Spring flowers

Chapter 109, let others add block

The two noble sons by Jiangbian broke up and stayed overnight. Chu Huaixian said that he was going to meet his friends, and Zhao Cunzong was going to the army outside the city. The next day, after the gate opened, Chu Huaixian came home slowly. Thinking that Qiu Yan is coming, the third uncle also went to the field together, and several new test questions were also done for the third uncle.

Chu Huaixian is not young in the field, but he can't be blamed. Chu Shaofu wandered between his son's father Meng and the lower science field for a long time. The science field was an ancestral training and also played an example at home. However, when the officials chatted with the palace, they all said that they were leaving the father Meng. He also said that Mr. Chu has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and should go to martial arts. It was only after the death of Master Chu that Chu Huaixian has been delayed until now.

Chu Huaixian, who sat in the car and entered the gate, as far as he is concerned, is willing to leave the field. Chu Huaixian's temperament is unwilling to leave his father's cuteness. He is the only son in the long room, and this father will be his sooner or later. Chu Huaixian doesn't have to worry. There are no siblings to rob him below. With his mind, he is willing to work hard and win a reputation so that he will not rely on his father in the future.

Thinking about this, I went home first and went to the study to give a few new test questions to the third master, and I went to the room to see Xiaochu. Xiaochu was in his room, leaning against the window and holding half of the belt in his hand. He said that he was not sad or sad, but just looked out of the window by accidently and indifferently. Hearing the sound of the door, Xiaochu raised his eyes indifferently when he came in, and then lowered his hand and pricked a needle, as if he didn't care about anything.

Since the night of the second master's birthday, Lin Xiaochu has been like this. Chu Huaixian felt distressed and didn't blame her for not getting up to pick herself up. He came over and sat down and looked at her hand with a smile: "Is this mine?" Lin Xiaochu hummed, and Chu Huaixian said again, "I think you are slow, but you look exquisite when you are slow. Recently, you have often gone out and have also grown a lot."

Hearing this sentence, Xiaochu's eyes swept over Chu Huaixian's face like flying. This tight eyes were very different from hers. Chu Huaixian took the opportunity and said, "I haven't been out for a few days. Do you think you are scared by the little prince? Don't worry, I believe you. If you want to go out, you'd better go.

When I met a Gong Miaoer and another Zhao Cunzong, Xiaochu was so angry that he never went out all day long. Hearing what the prince said, Xiaochu only made a belt on his hand and thought, I want you to believe who I am. I just can't say this. If I can say it, I can also relieve my anger.

"Really don't go out? You don't like to go out on the street. It's good to go out and play. Go and see your acquaintances," Chu Huaixian said of Zhu Niang and Fragrant. Xiaochu looked up at him again. This time, his eyes were much sharper. As soon as Chu Huaixian smiled, she saw Xiaochu indignantly put the unfinished belt on her hand on her bed, and there was an angry face on her face. She lifted the fragrance, and she remembered the moment she had been hit.

Chu Huaixian stretched out his hand and said gently, "Okay, show me if it hurts? I didn't give you the medicine and put it on myself. Oh, no, let the lotus serve you. Originally, I bought her to serve you. Xiaochu dodged his hand to prevent him from reading it and said lightly, "If you don't order it, please go back to read the book. In the end, fame is important. Why talk too much for people like me?"

"What is a person like you?" To Lin Xiaochu's stiff face, Chu Huaixian's heart moved. There was no one in the room, so he laughed in a low voice: "Who are you? It doesn't matter who you are, as long as I like it." Lin Xiaochu breathed fiercely and whispered, "It's all because of Prince Zhao!" Without his stirring, the prince would not have done so. The two quarreled, and the quarrel was fragrant. Lin Xiaochu firmly remembered the account that Chu Huaixian suddenly lingered with on Zhao Cunzong's head.

Chu Huaixian could understand and said with a smile, "Why blame him! Did you forget that I said I liked you when I was in another hospital? Lin Xiaochu couldn't stand it. He looked at a few Xuancao out of the window and said, "I like this grass, and I also like that tree. I prefer winter plums and spring willows. So do you!" Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "This metaphor is good, but as you know, I don't like the girl for no reason." Xiaochu deliberately said, "Why?" Without waiting for Chu Huaixian to reply, he said first, "I'll change it!" Chu Huaixian laughed: "You bad girl!"

Laughing at Chu Huaixian and got up: "If I come to comfort you once, you will chase me once. Well, I spoil you, and don't spoil it too much. It's good if you don't want to go out and hang out at home. Don't be afraid to meet Prince Zhao again, and he will pester you again, and I will beat him the same!" Xiaochu curled his lips and didn't want to see anyone in the room. I didn't want to ask for it when I went around the house and listened to other people making fun of me!

He didn't get up to send Chu Huaixian. His eyes lowered and heard the door ringing him go out, and then he took a long breath again. There is a ruby begonia-patterned longevity hairpin on the couch, which the old lady shouted to reward for no reason yesterday. Xiaochu hated Gong Miaoer. If he were willing, he would have at least had a chance to redeem himself. I hate a circle and hate Sun Erhai and Chu Huaixian. Xiaochu is puzzled, and the prince will come to comfort me and let him do what he do? He thought he would forget or ask me to ask him again.

Lin Xiaochu doesn't want to pay attention to Chu Huaixian these days, nor does he want to listen to others. I picked up half of my belt again and pricked a needle. I watched the orchid grass swaying outside the window and wait until I feel better before venting my anger.

Chu Huaixian came to the front room, just sat down and came in from the outside, ploping and knelt down in front of him: "Please judge." Qiu Bai, who followed behind him with a pale face, knelt silently behind Xiaoyi. Lin Xiaoyi cried loudly without saying: "Sister Qiu Bai said to people all day long that my sister is not good and scolded very badly. Since my sister is not good, it's not better to ask the prince to kick us out!"

Bihen and several little girl listened and laughed quietly outside: "Xiaoyi is getting bolder and bolder. As long as Qiu Bai dares to say it, she will make trouble."

Chu Huaixian only glanced at Qiu Bai and looked at Lin Xiaoyi: "You will complain when you see the sky. Go back to accompany your sister and don't come out." Xiaoyi wiped her tears and said, "My sister is innocent. They never let her go." Chu Huaixian snorted, "I just know her innocence. Others say it's useless. If others say it later, you don't have to pay attention to her."

The room could not be quiet, Chu Huaixian stood up and went outside. Although Qiu Bai was not good, Lin Xiaoyi jumped up just as tall. He came out of the study and sat down and asked Jin Xier to call Qiu Bai's parents: "No matter how confused you are, you have been with me for a long time. One or two newcomers can't tolerate it. I said it doesn't work. Your daughter, teach yourself."

Qiu Bai's parents were shocked and came to find their daughter: "Go back to your son and take your house for a day." After the prince left, Lin Xiaoyi, who had never returned to the room, always shook in front of Qiu Bai and would support her when he heard her words. Seeing that Qiu Bai's parents picked her up and had no rival, he went back to find her sister and told her, "I quarreled with that man again. I used to quarrel with her and scared me with the steward's wife. Later, the prince came back and scolded Sister Xia Lu, saying that she didn't care about our quarreling. Now she doesn't dare to be so powerful, but I have the upper hand every day.

Xiaochu sighed: "I won't listen to you, just ignore her." Xiaoyi held her sister's arm and said, "If Chunhong had left, it would be great if she had also left." Xiaochu stroked Xiaoyi's head: "The prince will not chase Qiu Bai away." Xiaoyi was puzzled: "Why? Why didn't she leave when she saw Tian'er quarreling with me?

"Spring red and autumn white are all people who have served the prince since childhood. Chunhong made it like this, which hurt the prince's heart. Qiu Bai chased him away again, and where did the prince put his face? He seemed to be the person who served him since he was a child. No one was good. Xiaochu patiently told Xiaoyi and seized the opportunity to teach her: "So I advise you not to quarrel with her. One is to quarrel with her, and the other is to let people say that you are not good. No matter how bad Qiu Bai is, the prince will keep her and ignore her at most.

Xiaoyi listened this time and told her sister, "The prince ignores her. I'll tell him that sometimes he is not kind and sometimes doesn't get along with her, but he never paid attention to her." Xiaochu smiled and said, "That's enough for her to be sad. If you quarrel with her again, it's not good to have more trouble. At this time, Xiaoyi, you should be polite to her, "

Xiaoyi didn't understand and said, "Are you polite to her? What's the matter? Besides, I'm polite to her. Isn't she scolding me in her heart?" Xiaochu smiled and said, "She scolded, but she can ignore it even if she scolds in front of her. You don't want to be angry with her, make her scold in her heart, and smile at you on your face. Who told us to be sensible children?

Lin Xiaoyi's "Oh" sounded as if she didn't understand, but she smiled on her little face: "I listen to my sister. In the future, I will be polite to her in front of people, right?" Xiaochu laughed and said, "You should be polite enough in front of people. As long as she is not very young, you should also be polite. It's so polite that she can't say it in her heart. Xiaoyi clapped his hands and smiled: "Let her block it." Xiaochu also laughed: "Yes! That's it."

Xiaochu is much happier when he smiles like this. She is not a person who likes to sulk. With demobilization, she will regain her spirit and plan in all ways in the room. This Gong Miaoer has to make him fierce!

Lin Xiaoyi accompanied her sister for a while and saw that she had an idea, so she went out to try what she had newly learned. When I came to the upper room, I didn't see anyone until the evening that Qiu Bai was picked up. Xiaoyi waited until the next day. When she saw Qiu Bai and the girls doing their work, she also sat down. When Qiu Bai saw Xiaoyi, he was uncomfortable. In the past few days, the prince obviously snolded himself. He didn't want tea and called others to pour it. When he sent clothes, he didn't answer it, and then scolded Xia Lu for not waiting. The person who is really sad is Qiu Bai. He said that Xiaochu is not good behind his back. When Xiaoyi hears it, he will quarrel. This little girl is awesome!

Qiu Bai pretended not to see the small intention and only talked to Bihen and others. Seeing that his hand was gone, he shouted "Bring my green embroidery thread," Qiu Bai has been out of power recently. Bihen is lazy and unwilling to move. Xiaoyi trotted over and sent it to Qiu Bai with a smile: "Sister Qiu Bai, here you are."

The girl in the room was stunned, and Qiu Bai was also stunned there......