Spring flowers

Chapter 381, little people also have big plans.

In the ice and snow, the fragrant plum blossoms stand upright. Chu Huaixian smiled at the people around him who enjoyed the flowers, and his heart was full of resentment like a big stone tightly pressed on his heart. How dare these people enjoy the plum blossoms? Plum blossoms are so noble and qi Festival. What about their integrity?

In their hearts, they think they are the founding minister.

Brother Yu is the only child here running around under the plum tree. Uncle Guo apologized to Chu Huaixian: "The son of Lord Qi and the son of Lord Liu are about the same age as Brother Yu. I'll ask someone to go now so that I can play with Brother Yu." The uncle of the great country used to not like Chu Huaixian, but now he has to be tolerant of people for the future, so he wants to accommodate Chu Huaixian.

Chu Huaixian sneered in his heart. It's useless for the national thief to please me again. He said modestly with a smile on his face, "No, it's good for him to play alone. He is at home with his brother, and he also has to be exclusive. Speaking of Brother Ji, Brother Yu ran over and said to his father, "I want my brother to come here!" The little face immediately bulged and stared at his father: "I want a younger brother!"

"Go to your mother and don't make trouble here." Chu Huaixian's face sank, and the uncle of the great country smiled. Seeing this face, Brother Yu's "plop" and sit on the ground, he immediately cried: "I want a younger brother, I want a younger brother." Chu Huaixian was furious and scolded Xiaochu: "Look at him, don't disturb people's interest!" I won't let you follow me, but I have to follow you!" He said angrily, "Go home and don't be here anymore!"

Xiaochu came to pick up Brother Yu. Brother Yu also looked at the angry Chu Huaixian in his mother's arms: "I want to find my grandfather and let him beat you." Chu Huaixian stepped forward and scolded, "Is it a rebellion!" Reaching out his hand, he slapped him. Xiaochu hurriedly avoided it and hit Xiaochu's cheek with a "bang".

The uncle of the big country couldn't help laughing and persuaded him. Seeing Chu Huaixian pointing to Xiaochu and scolding, "It's all your good son who taught you. You don't want to let you see your son!" Xiaochu blushed and replied angrily, "I haven't disliked us much this year. I know you want to marry the Wang family of the Zhang family. Let's go. We're not here. With that, he began to cry.

Mrs. Jin also couldn't bear to laugh and pulled Xiaochu aside to persuade her: "You shouldn't reply. Just let the prince scold a few words." Xiaochu pulled Mrs. Jin and complained: "You don't know my difficulties. I'm a girl. I'm not from everyone. He... has always disliked me. Am I not well born? Can't I make money? I'm not as good as people, but I'm just a girl.

When they quarreled like this, the people next to them were not suspicious. Beijing is also talking about it. Mrs. Chu is a watery flower, and a man is sometimes tired of it. Now that the husband and wife quarrel like this, everyone understands. Only they know what happened behind their backs.

Brother Yu shouted again at this time: "I want my grandfather, I want my grandfather to beat my father. The father is not good, but the father is not good. He pulled his mother and went up to the carriage: "Let's go home. I'm not at home." The third master was also here. Seeing this, he hurriedly said, "It's okay to go back first." The master sent Xiaochu's mother and son to the carriage, and also looked at Brother Yu, who was still shouting: "Don't shout anymore. If you want your grandfather, you can go back."

"Huh, I want my grandfather!" Brother Yu said to Sun Erhai, who was driving the car, "Go home and I'll play with my grandfather and brother. I'll go to my grandfather to complain!" Sun Erhai drove away. The third master was worried and asked his family to go back to Beijing.

Everyone here persuaded Chu Huaixian and was persuading the family to rush back with a sweaty face. They didn't have time to get off the horse and said anxiously first, "Well, the young lady will go back to her hometown if she doesn't go back to Beijing." Chu Huaixian said angrily, "Cash it back!" Then he scolded: "Go back and kill this bitch!"

The more the uncle of the great country thinks about it, the more funny it is: "Huai Xian, it's really unexpected that I think you care about the morning and evening for a long time. It's really unexpected that I don't want you." Mrs. Jin came to persuade her. She always didn't like Lin Xiaochu, who climbed up the branch. Mrs. Jin liked it in her heart: "It's okay to go back. There are beautiful women everywhere in Beijing. Uncle, you find another one for the prince."

Everyone has persuaded Chu Huaixian to drink and have fun and hunt.

Chu Huaixian thought of an escape plan on the way and successfully sent Xiaochu's mother and son out of Beijing. As soon as the mother and son left, Chu Huaixian was much more relaxed and came back drunk under the plum tree. The big uncle told his father with great satisfaction, "Choose a beauty for him. He is a sensible person." Zhang Cheng also smiled when he heard the incident during the day: "This is not a wrong marriage, it will be like this." Then he looked at the great uncle: "Do you want that bitch to be your concubine?" The uncle of the big country smiled: "Father, I don't know what's going on with my son, but he can't leave her. Father, don't worry, my wife is my concubine.

Prime Minister Zhang didn't say anything more and was dedicated to planning his founding plan.

Chu Huaixian, who returned home, asked someone to call Gong Miaoer to come over alone the next day. He told Gong Miaoer his guess: "You go. I'll give you a letter and you take it to my father. If I can't go back and do business after Xiaochu, you have to help her watch more. Chu Huaixian fixed his eyes and looked at Gong Miaoer urgently: "I know that although you are slippery, you are good-hearted. Your revenge, if I can live, I will avenge you! If I can't, don't worry. My father has asked people to inform the princes and let them lead troops to the king of Beijing.

Gong Miaoer trembling her lips: "There will be such a thing! I'm a businessman. I just feel that the investigation of people who have left Beijing recently is tight. I didn't expect it!" He looked at Chu Huaixian eagerly: "With me, I can also carry a murderous knife!"

"You can't. It's not a matter of carrying a knife. You have to carry a knife, go to my father, and ask him to send you to the army and then come back to Beijing to carry the knife. Chu Huaixian said kindly, "But I still want you to help Xiaochu. Even if the Zhang family builds a country, even if the King of Liang is no more, there are still several imperial heirs outside Beijing. On this day, they still have to turn back. When the time comes, Xiaochu is a person who can't stay at home. Listen to me and save your life."

Gong Miaoer said pitifully: "I don't have family, only Taoer and guys. I can not tell them that I will go out to pick tree seeds and send them away. I want to stay. I'm here, and there are many people to make it. Chu Huaixian saw his sincerity and said with a smile, "You can do it yourself, but be secretive and don't let others know."

Gong Miaoer nodded hard and vowed to heaven: "If I leak a word, I won't die."

Walking out of the Chu family, Gong Miaoer felt dizzy and confusedly drove the carriage halfway before waking up. When I went back to pack up, I called all the guys and told them, "The boring building is back. The young lady said that it would be reopened after the New Year. Her business is famous for her high requirements. Some of them are not in Shujing. You have worked hard this year. Don't go shopping.

At present, one person gave a lot of money. The guys did not doubt, and Tao'er became suspicious. When the guys went out, Taoer said, "Do you need so much money to buy a tree?" Besides, during the Spring Festival, young ladies are never generous and will not rush people to do things after the Spring Festival. Didn't you say that you would rest for the first month?"

Gong Miaoer took Taoer to the room and said to her, "You often say that you have an aunt in Shanxi. Go visit relatives. Manager Zhuang will accompany you there and take you there. He will buy something by the way. Taoer was even more suspicious: "Why? A few days before the Spring Festival, can we get to Shanxi with wings?

"Anyway, you will arrive in less than February and less than March in February." Gong Miaoer pointed to a peach-red burden on the table and said to Tao'er, "I've packed it for you. It's a little heavy. Don't worry about having a stew manager Zhuang to accompany you." With that, he took Taoer's hand and said, "Let's go now. The car is outside."

Peach said urgently, "You're crazy. If you want me to leave, I'll leave. What do you eat and drink, you crazy!" Gong Miaoer smiled and said, "I don't want you to stay. I want to spend the New Year by myself." Taoer still wanted to speak. Gong Miaoer smiled, picked up a wet cloth on the table and covered Taoer's nose. Taoer turned her eyes a few times and fainted.

The stewman who came in from outside also smiled: "This medicine is powerful. Did you prepare it for Lu?" Gong Miaoer picked up Taoer: "Young lady is a person who makes people care whether you die or not. She will not be comfortable if she doesn't tire us to death when she opens next year."

Holding Taoer all the way to the carriage outside the door, Gong Miaoer said, "Ok, this girl is a working life. If you want her to go out to play, you have to use this method." Putting the burden in the car, Gong Miaoer raised his hand to the stew manager: "Eat, drink and have fun on the way, and come back after the first month. When you arrive in Shanxi, there is a letter in the bag to open. You have swore, but don't forget that Shanxi won't open the letter.

stewer Zhuang waved his hand with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid to play." He drove the carriage all the way home and asked his wife to help Miss Taoer out of the car. When Peach woke up, the guys were all here.

stewer Zhuang's wife and son are in the yard, and these people in the room are having a meeting. If you don't let people celebrate the Spring Festival and give so much money," steward Zhuang's analysis said, "I believe in business, but if you drive me away and Taoer away, there will be a ghost. Do you know what year it is? It is the tenth anniversary of the death of the old shopkeeper. The shopkeeper is afraid that the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry.

"It's wrong to say that the dog jumped off the wall in a hurry," a man protested, and the stew manager Zhuang said, "That's him... Anyway, he's anxious and doesn't think about good things in his heart. In my opinion, he wants to kill the Lu, so he drove us all away. Let's see what he gave me," stewer Zhuang took out a few things to show everyone: "This is his favorite antique teapot, jade cigarette holder. This is commonly used by him. Will he not smoke in the future? So it seems that there is only one thing. He doesn't want to live. If he wants to die, he won't die at ease if Lu doesn't die.

The guys also took out what Gong Miaoer gave: "One person gave us a letter and forced us to swear not to look anywhere. However, we have guessed by hand that mine is his favorite hairpin, and he usually stares at it when he looks at it more. This is the old shopkeeper's thing, and he also gave it to me.

"My is like the cross buckle I asked him for that year. There was a small gem on the button, saying that it was given by someone when the shopkeeper grabbed Zhou. I looked good, and he also gave it to me this time."

If you don't read the letter, you also have the ability to guess what's inside. Taoer opened her burden and hurriedly opened the familiar little red sandalwood box inside. The green pearls appeared, which were a few kinds of jewelry that Gong Miaoer would give herself when she got married. This jewelry has not been sold in the most difficult times, and now it is given to myself.

Tao'er's tears gushed out: "I knew what he had to do on this 10th anniversary to live in peace. I don't want to..." Tao'er cried, "He must be going to kill Lu Shanchang."

"I want to help him! The Gong family and I have been friends for three generations. Three generations are in charge of the Gong family. You have people who are afraid. I'm sorry. Since you know this, you can't leave. To tell you the truth, I have been guessing that this day will be a cellar dug behind the house. If you don't want to go, hide in it for a few days. When we finish our work, we will go far away and go together. If we don't want to go, we are not guilty. The stew manager Zhuang said, and the guys said one after another, "I've been here for so many years. When there was no business, I sat in the shop for a day, and now I have to leave. Let's go together and kill the man surnamed Lu!"

Mr. Zhuang's eyes were like a torch, and he stared at everyone present: "Okay! Starting today, we won't go out until the evening. Zhang Sanwangwu, you have family members. There is a village outside the city. Before the gate closes in the evening, I will send your family out with you. When it's done, let's go to sea together. We have the craft and can stay anywhere.