Spring flowers

Chapter 305, Buy a House

When Mrs. Guan went back, she searched for the house for Mrs. Chu. The kind that Xiaochu wanted is stuck with money, not to say that there is one. Mrs. Guan was at home and asked people to invite the familiar economy to tell them if they wanted a house and ask them to help them find it.

The economy talks back and forth every three or two days, and Mrs. Guan goes back to Mrs. Chu once every three or two days, which is a common place for everyone to come and go. This day is afternoon, and the sun is half dim and rainy. Mrs. Guan woke up in the irritability, thought about the thick shade of the Chu family, and let people shout economy: "The house I want to buy needs more trees." Instead from the house that Mrs. Chu is used to living in and doesn't like the house introduced.

The economy smiled in a dilemma: "If you want to have a facade on the street, you have to have a full range of pavilions and pavilions, and you have to have less money. In fact, I can't draw much money. The main reason is that this house is not cheap. What's the price in Beijing?" Mrs. Guan interrupted her: "I know that you just have to look for it. Anyway, the people who buy it are not in a hurry."

There was laughter from outside: "Who wants to buy a house?" Mrs. Lin came in with a smile, and Mrs. Guan smiled: "Where are you from? I want to come to see me today." When you sit down, give a winy look at the economy. The economy was also interesting, and he said, "I'm going to be busy," and then walked away.

Mrs Lin felt cold and smiled at the back of the economy and said, "I'm coming. She's gone. Can't you bully me if I can afford to buy a house?" Mrs. Guan exofed the economy and said, "They have something to do. Besides, you don't buy it now." Mrs. Lin immediately followed and said, "Who will buy it?" Mrs. Guan smiled and said, "I said that you don't know each other. A distant relative of mine is going to Beijing and asked me to show her the house first."

As the door curtain sounded, Mrs. Wen came in with a bamboo basket in her hand. Seeing that Mrs. Lin was also there, she hurriedly said, "I haven't seen you for several days." Mrs. Lin smiled and pointed to Mrs. Wen and said, "This is also your relative. Is it because she wants to buy a house?" Mrs. Wen couldn't understand and only smiled. Mrs. Lin asked Mrs. Wen with a smile, "I heard that your master's case has been retrial, so you want to buy a house to live in Beijing, right?"

"You are joking with me. The case is a retrial, and I have to live in Beijing, but I can't afford the house, and I have the money to buy the house," Mrs. Wen said, "I will also ask someone for help first."

Mrs. Guan opened her finger and looked at the codan on her finger with a smile. Seeing that Mrs. Lin asked more and more questions, Mrs. Guan said to Mrs. Wen, "Don't pay attention to her. She didn't come to see me for many days. I hate her." Mrs. Guan was forced to say a few words to Mrs. Lin's resentment in the past few days. Mrs. Lin is aware that she has often gone to Mrs. Jin recently and feels that the people she knows are different. It's just that although Mrs. Jin is in a good way, those people look down on her. Mrs. Guan is kind here and feels that they are not very useful. Seeing Mrs. Guan complaining, Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "I'm not here. It's hard to come out of the hot weather."

I said to see the bamboo basket brought by Mrs. Wen, which was covered with a clean blue cloth and a pair of exquisite tiger-headed shoes inside. Mrs. Lin was surprised and reached out to have a look. Mrs. Wen, who had been careful in front of them, refused to let her. She smiled and said, "You can't touch it. It's not good to give people if it's dirty." Mrs. Lin was very unhappy when Mrs. Wen said this: "If you don't look at it, don't look at it. Who is this precious for?"

Mrs. Wen just smiled, carefully covered the cloth on it, and then said to Mrs. Lin, "You just said that it's hot and sad. The sweat in the palm of this hand is dirty."

Mrs Lin felt even more cold. She sneered and guessed, "It's sad. You still do this job with sweating in your hands. Seeing that you are so clean, maybe you can do it yourself. Who is it for? Do you have to put so much effort into it? Mrs. Wen just smiled, and Mrs. Guan stopped her words: "No matter who she gives it to, you can't wear it."

"Of course I can't wear it. Am I a one-year-old?" Mrs. Lin was even more angry and wanted to figure out who did this for: "Others don't have such a big child, but you can't be sarted." Mrs. Wen blushed when she said this. Mrs. Guan took a look at Mrs. Lin and wanted to ask who she had been at Mrs. Jin recently.

Mrs. Lin guessed it without much effort: "Only Mrs. Chu is the only one who has such a child." Mrs. Lin asked Mrs. Wen with a smile, "It is said that your master's matter is to the Chu family, but now it seems that it is true. Mrs. Chu was the most indifferent and told her that she didn't talk about gold or silver. If you think she has a lot of money, she can't get it out. It's really strange. Why did you have fate with you? Let me think about it, it's because your family is too poor to make her feel friendly, right?

These words made Mrs. Lin angry, which made Mrs. Wen extremely embarrassed. Mrs. Guan raised her eyebrows and wanted to sneer.

Mrs. Wen muttered: "It's her pity that we haven't given her anything. Only these shoes are made by me." Mrs. Lin curled her lips and said, "There is no need to explain. The tricks you used are also right. Of course, she has to pretend when she sees the poor. What's the point if people forget Ben?

Hearing this, Mrs. Guan felt that she could not listen to it and said to Mrs. Lin, "You have a lot of truth. The watermelon bought at home in the morning is good. Let people cut watermelons. You should say less after you have eaten it."

This is for people to cut watermelon and send it. Everyone has eaten it. Mrs. Lin said goodbye. Seeing her go out, Mrs. Guan said, "I finally left. I haven't been with you for days. If you come today, it won't be easy." Mrs. Wen advised her to say, "I thank you for eating these words for me." Mrs. Guan waved her hand and said, "It has nothing to do with you. Since you came here and encountered this, I just want to tell you not to tell her anything. She has been with Mrs. Jin recently and is no longer good to me."

Hearing the three words Mrs. Jin, Mrs. Wen, who smiled at people, also sank her face: "This is a black-hearted person. My master is in prison. When I went to deliver food, I knew some family members of the sinners. Speaking of her behind her back, three or four people used money in front of her, but they didn't help at all. It's not as good as Mrs. Chu, who didn't send any money.

"I don't want to give it to her," Mrs. Guan thought that when she visited Mrs. Chu, Mr. Chu was in the room, and the host and guest whispered. Mr. Chu made a little movement, and Mrs. Chu immediately knew that it was extremely interesting. Mrs. Guan added, "She doesn't dare to take it, not necessarily not want it. Well, she told me to show her the house in private. When she buys the house, you can come to congratulate her, and it won't cost much.

Mrs. Wen agreed and said, "Sure enough, she wanted to buy a house. I heard that there was a cheap house, and her family was also in prison. So we knew each other. The day before yesterday, we met on the street. She still had a car in her hand. When she saw me get out of the car and asked me, she sent me back one or two. Silver. I asked her where to go, and she said that she wanted money to atone for her sins and was going to sell the house in Beijing for a cheap price. What do you think? If possible, I'll ask her.

"Good or good," Mrs. Guan often walked around outside and added: "Which family is she from? What's the crime? Can the house sold be sold? This needs to be inquired clearly.

Mrs. Wen quickly said, "My surname is Liu. Her father-in-law and husband are all in prison. I don't know what the crime is. You are better than me. How about you inquire about it?" Mrs. Guan speculated and said, "I'll find out the charges. You can find out if her house has been sold. Everything is ready, just ask Mrs. Chu to have a look. Remember, this is something she does in private and can't let others know.

When Mrs. Guan came out of her house, Mrs. Wen did not go home and went straight to Mrs. Liu's house to ask the house; Mrs. Guan went out to get on the car to find out what the Liu family was and whether the house could be sold.

Mrs. Chu is at home and playing every day. Seeing that Mrs. Guan came and invited herself to see the house, she went out happily. When getting out of the car, Xiaochu was surprised: "Do you want to sell this?"

Two wooden doors, with a bronze ring on the door. Although the door is full of dust, it is not too old. After entering, there is a quiet house, on the curved rail of the small bridge, and fallen flowers.

The main room is hidden in the flowers, with a flower bed in the front and a flower stand in the back. Xiaochu likes it more and more. Although it is neglected to clean up, it can be cleaned up in only a month after handing it over to Gong Miaoer. The front door is quiet, and the back door leads to the lively street. Mrs. Liu is a white woman in her thirties. She wears an old dress and only wears two broom rings on her head. She said with tears, "If it weren't for saving my father-in-law and husband, I wouldn't have been willing to sell this garden."

When he came, he did not say which one wanted to buy it, so no one complained to Mrs. Chu endlessly. But in front of this scene, Xiaochu also persuaded a few words: "It will come out." I was persuaded without pain or itching, and it was cheap to ask about the price. Mrs. Liu is busy making a quick appointment, but the buyer should consider it. Xiao Chuxu replied three days later and went back in a happy car.

Chu Huaixian doesn't go out, and he is not in the room with his grandmother or father. He knew that Xiaochu went out. It was estimated that when he was about to come back, Chu Huaixian came into the room and met Xiaochu outside the door. Xiaochu smiled brightly. Chu Huaixian teased, "It seems that he picked up something on the road?" Xiaochu came to take Chu Huaixian's hand: "I picked up a person." Then he urged, "Come on, I have something to say to you."

Mrs Chu's dream of the house was carefully told to Chu Huaixian one by one. Chu Huaixian heard that he wanted to yawn, and finally only asked, "Will you invite me to live?"

Xiaochu's anxious white eyes: "Of course, please, when I'm ready, please invite my grandmother, father, mother, plus you, to live together." Chu Huaixian closed his eyes lazily: "Well, it's really good. It's just that you have lost Brother Yu." Xiaochu smiled like a little fox: "Grandma and you have gone, and of course Brother Yu also went." Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "That's not bad. I'll give you how much it costs to clean up your house."

Mrs. Chu's abacus has long been scraped: "Let the drunken man clean up without giving him any money." Chu Huaixian opened his eyes and said in surprise, "Why do you only bully him?" Xiao Chu's mouth flattened again and bullied him? Being bullied by him. Fortunately, Chu Huaixian didn't ask how much money he still had in Xiaochu's hand. Xiaochu hasn't said anything about the burning of a boat of herbs.

Seeing Xiaochu Moming's grievance, Chu Huaixian comforted him, "Did you listen to him again? If you don't let people talk, just return it." Xiaochu fell in love with it and said unreasonablely, "Just clean it up for him, but let him clean it up." Let him bully!

"The unreasonable girl." Chu Huaixian said and yawned: "I'll sleep for a while. Dinner is coming. Call me again." He said to close his eyes and breathe.

Mrs. Chu slowly came out. She couldn't sleep and sat in the porch and thought about her house happily. That corridor is good. Brother Yu will leave. It must be cute to move his fat legs in there. There is also a lotus pond, a good place to talk to the prince at night. Of course, the exception is for couples quarreling.

What else is planted all year round? Xiaochu's eyes are bent with laughter. Of course, it's all up to him. Spring is like gold everywhere; in summer, put a small boat in the pool and play with Brother Yu; in autumn, Brother Yu will like the fruit on the persimmon tree; in winter, the prince likes to enjoy plum blossoms, and his father-in-law Chu Shaofu also likes it. He told the drunken madman to plant more plum trees.

I thought about what Mrs. Chu likes. Lin Xiaochu has become more and more popular recently. She sighed with satisfaction and had her own house. It's good.

Chunshui came over and shouted softly, "Young lady?" Xiaochu's eyes turned around and said with joy, "What's the matter?" Chunshui reminded, "Dongran asked you to have dinner at home. Did you tell the prince?"

"Ah, this, I forgot." Xiaochu was extremely innocent. He thought about it and said with a smile, "Brage the clothes and I'll tell the prince." Xiaochu walked into the room, a few steps away from the sleeping Chu Huaixian, and whispered, "Dong Ran invited me to dinner. I went. I'm really sorry that I won't be with you at night.