Spring flowers

Chapter 280, Brother

Since then, the big friends of this building have been sad and sometimes angry. This teenager, who grew up in the market, can read some words and have some ink in his stomach. When pretending to be a grandson, he looks like a grandson, and when pretending to be an uncle, he is like an uncle. Chu Huaide was grinded out of two of the three souls. He was anxious all day long and didn't know what to do.

I have the intention to fight, and I can't bear to give up my good marriage; and I also know that compared with myself, the Lou family is mud, and what I can't afford is myself, and I have to get dirty. Their business people are used to showing their faces, often litigation with others, and are not afraid to go to court. In addition, Miss Lou's face is correct. Chu Huaide is young and hazy. In his emotions, he always thinks that it is because of his deep affection for himself. These thoughts made Chu Huaide unable to move.

Xiao Gener can only knock again: "Go and tell the second master that your life is good, but if you don't say, you won't do this alone. Someone has to talk about it." In the end, only the eldest brother can talk. Xiao Gener encouraged Chu Huaide to go: "You can get a few times at most." Chu Huaide smiled bitterly: "I'm a slave, anyway, it's not you."

At present, Chu Huaide left, and Xiao Gener whispered privately, "What can I do if you hit me when you come back?"

Chu Huaide rubbed three steps, took three steps to think, and then took another step back. In the linger, he also went outside Chu Huaixian's study. In front of this green brick yard, Chu Huaide was worried first. Even the eldest brother's study is better than his own. The wooden corridor is clean, the stone steps are ancient, and the fragrance floats gently. It is a pot of orchids for many years. When he saw Chu Huaide, he lowered his waist.

"Is this flower replaced or watered?" Chu Huaide asked Longevity in a low voice, and Longevity also whispered, "Changed, the prince doesn't like it."

A few stems, leaves and several flowers, Chu Huaide looked satisfied. He didn't understand where Chu Huaixian was dissatisfied. He left the flower and said to Duo Shou, "Help me reply." Duoshou snu said, "Go in. The prince is in there. You have already seen it."

Chu Huaide summoned up the courage to go in. There was fragrance in the room. Chu Huaixian didn't know where he had just come back. He sat high in the middle and was drinking hot tea. Chu Huaide went over respectfully and said, "Brother." His respect is not pretending, but what he has developed since he was a child.

"Sit down." Chu Huaixian said casually. Chu Huaide sat down. In fact, there was nothing else to say, just like sitting on pins and needles. Chu Huaixian said lightly, "What's the matter?" Chu Huaide hurriedly said, "No, ah, there is," Chu Huaixian raised his eyes. Chu Huaide couldn't sit on the chair and knelt down two steps forward. He already cried: "Brother, I'm your own brother. You can save me. If you don't help me, my father will definitely kill me."

Chu Huaixian pretended not to know and was as strict as usual: "What's the matter! It's not promising, why are you crying!" Chu Huaide told about the Lou family. Chu Huaixian looked at his brother's beautiful face and suddenly found that Huaide was somewhat similar to himself.

I remembered that this was not because he was complacent and felt that he was good-looking, but that Chu Huaixian remembered again that the person he often ignored before, as he said, was his uncle and brother.

"What can I do to keep that girl from dying?" Chu Huaixian asked. Chu Huaide had an idea when he came and said quickly, "Big brother can be half a family. No, you can be a family. I dare not tell my father that the eldest brother will go to Lou's house and comfort their family first."

Chu Huaixian's eyes were bright and he looked directly at Chu Huaide: "Have you calmed him?" Chu Huaide wiped a sweat and stadded a little: "This, comforted, and then," Chu Huaixian was unhappy: "How long can it be comforted? Three months or half a year, a year, and then it will be noisy after half a year, so what? Chu Huaide said carefully, "If she can pass half a year or a year, she is two years older than me. Can she not allow anyone?" Chu Huaixian posted, "What if she doesn't marry anyone else and just says that she will guard you for you?" Chu Huaide lowered his head and whispered, "I want to accept her. The eldest brother is willing to go and let them know that the family knows. I will talk to the Lou family about other things myself.

"You have grown up," Chu Huaixian did not blame Chu Huaide for such an idea. In fact, Chu Huaide had such an idea, which was a sudden inspiration. He remembered that when Chu Huaixian was married before, he also had Lin Xiaochu at that time. However, Chu Huaixian likes Lin Xiaochu, while Chu Huaide has the idea of both the two US.

As an ancient man, Chu Huaixian doesn't care how many younger brother will marry. He doesn't have this intention. If his younger brother marries more, Chu Huaixian will only say good.

Chu Huaixian continued, "This matter is clearly blackmailed. Even if you want her, you can't explicitly promise to the Lou family." Chu Huaide was pitiful and begged for mercy, "Brother, what else should I do? I don't have to have her. I don't have her family to give it back to me, but I don't want her. She's going to die. I can't hurt her, can you?

"Real?" Chu Huaixian scolded and scolded, "You are also a man!" In this way, the Lou family bullied you. It can be said that you are young. It makes me angry to let a girl bully like this!" Chu Huaide said, "Yes, yes, I also know that the Lou family did it intentionally. But she, with a reputation, is a poor person.

Chu Huaixian couldn't help smiling and said with a straight face, "Since I know, it's not right to have a helping heart! That is, you have feelings, and blackmail are two things. Chu Huaide said, "Yes, yes." Chu Huaixian taught him a lesson and promised Chu Huaide to go with him. Chu Huaide was happy, and Chu Huaixian asked again, "You are also so old, and when you know how to spend money, do you owe money?" Chu Huaide was following Chu Huaixian's words one by one. Hearing the last sentence, he understood it in time and said, "No." Then he lowered his head and dared not look at Chu Huaixian.

If the two hundred taels of silver was lost by the eldest brother, Chu Huaide just needs to think about it and raise his heart again.

Chu Huaixian didn't ask about the silver ticket and took out a hundred taels of silver ticket from his sleeve: "This is for you." Chu Huaide was stunned. He just looked at the silver ticket and Chu Huaixian and dared not reach out to get it.

"Take it," Chu Huaixian said again, "Get up and listen to me." Chu Huaide believed that it was for himself. After receiving the silver ticket, he was not respectful, but said attentively, "Brother, please tell me." Chu Huaixian said righteously, "It's okay to spend more on what you love, at least you can spend money to buy happiness. If you spend money randomly and go to places you shouldn't go, you should be careful!"

Chu Huaide said again, "Yes, yes." At this time, it is always right to say more. With a hundred taels of silver tickets in his sleeve, Chu Huaide's fear of his eldest brother was much less, and invisibly, he was a little more kind. The two brothers themselves have not found it yet.

"I don't have enough money, come to me! But you have to remember that I don't have to check how you spend it. If you ask, you have to give me a reply!" Chu Huaixian said that Chu Huaide would only agree.

Xiaochu's voice came from outside the room: "Have a long life, is the prince back?" Chu Huaixian smiled, and then Xiaochu's footsteps approached. The curtain opened. Xiaochu went a step further and immediately said, "Well, are you talking?" Chu Huaide turned around cleverly and shouted, "Sister-in-law." Look at Chu Huaixian again. Chu Huaixian said, "Go back and tell them that I will go with you." Chu Huaide had been overjoyed for a long time and promised to stand up. Then he withdrew to the outside of the room and jumped down the steps. After jumping down, he turned around and saw that the door curtain had been put down. Chu Huaide strode and ran out.

Xiaochu was stunned: "What are you talking about happy things?" Chu Huaixian put down the tea bowl and said, "Talk more." He got up and went to the desk and sat down, and then said to Xiaochu, "What else are you talking to me about?" Xiaochu followed and saw a pile of things on the bookcase with seals, which were a pile of official documents.

Chu Huaixian, who has led the position of bodyguard, is the same as Jia Rong, who paid for Qin Keqing's funeral for Qin Keqing in the Dream of Red Mansions, is the title of honored by the children of the family. He is not an official. He did not appear in the first month, and the bodyguard has not yet taken office. There are a lot of official documents on the desk. Xiaochu was curious: "What is this?" Is it really an official document? Reaching out his hand to open one, Chu Huaixian stretched out his hand and hit Xiaochu softly: "Move around."

Xiaochu withdrew his hand and rubbed the pain and said, "Your hand is heavy, don't you know?" He didn't move, but after two eyes, he understood his husband and helped his father-in-law Chu Shaofu read the official documents. Xiaochu really had something to do. She took out several posts from her sleeve and showed them to Chu Huaixian one by one: "Mrs. Liang, come to visit me. This is my invitation; Mrs. Guan, I haven't seen it, it's Mrs. Liang who knows me; Mrs. Jin invited me to discuss whether spring will come and whether there will be an epidemic."

Chu Huaixian laughed twice: "There is no need for the pharmacy. Just have you." Xiaochu said happily, "Are you letting me go?" Chu Huaixian nodded with a smile: "Go ahead, those people can make money and spend money. If you go, just spend less. If someone asks, just say that I'm not generous."

He swayed Mrs. Guan's post in front of Chu Huaixian's eyes. Lin Xiaochu said, "Today is her house, not Mrs. Jin's house, who asked me to spend money on herbs to make medicinal tea for the poor." Chu Huaixian only glanced at it and was a little disdainful: "Go early and come back early." Xiaochu came out, changed his clothes and went out.

The official's wife's family is not big, but the flowers and trees are sparse. Five officials were invited, and a total of six officials and their wives were invited. The stars surrounded Mrs. Chu in the middle like the moon. Chu Huaixian wanted to come early and explained to him earlier: "Anyway, I'm playing. Why do you care about officials?"

Therefore, today, Mrs. Chu lowered her husband's identity and sat among these people; and the master's wife, of course, smiled. What does Mrs. Chu have after leaving, and Mrs. Chu?

Talking and laughing is happy, and of course Xiaochu is the happiest. Others only flatter her and don't offend her. If the high-ranking wife comes from a famous family, of course, no one will flatter the origin of Mrs. Chu. And most of these officials and wives came from the birth of the husband of the poor man. Before becoming officials, they washed their hands and sewed their hands to study for their husbands, but there were still two.

The room is scolding men, but there is no way to investigate who started. Mrs. Chu is busy, listening to others talk about family affairs with a smile on her face. Next to her, there sat Mrs. Liang.

"If you have a few small money, you will change," it's not Mrs. Liang who is scolding, but someone else: "Before I became an official, I'm working hard at home. It's me sweeping the floor and pouring the toilet." After three or five years as a lady, she is still vulgar. Mrs. Chu can listen. Strangely, people like Mrs. Liang can also listen. It can be seen that people have another side.

Another person scolded: "My damn ghost, like yours, saves a few money, but he just likes to visit the brothel." Mrs. Liang, who was elegant on the Dragon Boat Festival, covered her mouth and laughed and said, "It's not a sin to be romantic. Which man doesn't go to the brothel?" When she spoke, she didn't look at Mrs. Chu. Mrs. Chu's own heart was smelled.