Spring flowers

Chapter 356, Founder's Master Fu

People come and visit during the Spring Festival. Although Chu Shaofu has few visitors, he often goes to the palace. The rest of Mrs. Chu and others are all people who keep eating New Year's wine and inviting people.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, Chu Huaixian also went out for New Year's wine. Duofu and Duoshou swept the fireworks and paper in the yard and didn't forget to say yesterday: "These two kicks sounded and went to the sky as soon as they were released."

"I asked you to buy more fireworks with words, but you still won't."

The white snow in the yard is full of fireworks and firecrackers for Chu Huaixian yesterday. Sun Erhai was wearing an old sheepskin robe. Thinking that no one would come, he was squinting in the sun with his legs.

If he is not allowed to go to the prince, Sun Erhai is happy to rest at the door of the courtyard. It doesn't matter if the yard is in a mess, it has nothing to do with him.

I'm drying comfortably with my eyes slightly closed. In the sporadic sound of firecrackers, it was Xiaochu's voice: "Are you very comfortable?" Xiaochu, with the two girl, has been very angry recently, and he feels angry when he sees Sun Erhai like this.

Sun Erhai stood up behind the two girl Xiaochu and asked hello with a smile: "Young lady, happy New Year." Xiaochu was not angry with a handkerchief in his hands: "You're fine, you're better than me."

"You can't say that. I'm just ordinary good. You have to have a little prince, not ordinary good." Sun Erhai said that Xiaochuyi let him go with a smile and helped Biyue go inside.

Sun Erhai said many words in the back: "The prince went to Lord Gu's house." Xiaochu thought he talked too much, so he turned around and said to him, "If he was here, would you still be so comfortable?" Sun Erhai grinned: "That's what you said." That's too right.

Duofu Duoshou was playing happily with a broom in the yard. Seeing Xiaochu coming in, he stopped quickly. Hey, "The young lady is here. The prince is not here. Sit in your room for a while before you go back."

"Luckily, I'm here, or you two will be annoyed." Xiaochu flaunted himself, and the other hand held the spring water and went up the steps.

The last two little men replied together: "This is not a fight, this is kung fu." Xiaochu moved his hand with a water-green veil at will. Let's fight and find such a good reason.

Mrs Chu's first idle man has had nothing to do in Chu Huaixian's study since she caught the traitor. It's time to move. Sometimes when I come to see Chu Huaixian, I drink a bowl of his tea with him and let people buy some hot baked sweet potatoes and roasted chestnuts on the street before going back.

Chu Huaixian is not here, and Xiaochu sits on this bed, still very stable. Seeing Duofu bring tea in, he casually asked him, "What guest did you come after I left yesterday?"

"He didn't come." Duofu only replied, and Xiaochu scolded him: "You are so good. How do you know that I'm waiting for a senior official?"

Duofu covered his head and ran to the door and blurted out, "The official of the building is here." Xiaochu continued to scold: "Sax me to beat you." Duofu said quickly, "It's true, it's really coming."

Mrs. Chu's eyes were shining and finally waited for him. This goal is really difficult to wait for. However, Mrs. Chu is not afraid to wait a few more days. Anyway, she can always wait.

The senior official of Lou didn't want to see the young lady. He asked the prince in the yard and said to sweep the snow, "Then I'll come back another day." Duofu shouted at him and smiled: "Young lady, please."

At this time, I couldn't avoid it, and the official of the building forced himself to come in. As he thought, if the young lady doesn't summarize a few more words with herself, she won't finish it.

Mrs Chu in the room smiled and looked ready to wait for her. The official took out the smiling face of the businessman and regarded him as a picky guest.

"Ms., good New Year, young lady." The official of the building bent down and saluted. Mrs. Chu couldn't sit still. She was a high-ranking pregnant woman and looked at her with a smile: "Good New Year, senior official. What's the good thing? Are you looking for my son again?

The official Lou smiled without salt: "It's not a big deal, just drinking tea. In addition, I want to treat the prince to a drink, young lady, what do you mean?

"I think it's better not to go. Poor you still have to look for people to serve you. I heard that the prince will go there once, it's a girl, and then another time. It's a boy. It's a girl again. If you go there this time, I'm afraid it's a boy again, right?" Mrs. Chu smiled as lightly as the floor official.

"The girl has the clever girl, and the boy has the clever boy," said the official Lou. Except for Xiaochu, no one else heard it. Biyue and Chunshui held the pregnant Mrs. Chu above their heads. How could they remember that she used to be a girl?

Xiaochu grasped that this sentence was wrong. He just smiled and didn't say it immediately. He just smiled: "It sounds like each has its own advantages, but you still don't know anything about the senior officials."

The senior official listened respectfully: "Young lady, please tell me."

"I heard that everything in the world is good. How can a big official become only a girl and a little boy? Alas, you don't know what's going on. Don't ruin our son. In fact, senior official, according to me, next time you invite a prince, it's better to match a few old girls with insight and age. In fact, it's quite stable.

The official turned red and didn't know what to say. Xiaochu slowly said, "It's also new to have a few old people with beards fluttering and singing a lotus, isn't it?"

"You, young lady, you don't have to be sarcastic," Lou officials have always had some opinions about Xiaochu. Hearing Xiaochu speak like this, they feel unbearable: "Women don't care about the things outside of men. I advise you to enjoy it without having to worry about it.

Xiaochu sneered, and a girl on the left and a little boy seduced other people's husbands, which made sense. Xiaochu said slowly: "I came from a poor family, and I was born to worry about my life. I never protect my things tightly.

"A good man hugs Hong and cuggles up to Cui, which is a romantic story. You don't have to worry too much about it! I'd like to see if there is anyone else besides me!" The official of the building was angry and didn't have to come to me.

Xiaochu raised his eyes slightly and looked over with a pair of ice crystal cold eyes: "I have to come one by one, don't you? If you want to see it, come and see it every day."

The official Lou turned around and went away, and the more he thought about it outside, the more angry he became. The eldest son is kind and responsible, but Mrs. Chu is confused in the middle.

Xiaochu made the senior official of the building very popular and hummed in the room: "The mouth is quite hard."

When Chu Huaixian came back at night, he asked Xiaochu, "What did you say to the senior official of Lou?" The slings said that he was very angry when he left. Xiaochu flattened his mouth: "What can I say? It was when I met him talking to him. He said that the girl was so good and the girl was so good.

Chu Huaixian doesn't believe it: "He has never spoken safely and won't speak like this in front of you?" Xiaochu was proud: "If you don't believe it, ask him. You married a girl, and people thought you liked the girl.

"I just like you as a girl," Chu Huaixian saw Xiaochu Jiaoqiao coming up, came over and kissed her, and counted the day: "It won't be until April. Hey, there are still a few months left."

Xiaochu smiled and said, "I met my father today, and my father actually said two words to me." Chu Shaofu saw his daughter-in-law walking in the snow and knew that she was looking for Chu Huaixian, so he said to Xiaochu, "Come out if you have nothing to do."

Chu Huaixian squined his eyes: "I know. My father just said that I should be careful when dealing with businessmen. He also said that you have nothing to do and don't have to go out. You sued this time and told both of us in.

Xiao Chu raised his head and said, "I'm just worried about you. I'm afraid that you will learn from the second uncle and the third uncle." Chu Huaixian said, "Spring breeze is proud of you!"

Mr. Chu cursed, and Xiaochu was surprised and curled his lips: "I'm pregnant with a child. Don't teach him badly. What's the matter? Please tell me in more elegant words.

"The third uncle," Chu Huaixian only said one sentence and yawned: "I'm tired. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Xiaochu smiled and pushed him: "Don't say half a sentence, say it quickly!"

Chu Huaixian went outside and said, "You are still pregnant with your son this time." Xiaochu said, "How do you know that you have a daughter?" Chu Huaixian looked at Xiaochu and said, "You beat and kick people when you have nothing to do. If it's a daughter like this, I will beat her three times a day." Xiaochu didn't believe it: "Our girls are all babies, do you dare?"

"Let you say that there are few girls in our family. But this time, you'd better have a son." Chu Huaixian muttered, "How can a son be enough?"

Xiaochu sneered at him: "Do you want to go up the mountain to fight tigers or go to the sea to capture dragonflies?" Chu Huaixian said proudly to Xiaochu's big belly, "I'm the only son. It's my ability to have more children."

If the little Prince Zhao, who has many children, hears it here, I'm afraid he will laugh again.

"This should be my ability, right?" Xiaochu muttered, and Chu Huaixian said generously, "I'll give you half." Xiaochu said "huh" and kicked Chu Huaixian with a smile: "Third uncle's outside story, I almost got over by you."

Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "You haven't forgotten yet?" Then he said, "I'm afraid that the child will hear it. I'll tell you when you have a baby." Xiaochu went to pull the pillow to smash Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian also stirred up trouble: "This is not what you just said. The child can hear it and can't say bad things."

"I, cover his ears," Xiaochu held his pillow and winked at Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian waved his hand: "Come to my arms and I'll tell you."

Xiaochu fell asleep obediently, and Chu Huaixian slowly told her, "It seems that it's not embarrassing. My father went to see her in person. You have always been smart. Guess what it is?"

"Let her turn against each other," Xiaochu said, and Chu Huaixian laughed: "Well said." Xiaochu thought about his father-in-law's square face and was a little fascinated by him. Sure enough, Jiang was old and spicy.

Push Chu Huaixian again: "Do you know who instructed her?" Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who it is. The main reason is what will she say when she is in court?"

Xiaochu took a long breath, and then turned to Chu Huaixian: "You have to be obedient in the future. You can't go out to drink with girls and children." Jiaodi asked Chu Huaixian again, "Is it called a coquet boy?"

Chu Huaixian frowned: "Are you afraid that the child will hear it?" Xiaochu smiled with a flattering face and said to his abdomen, "Don't hear it. Although your father is wrong, let him correct it and we will forgive him."

Under the candlelight, Chu Shaofu had not slept yet. There was the third master standing in front of him, and Chu Shaofu was talking to him.

"You are so well born, and you are gentle. This woman is scared. Someone scared her. What about you? If you can't take her down, what face will you see me in the future? Chu Shaofu said that Master Chu San could only answer: "Yes, yes,"

Chu Shaofu said with a long heart: "It's not difficult to move a woman's heart. I allow you to go out to see her at any time and bring this matter back to me.

Chu Shaofu under the lamp showed his old and conspiracy side and said carefully, "Silver can be allowed to her, and you can also be allowed to enter the door. If you don't want to come in, the house will fly away, and all of them are allowed to her. Be sure to let her say who instructed it! She may not contact the master directly and let her say a next family!"

Master Chu San wiped the sweat on his head and cried in his voice: "Brother, if I don't do this well, I won't come back to see you." Chu Shaofu was very relieved: "Okay! Third brother, if there is something for the family to work together, remember that as long as you are a long-term person, you want to live a stable life.

Master Chu took the order and left. When the north wind blew outside, he felt the cold sweat on his body. He quickly wiped it with a veil and admired Chu Shaofu in the room.

The eldest brother has always been square and can come up with such an idea. The third master is thinking nonsense, maybe it's the second brother's idea.

Chu Shaofu in the room sighed, sighed and laughed at this time: "No one can explain the matter between men and women."

The third brother was also born as a beautiful man. This time, he can't do it. It's because he lives for nothing!