Spring boudoir note

Chapter 513 Fawei

Section 513

God, it has completely darkened.

Song Yanzhao was thinking about Yuzhu. I don't know what the effect of her taking this medicine was. If it still burns tonight, I'm afraid the jade beads can't be kept.

Thinking of this, Song Yanzhao had another twitching pain.

He got up and said to Hu Jie, "I'll go first."

Hu Jie also got up and took him to the gate of the courtyard.

After Song Yanzhao left, Hu Jie herself asked people to prepare meals. She ate, took a bath, and then rested.

She is so indifferent.

The maids who served her were stunned.

Madam, when did you become so gentle and virtuous?

The master's sentence is wrong. My wife is going to make trouble. Why is it like this today?

"Don't you think there is something wrong with your wife?" After serving Hu Jie, a little girl said.

The other shook his head and said, "Maybe my wife is like this, and the master likes it very much..."

The two maids muttered and went to rest.

The night was very quiet.

This quietness is always a little unusual.

The people serving the main court are all careful, afraid that they will touch the mold.

Song Yanzhao hurried to the Yanyuan.

In the smoke-free courtyard, Yuzhu had just fallen asleep, and her mother was waiting to make needle and thread. Although she was sewing, she couldn't relax for a moment.

She is guessing what happened in the main courtyard at this moment.

According to his wife's character, I'm afraid there will be a big scene this time. Kong's mother thought of this and smiled.

And Song Yanzhao went for half an hour. It should be more fierce, right?

Kong's mother is very happy.

She can't wait for Hu Jie and Song Yanzhao to make a mess so that her daughter can have a chance.

Kong's mother also knows that there are many taboos in the official family. Even if Hu Jie is suspended, her daughter may not be able to really be a house filling wife.

But if Song Yanzhao's newly married stepfather, he would not dare to do anything on her daughter's head. After giving birth to the eldest son, he is liked by the master. Even if it is an aunt, it is infinitely beautiful.

My daughter has a promising life, and Kong's mother also has a life to rely on.

Kong's mother didn't send anyone to inquire at this moment.

She has been in the house for five or six years. She knows her wife's character so well that she can guess what she is like now.

It must be throwing things and crying and roaring, which is extremely embarrassing.

It was because she knew that the wife was in tight control that the master didn't even dare to look at the maid, so Mother Kong had the idea of making her daughter a concubine for the master.

She knows that it's easy to get it, because if it's tight, people will be dissatisfied. Just like a very hungry person, he dares to eat anything he catches.

Kong's mother's daughter also grew up day by day, like a flower bone. Kong's mother felt that none of those young men were worthy of her daughter.

Her daughter should accompany the promising person who is an official.

Just identity...

Kong's mother also began to think of Song Yanzhao from a very early age.

Kong's mother knew the identity of Song Yanzhao, and even inquired about the Song family in Yanling, which is a rich and prestigious clan. If you can be a concubine for Song Yanzhao, you can never wrong Yuzhu.

Yuzhu is not the maid of the Song family.

But Kong's mother deliberately took her in once or twice to show her the style of the house and let her compete.

Some boys and women saw it and either wanted to ask for it by themselves or for their son. Kong's mother refused.

Therefore, there is a rumor that Kong's mother wants to leave Yuzhu to Song Yanzhao as a concubine.

Song Yan and Hu Jie also heard this.

Kong's mother was scared to death.

It's just that it's a gossip, and there is no place to verify it. Hu Jie was busy returning to Yanling Mansion and calculating her family property, and she didn't bother to worry about these little things. If it is normal, she will definitely visit.

These are all the gas of jade beads.

Yuzhu, you should have this good luck.

After Hu Jie left, Kong's mother no longer tabooed anything and openly brought the jade beads in.

Once, I met Song Yanzhao.

Song Yanzhao measured the jade beads and asked Kong's mother, "Is this the jade beads left for me?"

His joking words made Yuzhu blush and extremely shy. Song Yanzhao looked at it and yearned for it.

Mother Kong also wanted to be captured: "Master, it's all a misunderstanding. That's a rotten-mouthed, nonsense. Where can the quality of jade beads and willows be assigned to the master?

Song Yanzhao just smiled immediately.

But Yuzhu took a fancy to Song Yanzhao at a glance.

Song Yanzhaosheng is handsome and long, with a white face, which is very touching to girls. Moreover, Yuzhu has felt since she was a child that her future mother-in-law's family must be the shobin, and it is better to be just a swinder.

Now that I see Song Yanzhao, she is more handsome than the servant she has ever seen, and she is also an official.

After that, Kong's mother often ran to Song Yanzhao.

In less than two months, Song Yanzhao took Yuzhu's house.

All this went very smoothly, and it was the wish of Yuzhu's mother and daughter.

The daughter married so well, the first child is the son, and Kong's mother is more thoughtful.

Thinking beautifully, Song Yanzhao, who went to the main room in the main courtyard, came back.

He was not angry, but his face was a little sad; behind him, he did not follow the wet nurse and Brother Hao, and Kong's mother was surprised.

I didn't bring the child back. Isn't there a quarrel?

Something's wrong.

It's not easy for Kong's mother to ask directly, so that Song Yanzhao can see the fw.

"It's so late, I thought the master was resting in the main courtyard, and the maidservant was about to ask someone to lock the door." Kong's mother said with a smile.

She didn't ask a word, which made Song Yanzhao breathe a sigh of relief.

Song Yanzhao likes Kong's mother to serve in front of her most, because she has a lot of eyesight and can always guess Song Yanzhao's heart.

"It's still here." Song Yanzhao was concise, and then asked, "Is Yuzhu better?"

"I took the medicine, slept for half an hour, and sweated." Kong's mother said happily.

Before, Yuzhu had a fever, but she didn't sweat and the fever couldn't go away.

This time, the first dose of medicine made Yuzhu sweat and have a fever, which is a good omen. Mother Kong is very happy.

Song Yanzhao listened and was very happy.

He stopped talking to Kong's mother and went into the inner room to see the jade beads.

Yuzhu sweated, got up, wiped her body, changed her clothes, and fell asleep again. She is still in confinement. She can't take a shower and wash her hair. Because of a fever, she always sweats. The smell in the inner room doesn't smell good.

If you like a woman again, it doesn't mean you can tolerate it.

Song Yanzhao has been spoiled since he was a child, so he flintned.

Yuzhu slept very well, with a little delicate red tide on her face, which looked very pleasing.

Song Yanzhao gently touched her face.

I hope this medicine is useful, and Yuzhu's disease can be completely healed.

Song Yanzhao sat in front of her bed for a long time.

After a tiring day, he will go to the government house tomorrow and cry. He has to get up early and sleep in the small warm pavilion of the smoke courtyard.

When he woke up the next day, it was already the beginning of Mao.

He got up, washed and changed his clothes, and then went to see the jade beads.

Yuzhu also got up.

Her mother, Kong's mother, sat by her bed and fed her some rice porridge.

Yuzhu looked energetic.

Song Yanzhao was overjoyed and asked Yuzhu, "How do you feel?"

With that, he reached out and touched Yuzhu's forehead to see if the fever had subsided.

Yuzhu's forehead was slightly cold, not as hot as usual. Song Yanzhao was overjoyed and said, "This doctor Duan really has some ability. I want to thank him well!"

Yuzhu smiled.

Song Yanzhao also rushed to the government's house and didn't say much. He just said to Kong's mother, "Take good care of Yuzhu. I'll be back early in the afternoon.

Mother Kong said yes.

As soon as Song Yanzhao left, Yuzhu said to her mother, "Where's Brother Hao? Didn't you bring Brother Hao back last night?"

Kong's mother shook her head.

The jade beads were also slightly stunned.

"Eat first." Kong's mother looked strategist and said with a smile, "After dinner, my mother will send someone to inquire. In my wife's yard, my mother has several familiar maids, and they will help with this little thing. The master loves Brother Hao so much that he must be fine before he dares to put Brother Hao in the main courtyard. Aren't there any nursing girls?"

Yuzhu was anxious and said, "What if the wife has to raise Brother Hao?"

"She doesn't support it." Kong's mother was sure, "How old is your wife?" She still wants her own brother. She just knows now that the master loves Brother Hao. If Brother Hao is in the main courtyard and the master often goes there, she will also save the master's heart..."

Yuzhu is even more unhappy.

From the time she entered the door, Hu Jie was not in the house.

When Yuzhu's love for Song Yanzhao was still sweet, she was reluctant to give Song Yanzhao to Hu Jie.

"Mom, when the master comes back, I ask the master to bring Brother Hao back. I, a mother, want to raise Brother Hao in person. Yuzhu said, "I begged the master, and the master will definitely agree."

Kong's mother turned cold: "What's the difference between you and your wife like this?"

Hu Jie is like this. He often embarrassed Song Yanzhao, which slowly cooled Song Yanzhao's heart.

“...... Don't mess around." Mother Kong said with a straight face, "What the master says is what it is. If you want to fight with him, he won't love you in the future. Not to mention the master, you can't see Brother Hao, and your mother will be kicked out. How do you live alone in the house?

Yuzhu was only fifteen years old and had never been involved in the world. She was suffed by a few words. Sure enough, she didn't dare.

Only then was Kong's mother satisfied.

She served Yuzhu for breakfast, so she called a little maid and whispered to her.

The little maid got the order and turned around and ran away.

Yuzhu looked at her mother curiously and didn't know what she was going to do.

"This Huifeng is as good as the light rain in my wife's yard. I asked her to find a reason and call Xiaoyu over. In this way, if the master and wife made trouble yesterday, we all knew..." Kong's mother explained to Yuzhu.

Yuzhu thinks her mother is so capable.

She smiled and said, "Mom, I'm afraid my wife is not as good as you."

Mother Kong agrees with this.

She was not born well. If she was born into a poetry and book family and marries a man who is an official, she will definitely live a hundred times more successfully than Hu Jie.

The wife's man is quite a failure.

Kong's mother and Yuzhu waited for about a quarter of an hour, and they heard the complicated footsteps of camels.

It seems that many people have entered the yard.

Yuzhu looked at Kong's mother and said, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Kong's mother let Yuzhu feel at ease, and she went out to have a look by herself.

As soon as she picked up the felt curtain in the inner room, she was cut off her hands and pushed out by two strong women.

Yuzhu saw it inside and shouted anxiously, "Mom, what's wrong with this..."

Before she finished speaking, two more women came in.

Yuzhu was not a maid in this house before, and she didn't know these two women.

She looked at the two women in horror and asked timidly, "Who are you? Do it..."

If you don't have to do anything, you will be dragged down from ** by two women and directly dragged out.

The second update, please ask for the pink ticket. It's only the second day of this month. If the sisters have a guaranteed pink ticket, they should vote first, everyone~~RS