Spring flowers

Chapter 378, Improved Carriage

Zuo guard sat here and continued to discuss matters with Chu Taifu, and Chu Huaixian also came out to sit here. Half an hour later, I heard heavy footsteps outside, and several people walked together.

He Dashan was escorted here.

It's already dawn after judging He Dashan. Chu Taifu asked him to be detained again, which was a little sad: "The Prime Minister is the father-in-law, maybe he is just confused for a moment. These clues are suspicious. If he doesn't rebel, you can't force him to rebel. The Prime Minister also worked on state affairs all his life, and the Empress Dowager came from his knees. If he changes his mind, he will still be Prime Minister.

The left guard has gone to bed. As he said, he has no different intentions, so he plans to live in the Chu family.

When Chu Huaixian saw his father's sadness, he said, "Of course, people who return to Beijing are the most suitable for their sons." Chu Taifu withdrew his thoughts of hoping that Prime Minister Zhang pulled back from the cliff and looked at Chu Huaixian: "Of course you go, but you just sent me back. Why did you go back well? Well," he stroked his beard and said, "This year is the beginning of autumn, and next year there will be a spring examination. Just say that I will let you study in Beijing and prepare for the exam. If you ask your daughter-in-law to go with you, just say that she is worried about her business. Give you the competent family at home, and Zuo Shoubei said that he chose a few competent officers to pretend to go back to Beijing with you. Can I rest assured?

"Father, don't worry. Your son will definitely get things done." Chu Huaixian said that Chu Taifu looked at his son lovingly and pitifully, but still worried, "You should be careful."

Chu Huaixian's broad father's heart: "Don't worry, maybe Prime Minister, he is a good man. Besides, there is something wrong. Father, you believe that your son's efforts are not used to scare people.

"You are the only son, so you can't join the army." Chu Taifu said this and could only relax for the time being. Chu Huaixian is the best person to go.

Chu Huaixian didn't go back to his room all night. The father and son discussed the words again and asked someone to send him to breakfast. Chu Taifu asked his son to go back to his room: "Your young couple love each other. You didn't go back this night. Although your daughter-in-law is filial, she is just a sour person. Go and tell her and follow me all night."

This made Chu Huaixian's face turn red. Chu Huaixian sometimes feels ashamed of Xiaochu's sadness. The official of Lou later knocked on Mrs. Chu Huaixian many times, which was really ridiculous. Chu Huaixian either couldn't hear it or changed his words. If the official of Lou can say it, Chu Huaixian will put on his face.

Now Chu Taifu said that Xiaochu likes to be jealous, and Chu Huaixian can only blush.

When I returned to the room and saw that Xiaochu was still sleeping, Chu Huaixian untied his clothes and went to bed to wake up Xiaochu: "I'm back." Xiaochuxing's eyes were sleepy, and he hugged Chu Huaixian tightly and said vaguely, "Thank you."

Thank you for this sentence from last night until this morning, and I can finally move from my mind to the red lips.

Chu Huaixian untied Xiaochu's clothes: "Thank you for not coming back yesterday." Xiaochu hummed in a daze and buried his face in Chu Huaixian's arms: "Sleep."

"I went to Hongxiang Tower yesterday, and then to Cuixiu Tower..." Chu Huaixian patted Xiaochu on the cheek with his hand: "Wake up, did you hear what I said?"

Xiaochu raised his face and still didn't open his eyes, revealing his teeth and smiled: "I don't believe it. My father asked someone to tell me yesterday that you slept with him all night."

"Oh, I can't fool you." Chu Huaixian also smiled, untied Xiaochu's clothes and faded down one by one. Xiaochu quickly got up and covered himself, trying to wake up and smile at Chu Huaixian: "You, come to pester people again."

Chu Huaixian pulled down the curtain and said, "If you don't pester people, children will come from." After pressing Xiaochu in **, Mr. Chu said, "For grandma to like it, let's continue."

Spring water and autumn moon heard the laughter inside getting lower and lower outside. The two of them withdrew with red faces and understood what kind of scenery it was like inside...

Two days later, in the morning, Chu Taifu took his family to send Chu Huaixian and Xiaochu to the door. Mrs. Chu did not come out. She had just said goodbye in the room. Although Mrs. Chu doesn't understand why her son wants to return to Beijing, she has always been a person who doesn't ask much about her husband.

Brother Yu and Brother Ji quarreled with their mother at the door: "Bry back food and send them back for fun," Chu Huaide said to his family and said, "I'll send you big brother."

The second master nodded with satisfaction: "Wide has grown up a lot."

Chu Huaide got on the horse, Chu Huaixian and Xiaochu said goodbye to their families, Xiaochu got on the carriage, and Chu Huaixian got on the horse and left. Chu Taifu looked at his son's distant figure in the morning light and suddenly sighed. I don't know if there is any danger.

As he was thinking about it, Brother Ji cried loudly: "My brother is gone. Where is my brother?" Chu Taifu asked someone to coax him, and then asked someone to find Brother Yu: "It's not a good brother, and he left his brother down again."

Chu Huaide saw him off and sent him ten miles away. Chu Huaixian stopped and said, "Go back. I'm not here. You have to be more diligent in everything." Chu Huaide agreed, took out a letter from his arms, and smiled at Chu Huaixian: "Brother, this letter is for the official Lou."

Xiaochu couldn't help laughing in the car. Brother Yu, who was sitting next to her, asked her confusedly, "What is mother laughing at?" Xiaochu quickly covered his little mouth and whispered, "Don't say it, my father will drive you away." I told Chu Huaixian that taking a son back once can relieve loneliness on the way and maybe play in Beijing. Chu Huaixian did not agree, and Xiaochu secretly took Brother Yu to the car.

Brother Yu also made a silent expression, took his mother's body and came to her ear and whispered, "When my father loses his temper and wants me to go back, I will roll on the ground and cry."

Xiaochu smiled: "Yes, that's it."

Seeing that the farewell was over, Chu Huaide beat the horse and left with the people. The carriage drove again and followed Chu Huaixian.

There are not many people who go back, only five or six families with big arms and round waists, and several officers selected by the left guard are dressed as writers. There are not many things, only things that must be used on the road.

Chu Huaixian's light car is not too simple. He agreed with Xiaochu in advance that it would be subverted along the way and hurried from the land to Beijing.

"Ouch," another ditch, Xiaochu ouch, brother Yu also ouch. Mother and son passed by. Chu Huaixian quickly stretched out his head and didn't find it. He was still in a hurry to hit the horse. The mother and son smiled at each other. Xiaochu held his son in his arms: "Take your mother as a cushion, it shouldn't be too bumpy."

Brother Yu slowly fell asleep in his arms. He didn't rest at noon. He just stopped to hit a tip. Brother Yu didn't wake up. Xiaochu took food from the window. Not to mention the spring water and autumn moon of the same car, Chu Huaixian did not find it here.

unless until the afternoon, Brother Yu woke up yawning and opened his eyes with the first sentence: "I want to pee, I want to stink." Xiaochu couldn't help laughing and asked him to tell him that it was convenient to park.

Chu Huaixian stopped and turned around and saw the door open. The spring water came down, the autumn moon came down, and a small foot was stretched out. Brother Yu came out of the car and trotted into the grass. Spring water and autumn moon followed.

"This! ..." Chu Huaixian was shocked and angrily scolded Xiaochu who came down behind. His face was as black as if he saw the day he wanted to follow Zheng Yi: "Why is your son in the car?"

Xiaochu knew that he was wrong, and he was very sorry for his expression: "Take one back to Beijing to play, otherwise you and I will be alone." Chu Huaixian was so angry that he was stunned to calculate the journey and rushed all the way. He has walked more than 200 miles. Now send Brother Yu back, and he won't be home until midnight.

Besides, there is no carriage to be delivered, Xiaochu can't ride a fast horse, and Brother Yu can't send it back immediately. Chu Huaixian immediately frowned and thought about it, and suddenly figured out and nodded: "Take him to Beijing."

Brother Yu, who came out of the grass, cheered and ran to his father's horse to please him with a smile: "I'm obedient," Chu Huaixian just smiled. Brother Yu looked at his horse with infinite flattery on his face: "Father, take me to ride a horse."

Chu Huaixian fell down and stroked his son's head and said gently, "I can't take you on the road to take you to take the bus to your mother. When you get to Beijing, I will take you to ride a horse."

Brother Yu obediently twisted his body to his mother and took her in the driveway: "Come on, go back to Beijing."

Chu Huaixian looked at the mother and son get into the car with a smile and thought that Prime Minister Zhang Cheng was sinking again. The farmland in the distance is quiet, and how peaceful the years are. At this time, Mr. Chu sincerely hoped that Prime Minister Zhang would not have different intentions and not do anything that was difficult.

On the way again, two family members in front of them went to the front station early, and the group of them didn't arrive at the inn until dark.

Chu Huaixian jumped off his horse and came to see his wife and son in front of the car. The spring water and autumn moon that came down first were the delicate girl who grew up in the mansion. When she got out of the car, she twisted and turned upside down in the carriage.

Xiaochu frowned tightly in the car and hugged Brother Yu in his arms. The mother and son didn't have a good eye for Chu Huaixian together. Xiaochu complained, "The weather is so good. We should go back to Beijing slowly enjoying the scenery all the way. If you hurry like this, we can't keep up."

Brother Yu in her arms had a very wronged expression and said to her father, "I'm very tired."

Chu Huaixian is sorry: "There is no way to slow down. I can only wrong you two." Reaching out and holding his son down, it was a rare way to coax him: "Go to the capital quickly and take you to play quickly, okay?"

Brother Yu spends most of his time on his mother, using his mother as a soft cushion, so he is not too fierce. Hearing his father say this, he immediately became happy: "Okay, tomorrow will be faster than this."

When my mother got out of the car with a bitter face, her legs were crooked and she almost fell to the ground. Chunshui Qiuyue hurried to help. The three masters and servants said that they had a boneache and went into the inn together.

Entering the guest room, the mother and son fell in love again. Although Xiaochu had a bone headache, she also rarely came out to stay in the inn. She first looked around curiously, which attracted Brother Yu to look around. She looked at the thick wooden basins and wooden tables that were different from those at home, and even looked at an old painting on the wall. She curled her lips and said, "It's not good."

Although the food is not as good as at home, what we want is the specialty here. Xiaochu and Brother Yu ate a lot. Brother Yu didn't need to be fed. He pulled the rice bowl by himself, ate a large bowl, and shouted, "Add soup for me. I want to drink soup."

Xiaochu was proud: "Look, take him out, and the coquettishness will go down a lot." Chu Huaixian smiled and didn't say much.

The next morning, when I got up early and left, my family brought the horse and drove the carriage. As soon as the carriage door opened, Xiaochu and Brother Yu came together: "Wow!" I can't like it immediately. There are three or four quilts in the carriage. Just looking at it, it is soft.

"This is the cleanest quilt bought in the store. If it's not clean, you can do it. If you sit up like this, at least it won't be very bumpy. Chu Huaixian just said that Brother Yu pedaled off his shoes and climbed into the car: "I want to play, I want to play this."

A few quilts put the car high. Brother Yu tried to climb a few times but didn't climb up. He turned around and shouted anxiously, "I'll go up. Send me up quickly."

Chunshui and Qiu Yue took Brother Yu into the carriage with a smile. He immediately jumped in the car and called his mother and girl: "Come up quickly. It's fun."

"Be careful not to touch your head." Xiaochu said that when he looked into the car again, Chu Huaixian made people don't know how to do it, and there was also a quilt on the top of the carriage.

Chu Huaixian was extremely satisfied. He also took Xiaochu up and looked at her take off her shoes: "Take the hairpin on your head, and it won't touch your heads."

Such an improved internal carriage went on the road after Chu Huaixian's horse a quarter of an hour.

The car is chattering, full of laughter. Brother Yu shouted from time to time, "Be more bumpy and find an uneven road." He seems to be playing trampoline in the car.

The west wind was already cold. Chu Huaixian, who bowed down and rushed to the corner of his mouth, smiled and listened to the laughter from the car from time to time...