Spring flowers

Chapter 354, catch rape without adultery

In two days, the imperial historians' impeachment was presented to the palace, and at the same time, several adults were impeached. Emperor Xuan Chu Shaofu entered the palace, folded the secret to him, and then said for a long time, "This is not small."

Chu Shaofu came back from the palace and shouted his family again. This time, Chu Huaide was also there and listened very seriously.

After dispersing, Chu Huaixian frowned at the invitation of the big official of the building at night. The big official of the building invited him. Of course, it was either mellow wine or a beauty. Seeing that the eldest son of Chu was not moved by the beauty, the child also came out.

When her father had nothing to say, Xiaochu stared at her. If she hadn't been pregnant, she would have come up and tried her best. Now that Chu Shaofu puts his words here, Chu Huaixian must find a way to let the senior officials let him go.

Where can't you really have fun? Do you have to go to the place where the officials of the building take you?

After thinking about it for a moment in the study, Chu Huaixian had an idea. Calling for Xi'er, Sun Erhai and others, they have been told one by one. Seeing that it was still early, he went back to his room.

Since that day, Xiaochu has been sitting quietly on the couch for many times. Seeing that Chu Huaixian came in, she didn't have to get up to greet her because she was pregnant, and because she was still uncomfortable with the person who went with her, Xiaochu only greeted her, "Did you come back early today?" Sourly asked again, "Have you forgotten something?"

Mrs. Chu was calm on the surface, and the fire in her heart turned into a flame and pressed down in the bottom of her heart. The flame flashed from time to time, and the voice was so sour that it couldn't be sour.

"Someone invited me at night. I'll come back and sleep for a while." Chu Huaixian said, go in and undress and sleep. Spring water came in again, trembling, trembling to serve him in the battlefield, came out to sit with Xiaochu, and easily dared not say more.

Xiaochu put a few needles on the flowers in his hand and looked at Chunshui and felt particularly sorry for her; because he felt sorry for her, he had a special problem with her husband.

This matter can't be finished. It lies in defending your marriage or secretly changing the concept of defending your husband's loyalty. Xiaochu is a detour and is unwilling to give a step.

The current peace can only be regarded as temporary peace.

After waiting for a while, he went to the door inside and saw Chu Huaixian sleeping soundly. Xiaochu didn't dare to shout Chunshui and called Biyue: "Mr. I'm tired today and slept soundly. I can't bear to call him. I heard that there are guests going out in the evening. Go and ask Duoshou which one is. If you come and the prince hasn't gone out yet, let him tell him. Don't delay the princes.

This was magnificent, and Biyue also felt that the young lady was concerned and promised to go. After a while, he came back: "Duo Shou said that the Lou family hasn't come yet."

Xiaochu squeezed his lips and heard it, and he sat down in the room like nothing. I couldn't sit still for a moment. I got up and walked to the inner door. I really wanted to pull Chu Huaixian up and ask.

Think about this person's not having a good temperament. Besides, if the Lou family is not good, I'm afraid he will lose his temper. Xiaochu looked at his slightly bulging abdomen. This is the time when he can't be angry. Just as she turned around and was about to come out, she smelled a faint fragrance at the end of her nose, which she had never smelled before.

Recently, Xiaochu, who often suspected Chu Huaixian and abnormally** picked up Chu Huaixian's clothes and found a veil in his clothes. This handkerchief is not usually used by Chu Huaixian, nor is it from Xiaochu.

Mrs. Chu showed unusual calmness and told herself that this might be the wrong piece of sweat when drinking. Chu Huaixian is usually at home.

She quietly put the veil back and went back to the couch and sat down quietly to make a needle finger.

Chu Huaixian woke up, put on his clothes and said to Xiaochu, "You can have dinner and go to bed early. I may not come back early." Just go out. Xiaochu had dinner quietly. When the moon was high in the sky and a piece of silver on the unbroken snow, he shouted that Biyue would come over and lost his voice: "Here is an important letter from the prince. How good is this? Yesterday, he specially brought it back and wrote it, saying that it must be given to you today. And this letter will be in the hands of several people,"

The next series of names confused Biyue: "Young lady, please speak slowly. I can't remember." Yesterday, Chu Huaixian went back to his room and wrote it for his father's students.

Mrs. Chu stole the beam and changed the column, brought it over and used it. She was just anxious about an empty letter box: "What's wrong? It's said that the master asked him to write it and send it out urgently. Biyue, go to the study to find Duofu and longevity. Do you remember these names?"

"There is Lord Liao, there is Lord He from Shanxi, there is..." Biyue was embarrassed: "Young lady, what should I do if I can't remember?" Xiaochu reluctantly said, "Well, in order not to be scolded by the master, I have to go there by myself."

Biyue frowned: "The imperial doctor came yesterday, and you asked how many steps you said you could take, but..." Xiaochu said, "But what, I usually walk at the door of the hospital. If you take another person out with me, tell him to go to see the prince. Does anyone know that the prince has guests at night?

"How can I talk so fast," Biyue said quickly, "I never tell anyone if you are at home." Xiaochu smiled and said, "That's good. Just say that the prince asked me to go. Let's go."

Chunshui watched the young lady put on her clothes and helped Biyue go out. Biyue is the only one who follows, for fear that others will refuse to follow. The master and servant came to the study, and Duofu and longevity followed quickly. Xiaochu asked Biyue to go out, but only Duofu and longevity were in front of her. The young lady looked up and said, "How blessed and longevity, do you usually have me in your eyes?"

Duo Shou and Duo Fu looked at each other: "The prince told each other," Xiaochu interrupted: "Did the prince tell you to help him lie?" When Duofu and Duoshou looked at each other in con's eyes, they smiled at each other and then smiled: "If there is nothing, we will always tell the truth." Xiaochu said, "Well, did the senior official of Lou invite you to drink flower wine in the evening?"

"We don't know this," Duofu and Duoshou just said, and Xiaochu's face scared them again: "Don't tell me that you don't know where the prince is. If the master finds it, don't you say you don't know?" Mrs. Chu had already thought about the words in the room: "The third master was punished by the old lady for the woman's affairs. I know that the official of the building did not take the prince to a good place. Do you think for yourself, should I pick him up quietly or go to the master and talk to him?"

Duofu and Duo Shou thought to himself, and the prince guessed correctly again. The young lady really looked for it regardless of anything, and it would be scary. The two said together, "Why don't we look for it? Young lady, wait here?"

"You go to find him. Only if you are scolded can I find him." Xiaochu said that Duofu Duoshou scratched his ears and cheeks for a while before making concessions: "Well, let people cover the car, warm the car, and slow down."

Sun Erhai didn't go far. After a while, he pretended to be really unlucky and complained to Xiaochu again when people didn't pay attention: "This winter night, although there is no snow, it's cold. You don't catch the car."

He went to prepare the car, and the prince told him that the car must be as warm as spring, and the car must be as slow as a child. Sun Erhai laughed, rather than the speed of the old cow's broken car.

The car was ready for a while, and Duofu came to invite Xiaochu. Biyue was shocked: "Young lady, please help me. I don't want to be chased out." Xiaochu comforted her uselessly, but she could only scare her and sink her face: "I'm the master and you are the master?" Duoshou pretended to be pitiful: "Sister, we are with you. Why don't you chase us together?"

retain Bi Yueqiang. Biyue was so scared that she cried, and Duo Shou sneered aside. So many people have participated, and I don't think about it. Is it your responsibility alone?

How blessed it was, Mrs. Chu quietly went out of the corner door and got into the car to find Chu Huaixian.

Chu Huaixian is in a private house of a senior official of the building, and this private house has been here more than once. Today, she is not a child, but two beautiful girls who are only 14 years old. The room was warm. They only wore two neckless singles, and the red belly pockets inside could be seen clearly.

The official Lou admired Chu Huaixian again and felt that he was too careful: "What are you afraid of here? I carefully selected these two. If you like them, just take them away. It's inconvenient at home. It's okay to stay here for one night.

The girls smiled and sent the wine. Chu Huaixian took the wine glass in his hand. Regardless of the two people who were pasted, he said to the big official of the building: "Who doesn't like to have fun? The two people you got are too small, aren't they? Mr. Chu was thinking about the idea and refusing.

The senior official Lou is thinking of giving him an idea: "Little talent and watery. Is the big son's taste different?" He laughed, and a family member came in outside and whispered a few words in the ears of the senior official of the building. The official of Lou was stunned and said to his family with laughter, "Told that we are not here."

Her eyes casually glanced at Chu Huaixian. This young lady Chu was really bold and found here.

The family hasn't gone out yet, and there has been a voice outside: "Jingxi, Jincai, where is the prince?" Mrs. Chu has come in and also saw Chu Huaixian's two little wives.

Chu Huaixian went out quickly. Xiaochu was a man with a body. When he came out and saw Xiaochu going up the steps, Chu Huaixian quickly grabbed it and asked calmly, "Why are you here?"

Xiaochu was not angry, nor did he look angry, but also said calmly, "I'm coming to you." Jin Xier raised the curtain, and Xiaochu first smelled the smell of wine and hurriedly covered her nose with a veil. Chu Huaixian said, "I'll go back with you. It's full of wine." Xiaochu covered his nose with a veil and came in to have a look.

There are a lot of wine dishes on the table, the wine utensils are beautiful, and the food is delicious. The two maids were timid and didn't know who this jeweled young woman was. And the senior official was embarrassed and put on a smiling face: "Young lady, you're here."

Mrs. Chu was also polite to him: "Hello, senior official." Looking at the room with his eyes, he seemed to only glance at the girl. In fact, the corners of his eyes were looking at the two people all the time.

The official Lou couldn't stand her looking around. He looked at Chu Huaixian and saw him standing beside his wife calmly on his face. This is calm and calms the officials of Lou. Catch the traitor? There is no adultery in front of me.

After reading it, Xiaochu said to Chu Huaixian, "I'm warm enough, and the car can be slow enough. I'm not angry. I just want you to go home."

After saying this, Chu Huaixian said, "Let's go back." Say to the official of Lou, "Thank you very much. Please come back another day." I went out with Xiaochu.

The official stayed there and didn't understand for a long time.

The couple took the same bus and walked across the street. Xiaochu suddenly said, "You are eating cherries. Where did you buy them this day?" Chu Huaixian said, "Who knows where he got it," he called inside Xi'er outside: "Go back and tell the official Lou that there are still some cherries and bring them back."

Mrs Chu is pregnant and particularly greedy. She still remembers the crystal clear cherries on the table.

Jin Xier went back and said to the senior official who was still in a daze: "The prince asked the senior official, if you want the cherry, take some home." The official Lou hurriedly said, "Yes," and then woke up. It was Mrs. Chu who wanted to eat it.

When Jin Xier walked away, the senior official of the building felt that he had no face and invited guests, so he was disturbed by Mrs. Chu. He sat alone and drank wine and said to himself, "Woman? It's mostly like this. The matter of my niece is like offending the young lady deeply.

Chu Huaixian and Xiaochu in the carriage went home and seemed to be fine when they returned to the room. It was as if Mrs. Chu just went to the study to find Chu Huaixian, while Chu Huaixian stayed in the study and came back late.

Xiaochu ate cherries and fell asleep peacefully. When he couldn't sleep, he looked at Chu Huaixian from one side, which was the same as usual. Mrs. Chu admired her husband to the extreme.

Although it is not caught in front of you, it is not far from adultery. Mr. Chu's psychology has always been like this.