Spring is as good as

Chapter 25 Rainstorm

Before the mountain stood up, the bean-sized raindrops had already cracked down, causing pain in people. The river surface was like boiling water, splashing everywhere.

Xu Xinger jumped up and didn't have time to speak. Another lightning cut through the dark clouds. The deafening thunder followed, wrapped in a huge echo, which almost made people's tinnitus. She couldn't hear her voice at all.

Shanzi decisively threw down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and grabbed Xu Xinger. Whether she could hear it or not, he shouted, "Don't open your mouth. Come with me quickly. You have to find a place to hide from the rain. It's too dangerous." After saying that, he took her along the river to the east.

Xu Xinger only faintly saw Shanzi's mouth opening and closing, but she couldn't hear a word clearly.

However, at this time, the rain is really too heavy. What comes in is rain, which makes people speechless at all. She consciously closed her mouth. One hand is grabbed by the mountain, and the other hand keeps wiping the water on her face. In fact, it is just useless. The rain is too heavy and urgent, as if someone is holding water, a basin. She splashed on her face and couldn't open her eyes at all, let alone look at the road. She followed the mountain completely instinctively and staggered.

I don't know how long I ran, and I couldn't tell the direction at all in the heavy rain. Xu Xinger only felt that her feet seemed to be uphill and it was a little difficult to climb up, but she still gritted her teeth to follow the rhythm of the mountain. She knew that the mountain often ran mountains and was very familiar with these situations and should be able to find a shelter from the rain. After all, this is The thunderstorm field is too dangerous to stay in the forest. Maybe any tree will attract thunder.

The two ran for a while. Shanzi pinched Xu Xinger's hand, turned around and shouted hard, "It's here!"

Before Xu Xinger could speak, she was dragged into an unknown place by Shanzi. The pressure all over her body suddenly lighten. She wiped her face again and looked carefully. At this time, she was already in the cave.

The cave is very refreshing and clean, with some hay in the corner, traces of fire near the mouth of the cave, and some dry fire piled up next to it.

Some powder was sprinkled on the ground around the mouth of the cave. It is estimated that it has just been sprinkled for a few days. Although it is mixed with the soil on the ground, you can still see some traces.

"Brother Shanzi, you are really a cunning rabbit." Although Xu Xinger was soaked, she did not feel depressed at all. Instead, she looked carefully at the cave and turned back to Shanzi with a smile.

"There is a lot of climate change in the mountains, and torrential rains and so on. We must be prepared." Shanzi said and walked to the edge of the hay at the corner of the cave, squatted down and groped inside for a moment, then took out a dry dress, turned around and stuffed it to Xu Xinger and said, "You are weak. Change your wet clothes first, otherwise it's easy to get sick."

After he said that, without waiting for Xu Xinger to react, he ran back to the rain and shouted, "You change your clothes first."

Xu Xinger opened her mouth and wanted to say why you went out to get wet and turn your back, but when she saw that someone had gone out, she was actually a little embarrassed, so she didn't make a sound. She quickly took off her wet clothes, twisted her underwear hard, wiped the drops of water on her body, and then changed into the clothes of the mountain.

She is much smaller than Shanzi. She changed into his clothes, trousers and sleeves. She didn't care to pull it up and shouted, "Brother Shanzi, come in quickly. I'm done."

Shanzi got in from the rain curtain outside and saw that she was a small person wearing her own clothes, like a child secretly wearing adult clothes. He couldn't help laughing and said, "It doesn't look too small at ordinary times. Now it's relatively out. My clothes are covered with you. It's like a costume, and you can shake off your sleeves.

Xu Xinger was not in a hurry to roll up her sleeves when she heard the words. She raised her hands slightly and threw out a sleeve flower. Then she bowed and said in a dramatic voice, "This lady, Xiaosheng is so polite!"

Shanzi burst out laughing and stretched out his hand to bounce on her forehead, "You are the little lady." With that, he turned around to set up some dry firewood, took out the fire folds wrapped in oil cloth from his arms, and made a fire to roast his clothes.

Xu Xinger handed him a set of trousers and said, "I only wear outer clothes and trousers. Please change this. It's so wet and uncomfortable now."

Shanzi didn't refuse. He smiled at Xu Xinger and took over her clothes and said, "Don't go out to get wet in the rain. I'm not afraid of you."

"Bah!" Xu Xinger spat at him, but she really didn't turn around and watched him take off his clothes and reveal his wheat-colored strong upper body.

Shanzi is just a teenager now. He doesn't have any obvious muscles, but his body that has been working all year round is very strong. Although it looks slightly thin, he can already see the smooth and beautiful lines of muscles, a wheat-colored abdomen, and a few flat abdominal muscles fluctuate slightly with his breathing...

Xu Xinger looked aboveboard and did not consciously look at others changing clothes at all. She also made a sound similar to "tut, that's good".

Shanzi was originally going to tease Xu Xinger. Who would have thought that instead of seeing Xu Xinger being shy, she was teased by her eyes.

He blocked his upper body with his clothes and said with hot cheeks, "Xinger, can you turn around first?"

Xu Xinger deliberately slowed down, looked around him, raised the corners of her lips and asked, "Didn't you say you weren't afraid to look at it? Why didn't you continue to take it off?"

Shanzi arched his hand to beg for mercy and said, "Little aunt, I was wrong. Let me go this time."

Xu Xinger was originally teasing him. Of course, she didn't really intend to see him change his clothes. She raised her eyebrows and smiled triumphantly at him and turned around cooperatively.

Shanzi was afraid that she would turn around again, put on her clothes first, and then quickly change her trousers. She almost tripped over the legs of her trousers. She finally tied her trousers belt and said, "Okay, come back. I'll bake the clothes."

Xu Xinger turned around and saw Shanzi squatting by the fire with his clothes. She didn't know whether her face was shy or red. She couldn't help squatting the corners of her mouth, but she didn't open her mouth to tease him anymore.

The two guarded the fire from the rain, and their clothes were almost dry, but the rain outside did not become smaller at all. Their ears were full of the sound of rain, and there were dark clouds outside. They could not see the sky at all, and they didn't know what time it was.

Xu Xinger sat on the hay shop boredly, fiddling with a hay in her hand. Looking at Shanzi staring at the fire without saying a word, she couldn't help saying, "Brother Shanzi, you talk to me. It's so boring."

"What did you say?" Shanzi turned his head and asked her.

Xu Xinger pouted and thought, "Just tell me what happened in the mountains before!"

"Didn't you ask me last time what animals are in the mountains? I said there were blind bears at that time." Shanzi tilted his head and thought for a moment.

"Have you ever met a blind bear?" Xu Xinger suddenly became nervous, sat up straight and stared at the mountain.

Shanzi nodded first, then shook his head and continued, "In fact, I haven't met it. In the autumn of the year before last, I went up the mountain and met a few acorn trees. Although it was not very delicious, generally as long as there is food at home, no one eats it, but that thing can feed pigs. I ran for a long time that day and I didn't get anything. I was too lazy to run any longer, so I collected a lot of acorns, and the basket was full of many left. I wrapped a large bag of clothes and carried them, which only contained only a small half. I couldn't take the rest back and had to take them, so I dug a shallow pit under the tree, spread some leaves, piled the remaining acorns in, and used trees. Ye Gai is fine and plans to pick it up again the next day.

"And then?" Xu Xinger can hear it. She has also picked up acorns before. As Shanzi said, pigs like to eat it very much and bite their shells. Every autumn, many pig farmers let their children go up the mountain to pick up acorns, and those picked them up are poured into their yard to dry.

She has always been competitive. Other people's families are brothers and sisters who go up the mountain. She is the only one, but she refuses to give up. Every time she goes back early and late, she can't wait to have more hands than others. I remember that autumn, the more acorns in her yard covered the ground. She Every day, I step on the acorn with my head held high, and I feel as rich as a princess stepping on the red carpet.

Shanzi mentioned the acorn, which reminded Xu Xinger of the bitter and happy life when she was a child. She couldn't help sighing and urged him to speak quickly.

"Later, the next day, I ran back to get the acorns and found that the trunk had been scratched by several marks, and the pit was also opened, and the ground was full of broken acorn shells." When Shanzi talked about this, he seemed to have some lingering fear. He raised his hand and said, "There are such big footprints and footprints on the ground. At that time, I was very scared. I turned around and ran back for fear that the blind bear was still nearby. Later, I dared not go to the forest there anymore..."

The two people here chatted happily, but they didn't know that Xu Xinger's family was already in a hurry.

Ye didn't worry about Xu Xinger going up the mountain. After all, the children in the village grew up crawling on the mountain, but they couldn't help but be a little worried about the thunder and lightning outside.

I thought that the thunderstorm in summer would pass in a moment, but I didn't expect it to end when it rained. Her heart picked up, looked at the sky outside anxiously, and said to Xu Laosan, "What time is it? Is it still such a heavy rain? Is Xing'er still on the mountain? Will you get lost? Will there be any danger?"

Xu Laosan was also anxious, but looking at Ye's red eyes, he didn't dare to stimulate her any more. He could only say calmly, "Shanzi is a stable child and is familiar with the situation in the mountain. They must have found a place to hide from the rain. Don't worry blindly. Look at Taoer scared."

Ye turned around and patted the peach, no longer saying anything, but she was still worried. Her ears had been listening to the sound of the rain outside and turned her head to look at the door from time to time, hoping that Xu Xinger could come in from the door the next moment and talk to herself with a smile...