Spring boudoir note

Chapter 486 Interrogation

Section 486 Interrogation

The night wind did not stop, a few apricot blossoms in spring rain, slanted and sparsely hit the window lattice under the eaves, the half-open window poured in, and the candlelight swayed.

Zhu Zhongjun's face is obscure.

Gu Jinzhi hasn't spoken for a long time.

Both of them have their own ideas.

In the rest of the middle of the night, neither of them slept much.

As soon as he arrived at Yin Zheng, Zhu Zhongjun got up.

You can still hear the spring rain outside the window,

The brocade was warm and melted, and Gu Jin's hand was unwilling to reach out, but he just called the maid to come in and serve Zhu Zhongjun to change his clothes. If it's not cold, she will get up by herself.

"...Can you come back early today?" Gu Jinzhi asked through the brocade account.

Zhu Zhongjun said, "Yes, I'll be back in the afternoon."

Then he said, "I'll go to see Tongtong. Will I wake her up?"

He accompanied Gu Jinzhi last night, and Tongtong went to bed early again. He didn't see enough. Usually, Zhu Zhongjun is not at home. Gu Jinzhi always puts Tongtong in his bed, just like when Yanshan was a child.

When Zhu Zhongjun came back last night, Gu Jinzhi temporarily handed Tongtong over to the wet nurse.

The wet nurse arranged Tong Tong in the warm pavilion of the main courtyard.

"It's okay. Tongtong sleeps soundly. She won't wake up if she's not hungry." Gu Jinzhi laughed.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled.

After he cleaned up, he didn't have time to eat breakfast, so he went to the warm pavilion to see Tongtong.

Tongtong is still sleeping.

Her small arms are slanted on her shoulders, and her little mouth is pouting, much like Yan Ying's childhood. Yan Ying and Tong Tong are very similar to Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun thought that he wanted to kiss the child's cheek yesterday, because his cheeks were a little cold, which made the child cry from the ice.

He put his hand in his sleeve. When both hands were warmer, they came forward and gently touched the child's face.

Tongtong didn't feel it and still slept soundly.

Zhu Zhongjun looked at it for a moment. He got up and left. He is afraid of waking up the child and delaying him from going out. But after a few steps, I felt unwilling.

He didn't see enough.

After being cruel, Zhu Zhongjun went out.

He went straight to the palace.

The emperor has got up and summoned the ministers in the imperial study.

The early morning has not yet begun, the ministers of the cabinet and the six ministers. They are all waiting outside the imperial study.

Zhu Zhongjun said hello to several familiar adults, then crossed them and went to the imperial study.

He gently stepped into the imperial study.

In the imperial study, the prince and Gu Yantao knelt side by side.

The emperor sat on the couch, holding the edge tightly with one hand, and his face turned pale.

He keeps coughing.

The emperor is not fat in the first place.

When Zhu Zhongjun went to pick him up, he only felt that he was thin, but he didn't feel eye-catching. Now look at him again, wearing the former dragon robe, but he is very loose. It looks a little shocking.

Looking like this, the emperor's face looked more pale.

The thin and pale emperor has no dignity and majesty of those who rule the world.

His angry appearance has no deterrent.

"...The country of the ancestors will be destroyed by you." The emperor is scolding the prince. He coughed so hard that he was about to cover his mouth after a few curses. I coughed hard for a long time.

Xiang Liang and Liu Shu, the eunuchs who followed him, were nervous and didn't dare to persuade them.

"In just one year, there have been thirteen rebellions in the southwest; eight floods in the southeast; Huguang suffered a drought last autumn, killing and injuring tens of thousands of people, but the court still has heavy taxes and will force them to rebel?" The emperor continued to curse.

The prince's neck was stingy.

He really wants to reply.

Whose fault is the Southwest Rebellion? In the past few years, Annan settled the chaos. As a result, the Annan's state was withdrawn and the Annan Chief Secretary was established. Annan people are not convinced and have been resentful for a long time. Hearing that there was a war in the northwest of the imperial court, he took the opportunity to rise up.

Is this the prince's fault?

The southeast bandits have also been there for many years. From seven or eight years ago. The bandits in the southeast kept attacking and disturbing the people. The court delayed again and again and refused to send heavy troops. Every time, it sent a team to drive them away. As a result, there were more and more bandits. These are all condoned by the court.

Is this the prince's fault?

As for the drought in Huguang last year, the court refused to cut taxes, wasn't it because of the war in the northwest? In the war in the northwest, the treasury spent a lot of money, and there was no tax. How to supply it?

Is this also the prince's fault?

The prince can refute these scolded by the emperor.

The prince was also wronged.

However, I have to suffer from grievances now. The emperor arrested his uncle Tan You in the East Palace. If he was giving the prince a crime of making friends with foreign ministers and plotting rebellion, the prince would be speech-inable.

The uneasiness in the prince's heart covered up his grievances.

He bowed his head and didn't dare to say anything.

"...But it's only been a year, and the treasury is so empty that where have I been?" The more the emperor said, the more angry he became.

He roared.

With such a roar, there was another big cough.

He coughed out of breath.

The treasury has been very empty in the past six months.

The household department reported more than once that there was something wrong with the tax collected.

The prince also ordered the household department to investigate, but he couldn't find out. What was the problem?

Not only the prince and the household are confused, but also Gu Yantao's conceited and shrewd person is also confused. When the emperor came back to read the account book, he was so angry that he vomited blood, but he couldn't understand it.

The only person who is clear in this room should be Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun stood silently on the ground.

No one paid attention to him except him when he came in.

The emperor only scolded the prince and Gu Yantao.

There are some words that are not suitable for scolding in the court, so you can only scold them in private.

For more than a year, the government has been more than that.

The emperor continued to scold.

The more he talked, the more angry he became. When he coughed again, a mouthful of blood coughed out. This is not the first time the emperor has coughed up blood. The sweet smell made him almost vomit.

In order to suppress this kind of nausea, he blushed.

"Your Majesty..." He moved forward to Liang and gently supported the emperor.

The emperor took a deep breath and suppressed the nausea.

Zhu Zhongjun could see that the emperor had just coughed up blood, so he immediately brought tea from the table next to him and brought it to the emperor in person.

The emperor seemed to have just seen Zhu Zhongjun and took the tea from him. He nodded slightly to him.

He looked at Liang and took the spittoon from the side.

During the whole process, Xiang Liang's eyesight is not comparable to that of another eunuch Liu Shu.

The emperor rinsed his mouth. The prince and Gu Yantao wanted to serve, but they didn't dare to kneel down.

Zhu Zhongjun reminded the emperor: "Brother, it's already the beginning of the year. Is it time to go early?"

Officials above the third grade waited for nearly two hours outside the imperial study. And below the third grade. He was not summoned to the palace and waited for almost an hour in the Qianqing Palace.

In the early morning of March, the spring is cold, and the cold wind is still piercing.

The drizzle did not stop outside.

Even if those ministers held umbrellas, they were wet by the rain. It's cold and tired, and it's uncomfortable enough.

"Early morning." The emperor was tired of scolding, and he was also a little tired. He was unable to snuggle up to the pillow and rested gently for a while.

"You go first." The emperor said to the prince and Gu Yantao.

The prince and Gu Yantao did not say a word during the whole process. They didn't dare to refute and let the emperor scold him. At this moment, he kowtowed and got up. Yes, his voice was a little dry.

Liu Shu ordered the minister waiting outside the imperial study to go to the hall first.

Zhu Zhongjun and Xiang Liang accompanied the emperor in the imperial study.

The emperor rested for a long time. Ask Xiang Liang to pour another cup of hot tea for him.

He fell to Liang.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, the emperor felt much better.

"Zhong Jun, you are not busy going to court." When the emperor saw that Zhu Zhongjun wanted to help him, he stopped Zhu Zhongjun, "You go to the prison for me and judge Tan You. He will be tried to bring him back to Beijing and then be convicted.

After a pause, the emperor whispered again, "Zhong Jun, don't take it lightly."

Zhu Zhongjun was overjoyed. He didn't dare to take out half of his face and said, "Yes, I will never humiliate my life."


Zhu Zhongjun was ordered to judge Tan You. He wanted to use a big punishment, but found that the jailer who was executed violated the law.

He took this. I told the emperor.

The king of Jin took him back to the palace today. The emperor was happy and his face looked a little better.

Hearing this, the emperor was angry again.

"Good, good, good!" The emperor laughed angrily and said three good words in a row, "This imperial edict will also become his Tan family!" Kill them all. Let's see how arrogant they are.

The emperor can't kill the minister casually through the criminal law, but he can kill the jailer.

When he comes back this time, he must exercise his imperial power.

Zhu Zhongjun said yes.

He did not kill all the jailers, but half of them.

The rest of the half was frightened.

When Zhu Zhongjun was interrogated again, the jailers were not weak at all and fought in a real way.

Tan You was beaten to pieces.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he didn't call.

"...You'd better be honest." Zhu Zhongjun said, "Why bother? You and I both know that you can't get out of this prison.

Tan You laughed loudly.

His laughter shocked the jailers to step back a few steps.

"Come on, if you have any tricks, just use it." Tan You smiled and said, "For so many years, you have worked hard to raise a son and a woman for me. Today, I just want to pay you back. You can say hello as you want.

All the jailers listen to this in their ears.

Everyone can't wait to cut their ears.

What does Tan You mean? Not everyone may know it. But as long as they go out to inquire, they can find out the rumor that the eldest son of the king of Luyang is evil.

Looking at the method of Luyang King's torture of Tan You, these insignificant little jailers are afraid it will be difficult to survive.

When the king of Luyang heard Tan You's words, he paused and then smiled gently.

Suddenly, he slapped Tan You in the face.

Tan You's unseverance when serving his sentence seemed to disintegrate in an instant, and his face changed greatly.

Torment him, that's physical.

Slapping is a spiritual insult to him.

He can resist physical torture; he can't stand mental insults. He is a tough guy.

If you are a jailer, Tan You may not feel so deep,

But Zhu Zhongjun's slap made all the anger in his heart rise.

Still waiting for him to open his mouth to scold, Zhu Zhongjun opened his bow left and right, slapped him seven or eight times in a row, which made Tan You's teeth loose, and the blood couldn't help but come from the mainstream. His tongue was no longer so obedient, and he couldn't scold.

"Your Majesty, your majesty ordered that you can't let him die in the imperial prison, otherwise you can't explain." The bodyguards around him reminded Zhu Zhongjun.

He can see Zhu Zhongjun's murderous intention.

Tan You is a marquis, a first-class title, and a northwest general.

He can't die clearly, otherwise the emperor can't explain it clearly.

The emperor hoped that Zhu Zhongjun could get the evidence and torture Tan You to vent his anger by the way, instead of beating him to death in the imperial prison.

When Zhu Zhongjun heard the hand of the bodyguard, he closed it.

He smiled at Tan You.

Tan You felt an unprecedented insult.

This is the biggest insult in his life.

He wants to cut Zhu Zhongjun with thousands of knives.


The first update, ask for the pink ticket~~It will still be updated today, and it is also a little behind on the pink ticket list. Please support~~RP