Spring boudoir note

Chapter 506 will on your way

Section 506 willward

Seeing that it was getting late, Gu Jinzhi left his aunt and eldest brother for dinner.

“...... Yanling Mansion sent a lot of things, and my mother stuffed them to me. Gu Jinzhi smiled and said to his aunt and eldest brother, "Let's not talk about it, ham and dried winter bamboo shoots are the best. When I got home just now, I ordered the kitchen to stew, and now it's ready. Let's have stewed winter bamboo shoots with ham tonight.

The eldest aunt said, "Your mother also sent it to us. Don't delay, your sister-in-law is waiting for us at home, and your eldest brother is also tired for a few days. Eating is the second. I have to go back to rest. Don't make you tired... Come back another day..."

Gu Jinzhi is not forced to stay.

"I'll go to see my eldest brother another day." Gu Jinzhi got up and sent them out.

After sending away her aunt and eldest brother, she turned back to the house.

She didn't sleep last night, and today she tossed around for another day. After sending away his aunt and eldest brother, Gu Jinzhi's eyes were astringent and his sleepiness surged up.

She told Qiu Yu and others to take good care of Yan Shao and Tongtong and take a nap by themselves.

Sleeping in a daze, she faintly heard the maid's voice.

It's Bifan who is talking.

Bifan's voice is a little shrill. Sometimes she was afraid of making noise to Gu Jinzhi, so she deliberately pinched her voice, but she didn't know that it was more harsh, as if she were scratching the glass with porcelain pieces.

Gu Jinzhi's head was very heavy, and he asked confusedly, "Bifan?"

"Princess..." Bifan's voice was a little higher. He came forward and said, "My cousin is here, with the eldest lady and the second lady."

Gu Jinzhi feels very tired.

She has a heavy head.

"Who?" She asked rhetorical.

This is called Bifan, but it's not easy to answer.

Her cousin and grandmother are Hu Jie.

She thought that Gu Jinzhi was unwilling to ask this question.

"It's my second uncle..." Bifan explained.

Bifan, like Dai He, is the maid of Gu Jin's mother Song Pan'er. They used to serve in the main courtyard, and Hu Jie often went to Song Paner. Bifan knew Hu Jie.

She knew that Mrs. Gu liked Hu Jie very much.

So Hu Jie came with a runny nose and tears. Bi Fan knew that something had happened, so he dared to come in and tell him.

She was annoyed and wrong, and Gu Jinzhi's voice came from the account: "It's her..."

Bifan Dao is.

"Please come in." Gu Jinzhi has sat up, and his voice is much clearer. "Have you brought the eldest lady and the second lady here?"

Bifan said, "Yes. Not only with the eldest lady and the second lady, but also with untidy hair, crying pitifully..."

Gu Jin was slightly surprised.

She didn't say anything more. She asked Bifan to invite Hu Jie's mother and daughter in and get up to comb her hair and change her clothes.

The maid casually combed a low bun for her. Without even wearing jewelry, she heard someone entering the yard.

Gu Jinzhi got up, put on an apricot-colored shirt brought by the maid, and came out to see Hu Jie.

Seeing Hu Jie's appearance, Gu Jinzhi was slightly stunned.

She is really thin.

Hu Jie wore a light yellow collar, pink, green and dark flowers. She just came back from Yanling Mansion. After a few months' journey, she turned pale. She cried, the powder on her face melted, and she put on a dark dress, which made her face yellower and looked a little late.

Suddenly, Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

Hu Jie held a daughter in one hand. When she saw Gu Jinzhi, before she could say anything, tears rolled down, regardless of the presence of maids in the room.

Gu Jinzhi finally knew why Bifan came in to wake her up.

It turns out that Hu Jie is in this situation.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Gu Jin came forward, grabbed her by the shoulder, took her into the room, and comforted her with a smile, "The sky falls, and there is a tall man. Why can't you get through like this?"

Then he turned around and told Qiu Yu and others, "Take good care of the eldest lady and the second lady."

Hu Jie was also relieved to give her daughter to Gu Jinzhi's maids.

She herself followed Gu Jinzhi into the inner room.

She still keeps crying.

Sitting on the kang facing the window inside and outside the house, Hu Jie still kept crying. Gu Jinzhi didn't ask why, but just said some nice words to persuade her. But these words, in Hu Jie's opinion, are a drop in the bucket and useless.

She cried for a long time before she stopped.

She wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and her eyes were swollen.

"I also know that I came abruptly today, but I really don't know where to go..." Hu Jie finished crying and finally said to Gu Jin in a hoarse voice.

"It's not abrupt." Gu Jin said, "relatives often come and go, and they are also intimate. If it's normal, I don't think you can think of it.

Hu Jie barely showed a faint smile.

The smile is also bleak.

Gu Jinzhi asked her directly what was going on.

She thought of Brother Xuan and said that Hu Jie had left the capital for less than two months, and Gu Jinzhi's second cousin Song Yanzhao took Fang Mei concubine. Even outside, Song Yanzhao was full of praise for the concubine.

His friends all know that Song Yanzhao got the concubine and was proud of it.

Later, the concubine was pregnant. Calculate the day, it's time for the child to land.

And Hu Jie broke into Gu Jinzhi today. I'm afraid that the concubine's child has been born.

“...... There are few relatives in the family. I also have some close friends. There are also mother-in-law and elders in my family. I run away, so that the old people will persuade me. Even my mother and aunt, I dare not go. Come to you, don't be surprised." Hu Jie said while crying.

Aunt, that is to say, Gu Jinzhi's mother, Song Pan'er.

She doesn't want anyone to persuade her.

"You live on my side. I don't need to say anything." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I don't think of you as usual."

Hu Jie nodded and brought out tears again.

Gu Jinzhi didn't ask her either.

On the contrary, it was herself who couldn't hold back her anger and intermittently talked to Gu Jinzhi: "... The maid is not yet fifteen years old. She used to be the daughter of the outside cook. She looks like a demon. I don't like her. The kitchen manager told me many times to let her daughter in, but I didn't let go. I was afraid that the girl was restless.

How do you know? I just left, and then the manager went to beg your cousin.

The family is uneasy and kind-hearted. While I was not at home, the girl climbed into your cousin's bed. I'm not ashamed to say this. When I came back, I also planned to sell the girl. Our Song family doesn't recognize this concubine.

But your cousin was fascinated by that family. He not only treated the girl's parents, but also protected her everywhere. I gave birth to a son yesterday. I said, the cheap man acts dirty, and I don't care. I will raise the child. I promise to treat him like his own, and the cheap man will be sent out of the house. Your cousin didn't agree..."

This is a housework.

In Hu Jie's tone, she was defending Song Yanzhao everywhere, only saying that the concubine was wrong, and it was the concubine who seduced Song Yanzhao.

Now, she has made such an excessive request that normal people will not agree to her.

At this moment, Gu Jinzhi, not to mention consolation, he doesn't know how to say anything.

She was just silent and listened to Hu Jie.

“...... He was not like this before. I used to say whatever I said. Now, I'm fascinated and don't listen to me anymore. Hu Jie cried even more miserably, "In this way, I can't keep that bitch. If I don't sell it, I will definitely not go back home again. Let him follow that bitch!"

At this point, no matter who should persuade her.

But she has confidence in her husband.

She felt that as long as she made a lot of trouble, Song Yanzhao would compromise.

So, she doesn't want to listen to anyone's advice.

She doesn't go back to her mother's house, doesn't go to Song Pan'er's place, and doesn't go to other close friends' homes. She knew that Gu Jinzhi had a strange personality, and she didn't talk much on weekdays, and there were no elders in the family, so no one was embarrassed to persuade her.

So, she rushed here.

In this way, Gu Jinzhi is not going to persuade her.

She just nodded slightly.

The more Hu Jie said, the more energetic she became, and the more angry she became.

Gu Jinzhi didn't agree, and Hu Jie still kept talking by herself.

The previous relationship between her and Song Yanzhao should be quite sweet. Judging from the tone of Hu Jie's voice now, in the past, Hu Jie didn't want anything, and Song Yanzhao could satisfy her.

No matter how difficult it is, I will do it for her.

So, what does she want? She cried and sulked, and naturally came...

This concubine, in Hu Jie's eyes, is no different from those things. She made trouble. Naturally, Song Yanzhao would not compete with Hu Jie for his concubine. As long as she can hold on, the concubine will naturally be kicked out.

Between the lines of Hu Jie's words, there is absolutely no compromise.

Her persistence is not to be tough at home, but to run out...

Gu Jinzhi sighed silently in his heart.

Hu Jie was still talking, and the voice of Gu Jinzhi's maid Daihe came from the curtain at the door.

"Princess, someone is coming to the palace..." Dai He whispered softly.

Gu Jinzhi quickly stood up.

She turned around and said to Hu Jie, "I'll go and have a look. You are still here. Tell them what you want, just like your own.

Hu Jie nodded: "Go quickly."

Gu Jinzhi walked out quickly.

It's already the beginning of the day, and it's getting dark outside.

Hu Jie looked at the window and couldn't help thinking: Why did someone from the palace come to Gu Jinzhi so late?

While thinking about it, a tall maid in a silver-red shirt and moon-white skirt came in and said, "Uncle and grandma, the two cousins have had already had dinner. The maidservant and others served them to bathe and turned back to rest in the west wing. The food here is ready-made. You can also eat some. Don't be hungry..."

How can Hu Jie be in the mood to eat?

She is not even in the mood to take care of her daughter.

But after all, it's just a few points for everything.

She nodded.

The maid went out and ordered.

In a moment, there were two women who came in with a few kangs.

Follow three maids and serve Hu Jie's meal.

Hu Jie raised her eyes and looked at them.

These maids are all beautiful, dressed in gorgeous clothes, gold and silver.

Hu Jie couldn't help thinking: There is any maid in her family who is a little more patient, and she has to call out for fear of getting into Song Yanzhao's eyes. But with so much prevention, it still let the maid get it.

Looking at Gu Jinzhi, she never seems to pay attention to this.

Among her maids, the one in a silver-red shirt, her hands are white and delicate, and she looks like a delicate lady.

If she is such a maid, Hu Jie will never dare to stay in the house.

Gu Jinzhi married a fool, and Hu Jie was still behind her back.

Now that I think about it, I'm still a fool who makes people down-to-earth.

What about shrewd and capable men?

Thinking of this, Hu Jie's tears came down again.

There were more than 200 pink tickets yesterday. I'm really flattered. I'm so grateful to everyone~~ Later, I looked at it. It seems that I wrote yesterday as the last day of the penultimate day. It's so embarrassing~~ Today is the last day. I will update more than four chapters today, so if you have a vote, please vote for it. This is really the last day!!!!! RS