Spring boudoir note

Chapter 520 Good Seduction

Section 520 Good Seduction

Lin Manjing was still crying just now.

After listening to Gu Chenzhi's words, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at her husband.

She can't believe what she heard...

Going to Luzhou?

How could the husband think about these unreliable things?

"This..." Lin Manjing said that she could not understand Gu Chenzhi's whimsical, "My father-in-law, if my father-in-law and mother-in-law knew it, I'm afraid they would not agree..."

She carried her parents-in-law out.

"You just say you agree or disagree." Gu Chenzhi smiled and followed the good guidance, "My parents, I'll talk about it. The seventh sister has agreed. Luzhou has good mountains and rivers, and it is quieter than Beijing. Think about those who went out to be officials, who have been in office for three or five years, and my parents only took office as me. If you change to another place, maybe the day will be more comfortable..."

Isn't the day in Beijing comfortable? I have to change places.

Is it because of her?

Thinking of this, Lin Manjing's eyes turned red again.

I feel sad when I think of the stupid thing she did before.

Even if her family forgives her, Lin Manjing can't forgive herself.

Gu Chenzhi's eyes and neck were also injured. After he recovered, he left scars. Every time she saw these scars, Lin Manjing couldn't help crying.

Those scars are like soldering iron, which can always burn Lin Manjing's heart.

"Don't cry." Gu Chenzhi said as he found that his wife was crying again, and even comforted her, "If you don't want to go, I won't force it. You are filial to your parents at home, and you also do filial piety for me.

After saying this, I found that Lin Manjing's tears fell more fiercely, like throwing sand, and she couldn't stop.

Gu Chenzhi didn't know what she said. She cried so hard.

I often cry like this. After a long time, no matter how good the personality is, everyone is tired.

Gu Chenzhi is like this. He really can't stand his wife like this now.

He couldn't show it well, which made her even more sad.

He is very weak.

Gu Chenzhi didn't know how to persuade his wife, so he had to build a bright future like her: "Think about it, if we go to Luzhou, when the weather is good, we can still go to the fields to see the crops. How many times have you been to the Grange in your life?

Lin Manjing's gate rarely comes out, let alone go to the Grange.

She only passed twice in her life, both when she was at her mother's house. At that time, I was still young. One time, I accompanied my mother to recuperate, and the other time I went to the summer with my grandmother. Those who went there were all her mother's dowry.

She didn't dare to run around.

She just felt that the sound of the country was louder and more vivid than that in the city.

This may be an illusion.

But Lin Manjing likes the countryside.

She subconsciously has this kind of hope.

But she didn't dare to deviate.

After listening to her husband's words, she dared not take a stand. In case something doesn't work, her parents-in-law thought it was she instigated her husband, and she really couldn't live.

She listened in silence, and tears fell quietly again.

"If I'm wrong, just tell me." Gu Chenzhi paused, got up and walked to Lin Manjing's side, took her hand and said, "Don't cry. You always cry and hurt your body. Think about the children, Sister Xi and Sister Wei are not married, and Sister Yi, Sister Wu and Sister Huai are still young..."

Lin Manjing has five daughters.

Thinking of this makes me feel even more sad.

At the beginning, Lin Manjing took the initiative to accept the maid given to her by her mother, because she had five daughters and wanted to have a son for her husband, so that she would not be embarrassed in front of her parents-in-law.

Now, the father-in-law looks at her as if she were an enemy.

But who knows, Lin Manjing was so unlucky that the maid she brought back actually had a ghost, which made Gu Chenzhi almost die in the prison.

Not only can Lin Manjing't raise her head in the Gu family, but also her mother's family is ashamed.

Hearing her husband mention the names of her five daughters, these things couldn't help but come to her mind, and Lin Manjing was even more sad.

Her mood is really suppressed to a certain extent.

It can't be coaxed.

Gu Chenzhi sat aside and coaxed for a long time.

It happened that Lin Manjing's maid came in, and Gu Chenzhi wink at the maid.

The maid agreed and went to call the young lady Gu Xi.

Gu Xi came, and Lin Manjing's tears gradually disappeared.

Lin Manjing will still deliberately hold back her mood in front of her daughter, so as not to affect the child.

Every time Gu Chenzhi couldn't coax her, he had to find his eldest daughter Gu Xi.

Gu Chenzhi was relieved. He was afraid that Lin Manjing would cry later. He immediately got up and said that he would go to his mother's side. He had something to say and went out.

When Gu Chenzhi left, Gu Xi asked his mother, "Mom, what did Dad say? Don't take it to heart. My father loves you..."

"Your father didn't say anything..." Lin Manjing touched her tears and choked in her voice.

"That's Aunt Seven. What did she say?" Gu Xi asked.

When it comes to Aunt Seven, thinking of her last change of face, Gu Xi didn't have a good impression of her, and her tone hardened.

"That's not true." Lin Manjing reluctantly smiled, "My mother is just sad. Your father just said an interesting thing. Your father said that he wanted to go to Luzhou..."

Gu Xi's heart shook, and there was something wrong with him in a trance.

Her heart is tight, and there is something straight in her heart.

After a long time, she recovered, concealed her mood, and asked her mother, "Why did Dad suddenly want to go to Luzhou?"

"Your father said that he was tired of living in Beijing." Lin Manjing said, "If you want to go to Luzhou, you may be in a better mood. I'm afraid it's me who has added trouble to your father..."

The mother is crying like this, not to mention the father, Gu Xi is tired of being a daughter.

Despite the truth, Gu Xi did not dare to reveal half of it.

She had to say good words to comfort her mother.

Gu Chenzhi went out for a walk, went to the teahouse to listen to a few small songs, and drank some tea. In this way, he wandered for a few hours aimlessly, so that he was completely relaxed and didn't go home until dusk.

After he got home, he went to his mother's place to ask for his peace.

He accidentally found that his father was also at home.

In the past, my father rarely came home so early.

Parents usually have dinner at the government house before coming back.

"Dad, mother." Please go to Gu Chen.

"Did you go to the pharmacy?" Mrs. Gu asked him with a smile.

Gu Chenzhi is willing to go out recently, and the old lady is very happy.

A few days ago, my son stayed at home all day, and the old lady was very worried.

Gu Jinzhi helped clean up the matter of the maid Shuijin before. Those plaintiffs and the corpses can't be found. Things have passed and will not be repeated.

That ordeal is over.

Men, who hasn't had a setback?

Hiding at home with a little setback is not a manly act.

Now that Gu Chen is willing to go out, the eldest lady is the happiest.

The old lady only hopes that her son will cheer up.

"Yes." Gu Chen's hesitation.

He didn't go to the pharmacy, but went shopping.

The atmosphere in his room is about to suffothe him.

"Dad came back early today." Gu Chenzhi said again. He was afraid that his mother would ask him more about what he would do in the pharmacy, so he changed the topic.

The old man said in a faint tone, "Yes."

Gu Chenzhi saw that his father was a little listless and didn't ask any more questions.

After that, Lin Manjing also brought her daughters to come to comfort her.

As soon as Lin Manjing came, the atmosphere was a little depressing.

The old master can't forgive Lin Manjing.

Seeing Lin Manjing, the old man didn't even have a smiling face.

The eldest lady may not blame Lin Manjing in her heart, but it is not Lin Manjing's original intention, and the maid Lin Manjing gave to Gu Chenzhi has also asked the lady before, and the lady acquiesced in.

Therefore, even if the old lady is a strange Lin Manjing, she also has some self-reproach, which is not easy to show.

And Lin Manjing was full of tears, but she didn't dare to flow out for fear that her father-in-law would scold her frustration.

Lin Manjing's children also held their breath.

The process of getting in the good-up is very uncomfortable.

The whole family is not feeling well.

This is not the first time.

Gu Chenzhi sighed silently in his heart.

He tried to improve the relationship between his parents and his wife, but his father scolded him for being uninvitable. He only knew how to protect women, and his mother, who had always favored him, was also silent.

Every time he spoke for Lin Manjing, his mother was indifferent and his father was furious.

This is also the reason why Gu Chenzhi wants to take his wife and children away.

He really wants Lin Manjing to follow him.

Kelin Manjing may not be happy.

Gu Chenzhi is not a difficult person.

Lin Manjing doesn't want to leave, so he will leave by himself. Anyway, he can't stand this at home.

After ceding, Gu Chenzhi took his wife and daughters back to his yard.

Their family had dinner.

After dinner, the children went back separately, and Lin Manjing asked her husband, "Did you tell your parents about going to Luzhou?"

"Not yet..." Gu Chen's way.

He doesn't know how to open his mouth.

Dad will definitely scold him, and mom will definitely persuade him.

Gu Chenzhi didn't want to be scolded or listen to advice, so he didn't open his mouth for a long time.

He was afraid that Lin Manjing would ask, so he added, "I have to ask you first. I don't know if you agree or disagree. You didn't answer me in the afternoon. After thinking about it, you'd better follow me. It's not easy for us to live in different places..."

He thought for a moment, although it was filial piety to leave his wife to serve his parents.

But his father didn't like Lin Manjing like this, leaving Lin Manjing to add obstacles to his parents. It's better to leave.

When Lin Manjing heard this, she was very moved. Thinking of the cold eyes received by her parents-in-law in the afternoon, tears surged up again.

"I'd like to go, but what about the children?" Lin Manjing finally answered directly, "Let's not talk about the three little ones, Sister Xi and Sister Yan are all big. Especially Sister Xi, she is fifteen years old. I have to worry about her marriage.

"According to me, you are in Beijing, and you may not be good at this matter." Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "Mother is already looking for it. There will be no happy event this year. If you start to get married next year, you will have to wait until the year after next. The year after next, we will be back..."

Lin Manjing thought for a moment and thought that what Gu Chenzhi said was good.

My mother-in-law may ask her about the marriage.

But in this situation, how dare she say something different in front of her mother-in-law?

Besides, her mother-in-law loves her granddaughter, and she will have more vision than Lin Manjing. Lin Manjing is not worried about her daughter's bad marriage.

She stayed in Beijing. She really couldn't help with her daughter's marriage.

"I'm willing to go..." Lin Manjing finally let go, "I'm afraid my parents won't agree."

"I'll talk about it." Gu Chen's way.

He breathed a sigh of relief and finally told his wife.

When his wife agreed, he had the courage to tell his parents that he decided to say it tomorrow.

Go and talk to your mother first.

He had breakfast and went to his mother's main courtyard.

In the main courtyard, Gu Chenzhi also saw his father Gu Yantao.

Gu Chenzhi was stunned.

At this hour, shouldn't my father be in the court?

Why is my father at home today?

Ask for pink tickets RS