Spring flowers

Chapter 2, scold the money matchmaker on the street

Lin Xiaochu, who made a fortune, dragged Lin Xiaoyi to the grocery store. First, weigh half a catty of sugar cubes, Xiaoyi said no, and two dark eyes stared at the sugar cubes just to look at them.

"I also need a new thimble and a pair of straw shoes."

The grocery store clerk answered loudly and brought the things over.

When he went out again, Lin Xiaoyi had a piece of sugar in his mouth, clenching the money bag in one hand and a new thimble. The thimble is yellow and bright, shining under the sun.

"How much my fifth aunt likes it."

Lin Xiaochu, who holds straw shoes in his hand, is full of spring breeze and made money today!

The bustling crowd around is on the long street, the long street is in the city, and the residence is outside the city. Xiaochu and Xiaoyi, who were short on their head, went home hand in hand. There was a liang of silver bulging in their waist bags. Xiaochu felt that there was nothing more joy in life than a blockage.

Sister, why don't you buy a new bamboo basket? What are you going to carry to sell flowers tomorrow?

Lin Xiaoyi sucked the sugar block and asked vaguely.

Lin Xiaochu smiled like a light wind: "How expensive is the new bamboo basket? There are several bamboo baskets in the matchmaker's house, and she doesn't need it. Let's ask her to buy one at a low price."

"What a low price?"

"A penny."

Lin Xiaoyi also muttered: "I don't like money matchmakers. She likes to scold the streets, likes to talk about people, and doesn't want to earn a penny."

The bamboo basket with a penny refused to give it to people who didn't like it. Lin Xiaochu raised his eyebrows. We Xiaoyi is a little girl with hatred. The money matchmaker scolded Xiaoyi for selling flowers yesterday, and Xiaoyi hated it.

"Stealing my mother's flowers, making them not good; stealing my mother's flowers, making them not grow tall..." When the official came to the grass house, he first heard that the money matchmaker who lived near the left scolded him again, and then saw how high a figure jumped and scolded while jumping, as if he were a master.

It was quite charming to scold people. Lin Xiaochu raised his eyebrows again, and Lin Xiaoyi blushed.

"Sister, who is she scolding?"

"We didn't pick the person who scolded her flowers. If you want to say the person who picked her flowers, she is also one."

The money matchmaker who jumped and scolded saw the two sisters approaching, and her face was full of smiles. The money matchmaker was stunned. The former one was anxious when she heard the scolding. Today, she also smiled, as if she was very happy to hear it.

"Dad lady Qian, have you lost the flower again?"

Lin Xiaochu took the initiative to say hello with a smile on his face. The matchmaker snorted and twisted her body and went home. Lin Xiaochu's slightly flattering voice came from behind: "Only when Aunt Qian's flowers are good can someone steal them. Like our tree flowers, no one picks them except for us."

There was a fragrance of white magnolia flowers in the breeze. Grandma Qian stood sideways at her door and looked at the two sisters. The big one is really promising. Recently, I have heard scolding and talked back.

Lin Xiaochu followed and smiled two or three steps away from the money matchmaker. Seeing that the money matchmaker was a little guilty, can this girl argue with me?

"Apartment Qian, discuss something with you,"

"What's the matter?" The money matchmaker put away her anger and looked at Lin Xiaochu. Did the girl want me to be a matchmaker when she was old?

Lin Xiaochu understood the meaning of the matchmaker's eyes and cursed in his heart, but his face was smiling:

"Neighbors all say that Aunt Qian is a helpful person. Well, we sell flowers today, and finally there are a few flowers left. The guest will give the basket to her at the price, so I will give it to her. Aunt Qian has a lot of old bamboo baskets, can you..."

"I still need to use it."

"Madam has always taken care of me and Xiaoyi. Can we buy one?"

The corner of Qian matchmaker's eyes looked at the penny raised in Lin Xiaochu's hand and came to buy a bamboo basket with a penny in disbelief.

"If it weren't for the aunt who loves to help others, I wouldn't dare to say it."

Lin Xiaochu's smile is like dawn, and he looks as pure as a stream of water. Even the money matchmaker, who walked around the streets and talked a lot, suddenly couldn't say anything to this smile.

"Sister Qian, these two sisters are not easy. You have the right to help."

The fifth aunt came out of the house, helped Lin Xiaochu say a word, sat at the door and began to wash the clothes in the wooden basin. Lin Xiaochu smiled and bowed to the money matchmaker and sent a penny to the money matchmaker.

The matchmaker Qian entered the house and took out an 80% new bamboo basket and handed it to Lin Xiaochu.

"Give it, you can use it. I think you can't do business, just want to sell the last few flowers, and you don't want to do tomorrow. It's just a pity that my bamboo basket and new bamboo basket cost more than ten pen.

Lin Xiaochu laughed again, and the matchmaker went in again. Lin Xiaochu, who was standing outside, stretched out his tongue and smiled at the fifth aunt. Lin Xiaoyi went over and gave the fifth aunt an thimble:

"For the fifth aunt."

"Woth, why are you spending money?"


Lin Xiaochu silenced his fifth aunt and quietly pointed to the money matchmaker's house. Then he walked to the smiling fifth aunt and squatted down and whispered to her, "Today, a guest bought a basket of flowers and gave this number."

"Wo girl, you put it away,"

The fifth aunt Lin Xiaochu and Lin Xiaoyi, who only rely on their sisters, are pitiful and try their best to help those who can help each other.

"Is the money matchmaker at home?"

A man in soap came over and let go of his voice. After shouting, I saw the beautiful Lin Xiaochu and looked up and down. Lin Xiaochu knew that this was Sun Erhai, a street bully in the city.

"I'm coming. It's his second brother. What's the matter with you? Sit in the room quickly."

The money matchmaker, who is in her forties, comes out as agile as an old butterfly. Sun Erhai then withdrew his eyes from Lin Xiaochu and said to the money matchmaker:

"There is no spare time. Let's go. There is something to make money in the city."

Gring to the money matchmaker:

"Rich man."

These two people hurriedly went one after another. The only thing Lin Xiaochu praised them was that they were very persistent in their income; a lot of places to belittle them, it was a long story. A street bully and a sharp-mouthed matchmaker are not bad.

Sun Erhai, who hurried to the city on the way, was talking to the matchmaker.

"That girl is the eldest daughter of the Lin family and is good-looking." This is Sun Erhai.

"You have a female tiger at home, do you still have this idea?"

The matchmaker Qian disdained, and Sun Erhai laughed:

"You woman thinks too much. Let me tell you, a noble man from the city wants to buy a girl. First, she wants to be sharp, second, she wants to be born well, and third, she wants a white family with 50 taels of money."

Fifty taels? The daughter of the Lin family is so suitable, but there is one thing. She may not be willing.

Two people could see the city gate, and Sun Erhai laughed:

"I'm afraid of what she will do. As long as the prince can like me, she will never have me."

"For fifty taels of silver, I have to trouble you."

As soon as I heard that it was 50 taels of silver to thank Zhongren, the heart of the money matchmaker flew to the top. He and Sun Erhai hurried to the noble son's place. The money matchmaker is anxious. This is a high-class room in a large inn. There are seven or eight teeth and matchmakers sitting on several benches outside the door.

"Did you call me late?"

"No, it's not the beginning. Only one went into the room, and the rest are waiting."

Sun Erhai said that he sucked his stomach with a shy face, collected the strong momentum outside just now, walked to the door of the room, and smiled at a family member: "I just met Mr. Chen. My surname is Sun. Please inform me."

"Wait, come one by one."

The family closed the door with a cold face, and Sun Erhai had to retreat. Several matchmakers sitting on the bench blamed him for staring at him, and Sun Erhai stared back without showing weakness.

Mr. Chen in the room was the person who asked the prince to buy flowers in the restaurant just now. He sat under the prince. The board wall of this inn is not soundproof, and the movement outside can be heard clearly.

"If you don't want to be a prince, you really adopt the casual sight of late life." Mr. Chen also felt that he couldn't figure it out. Mr. Chen said to the prince after drinking, otherwise the prince would have done so. Mr. Chen was surprised.

The prince looked calm: "I'm also old enough to know about men and women. It's his concern that my uncle wants to let people in my room, but I may not like the person he likes." Speaking of this, the old man was lazy: "How long will it take for Jin Xier to come back to clean up the other courtyard? This slave wants me to stay in the in the guest house for a few days."

The sunlight came in from the window paper and looked at the strange shape on the ground. The prince stared at the sun and listened to his family come in and stood in front of him and replied, "Four people's teeth outside, two matchmakers, have you seen each other now?"

Another sound of footsteps sounded, and a beautiful and white-faced young man came in, bent down and saluted and said, "In Xi'er's words, the courtyard has been cleaned up, and the prince can move back today."

"You slave, you finally came," the prince scolded, but he was not angry, but said in a faint tone. Then he stood up with his hands and said, "Then let's go over. Mr. Chen, please,"

Mr. Chen got up with the prince. He waited for the prince to finish his words: "Those people outside, let them see each other in the hospital tomorrow." The family promised to open the door curtain, and Mr. Chen and the prince came out one after another. After stopping outside the door, the prince's cold star's flashing eyes looked at the people who came one by one. His eyes were not cold, but he could see the depths of people at a glance, making the teeth and matchmakers outside hurriedly bow.

When I understood, I only heard the sound of boots, and the prince and Mr. Chen had only one back. Jin Xier followed immediately, and a family member came out to drive them away: "See you tomorrow. I won't be idle today."

Everyone believes that the prince must be idle when he has gone out. Several people and matchmakers dared not complain, but they were disgrined. Yuqi was two matchmakers, waving their handkerchiefs as if they were angry. They walked out of the door of the inn and looked back and complained, "What's the matter after calling people to wait for nothing?"

Money matchmaker and Sun Erhai also came out, and Sun Erhai also said, "Where is the prince from? Which hospital shall we go to meet him tomorrow?"