs money.

The money of the court comes from taxes.

But a drought not only has no taxes, but also needs disaster relief.

Today, the news spread to the capital, and the prince's head is big.

And none of those courtiers can come up with good advice.

They all kept silent and waited to see the prince's jokes.

Yuan Yuye made a few suggestions, and the prince felt that it was similar to what he thought. And he saw the sarcasm in the eyes of several old ministers.

The prince knew that Yuan Yuye's suggestion was inappropriate.

The affairs of the court made him anxious. When he returned to the East Palace, he just wanted to have a good rest.

As a result, this happened again in the East Palace.

The prince was bored and thought about it. What's the name of the queen?

After winning, the queen said that he was unfilial and had to make trouble known all over the world. When his father came back, he would have to scold him; if he lost, it would be even more embarrassing and incompetent to lose in the hands of a woman.

But he took the initiative to seek peace, and the prince felt aggrieved.

What's his basis?

After thinking about it all night, the prince woke up at the fifth watch.

He hurriedly washed and changed his clothes and went to the palace.

When he was about to the Kunning Palace, the prince suddenly remembered the Empress Dowager.

When I was a child, I often came to Kunning Palace to pay s no to the empress dowager.

Thinking of this, the prince turned his steps and went to the Renshou Palace.

If the mastermind behind this matter is the empress dowager, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort to find her by yourself? The Empress Dowager should have no selfishness. She just cares about Princess Yongchun.

The prince and the German concubine are at peace. They don't like the king of Jin, but they have a good impression on the third princess Yongchun.

The third princess is sweet and can speak. The prince's brother is short, and she often makes some delicious food for the prince.

When the emperor scolded the prince, the third princess also said good words for the prince.

Since Concubine De is not optimistic about the Yuan family, just like Concubine De's intention, what can she do?

There are other children in the Yuan family. If you marry another princess to the Yuan family in the future, don't worry about this time! At the beginning, it took so many years for his father to cultivate Gu Yantao.

Therefore, Gu Yantao's position today is unbreakable.

I can't be in a hurry.

He can't be in a hurry to train Yuan Yuye, and he can't praise the Yuan family too high at once.

The tree is a big wind.

Thinking like this, the prince arrived at Renshou Palace.

The Empress Dowager has got up.

She reads scriptures in the Little Buddha Hall.

The prince went to the Little Buddha Sutra.

When the Empress Dowager heard the footsteps, she saw that it was the prince. She smiled gently and kindly and said, "The prince is so early?"

"Come and say hello to the royal grandmother." The prince said, "Grandma, why did you get up so early?"

"I'm old, and I don't sleep sweetly, unlike you young people." The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "I woke up before the fourth watch..."

Then she asked again, "Has the prince used breakfast?"

The prince shook his head and said, "No yet."

"Just eat at the royal grandmother's place?" The Empress Dowager laughed.

The prince is.

The Empress Dowager no longer recited the scriptures. She silently put down the Buddha beads in her hand, and the maid of honor helped her get up and let the side hall eat.

After sitting down, breakfast is not ready yet.

When the empress dowager saw that the prince looked pale and didn't sleep much last night, she asked him, "Why is the prince looking bad?"

"The grandson is worried about his mother's illness." The prince sighed, "Grandmother, have you heard that your mother is sick again?"

The Empress Dowager nodded and said, "I fell ill the afternoon before yesterday, which scared my family."

"... My grandson also asked Dr. Peng in the evening to know. The grandson was worried and asked Li to go to the palace to serve his mother. But somehow, the mother asked Li to take all the other people in the Sun's palace into the palace, and she didn't let them come back last night. The prince said, "Did the mother get sick again last night?"

The Empress Dowager frowned.

She didn't know about it.

"Cing Wan, go to Kunning Palace to ask what's going on." The Empress Dowager called Aunt Cheng.

Aunt Cheng didn't move. She took a few steps forward with a smile and replied respectfully, "Empress dowager, prince, you don't need to ask about this. I heard about it. The queen was uncomfortable yesterday. It was still Dr. Peng who came to see it and didn't see anything. The queen slept all day. The crown princess and several partial concubines and Liangdi rested in the west wing of Kunning Palace. The people on the empress's side ordered to change the bedding. I'm afraid they plan to keep the crown princess to stay for a few more days.

The Empress Dowager frowned again.

She looked at the prince.

"Didn't the Crown Princess mention this to you?" The Empress Dowager asked the prince.

The prince shook his head and blurted out the words in his heart: "Grandma, mother, she did it on purpose. Chen Liangdi, the grandson, has been pregnant for three months, so she is detained in Kunning Palace. If the child has something to do..."

"Nonsense." The Empress Dowager interrupted the prince, "Is your mother still plotting to kill your child?"

The Empress Dowager's face was very stern.

The prince quickly apologized: "It's my grandson who made a mistake..."

But he was thinking, is there still less such a thing?

Whether the queen has been born or not, I'm afraid there are already about a dozen children, right? The Empress Dowager, you closed your eyes, and now you are still saying good things for the queen!

The prince felt that the empress dowager could not believe it.

The queen suddenly splashed that the prince had to kick out the Yuan's children, which must be the mastermind of the empress dowager.

The prince was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

The women in the inner palace have been fighting all their lives. They can't deal with the prince. They can't deal with the prince's wife and concubine, but they are full of means and can't make mistakes.

The prince can only be soft.

Ask for the pink ticket~~ Seeing that the pink ticket has fallen again, it's too late to add it today. It will be updated tomorrow. Sisters, if you have a pink ticket, please vote for it, everyone~~RS