Spring boudoir note

Chapter 485 Catch Tan You

Section 485 caught Tan You

The Empress Dowager sent someone to tell Gu Jinzhi that Zhu Zhongjun would be in the capital in about ten days. Gu Jinzhi was very grateful.

She is also very excited.

She held Tongtong, who was slightly heavy in her arms, kissed her daughter's cheek gently, and said with a smile, "Your father is coming back, little thing..."

After saying that, she sneered herself.

The joy of the mood is indescribable.

If Yanshan can come back, Gu Jinzhi will be even happier.

Now, Yanshan has been walking for a year.

Gu Jinzhi's heart is better than a day. Many times, Gu Jinzhi dreamed of Yanshan at night.

On the first day of March, it rained.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil.

The weather has just warmed up, and it's getting cold again. The spring is cold, and the rain moistens the windows.

It got dark very early because of the rain.

In the middle of the afternoon, there was a light in the room of the Luyang Palace.

Yan Ying brushed the gun on the ground to show Gu Jinzhi and others.

There is a large space in the room for him to play.

Gu Jinzhi hugged Tong Tong and appreciated Yan Ying's martial arts with a smile; Yan Shao snuggled up to Gu Jinzhi's arm and looked at the second brother a little helplessly. He was young and couldn't understand at all.

"The shooting is getting better and better." At the end of the curtain, someone suddenly said.

Gu Jinzhi didn't have time to see who it was. Yan Ying had already dropped the gun and shouted excitedly, "Dad, Dad!"

He threw himself into Zhu Zhongjun's arms.

It was Zhu Zhongjun who came back.

Yan Shao was a little strange. Looking at his second brother's excited appearance, he was still puzzled. He just innocently looked up at Gu Jinzhi, hoping to find a promise from Gu Jinzhi's face.

And Tong Tong in Gu Jin's arms seemed to be disturbed by Yan Ying's voice and slightly frugged his nose. As if to cry, Gu Jinzhi quickly patted her on the back.

Zhu Zhongjun caught Yan Ying, picked him up, and quickly walked into the room.

"I'm back." Gu Jinzhi also went to the kang. When she spoke, her voice was very calm, but her eyes trembled a little. His eyes were wet. "Didn't you say that the ninth day of the first lunar month arrived? Why did it arrive today?"

" Hurry up on the way." Zhu Zhongjun came in, put down Yan Ying again, and walked to Gu Jinzhi. His eyes were all on the face of the child in his inflight. He didn't care about anything else. He only asked Gu Jinzhi, "This..."

His question turned around the lips. I choked again.

He really wants to know if it's the daughter he has been looking forward to.

"This is Tong Tong." Gu Jin's way, and then sent the child into his arms.

Zhu Zhongjun was overjoyed and carefully took it. He held it in his arms and looked beautiful: "It's Tongtong... She looks so cute, like a little bun."

Gu Jinzhi sneered.

"Don't say that she is a steamed bun." Gu Jinzhi smiled. " Whether it looks like a steamed bun or has a personality like a steamed bun, it's not good.

Zhu Zhongjun laughed and said, "Doesn't her face look like steamed buns?"

Tongtong's cheeks are round and bulging, indeed like steamed buns.

This is so cute.

Zhu Zhongjun couldn't help kissing her face.

He came back from the outside, his face was a little cold, and the little guy's nose wrinkled again. Wow, he couldn't stop crying.

Zhu Zhongjun was at a loss.

Gu Jinzhi took the child from his arms. Slowly coaxing.

Tong Tong gradually stopped crying and felt a little sleepy.

Only then could Zhu Zhongjun pull out his mind from his daughter and give it to his two sons. Yan Ying looked at him eagerly, and Yan Shao hid back at the beginning and observed him carefully. I probably saw that it was my father, and I also climbed up.

"Dad..." Yan Ying called Zhu Zhongjun.

"Dad." Yan Shao also learned.

Zhu Zhongjun laughed again, picked up Yan Shao, touched his little face, and said, "How can you learn from your second brother?"

It's not a day or two for Yan Shao to learn from Yan Ying.

Yan Ying was about to complain, but she heard Zhu Zhongjun turn his head and say to Gu Jin: "Yan Ying also learned Yanshan when she was a child. It's strange. Did you teach their brothers?

"Don't talk nonsense." Gu Jinzhi also smiled, "What should I teach them to do? Brothers, there are naturally similarities.

Zhu Zhongjun also laughed when he said it.

"Where's Yanshan?" As soon as Zhu Zhongjun entered the door, he didn't see Yanshan. He thought Yanshan just didn't come. Now, after laughing for so long, Gu Jinzhi didn't pick up Yanshan, which shows that Yanshan did not go home.

"I haven't come back yet." Gu Jinzhi sighed silently.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't answer.

He just came back and must be tired.

Gu Jinzhi asked Yan Ying to take Yan Shao out first, and then asked the wet nurse to take Tong Tong down. Gu Jinzhi himself served Zhu Zhongjun's clothes and washed away the dust along the way.

Zhu Zhongjun was obviously not tired. When he saw that the children had left, he picked up Gu Jinzhi and kissed her without any scruples. He was a little forgetful.

He held Gu Jinzhi in ** and sat down, untied her belt with both hands, and licked her ears.

bursts of crispness came, and Gu Jinzhi wanted to hide a little, so he was pressed by Zhu Zhongjun in **.

He pressed Gu Jinzhi down, found her lips again, licked it gently a few times, put it in his mouth, and his tongue poked over.

Gu Jinzhi's breathing became rapid.

She was weak all over and her eyes were confused.

"Do you miss me?" Zhu Zhongjun asked vaguely.

"Um..." Gu Jinzhi also answered vaguely.

Hearing this answer, Zhu Zhongjun was not satisfied and gently bit her lip. The slight pain was unbearable and exciting, and Gu Jinzhi's delicate gasped gently overflowed.

"Do you miss me?" He asked stubbornly.

"I've thought about it..." Gu Jinzhi answered loudly in anger.

The hard and hot thing slipped into her body as her voice fell. The savage collision made Gu Jin's head lean back slightly.

She was breathing hard.

There is a kind of suffocation that wraps her tightly.

The joyful ripples slowly expanded in her lower abdomen, and finally filled the whole atrium.

Her body, bullied by Zhu Zhongjun's rhythm, her heart also flew, and the ghost said, "Zhu Zhongjun, I love you!"

Zhu Zhongjun's movements stopped slightly.

Then, his strength increased.

He did not respond to this sentence. Gu Jinzhi didn't expect him to respond. He was too awkward.

After the end, Gu Jinzhi was so tired that he lay on ** and didn't want to move a finger.

Zhu Zhongjun had to take her to the shower.

After washing. Gu Jinzhi slept on Zhu Zhongjun's arm and didn't have dinner.

Zhu Zhongjun also fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Gu Jinzhi woke up hungry.

She moved slightly, and Zhu Zhongjun woke up immediately.

He has been sleeping very lightly recently.

"What?" He asked Gu Jinzhi.

"I'm hungry." Gu Jinzhi said truthfully, "What about you, are you hungry?"

"It's good to eat some." Zhu Zhongjun said. In fact, he is not hungry. He just wants to accompany Gu Jinzhi, no matter what he does. When I was in the west, I always miss her.

At that time, what I thought most was that it was very interesting to be with her, no matter how boring it was.

The couple got up for dinner in the middle of the night.

The meal for their dinner was sent from the big kitchen to the small kitchen in the inner courtyard for fear that Gu Jinzhi would be hungry at night. This is the habit that Gu Jin developed when he was pregnant.

She is feeding now, and sometimes she gets up at night to feed her children. If you are hungry, you can't sleep anymore. You have to eat something.

Therefore, the meals in the small kitchen are always prepared overnight.

Gu Jinzhi gave an order and soon brought it up.

Zhu Zhongjun sat opposite her and looked at her with a smile.

He moved his chopsticks for a while and had no appetite.

"Where is the emperor? Did he also arrive in Beijing today? Gu Jinzhi suddenly asked about this.

Zhu Zhongjun shook his head and said, "We went to the city last night..."

Gu Jinzhi was drinking bird's nest porridge. Hearing this, he couldn't help but stop the spoon: "Were you there yesterday? How..."

Why did you go home this afternoon?

"The people we brought back, more than 2,000 Jingwei, wrapped up the East Palace overnight." Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "There is nothing in the East Palace. The prince also picked it out, but he just arrested Tan You, the general of the Northwest Camp. He returned to Beijing without an order, and he has been sent to prison. Waiting for the review."

Gu Jinzhi was stunned there.

She feels a little unreal.

Tan You... Did you ambush like this?

"He didn't resist?" Gu Jin's question.

"Resistance?" Zhu Zhongjun sneered, "If you dare to resist, he is a conspiracy. More than a thousand arrows shot him to death. No matter how strong he is in martial arts, what can he do? Don't resist. Now it's just an edict. What do you think can be tried? Generals who leave their posts without permission can be beheaded. However, the life of the Tan family is hard. He is afraid that he will not die so easily. Without more evidence, he will be released in a few days.

Gu Jinzhi has forgotten to eat it again.

"You can't let him out." Gu Jin said, "Let him die in the imperial prison!"

"It's not that easy." Zhu Zhongjun said, "In those years, he was the commander of Jinyiwei, and he was in charge of the imperial prison. Many of those prisoners are his cronies. It's unrealistic to poison him in prison, and he will be honest. At that time, he will be even more helpless. The emperor also said that he should be locked up first, and then slowly find his evidence of guilt. Through the trial of the third division, he was beheaded.

"Isn't it enough to cut him off without permission?" Gu Jin said, "He came back from the northwest. Is there any order?"

"The war in the northwest suffered a great loss, and the emperor had no way to explain to the courtiers. And Tan You, he is in the northwest, and he and his cronies know it clearly. Tan You dared to come back alone. He was caught and did not resist, which showed that he had evidence, so he had success in his heart.

Once he is killed, his men will resist and reveal the real situation of the war. How do you want the historian to record the emperor, and how do people evaluate him after the world? He had to think about this. Zhu Zhongjun said.

That's true.

The emperor will not be so reckless.

In other words, the emperor wants to hide his failure. Compared with killing Tan You, it is more important to hide the facts. Of course, Tan You knows the truth and will be eliminated sooner or later.

But before that, the emperor didn't want to tear his face and hurt both sides.

"Zhu Zhongjun, what should we do?" Gu Jinzhi asked him.

"Let Tan You die in prison?" Zhu Zhongjun said.

"If it was so simple, he should have been killed in those years or long ago." Gu Jin said, "But I want the Tan family to be buried with him. Will it be too cheap for him to kill him so easily?"

Zhu Zhongjun knocked on the table in silence.

Gu Jinzhi was also silent.

The night is getting colder and colder.

The wind roared faintly outside, causing branches and branches. RL