Spring is as good as

Chapter 22 Running Mountain

Sending Brother Cheng home, Xu Xinger is worried about the pile of lantern fruits. This thing is so sour. It's okay to eat a few occasionally to relieve boredom. Now that there are so many fruits, she will never finish it.

And anyway, Brother Cheng is full of heart. I'm embarrassed to throw it away, and it doesn't seem appropriate to give it away. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't come up with any suitable use, so I had to grab it for Taoer, and then hang the basket under the eaves first. I have to pick herbs with Shanzi tomorrow, so I will explain the job of feeding the child in the middle of the night. Xu Laosan washed himself early and went to bed.

Before dawn, Xu Xinger woke up. She opened her eyes and stared at the dark roof. She was sleepless at all, so she had to get up and said in her heart that she was really a hard life. Recently, she has always been unable to sleep soundly at night. Today, she can easily sleep, but she woke up early.

She got up and changed the bed for the chestnut. Seeing that the lock was sleeping soundly, her little mouth clicked, and the saliva was dripping on the corners of her lips. I don't know whether she was greedy or hungry.

When he went to the stove, he raised the fire and grinded the fine rice. Thinking of the drooling appearance of the lock just now, he turned out the sugar jar, threw some white sugar in and boiled it together to relieve the two children with some sweetness.

After the rice paste was boiled, I began to make breakfast again. I put the rest of the rice last night into the pot, boiled the bowl of leftovers with water, poured the rice grains into the pot with water, boiled it on low heat, fished a piece of mustard in the back of the room and jar, cut it into thin shreds, dipped some lard with the tip of chopsticks, and stirred it inside. It's a flavor improvement.

When the porridge was about to be cooked, Xu Laosan and Ye also got up one after another. Xu Laosan went to the ground and pulled out green onions and sesame, fished a spoon of sauce in the sauce jar, and brought it to the inner room table together. He wondered, "Did you eat sauce so fast this year? It's only been a few months, and more than half of it has gone down.

Xu Xing'er bowed her head and drank porridge. Ye's injury hasn't subsided until now. She doesn't want to make trouble with Ye in the early morning.

Unexpectedly, Ye suddenly said, "There are fewer beans given to our family this year. My mother said that a few children are still young and can't eat much. I can't eat too salty, so it's only half of previous years."

As soon as Xu Laosan heard it, he knew that it was Mrs. Xu who was deliberately embarrassed. He reached out half of her chopsticks and paused and said helplessly, "Why didn't you tell me at that time?"

Ye lowered his head and drank porridge for a long time before saying, "What's the use of telling you? Can you still ask for half a jar of sauce from your mother?"

Xu Laosan sighed silently when he heard the words, lowered his head to eat and stopped talking.

Peach originally didn't like to eat mustard. Her chopsticks kept poking into the sauce bowl, but when she saw that her parents were a little uncomfortable with the sauce, she didn't dare to eat more. She had to pick up the shredded mustard. Originally, she frowned and stuffed it into her mouth, but suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Sister, today's mustard shredded mustard is delicious."

"What kind of tongue is this, but you can eat it with a little oil?" Xu Xinger reached out and pinched Taoer's face, but she had already eaten it. She got up and said, "Mom, I've cooked the rice paste and put it on the stove to hang it. I'm going up the mountain with Brother Shanzi today. I won't come back for lunch. If there is any work at home, I'll come back to do? Just take care of the two little food and drink."

After saying that, he turned his head and said to Xu Laosan, "Dad, come back early after finishing the work in the field today. After all, the two children are not in good health. I'm afraid they can't take care of them."

"Don't worry, you are only a few years old, and you began to tell us." Xu Laosan was funny and a little sad when he saw his daughter like this. "It's all because my father is not angry and can't make money, so that you have to help support your family at a young age."

"Dad, what are you talking about? There are several children in the village who don't do anything, and they are not a big girl. I'm exhausted by doing something?" As Xu Xinger spoke, she tightened her trousers feet and sleeves to prevent insects from crawling in. She changed into shoes with slightly thick soles and a higher waist, raised the waist of the shoes to the outside of the trouser legs, and then tied a double insurance.

As soon as I was thinking about Xu Laosan's straw hat, I heard the mountain in the yard shouting, "Xing, can you go?"

"It's coming!" Xu Xinger jumped up and grabbed the straw hat, put it on her head, and ran out with her legs.

Ye shouted uneasily in the back: "Xing'er, slow down and don't hurt yourself again."

"Don't worry, aunt. I'm sure I'll take good care of Xing'er." Shanzi shouted, looking up and down at Xu Xinger's clothes and trousers, looking at them well. Then he nodded and gave her a porcelain bottle and said, "Use this to wipe all the exposed places and wipe some on your hair."

Xu Xinger opened the cap and smelled it carefully. It smelled a little cool. It didn't smell good but it was not annoying. It was not the kind of smell that could not be accepted, so she poured some into her hand. It turned out that it was not a potion, but grass-green gel.

She rubbed her hands, wiped them around her face and neck, then rubbed her hands on her hair, and finally rubbed them on the back of her hands. She felt that they were all stained with a smell, which should be wiped.

Seeing this, Shanzi curled his lips and said, "What can you prevent? It will be tasteless when the mountain wind blows." With that, he poured it into his hand and wiped it directly on her hair because he was taller than Xu Xinger. "This can prevent insects from drilling into your hair." After finishing it, there was still a little left in his hand, and he rubbed it under Xu Xinger's ear.

Xu Xinger only felt a chill behind her ears. When she realized what was going on, her skin became uncontrollably a thin layer of pimples, and even the roots of her ears were red.

Shanzi lowered his head and stood beside her and suddenly blushed behind her fair ears. Unexpectedly, he had never seen anything in his heart. He couldn't tell what it was in his heart, but he only felt that it was beautiful and tight. He recalled that the place where his tentacles had just reached was smooth, and he didn't know whether it was because of the ointment or the white skin covered by his hair.

"Why haven't you two gone out yet?" Xu Laosan came out of the room and asked strangely when he saw the two children still pestle in the yard.

"Oh, Brother Shanzi asked me to apply some ointment to prevent insects." Xu Xinger hurriedly poured out some glue and rubbed it on her face and neck. Her fingers touched the place where Shanzi had just touched, and a sense of indescribable floated. She quickly put down her hand and said, "Brother Shanzi, let's go quickly."

Both of them are used to walking in the mountains, so they walk very fast on the mountain roads that some people step on. The mountain knows their speed, not to mention a girl, even a boy one or two years older than himself, it is difficult to keep up with their own footsteps.

Last time I saw Xu Xinger in the mountains, I saw that she was not familiar with the mountain roads and the things in the mountains. I thought that she rarely went up the mountain, so I began to deliberately slow down and waited for her. As a result, I saw that she could follow herself effortlessly, and I felt competitive and couldn't help but Speed up your pace again and again.

Xu Xinger didn't know Shanzi's thoughts. She just thought that he was taking the school's own speed, so she didn't want anything else, just focused on walking. Although this body looks a little malnourished, after all, she has been used to work since she was a child. In addition, she also has some experience in running mountains before. She knows how to use her strength and how to settle down on the ground, so she has not fallen behind.

However, the girl's endurance is not as good as that of a boy. After walking for half an hour, Xu Xinger felt a little unable to keep up. She did not hold on and said, "Brother Shanzi, let's take a break."

Shanzi came to his senses and asked why he was so competitive. He quickly stopped and asked, "Are you not tired?"

"It's okay." Xu Xinger really admired Shanzi and said excitedly, "Brother Shanzi, you are really awesome. Walking in the mountains is like walking on flat ground. When can I be like you?"

"It's almost done after running on the mountain for a long time." Shanzi asked Xu Xinger to wait in place. She identified the direction and got into the bushes. Soon, she came back with a cup rolled up of leaves. There was a cool stream in it and handed it to Xu Xinger's mouth and said, "Drink some water and rest for a while. I'm used to walking. I forget that you don't care about the mountain road. You didn't remind me early. I't tired. ?"

"It's okay." Xu Xinger was indeed a little thirsty, but she was a little hesitant to look at the leaves in Shanzi's hand. This thing was all wrapped in his hands and could not take it over and drink it by himself, but she was embarrassed to refuse, so she had to come forward and drink a few sips of water through Shanzi's hand to ease the slightly smoking voice.

"Brother Shanzi, are there any wolves in the mountains here?" Xu Xinger asked that when she lived, she occasionally made wolves. Sometimes she could hear the wolves on the mountain in the village, but the village had dogs, and the wolves generally did not dare to go down the mountain. Occasionally, there were people in the village who lost their animals. If they ran to the forest and found them again, most of them would only have a shelf left to eat.

The mountain drank the rest of the water, threw away the leaves and said, "There are many wolves, but they are all in the deep mountains. We are not very noisy here, but sometimes in the years of the drought, it will not rain for months, and the grass on the mountain has withered. There are many rabbits, deer and other things starved to death, and there are few small ones. The wolves have nothing. If you eat, you will also come to this village to eat.

"There are not only wolves on the mountain, but also wild boars, bears and blind people, especially blind bears. It's not a joke to hide away when you see them." Shanzi told him, "I heard from my father that there was a man in our village who was licked by a blind bear in the early years. Half of his face was gone, and only one breath was left to stay home. As soon as he entered the threshold, he was cut off."

Xu Xinger spit out her tongue when she heard the words. Although she also lived in the forest area when she was a child, after all, the cutting of wood has become very common. Many forests are regenerated forests. If it hadn't been for her home, it would be the farthest forest farm. I'm afraid that even the wolves would not have been seen, let alone the bear blind.

"Don't take it seriously. That's not a joke." Shanzi seriously told him, "If you go up the mountain by yourself, you must not go too deep. If you go up the mountain in autumn, you can't go too far to those places with many walnuts and pine nuts. It's easy to meet blind bears. In autumn, blind bears store winter fat and eat everywhere. You must hide away."

"Ye-huh, I remember." Xu Xinger knew that Shanzi was doing it for her own good, so she quickly nodded and agreed.