Spring boudoir note

Chapter 530 Prevention of Wei Du Jian

Section 530 Anti-Wei Dujian

When Gu Jinzhi first showed his strangeness, it was some time ago that Lin Manjing took her daughters to the royal palace, and Yan Ying took Gu San to play.

At that time, Lin Manjing and Gu Chenzhi's eldest daughter Gu Xi were present.

Gu Xi went back and told Lin Manjing that her aunt didn't like the second cousin and the third sister to play.

Now looking at the attitude of Gu Jin's husband and wife, Lin Manjing is more certain.

Thinking of Gu Jinzhi's attitude, and then thinking of the uncertain future, I don't know what Luzhou is like, thinking of leaving her hometown to Luzhou, thinking of her own situation, and thinking of her eldest daughter and second daughter who stayed in Beijing, Lin Manjing burst into tears.

Gu Chenzhi was a little embarrassed and hurriedly urged Lin Manjing to get into the car.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chenzhi also got into the car and asked his wife softly.

Lin Manjing promised herself that since she followed her husband to Luzhou, she would change her mentality and be positive. Don't always worry about her husband.

So, Gu Chenzhi asked her, and she didn't tell the truth. She just made up the most reasonable excuse: "I can't bear to give up the capital, and I can't bear to part with the children..."

"It's okay. We'll be back in a few years." Gu Chenzhi smiled and said, "The children have parents. Don't worry."

Lin Manjing barely smiled and nodded.

One of Gu Jin's family members also got on the bus.

Zhu Zhongjun needs a leader. Most of his time with the bodyguards, he rides on horseback.

Occasionally, he will also go to Gu Jin's car to make fun of Tongtong.

Yan Ying and Yan Shao's brothers also went to Gu Jin's car.

On the first day of the day, Gu Jinzhi said to Zhu Zhongjun, "In front of my eldest brother and sister-in-law, you don't look good today, and my performance is also very bad. My sister-in-law must be too careful. She cried at that time. Did she see it?

Zhu Zhongjun doesn't care.

He snorted coldly.

"Don't do this." Gu Jinzhi said again, "The children are still young, and their feelings are very simple. Even if it's really love, it's no big deal. Sister Yi is not our daughter..."

Zhu Zhongjun's face was even more ugly.

He is very concerned about this matter.

He looked at Gu Jinzhi and said, "Don't be lucky. Make an excuse and tell your sister-in-law to take care of Sister Yi. Don't let Sister Yi and Yan Ying get too close..."

Gu Jinzhi was stunned: "How do you open your mouth?"

"It's up to you!" Zhu Zhongjun said.

Gu Jinzhi smiled angrily and said, "I've thought about it. Why don't you tell the eldest brother?"

"All right, you can also tell your big brother." Zhu Zhongjun said.

Of course, he knew what Gu Jinzhi said and asked him to tell Gu Chenzhi.

I don't know why he quarreled with her, and he was in a better mood.

"You're just messing around." Gu Jin's way.

After that, she thought about it seriously and still felt that she should come forward.

Avoiding, can't solve any problems.

She should tell her sister-in-law, at least let her sister-in-law know that the couple mind this matter.

But what do you say?

You can't say it directly.

Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun can't accept close marriage, but the sister-in-law and the eldest brother will feel that their cousins and brothers are kissed. Therefore, different ideas will make people feel puzzled if they speak frankly, so they have to pretend to use other words.

This gives Gu Jinzhi a headache.

She thought about it for a long time and didn't know what to fake.

She needs to make up an excuse, an excuse that her sister-in-law can believe.

On the fifth day, Sister Yi was sick.

She was caught in the wind and cold.

The weather is very warm in June.

The cold weather at this time shows that she is not in good health and has poor resistance. Coupled with a little carsickness, Sister Yi is dying.

When parking and staying in the hotel at night, Gu Jinzhi suggested, "Let's rest here for two days and let Sister Yi slow down. The child is cold and carsick, so be careful.

Hearing this, the sister-in-law looked at Gu Jinzhi gratefully.

Zhu Zhongjun nodded naturally.

He also loves children.

Besides, after walking for five days, Tongtong and Yanying brothers are also tired and need to rest.

The eldest brother personally diagnosed Sister Yi's pulse, and asked Gu Jinzhi to help diagnose the pulse.

After that, the eldest brother opened the prescription.

They brought a lot of medicinal herbs, all of which are ready-made.

The sister-in-law personally went to the kitchen of the inn to fry the medicine, and Gu Jinzhi went to accompany her.

Gu Jinzhi finally came up with an explanation. She calmed down and made her lie less false. Then she said, "Sister sister-in-law, is Sister Yi a rabbit?"

Lin Manjing nodded. She looked at Gu Jinzhi puzzledly and asked, "Seventh sister, what's wrong?"

"Is it really a rabbit?" Gu Jinzhi seemed to be surprised.

Lin Manjing was even more puzzled. He nodded and said, "Yes..."

"Yan Ying is a dragon." Gu Jinzhi sighed and felt a little guilty, "In our house, there is a Taoist priest with high Taoism. He is the godfather of Yanshan. He once told Yan Ying's fortune-telling, saying that his fate was too hard, and it was not appropriate to get married before the age of 20, otherwise he would restrain his wife. He also said that Yan Ying's fate was too domineering and violated the upper and lower two zodiacities.

I vaguely remember that Sister Yi was just one year older than Yan Ying. The first time I saw them close, I thought of Mr. Lin's words and felt very nervous. Now they want to be good all the way. I don't know how to say it, and I'm very worried. I also thought that the Taoist priest's words may not be taken seriously. If I tell you to let Sister Yi and Yan Ying stay away, I'm afraid that I'm thinking about it and pretending to make things like this.

Before leaving, I also hesitated several times to tell you not to take Sister Yi. Later, I thought, there was no verification. Who knows if it's true that fortune-telling is good? I'm afraid that you won't believe it. Instead, I blame myself for being nag, so I didn't dare to mention it.

Now, Sister Yi has been sick after following us for five or six days. I don't know whether it's a fortune-telling or for other reasons. What should I do if I really answer those words and let Sister Yi lose her life? I have to tell my sister-in-law that you can help me refer to the details..."

As Gu Jinzhi spoke, Lin Manjing's face became more and more ugly.

Lin Manjing believes in fortune-telling.

She also often fortune-telling.

So, Lin Manjing listened to Gu Jinzhi's words.

She thought about Gu Jinzhi's ordinary personality, and she was warm-hearted.

Lin Manjing also thought that her eldest daughter Gu Xi was ill when she was a child, and Gu Jinzhi also saw her a doctor; Gu Jinzhi and Gu Chenzhi's brother and sister had a good relationship, and she should not dislike Gu Chenzhi's child.

But on the issue of Yan Ying and Sister Yi, her indifference was surprised and chilling. Lin Manjing only cares about the cold heart, but she didn't think about the strangeness in the middle.

Now listening to Gu Jinzhi's explanation, Lin Manjing is convinced.

As a mother, I dare not let my child take any risks, let alone this kind of thing?

Lin Manjing originally believed in this.

"This..." Lin Manjing's lips suddenly turned white, "What can I do?"

Gu Jinzhi held Lin Manjing's hand tightly and said, "Sister-in-law, I will look at Yan Ying in the future and won't let him get closer to Sister Yi. It's just that you don't think I dislike Sister Yi..."

Lin Manjing is very grateful to Gu Jin for his greatness.

Because if Yan Ying has to go to Sister Yi, Lin Manjing doesn't say much. After all, Yan Ying is the prince's son. Gu Chenzhi went to Luzhou. To put it bluntly, the prince of the Hou family didn't do it and insisted on running to the king of Luyang.

Lin Manjing felt that it was not easy to offend King Luyang.

But Yan Ying stopped her. Lin Manjing can not only protect her daughter, but also not offend the king of Luyang, which is the best way.

She thought of Gu Jinzhi's change of face before, which turned out to be to protect Sister Yi.

Lin Manjing was moved and a little ashamed. She should not have doubted Gu Jinzhi.

"Seventh sister, you always think about your sister-in-law and sister-in-law like this. Our mother and daughter are very grateful..." Lin Manjing said.

Gu Jin's way doesn't have to be like this.

After it was done, Gu Jinzhi was also relieved.

After she went back, she told Zhu Zhongjun this: "... Sister Yi suddenly fell ill, and her sister-in-law was the most vulnerable. She will believe whatever I say now. She easily trusted others, but fortunately I didn't have bad intentions..."

Zhu Zhongjun was surprised: "If it's so ridiculous, how can she believe it?"

Despite this, Zhu Zhongjun was still very happy, and the matter was finally solved.

Lin Manjing also told her husband.

Gu Chenzhi and Zhu Zhongjun are both men. Their reaction is the same, and they think it's bullshit.

Gu Chenzhi does not suspect that his sister is making up lies. He knows Gu Jinzhi, and Gu Jinzhi will never dislike his mother's family.

Either this is true, Gu Jinzhi is also a woman, and he also believes in fortune-telling nonsense; or Gu Jinzhi is more difficult to say.

No matter what kind, Gu Chenzhi is not good enough to ask Gu Jinzhi rashly, making it more difficult for Gu Jinzhi to do.

"Then you should also look at Sister Yi in the future. Don't ask her to go to Yan Ying." Gu Chenzhi said to Lin Manjing.

Lin Manjing was greatly relieved to see that her husband also agreed.

Parents refuse to let their children take any risks.

Therefore, Lin Manjing believes that fortune-telling says something taboo, not to mention that she is already in awe of the gods.

Sister Yi rested for two days, and the wind and cold eased a little.

On the road again, Lin Manjing taught her little daughter to the wet nurse, took Sister Yi wholeheartedly, and always took Sister Yi with her.

On Yan Ying's side, Gu Jinzhi also stopped him.

Slowly make the children rusty, so as not to cause more trouble in the future.

In order to avoid regrets.

Gu Jinzhi sighed silently.

And Yan Ying is very unhappy.

He asked Gu Jinzhi many times, "Mom, when will the third cousin recover from her illness? When can I go to her?"

Gu Jinzhi said, "It will take a few days. You can't pass for the time being, otherwise if you meet a stranger, Sister Yi's illness will be serious."

"Will the third cousin miss me?" Yan Ying was very serious. After thinking about it, he said, "I gave Cher and Chaos to the third cousin..."

Gu Jinzhi was stunned there.

Her eyes are a little sore.

Yan Ying cherishes things so much.

Brothers can't get his stuff. Lao San Yan Shao cried for the two cats of Cher and Wonton. I don't know how many times he cried, but Yan Ying just didn't let go. Now, he actually wants to give two to Sister Yi together.

Gu Jinzhi thought sadly: Some things may be doomed.

Although she thought so, she still tried her best to stop Yan Ying from interacting with Sister Yi.


Ask for pink tickets~~RS