Spring boudoir note

Chapter 477 Bamboo Horse

Section 477 Bamboo Horse

The matter of the eldest brother Gu Chen's son is already a dilemma. You have to sacrifice some chess pieces to create a piece of vitality. Even if it is a final victory, it is a tragic victory.

As a cousin, Gu Jinzhi can't avoid it.

Because outsiders can't help with this kind of thing. Once you participate in it, you will not be a person inside and outside, and you will be complained about.

And Gu Jinzhi is more likely to be implicated, because her sister-in-law guessed Gu Jinzhi's secret of having a son, which she asked last time. Gu Jinzhi told his sister-in-law the truth, but he didn't know whether she had gave up.

Because of this layer, Gu Jinzhi is more vigilant in this matter.

"Zhu Zhongjun, you and I, we are more realistic people." Gu Jin said, "My eldest brother, he is an idealist, and he can't accept reality. He is very stubborn, so it will never be him who will be compromised in the end. I'm a little scared..."

Gu Jin is afraid that his eldest brother's persistence will bring a fatal blow to his sister-in-law.

It's useless to persuade anyone.

The eldest brother thought that his persistence was to love his sister-in-law. His idea can't even be changed by his sister-in-law, and Gu Jinzhi is even more powerless.

Gu Chenzhi is such a character.

In the future, if uncle and aunt can't do it from the eldest brother, they will start from the sister-in-law and sister-in-law's daughters first. Maybe they are not malicious, but for the sister-in-law, they have to bear all the responsibility.

"I'll say something cold: your eldest brother refuses to take a concubine. It's not that he is an idealist, but that he is selfish." Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jinzhi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him: "Where did you start?"

"He can't take a concubine, so he can't give birth to a son. It's all on your sister-in-law. Just like Yuan Yuye in those years. Who knows whether it's his problem or your sister-in-law's problem? If his concubine could not give birth to a son. Of course, the rest of the Gu family still blames your sister-in-law, but they also have some losses. If you give birth to a son, your sister-in-law will be happy to raise him. Zhu Zhongjun said lightly, "So your eldest brother insists like this. It's hard to hear. He is selfish."

"Everyone has everyone's faith." Gu Jin said, "He believes in his current ideas and is not selfish."

Gu Jinzhi is very protective of her brother.

In other words, she maintains this kind of love, regardless of secular and realistic love.

Zhu Zhongjun knew that Gu Jinzhibing didn't like to listen to what he said, and he didn't interface again.


The second day. Lin Manjing, the eldest grandmother of the Gu family, came to visit Gu Jinzhi with her eldest daughter Gu Xi and her third daughter Gu Yi.

Fortunately, Lin Manjing only asked Gu Jinzhi and the child in her belly without mentioning her own affairs, which made Gu Jinzhi feel relieved, and at the same time she felt very uncomfortable.

She couldn't help thinking of what Zhu Zhongjun said yesterday.

She couldn't hold on to her eldest brother's judgment.

Zhu Zhongjun is really a scourge. His words make people angry, but he has to admit that there is some reason.

"...Sister Yi has lost some weight." I talked for a while. Gu Jinzhi put his eyes on Gu Yi.

Gu Yi's chin is much thinner, just sharp, so on. It's really a bit like Gu Jinzhi. The last time Gu Jinzhi saw her, her chin was a little round.

Lin Manjing explained: "She has to lose a few points every midsummer. She can also eat, and she is not sick. She just likes to move, and she will lose weight as soon as she moves.

If you are active in summer, it is easy to sweat. People also lose weight.

Gu Jinzhi laughed and said, "This is the same as me."

Gu Yi was also smiling.

Her eyes are shiny and her eyes are full of richness, which can reflect the figure.

In comparison, the biggest care is more shy. He bowed his head slightly and did not look at Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi and Lin Manjing were talking and laughing. When Yan Ying heard that Gu Yi was coming, she immediately ran to the inner courtyard after practicing martial arts.

The back of his clothes was soaked, and the green silk could also drip water. He came directly without a bath at all. I'm afraid he couldn't wait.

Lin Manjing was stunned when she saw Yan Ying like this, and then asked, "Brother Ying, this is..."

She thought that Yan Ying was so wet just from the outer court to the inner courtyard, and she thought that the child had some strange disease.

Gu Jinzhi saw Lin Manjing's surprise and explained to her, "He is practicing martial arts. After the New Year, he followed his master to practice martial arts without interruption. I just got out of school and ran in without changing my clothes.

Lin Manjing suddenly realized and was relieved.

At the same time, she thought: It's really hard for such a young child to practice martial arts. It's not easy to be the prince's son.

In the gap between their words, Yan Ying has saluted Lin Manjing and Gu Jin.

Then, he was going to take Gu Yi's hand, "Let's go and play with me. I'll calmly bring you delicious food."

Gu Yi said that she would stand up and leave.

Lin Manjing coughed heavily and said, "Sister Yi, you can wait for your cousin to change his clothes."

"It's okay." Gu Jin said, "The maids in Brother Ying's yard know how to take care of them. Sister-in-law, don't worry. Brother Ying doesn't have any sisters. I'm too happy to be so close to Sister Yi.

Let Sister Yi follow Yan Ying to play.

Sister Yi was very happy, smiled and said, "Thank you, aunt."

Her smile made Gu Jinzhi slightly stunned.

Sister Yi raised her chin, much like a person in Gu Jinzhi's memory.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help thinking of Huai Nan.

Sister Yi's expression at that moment was very similar to Gu Jin's adopted daughter Huainan.

Later, Huai Nan fell in love with Gu Jinzhi's son Rong Nan. Finally, they broke up unhappily and went to the mountain area to teach. Gu Jinzhi often went to see her.

And Yan Ying looks very much like Rongnan; if Sister Yi is like Huainan, will the past life happen again?

I don't know why Gu Jinzhi's heart suddenly felt a little cold.

She is not a soldier. She also knows that she and Zhu Zhongjun are not reborn, but time travel. They are living a different life from their previous lives.

She shouldn't be so suspicious.

However, Tan You and Chen Chen in the previous life, this incident also happened.

She suddenly changed her face, and her expression was a little unconcealed.

Lin Manjing saw her like this and didn't know why.

Gu Xi also looked at Gu Jinzhi.

The mother and daughter guessed Gu Jinzhi's meaning in their hearts.

When returning to the Marquis of Xiping, Gu Xi asked Gu Yi to go back first. She stayed by herself and quietly said to Lin Manjing, "Mother. The third sister went to play with Brother Ying, but my aunt didn't like it very much.

"...Your aunt is not such a person." Lin Manjing refuted her daughter's words and asked Gu Xi not to worry too much.

But her rebuttal was a little pale, because at that time. She also saw Gu Jinzhi's face.

"The third sister and Brother Ying are the same age. If they are childhood sweethearts, our family will say something more. It's not easy for my aunt not to mention marriage for the sake of your father and grandfather and grandmother. But in her heart, she must be unhappy..." Gu Xi said.

At this point, her voice paused again.

She was afraid that her mother would ask her why her aunt was unhappy.

Gu Xi's guess is. Her mother can't give birth to a son, and others may think that their sisters can't give birth to a son. I'm afraid my aunt also thought of this before she changed her face.

How can I know that my aunt changed her face on the spot, not a hint to their mother and daughter?

Gu Xi is a very self-respecting person. She doesn't like to please anyone, let alone climb high. Their sisters are the daughter of the Hou family, the direct daughter of the powerful family in the dynasty, and they can get married well. There is no need to marry into the prince's palace.

Her mother can't give birth to a son, and their sisters may not give birth to such rumors, which is not a matter of her own empty guess. It's what she heard.

On March 3 this year, my grandmother invited her aunts and sisters from the Gu clan to visit her home.

Everyone asked about Gu Xi's marriage.

The marriage matter of care has not yet been decided, and there are countless people who ask for marriage.

But my grandfather thought a lot and refused to agree easily. Grandma made thousands of choices for her, hoping to choose the best person for Gu Xi.

Therefore. Gu Xi's marriage has been delayed until now.

However, the rest of the clan don't think so.

Those ignorant women thought that no one asked to marry Gu Xi, so they chewed their tongues behind their backs, saying that Gu Xi's mother could not give birth to a son, and the big family was unwilling to marry her.

What a ridiculous word.

The person who asked to marry Gu Xi has stepped on the threshold, which Gu Xi knows.

What people like is the identity and status of her grandfather, the reputation and status of the Gu family, and they will not be deterred by a little rumor.

Is it not easy for a family with a big family to have a son? Do you want her to take care of her life?

It's a fool to give up marrying Gu Shoufu's family for this little thing.

But the other women of the Gu family are not of high status. How can they understand this? They said behind their backs that it was because Lin Manjing, the wife of the Gu family, could not give birth to a son, that people in the capital despised Gu and refused to marry.

This was secretly heard by the little maid beside Gu Xi.

The little girl came back and learned from other maids, and was heard by the cherished wet nurse. Gu Xi's wet nurse loved Gu Xi very much. Hearing this, she immediately asked people to clap the mouths of the two girls and sell them out.

Gu Xi invited her back from her grandmother. When she saw that the wet nurse was angry, she asked what was going on.

The nursing mother told a lie.

Gu Xi could see that the wet nurse was lying. She was calm at that time and didn't say much.

At night, the wet nurse gave Gu Xi on duty at night. There were only her and the wet nurse. Gu Xi asked the wet nurse, "Why did you lie to me?" Then he asked, "Is there something else that you are also coaxing me?"

The wet nurse was scared. She didn't want to lose Gu Xi's trust, so she hesitated to tell Gu Xi the real reason for beating the two maids in the morning.

Since then, Gu Xi feels that maybe outsiders really think so...

So, after Gu Jinzhi's cold face, the first thought in Gu Xi's mind was this matter.

"I also don't want your third sister to marry in Luzhou." Lin Manjing seemed to gamble and said, "It's too early to say this. Your third sister is just a lot? It's your business..."

The topic has shifted to the matter of caring for marriage.

Lin Manjing deliberately changed the topic so much that she could probably guess what Gu Xi wanted to say.

The mother and daughter are tacit, and some topics are not mentioned.


In the evening, Zhu Zhongjun came back, and Gu Jinzhi also told Zhu Zhongjun about this matter.

"Why didn't I find the statue of Sister Yi and Huai Nan before? I must have been dazzled and thinking about it. Gu Jinzhi sighed, "But I didn't look well at that time. My sister-in-law and sister-in-law saw it, and they were also sad when they left. I'm afraid it was misunderstood."

Zhu Zhongjun was also stunned for a moment.

"Does it look like it?" He asked rhetorically.


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