Spring boudoir note

Chapter 540 Children's Mind

Section 540 Children's Thoughts

The problem of Yanshan made Zhu Zhongjun have a slight meal.

He pondered and looked at his two sons.

The child is really big.

The eldest son is calm and wise, and the second son is heroic and strong. If there is no Zhu Zhongjun, they can support each other.

Zhu Zhongjun has concealed things for many years. In addition to his dead man, Gu Jinzhi knew it.

Now, it's time for the children to know.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "You two go to change your clothes, let's go out..."

Yanshan and Yan Ying took a look, and then Yan Ying asked, "Going out now?"

Zhu Zhongjun nodded.

Yanshan and Yanying no longer questioned. Yes, they got up and went back to their houses to change their clothes.

Zhu Zhongjun went into the inner courtyard and told Gu Jinzhi: "... I'll take them to the mountains. They are all over, and they should all know about us.

Gu Jinzhi looked at Zhu Zhongjun.

She thought about the words and said, "We do all these things for defense. Look at the king of Nanchang. He is also afraid of the court's fear and dare not protect himself in private. Now that the court wants him to go to Beijing, he must go to Beijing. You should tell the children why we do this. We are not thinking about the country of others, but we are afraid that others will use us for fish..."

This is indeed their original intention.

From eleven years ago to today, if you only protect yourself, others will not believe it.

Yanshan and Yanying are old, and they have their own judgment.

But there are still some things that parents can't say about their children.

What should be covered still needs to be covered.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "Don't worry."

On the same day, he took his sons to his base in the mountains.

Yanshan and Yan Ying opened their eyes.

Over the years, my father has spent most of his time in the mountains every month, and Yanshan and Yanying are actually confused. So far, I have seen it with my own eyes, and the two brothers are stunned.

Zhu Zhongjun showed the cannon he developed to Yanshan and Yanying.

He asked someone to demonstrate.

Zhu Zhongjun's cannon was improved on the basis of the artillery during this period.

The idea of firearms in this era is fire and artillery.

The range of fire and artillery in this period is not far away, and it is troublesome. Every time you finish it, you have to refill the black gunpowder and lead.

Zhu Zhongjun did not engage in weapons research in his previous life, but he also came into contact with those documents many times. He and Gu Jin climbed relatively high in the previous life. Other benefits are different, but they are well-informed.

Although he doesn't have the unforgettable memory of the King of Luyang, he also remembers a little. Therefore, he spent a lot of time and money thinking about the things he vaguely remembered.

He spent ten years studying some weapons.

He not only stole the iron ore that King Jian had worked hard to mine for many years, but also spent five years to seize the loopholes of the court's coins and empty the imperial treasury.

The money and things are used for weapons research and military training.

In the rumble of the cannon, Yanshan and Yan Ying were stunned.

The two brothers were too shocked.

On the way back from the mountain, Yan Ying was particularly excited and followed Zhu Zhongjun to ask questions, while Yanshan was relatively silent.

"Dad, I will live with you in the mountains in the future!" Yan Ying said.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "No. Your eldest brother is not good at martial arts, and he needs you at home. Your sister is still young, and your mother and your third brother don't know martial arts. You have to take care of them at home.

Yan Ying listened and was a little discouraged.

But he still nodded.

Zhu Zhongjun touched Yan Ying's head with satisfaction and thought he was a child.

Yanshan has been meditating.

Seeing that he was a little unusually silent, Zhu Zhongjun asked him, "Why doesn't Yanshan talk?"

“...... Dad, think about it again, your artillery is really powerful!" Yanshan Road.

Zhu Zhongjun laughed and said, "It's not awesome. How can I protect you? Dad will not entrust your brothers to others for protection like the King of Nanchang..."

Yanshan finally smiled.

When he arrived at home, Yanshan still secretly asked Gu Jinzhi, "Mom, is my father going to have trouble?"

Gu Jinzhi did not answer, but asked Yanshan, "If it's really a war, are you afraid or not?"

Yanshan understood Gu Jinzhi's answer.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said, "Mother, Emperor Hongde has only succeeded to the throne for five years, and the world has changed. Luzhou is not bad. In many places, the people are living in poverty, the famine is continuous, and the officials are corrupt. If we get up, although the war will displace the people, in a few years, the world will be ruled, and the people's life will be better. How can you cure a serious injury if you don't carte your bones?

His words surprised Gu Jin.

Gu Jinzhi thought that the steady and gentle Yanshan would oppose the uprising.

Unexpectedly, that's what he thought.

After all, Zhu Zhongjun's son has Zhu Zhongjun's self-confidence and ambition in his bones. In Yanshan's words, they all feel that Emperor Hongde has no talent and no virtue, which is not enough to rule the world. If his father was the master of the world, the people would live and work in peace.

The life of war is only temporary, but long-term stability is permanent.

"Did you tell your father about this?" Gu Jinzhi asked Yanshan.

Yanshan smiled shyly and said, "Not yet. Tell my mother first..."

If he has anything to say, he will tell Gu Jinzhi first.

This is the tacit understanding between Yanshan and Gu Jinzhi, which has been there since childhood.

He also knew that his father would be happy to hear these words. However, he doesn't want to tell his mother through his father that he wants his mother to be the first to know what he thinks, which is his way of respecting his mother.

Yanshan is filial to his father, but he can't beat his mother.

Thinking of this, Yanshan felt a little guilty. If his father knew his thoughts, he would be disappointed.

"If there is a chance in the future, you can tell your father." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Your words are right. Your father will be gratified to hear it."

Yanshan nod.

After talking for a long time, Yanshan went out.

The next day, Gu Jinzhi, Tongtong and Yan Shao were ready to leave for Shoucheng.

It's only a one-day journey from Luzhou to Shoucheng. When Zhu Zhongjun was in Luzhou, he spent most of his time in the mountains. When Gu Jinzhi, Tongtong and Yan Shao go to Shoucheng, Zhu Zhongjun, Yanshan and Yanying can also visit them several times a month.

For Zhu Zhongjun, it's the same as before.

The brothers Yanshan and Yanying are reluctant to give up.

Zhu Zhongjun saw it and said to Yanshan and Yanying, "You can send your mother to Shoucheng and settle down before coming back." This allows them to stay for a few more days.

Yanshan and Yan Ying opened their mouths and smiled at the same time.

When she was about to leave, Yan Ying suddenly asked Gu Jinzhi, "Mom, why don't you go to my uncle's house?" Since you are not suitable to live in Luzhou, it is not suitable for you to live in Luzhou!"

He can always think of his cousin Gu Yi.

If you make a ranking of the most important people in Yan Ying's life, the first is the father, the second is the mother, and the third is Tong Tong, then the fourth is Gu Yi. Even the brotherhood between Yanshan and Yan Shao has to go back.

As Yan Ying gets older and older, Gu Yi's weight in his life will only increase but not decrease.

"There is nothing inappropriate." Zhu Zhongjun's face fell slightly and said, "Luzhou is an iron wall, which is safer than Shoucheng."

If the court comes to Luzhou to take the handle of the King of Luyang, it will take the family of the King of Luyang.

And one of Gu Chen's family members is just relatives. They have no meaning to Zhu Zhongjun, so no one will deliberately deal with them. They are as safe everywhere.

So, Gu Chenzhi, they don't need to hide

Gu Jinzhi and the children are the top priority.

When Yan Ying saw her father's cold face, she immediately dared not say more.

At this time, Yan Shao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Mom, why doesn't Hanhui go?" He may have been holding back this sentence for a long time, asked in a hurry, and the speed of speech was very fast, a bit like questioning.

Yan Ying had just said a few words coldly by her father. After hearing Yan Shao's words, she was unhappy. She felt that her brother was ignorant and actually followed her mother. She immediately said, "You are so big that you can't leave Hanhui? Do you want Han Hui to feed you, or do you want Han Hui to help you walk? When he was as old as the third brother, he was able to defeat most of the bodyguards in the palace, and the third brother could not live without a maid.

Yan Ying felt that the third brother was too promising.

Yan Shao was asked by Yan Ying, and his face turned red.

He wanted to say something, but his parents were present, and he didn't dare to contradict his brother, so he lowered his head silently.

Gu Jinzhi looked at Yan Ying, then took Yan Shao's hand and said, "You are already an older child. You don't have to take maids everywhere to serve in the future. Look at your eldest brother and second brother, no maid always follows..."

Yan Shao originally couldn't listen.

But the second brother rushed at him, and he also felt that he could not leave Hanhui, which was very shameful, so he forced himself to say, "I understand, mother."

"Second brother is so fierce!" Tong Tong said with a smile. He said.

Yan Ying's face slowed down slightly and she laughed.

With such a smile, Yan Shao was also relieved.

Zhu Zhongjun did not send Gu Jin to them.

Yanshan and Yanying rode a horse and sent them all the way to Shoucheng.

When they arrived at Shoucheng, it was already dusk.

Yanshan, as the son of the king of Luyang, went to see the generals of the Shoucheng garrison; Yan Ying stayed to help settle down.

The house in Shoucheng is ready-made. With Gu Jinzhi's dowry here, everything is very convenient.

Gu Jinzhi asked people to take Yan Shao and Tongtong's servants first to wash their hands and change their clothes.

She left Yan Ying to speak.

“...... Your father is present, and it's not your turn to make the decision. Gu Jinzhi said Yan Ying.

"He owes discipline!" Yan Ying said, "Mom, when I was as old as him, I was already an adult!"

Yan Ying has been practicing martial arts since she was five years old.

He is developing quickly.

When he was ten years old, he was already very tall. Like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old young man, others did not think he was a child. Zhu Zhongjun always said that he was an adult and should take on the heavy responsibility of protecting the family, so Yan Ying was more sensible early.

And Yan Shao, he can't go up or down. Gu Jin's husband and wife have never placed high expectations on Yan Shao, but only hope that his childhood will be happy and comfortable.

Yanshan is the eldest son. He must be sensible. This is what Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun taught him. Yan Ying worships Zhu Zhongjun. He imitates Zhu Zhongjun in his words and deeds, and he learned to be sensible very early.

And Yan Shao is not as responsible as the eldest brother, nor is it Yan Ying's thorough understanding.

"Don't talk like that!" Gu Jinzhi said with a straight face.


The editor of traditional Chinese publishing told me that because the traditional Chinese version of the Spring Boudoir will publish about 13 volumes, and the number of volumes is relatively large, it may be a little stressful to sell, so I hope that the Internet will update slowly, and wait for the traditional Chinese publishing, hoping to drive some traditional Chinese publishing. Therefore, from now until September 20th, I will probably update a chapter every two days. After September 20th, I will finish the game as soon as possible, and I won't let everyone wait for a long time~~

It's not easy to make a living, and it's even more difficult to sell books. I live on the manuscript fee for full-time coding. I hope you can understand.

If you are in a hurry, you can pay attention to traditional Chinese first~~ Readers and sisters in Taiwan, I hope you can support traditional Chinese! RS