Spring flowers

Chapter 297, a hill

After Mrs. Fang Er left, Mrs. Jin raised a satisfied smile on her lips. Turning back to his usual place, a man turned his head and smiled, "What did she say?" This person is Mrs. Lin, who often walks around with Mrs. Guan.

What can you say? If you want to die, be obedient. If you don't want to die, die. Mrs. Jin sat down, and the white cat jumped on her knee. Mrs. Jin stroked the cat and smiled, "Look at her, is she obedient or dying?"

Mrs. Lin said happily, "Is there anyone who doesn't want to live?" Her eyebrows were happy and she said admiring Mrs. Jin, "If I come to see you in the future, don't dislike that I don't have money. If I had been with you earlier, I wouldn't have been sentenced. Nowadays, few people in my family like me." Mrs. Jin looked at her sincerely from under her eyes, and then said, "Mrs. Guan's hoof also has some means."

"No, Lord Wen came out of prison and was also the person she was looking for; Lord Wen's case was retrial, and it was Mrs. Chu Shao who she was looking for." Mrs. Lin was angry: "Only my matter, she let me stay in prison for two days before she was willing to find Mrs. Chu."

Mrs. Jin, who is well-informed, knew that the retrial of the case had nothing to do with Mrs. Chu, but she was willing to let Mrs. Lin think wrong like this, and she smiled again: "Mrs. Chu is also cautious."

"Cautious? No matter how cautious people are, they have weaknesses. Don't look at how noble she is every day. Just look at the one who just left. The second young lady of the Fang family is from the famous family of Lu. So what? As soon as she went to the casino, haha, Mrs. Lin was happy when she thought about it: "If you don't play with her to the fullest, she won't let us go. Humph," he said, "I lost all the money, and I blamed her for coaxing her money. This man is today, he should!"

Mrs Jin smiled thoughtfully and said to herself, "Mrs. Chu should be different from the second young lady of the Fang family, right?" Zhan Yan smiled at Mrs. Lin: "She comes from a small family. When it comes to such an identity, she should be cautious." Mrs. Lin curled her lips and said, "You still hide it from me. You can't pull Mrs. Guan, but she doesn't know how to find out that you like to take short stories and scare her away from you. Like me, I won't. I'm short everywhere. How can you take it?

"Ha ha, look at me, is that kind of person?" Mrs. Jin blinked her eyes and smiled innocently. Mrs. Lin also smiled, and then disappeared. She said to Mrs. Jin with a calm face, "You also know the one in our family. There are many things in charge of officials. In his department, he can't manage big things. He knows all the small things. If you don't mind, I'll tell you everything." Mrs. Lin gritted her teeth and said, "As long as you can help me vent your anger."

Mrs Jin smiled implicitly: "We are women, and national affairs are men's business. I inquire about things, not just for money. Saying that I'm not good, pull one over and ask, she doesn't eat or drink or spend money? Mrs. Jin was so innocent that she hugged the cat and leaned back on the pillow and was angry: "I was angry when I heard these words."

"Tell you one thing, how much do you pay?" Mrs. Lin asked quickly. Mrs. Jin smiled disdainfully: "You're confused again," she stretched out lazily, and the cat on her knee sat uncomfortablely. "meowed" and ran away. Mrs. Lin ignored this disdain and just stared at Mrs. Jin's lips: "Me?"

Mrs. Jin said anxiously, "I just told you that national affairs are men's business. I just need money. There is no one thing that costs, and I'm not a spy." Mrs. Lin was speechless and said flatteringly, "Can you teach me?"

"It's like this matter of the Fang family, the fool won't do it. There is a general outside who wants to be transferred back to Beijing. As long as she is willing to help, she can get thousands of taels of silver. You, learn slowly in the future. If people say something, you can earn this money if you can help. If you can't help, let's..."

Mrs. Jin said that Mrs. Lin's eyes lit up: "Let's find a way." Mrs. Jin smiled and said, "What can I do? An official in Shanxi made a small mistake and his boss reported to Beijing. I don't know how many such small things are a day. The minister of the Ministry of Officials is in a good mood and let it go. If he is in a bad mood, the official will be unlucky. Can you earn this money after paying 3,000 taels of silver? I can only watch it."

Mrs Lin frowned, and Mrs. Jin looked at her with a smile. For a long time, Mrs. Lin shook her head and said, "No, I have thought about everyone I know. Only Mrs. Chu can do it." Mrs. Jin shook her head and smiled, and looked out at the bamboo leaves from afar: "Mrs. Chu, you are a cautious person."

"It's true, but if she asks me to help, I will definitely not hide." At this time, Mrs. Lin could more or less understand Mrs. Jin's thoughts.

As long as it is an individual, there are times when people are needed. Or there is no chance to create an opportunity. It can only be caused by herself that the second young lady of the Fang family has become what she is today.

In the blink of an eye, the weather is even better and sunny. When I got up early in the morning, the girls in the room kept chattering. Chunhen poked his head in, and Bihen came in and stood in with a smile. Xiaochu dressed up under the window. Chu Huaixian put on clothes and talked to her: "Mother said that we will go to spring, and everyone in Beijing will go. It's not good for us to go. You just haven't been there. I have the right to accompany you."

Xiaochu didn't agree to this. She looked at the mirror platform, picked up the hairpin in her hand, and smiled back to Chu Huaixian: "I can't afford this favor. I only get half of it. And your friends, won't you accompany them?"

"If you don't let me accompany you, I won't accompany you." Chu Huaixian and Xiaochu joked. Xiaochu was about to laugh. Chu Huaixian said in the second half of the sentence, "I only accompany you. Do you agree?" Xiaochu embowed angrily: "I won't agree. You only accompany me. I have an extra messenger to look at your friend's face and say that I'm holding you."

I took a plum hairpin and handed it to Chunshui: "Bry this." Xiaochu asked Chu Huaixian again, "Grandma won't go?" The little original intention is itchy, and the blue sky outside is like a green forest: "How beautiful it is. Take Brother Yu out to play."

"My brother is young. The good brother in the third aunt's room is sick, and his grandmother's biological people refuse to let Brother Yu see him. He is afraid that someone will bring him out of illness." Chu Huaixian said, and Xiao Chu said, "That's right." Mrs. Chu looked at Brother Yu as if she had taken many tonics, and she was unwilling to let Brother Yu leave her eyes for a moment.

At this time, Xiaochu also knows more or less that he is blessed. She said to Chu Huaixian, "The third aunt didn't go either. Brother Liang was sick and had to get soup. The third aunt had to help her mother's housekeeper. When she saw me yesterday, she left before she could say anything." Chu Huaixian straightened his clothes and came to help Xiaochu pick another pair of pearl hairpins in the box. Hold this hairpin and knock on Xiaochu's head first: "Who is free like you?" Then insert the hairpin left and right into Xiaochu's head.

The spring water combed her hair pouted. She chose a phoenix hairpin for the young lady, but the prince chose this one. Although these two are good, they are not in line with the meaning of spring water.

The two masters ignored the spring water, and Xiaochu said to Chu Huaixian, "Xiangzhi can't go," she is going to get married and avoid shame: "I want to take my second aunt to relax, but she won't go. Actually, I don't really want to go, but I just want to accompany you. Xiaochu has no money recently, and he wants to leave home for Xiangzhi. He is somewhat reluctant to accompany Xiangzhi as soon as he has time.

"Yes, I was about to ask you, you don't go out these days just to accompany your sister?" Chu Huaixian asked Xiaochu with a smile, and Xiaochu said firmly, "Of course, you, as a brother, let me care more. How dare I not go?" Chu Huaixian laughed and scolded, "It doesn't sound from his heart." Xiaochu's wonderful eyes flowed and smiled and said, "Why, my heart with her can't be true anymore. It's not true to go out with you later.

The two laughed at each other, and Chu Huaixian did not see that Mrs. Chu had no money. He just felt that Xiaochu had been bored at home recently, but he should also accompany Xiangzhi.

After breakfast, Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Chu resigned, and the young couple went out hand in hand. Several old family members passed by and pointed behind them: "I can't see that the girl Xiaochu is getting better and better." He said to laugh together: "It's the young lady."

There are all the cars and horses outside the door, as well as Chu Huaide and Lin Xiaoyi. Chu Huaide waited outside with a smile on his face: "Brother brother and sister-in-law." Lin Xiaoyi followed out like a fart worm and saluted Chu Huaide: "Second brother." When Chu Huaide saw her, he also smiled: "My sister, please get in the car."

Chu Huaixian didn't pay attention to it. He took care of Xiaochu to get on the car. Lin Xiaoyi and Chu Huaide quickly stared at each other when people were not paying attention, which was the end of the matter.

Youchun is outside the city, dozens of miles out of the city, and there is a mountain range closest to Beijing. Here is the sun, and there are many flowers and pavilions. Scholars and ladies all came early. Wanghou Guiqi, of course, arrived not early.

Little Lord Huang and Gu Xiangpu were talking. Seeing Chu Huaixian and his entourage coming, they waved: "Come here." Xiaochu smiled in the car: "Didn't you say to accompany me?" Chu Huaixian also smiled and said, "Just look at me, I'm afraid you'll get bored." Xiao Chubai glanced at him: "You are really bored." Xiaoyi pointed to several women: "Sister, look at them?"

Xiaochu's face was rigid. Chu Huaixian looked at Xiaochu's face and then smiled at Xiaochu. Chunshui quietly said to Xiaoyi, "Little girl, that's not a good person." Xiaoyi blushed and withdrew her hand to explain to Chunshui and sister in a low voice.

After living in a deep house for a long time, she went out to visit Lin Xiaoyi, the little girl of the official eunuch's family, and almost forgot all the industry of women in the brothel outside.

Chu Huaixian and Chu Huaide got off the horse, and Lin Xiaochu and Lin Xiaoyi got off the car. The first one to come was a little girl in a yellow palace costume. The 19th princess swaggered over, looked at Lin Xiaoyi curiously, and then said to Chu Huaixian and Chu Huaide, "ping shen." Then she looked at Mrs. Chu, who smiled cutely: "Mrs. Chu, I miss you."

Xiaochu smiled and said, "Princess, I miss you too." The nineteenth princess stamped her feet: "I have something to say to you. Come with me." Taking Xiaochu aside, the 19th princess immediately said, "The method you taught doesn't work." Xiaochu felt that his face was a little stiff. He collected it and changed his smile again: "Why doesn't it work?" The 19th princess said, "The first time, you said you thought about it; the second time, you said you thought slowly; the third time I saw you in the palace, you said you continued to think about it. When do you think it will work?"

"Are you thinking, or are others thinking?" Xiaochu said coldly.

"Of course it's not me... it's me, of course it's me." The nineteenth princess's eyes flickered aside, and Xiaochu didn't have to look at it, because she had already seen that the sixteenth princess was standing beside her husband.

There are so many people, and under the sun, of course, they are standing in the position of kings and ministers, which is not like the adultery in their backs last time. However, Mrs. Chu still couldn't look at it at a glance. Even if she peeked, Xiaochu would also grit her teeth.

Under the bright spring, Chu Huaixian is tall and the princess is charming. This pair is really a wall man, but one of the wall people is their own husband.