Spring flowers

Chapter 344, the girl who beat a rake

Xiaochu sent off the third lady and fell into meditation alone on the couch. Chu Huaixian, my husband, is a good one among the ancients.

He could even listen to his criticism of Sancong Side, which was rare for Xiaochu.

As for other things, Chu Huaixian not only pays but also contributes to what Xiaochu likes. The boring building can boom at once, which has something to do with Chu Huaixian's invitation to King Liang and Little Marquis Huang.

And the money for buying the house was also given by Chu Huaixian.

Thinking of these, Xiaochu felt sweet in his heart; when he thought of the Lou family, Xiaochu was not very accurate.

lust is human nature, not only men, but also women. For thousands of years, women have been bound by feudal etiquette. They are born with the thoughts of the male protagonist and the female protagonist. Some thoughts have already existed when they come out of the mother's womb.

So men's lust is actually inherited from generation to generation.

Besides, there is no one who doesn't like it. Xiaochu is a woman who can't be sure of her husband. No one dares to predict the future: "My life will not change for ten or twenty years." If you don't change, others may not be.

So I can't decide at the beginning. During her pregnancy, she went to Chu Huaixian's side with a few more charming beauties. Xiaochu didn't believe that her husband was Liu Xiahui. He didn't go to that kind of place before.

In addition, people like the Lou family kept talking beside him. Xiaochu sighed, and the prince's loyalty was in danger, so he had to think of a way to help him keep it.

moved Chu Huaide forward. With such a personality as Xiaochu, I have to do something to be comfortable.

Tonight, Chu Shaofu did not enter the palace, and he was distressed that Chu Huaixian stayed outside overnight and said to him, "Go back to your room early. Brother Yu's mother has it again. You must need people in the room. If you have nothing to do, don't go out." Chu Huaixian agreed and smiled at his father and said, "If you have another child, what can your father call her?"

Mrs. Chu thinks it's better to shout nothing than before. Chu Huaixian listened to it for more than half a year and also felt very unpleasant.

At this time, Chu Shaofu laughed and scolded his son: "Get out! I know what to call it in the future. Chu Huaixian replied with a smile, "Yes." Turn around and go back to the room.

The snow outside has become deeper and deeper, and Chu Huaixian casually remembered what the senior official said to him: "Beauty gives heroes. Of course, if you are an elder, you should think about your children. The young lady is pregnant and can't serve. The girl in my fifth room is willing to serve the prince.

When you are an elder, you should think about your children. What Chu Huaixian thought of at this time was the sentence of the official Lou. Xiaochu gave birth to a son, whether it is a daughter or her parents will change to her.

Think about it again, it is the official who wants to give his niece to himself. Chu Huaixian smiled at the corners of his mouth. Xiaochu has been a little strange recently, and his temper has been bad for a while. He should be worried about such a thing.

The spring breeze was proud for a few hours, and it took me a long time to come back. Sometimes Chu Huaixian came back early and was dissatisfied with the lack of people in the room. At this time, Mr. Chu went back to his room leisurely and prepared for Xiaochu to say something sour tonight.

Anyway, she didn't ask directly, so she knocked on the skeptics. Chu Huaixian has already thought about it. He will be weaker than Xiaochu at all.

A little out of breath, just like this.

When he came back, he saw Xiaochu leaning on the couch and sleeping, covered with a brocade quilt embroidered with hundreds of pictures. Chu Huaixian lay down with his hands behind his hands and held his breath to look at Xiaochu's red lips like diamond horns and sheep fat jade-like nose, all the same as usual. Only the eyebrows are slightly raised. Chu Huaixian was complaous for a while. Was he worried that I was afraid of someone else?

Xiaochu would be worried, and Chu Huaixian inevitably thought of that snowy night, and he saw the heartache when Xiaochu left with his own eyes. Mr. Chu is very comfortable, and he is extremely comfortable at this moment. There are also today, and they will worry about me.

It was comfortable and couldn't bear to look at the eyebrows. Chu Huaixian gently stretched out his finger and slowly stroked Xiaochu's eyebrows and smoothed them away. Xiao Chu hummed a few times and woke up.

Seeing Chu Huaixian standing in front of the couch, Xiaochu's first face looked and pouted again: "You're back," the window was dark again. Xiaochu didn't like it, "Is it late at night again?"

"Spring water, put the lamp in your palm and let the young lady look at the hourglass carefully." It's dark early in winter, and it's already dark like midnight at dinner. Chu Huaixian called Chunshui to come in and light all the lights in the room, and then said to Xiaochu, "You are asleep. Only one lamp is still far away. Take a good look and wronged me."

After the lights were bright, Xiaochu, who saw the hourglass clearly, still pouted: "You have come back late recently, so I have to doubt you." Then he said with a pun, "In addition to this, is there anything else that makes people suspicious?"

Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "What else is there? Just say it." If Chu Huaide didn't say it, Chu Huaixian himself wouldn't say it. Of course, Xiaochu didn't know. Now she knows that she can only be sad and pretend to look at Chu Huaixian's words.

"What if there is?" Xiaochu asked. Chu Huaixian comforted him in his heart: "No, don't worry, your fetus is the most important." Chu Huaixian understood that if Xiaochu knew that someone wanted to give a woman to himself. In the future, when I go out by myself, the vegetation will be unstable. For the sake of his own children, Mr. Chu will not make such a joke.

If he comforts like this, it will only make the little heart more unstable. Some of the men who steal a fishy will say that he has. Pregnant women have always thought more, and Xiaochu is not only thinking about Zheng's shop. Because of Chu Huaide's words, he also speculed more about his husband.

"I'll come back early to accompany you today. How are you?" Chu Huaixian said that he would let Chunshui deliver food. Xiaochu curled his lips and put this aside first.

During the meal, Xiaochu pretended to inadvertently remember: "I borrowed Lou's boat, and now I haven't paid a penny. Do you really want to pay for this boat?" Chu Huaixian took the dishes to her and said, "Don't give it. He said it was also an old boat. I want to give it to her. He doesn't want it."

The eldest son of Chu did not take it seriously to be polite to the officials in the same building. The family in the same building has been doing business, which has also made them make a lot of money. The official of the building said no, and the matter was over.

"I feel sorry. You and him are your business. I either thank you or him. Son, forget it." When Xiaochu said this, Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Why should I forget it? You have to thank me for the first time, seriously and thoughtfully.

Xiaochu smiled and stroked his lower abdomen: "They didn't give birth to a baby for you." Then he said to Chu Huaixian, "I thought about it. Anyway, there are many dishes in the restaurant. The sixteenth princess made two new dishes. The cook learned to cook it, and it was not as good as the princess than others. Stop for a few days and send some dishes, do you think it's okay?

"Okey, you send it in your name. When I see him, I will say that you thank him. It's also convenient to use him in the future. Chu Huaixian said, and Xiaochu smiled slightly: "In the name of the two of us, I am a woman. I rarely come forward in restaurants. Outside, I will guard the three virtues and four virtues."

Chu Huaixian almost said, "Are you so good? It's so funny." Xiaochu, the wife who criticized Sancong Side as useless, could actually say such a thing. Mr. Chu has heard it and can only keep laughing.

Xiaochu, who was embarrassed to laugh, stared: "Can't you?" Chu Huaixian nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, you take good care of it. By the way, let me make it clear to you first. With a daughter, you are not allowed to talk nonsense to her. Just tell me what you said." Then he said seriously, "Don't say it to others."

Sometimes when listening to Xiaochu's crooked criticism, Chu Huaixian feels that it is also Coke. This fun can only be heard by him, and he can no longer let any Zheng family listen to it.

Think about Zheng Yi again and boast that he wants to go to the field. Chu Huaixian disdained it in his heart. Can he win? Xiaochu is now related to the Zheng family's business, and Chu Huaixian also pays attention to the Zheng family from time to time.

In such a clear way, Chu Huaixian is not worried about what will happen to Xiaochu. Thinking that what shouldn't have happened was that Xiaochu came behind his back, Chu Huaixian had no regrets and was too careless!

Now many things can come from her juniority. Chu Huaixian is left to her, and he doesn't want her to do anything behind her back that she doesn't know yet.

The couple had their own "ghost fetus" and slept until **. Mr. Chu held Xiaochu in his arms and was proud to gently stick to him. Xiaochu huddled in Chu Huaixian's arms, thinking of protecting his chastity. It is also a "unsent dream" in the same bed.

Chu Huaide went to Lou's house early the next morning. Lou Da saw it, it was hot on the surface, and his heart was like a big enemy. The person who is going to give to his brother now has the job assigned to his brother, which is to appease Chu Huaide's mood and prevent him from making trouble.

"Wide, what's in your hand?" Lou Daou stared at the small brocade bag in Chu Huaide's hand and suspected that it was for his sister. Chu Huaide mysteriously shook the small brocade bag in his hand and said to Lou Da, "I won't tell you, this is for my sister." Then he took out an ancient money from his arms and gave it to Lou Dayou: "The money you want was stolen from my father."

Lou Da likes to collect ancient money, and his eyes lit up as soon as he sees ancient money. He stretched out his hand to grab it. Chu Huaide withdrew his hand and put it behind his back. He shook his chin at Lou Da: "Let me see my sister, or I won't give it to you."

"Wide, forget about this. It's you who are heartless. You have a marriage with someone else first. As soon as Lou Dayou said this, Chu Huaide sneered: "This time she was heartless. I forgive her once and made it even twice."

Lou Da blinked his eyes: "That's still true," he repeated his words: "Wide, this marriage is the fate of his parents,"

"Stop!" Chu Huaide remembered Xiaochu's words and said fiercely, "Anyway, she has to see me once, or I will mess up this matter, and I don't want her." Chu Huaide raised his face and said, "I came here a few days ago. Do you want me to say what she said to me again?"

Lou Da thought about it and said, "You wait here." He turned in to find the official: "Auncle, Wilder really wants to see his sister." The official Lou said leisurely, "Let him go to see you. I have told your sister."

The seemingly leisurely official is actually un confident about this matter. However, this is the only girl in the family who is the best-looking, and the rest of them want to climb high, but they can't do it.

The girl from the building came out of the embroidery room and met Chu Huaide in the room where they studied as usual. Chu Huaide was overjoyed as soon as he saw her and forgot everything.

He is a young man. He usually has no one else. He is moved by Miss Lou, and she is the only one in his heart.

"Good sister, I heard that my sister changed her mind and made me sleep well all night." Chu Huaide cried softly: "I can't die. How can you do this to me?"

Miss Lou also covered her face: "It's your fault, of course it's my fault. I told my family that you and I were in private and didn't want you to be heartfelt. Our family fought for me and fought for you to be your concubine. How can people not take this matter to heart?

Thinking about it, my uncles and father said that it would be better to be your brother than a concubine for you. I hate you. It's your fault to push me into the fire. You have no idea, and you have to blame me. Which one do I blame?"

Chu Huaide opened his mouth and hurriedly sent the brocade bag in his hand: "This bag of red beans is my heart." Miss Lou took it and threw it on the ground with a "bang" sound, and then covered her face and scolded Chu Huaide: "You are a conscienceless person. Take a good look at me and decide others. Now it's my parents' order, and I have to obey my unmarried daughter. I have the intention to marry my husband, and I will go to your eldest brother's room in the future. I'm so miserable that I met you, an impatient person! Let go, it must have killed me!"