Spring is as good as

Chapter 78 This is a bitch

"What are you doing? The bowl hasn't been brushed yet." Ye is a diligent and clean person. He is uncomfortable without finishing the work at hand. "There are no outsiders at home. What can't you say outside?"

"I'm just discussing something with you. The children are outside. Let's talk about it in the room." Xu Laosan's voice was a little low, "Just now, my parents asked me to go there and said that my second sister-in-law had a body. My mother said to find someone and say that this child is a boy..."

Ye was silent for a moment when she heard the words, and then her voice sank, "This is a good thing. If she can really give birth to a boy, it will also fulfill her parents' wish. If there is anything I can do, I will definitely help her." A few words are very slow, and it is difficult to hide the bitterness and helplessness in the tone.

The room was silent for a moment, and there was only a rustling sound. I don't know if Xu Laosan was comforting Ye, and then I heard him continue to say, "I heard my mother mean that now that the family is not rich, and my second sister-in-law has no money to make up for her body. I intend to make each of us more thrifty and leave some food left..."

Before his words fell, Xu Xinger hurriedly pushed the door and came in and said, "No!"

Xu Laosan quickly took his hand away from Ye's leg and frowned at his daughter and said, "I'm talking to your mother in the room. What are you doing?" He deliberately pulled Ye to the room and said that he originally wanted to avoid Xu Xinger, but he was afraid that she would be impatient and shout that she would make trouble again. Unexpectedly, he still did not hide.

"Why is the family not rich now? Isn't it because the second uncle is gambling and owes debts, which makes my mother sick? Grandma has taken the family's money to repay the second uncle. He has no repented at all. Now why does he have the face to let the families save food for him?"

Without waiting for Xu Laosan to interrupt, she continued: "My mother has also given birth to three children. When she has a body, did grandma give her any delicious food? When I was pregnant with peaches, I didn't remember much, but when I gave birth to chestnuts, I saw them all in my eyes, and I was reluctant to give them an egg. Every time I went to the old house to get things, I had to see people's faces. Forget it. Even the hen brought by grandma can't wait to catch it in her room. What should she say? At that time, why didn't you see the aunt and the second aunt save a few bites for our family?

Xu Xinger was already eloquent, and she didn't stutter after saying a large number of words, and the more she spoke, the more angry she became. She was also wronged for Ye's heart. Her eyes gradually turned red, and her voice also choked a little, which made Ye's eyes red.

Xu Laosan was suddenly speechless. After talking for a long time, he squeezed out and said, "Isn't this... a boy..."

"If it's a son or a daughter, you have to wait until they are born. Who says it well now?" Xu Xinger stared at him and said, "Even father thinks his son is better than his daughter, and we still have a lock!"

Xu Laosan had nothing to say at all. He took out the cigarette bag and subconsciously took a bite. Then he found that he had not lit the cigarette and inserted it back into his belt.

Xu Xinger said with her fingers, "Father, if you want to work on the ground, you can't be hungry. Your mother has always been in good health. The doctor also said that we should give birth and nourishment. It's okay if we don't have money to mend our mother's body. We can't deduct it, can't we? Suoer and Lizi are only a few months old. This is the time when we grow up and have brains. We can't lose the child.

Xu Laosan listened to her and did not interrupt. He also felt that his daughter was right. He raised his hand and scratched his head, but he didn't know what to do.

"Then there are only me and Taoer. Taoer is still young, and I can't bear to starve her. If the master's milk insists on deducting our food, then I will eat less in the future and save it slowly." Xu Xinger excluded her family one by one, and finally left herself alone. She looked down at her hand as if she had made up her mind. "Dad, let's decide. I don't have to do any heavy work. I don't need to eat so much. I'll just halve my rations in the future."

Xu Laosan was already soft-hearted and distressed, and now he was completely stunned by his daughter. Hearing her final conclusion, he quickly shook his head and said, "No, it's time for you to smoke. How can you not eat well? Even if there is nothing delicious food, you have to eat enough. I'll just eat less. I'm in good shape and an adult. It's okay to eat less.

Xu Xinger quickly lowered her head, squeezed her eyes hard, dragged her crying and shouted, "Dad..." She looked up and let Xu Laosan see her red eyes, "My mother is not well. Now she has to drink bitter medicine soup every day. If you are hungry again, what will our family do in the future?"

Ye nodded repeatedly, agreed with what her daughter said, and also said, "Xing'er's words are reasonable. You have to work in the field every day. What can you do if you don't eat well? If you have a long time, our mother will not live?"

Xu Laosan's balance in his heart became more and more inclined. He lit a cigarette bag and took a few sips. He gritted his teeth and said, "Oi, I know. I'll talk to my parents about this matter. You don't know. Don't make trouble at this."

Xu Xinger was not afraid that Xu Laosan could not make a lot of money, but that he was afraid of his foolishness and foolishness and filial piety. Now that Xu Laosan could still turn around, the heart he had held before was suddenly relieved a lot, and his tone also calmed down and said, "Dad went directly to the master to tell him that it was better. As long as he let go, there would be nothing he could do. No However, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble again..."

"Dad, mother, sister..." Before Xu Xinger finished her words, Taoer ran in like a gust of wind and shouted as she ran, "Sister, come quickly..."

"This girl just talked about her in the morning and doesn't remember at all." Xu Xinger listened to Taoer beating from the gate and shouted at the door. She became less and less quiet. She shook her head helplessly, got up and pulled Xu Laosan and said, "Dad, the doctor said that my mother is not in good health. You can't always smell smoke. Go outside and smoke!"

Xu Laosan patted his forehead and said, "Look at my broken memory." With that, he quickly rushed out of the house with a cigarette bag.

Xu Xinger was also pulled out by Tao'er, and her clothes were deformed. She quickly reached out and took back the corners of her clothes. Although this dress can still be worn, what if it is torn off?

"Xing'er!" A man in brocade clothes was standing in the courtyard, greeting Xu Xinger with a smile, and his whole body was in sharp contrast to the small farmyard.

Xu Xinger fixed her eyes and saw that it was Rong Haoxuan. The smile on her face subconsciously restrained slightly and frowned, "Why did you come to my house? Can you call Xing'er?

As soon as Rong Haoxuan opened his mouth, he touched his nose and was disheartened. Fortunately, he left everyone outside. At least he didn't lose face in front of the servants. He coughed twice and said, "I heard Shanzi call you like this, so I also shouted. Why, isn't this everyone?"

"That's natural. The Rong family is a large family and pays the most attention to etiquette. Why can Master Rong not even deal with basic things? Brother Shanzi is my master's nephew. Naturally, the relationship is different, so he can't call him, but you can't. Xu Xinger said and glanced out of the courtyard door, thinking that it should be raised and placed on the ground again.

Taoer saw her sister's thoughts and quickly said, "Sister, I have seen it. More than a dozen people came outside and carried a lot of things, more than in the morning!"

Xu Xinger's face completely sank and stared at Rong Haoxuan and said, "I told you a long time ago. You don't have to thank me. What's wrong with you?"

Rong Haoxuan sent someone to give thanks early in the morning. Later, he saw Rong Quan go back with injuries and things, saying that Xu Xinger refused to accept things. As a result, the girl in the room gave advice, and a little girl timidly interrupted and said, "After all, it's a life-saving grace. Just let a steward go. Maybe she is unhappy?"

When the steward in the room heard the words, she stared and crossed her waist and said, "What is the young master? What's more, she is still sick. How can she send a thank-you gift in person? She is a country girl, how can she bear it!"

The talker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Hearing these words, Rong Haoxuan thought that there seemed to be some truth, and he really took it to heart, so he called Jiading, cleaned up two more things, and led people straight to Xingyuan Village.

He felt that he had expressed great sincerity and gratitude, but Xu Xinger still looked ungrateful, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry, and his tone naturally didn't get better.

"I came all the way against the sun just to thank you, but you have such an attitude towards me?"

"You are the young master in the city. My family is just a flat-headed people in the countryside. We can all figure it out. Even if you can't figure it out, you should know what happened to Uncle Rongquan's injury, right?"

Xu Xinger took a few deep breaths to adjust her mood, and her tone slowed down a little and said, "The Hong family is from one of our village. Now he has been arrested. There are only old people and children left in the family. Although they are not familiar with each other, they are also villagers who look up and can't see them. There are already a lot of unpleasant gossip in the village. You are still like this. Send me something with great fanfare. Are you here to thank me or hurt me?

"Naturally I'm here to thank you!" Rong Haoxuan subconsciously responded to a sentence, then thought about what Xu Xinger had just said, and then showed an expression of indifference.

"I still think it's something. If I follow my mother, I should arrest his family so as not to leave future troubles. As a result, my father was kind-hearted and only let Hong Xiang be arrested. Speaking of which, his family should be grateful. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

"I have nothing to say to you. Ask someone to carry everything back quickly, and then dare to block a bunch of things at my door in the future. Be careful that I deal with you!" When Xu Xinger saw him like this, her words became more and more rude.

"What does it have to do with Hong Xiang's arrest for coming to thank you? Your village is unreasonable? If you think Hong Xiang is pitiful, wouldn't it be better if I was killed by Hong Xiang at the beginning?

The teenager is at the stage of strong self-esteem. Rong Haoxuan is usually coaxed and held at home. He has never met a girl like Xu Xinger.

It's spicy and difficult to deal with. His mouth is like a small blade. He is not a nose or an eye for his nose. Not to mention a smile, he doesn't even have a word of gentle words... But it's strange. The more it is like this, the more he wants to provoke him. Isn't it cheap?

"Your housekeeper and the family have just left, why did they come back so soon?" Taoer looked out and didn't see the steward whose head had just been broken, but most of the family were still familiar. Although she looked at her sister's bad face, she couldn't help asking curiously.

In fact, Xu Xinger has also felt strange for a long time, but because she didn't want to talk more with Rong Haoxuan, she simply didn't ask. She didn't expect to be asked by Taoer now.

Rong Haoxuan said proudly on his face, "I know your temper. Those servants must not be able to do anything, so not long after they left, I also brought people here. Sure enough, I met the people you sent back halfway."

Xu Xinger stretched out her hand and pushed open the half-closed courtyard door and said, "My house is small and messy. Master Rong, please come back. I appreciate your gratitude, and there is no need for anything. Although my family is not rich, I don't rely on this to make money."

"Why are you so ignorant? I came to thank you with a smiling face with good intentions. Forget it with a straight face, and you still say such a bad thing. Rong Haoxuan was rejected three times, and his anger surged up, and his voice became louder and louder.

"I have said in the city before that there is no need to send thank-you gifts. You have to come to cause trouble to my family. You have made a reputation for sending things here, but have you thought how many troubles will it cause to my family in the village?" Xu Xinger also became angry, "Don't you see the injury on your stewer's head? You were injured and patted your buttocks and went back to the city. My family still has to live in the village. I have younger brothers and sisters below me. I can't look at them day by day. If there is something good or bad, can you afford it?

Rong Haoxuan was stuffed by these words and really didn't know how to refute it. He had vaguely regretted his recklessness in his heart, but he refused to accept it and said softly, "It's really kind to be a donkey liver and lung. If it's someone else, I won't care about it!"

"If you can't afford to be rare, you'd better take care of others!"

Rong Haoxuan took a deep breath and said as gently as possible, "Isn't your mother not in good health? How can you afford to take medicine every day? It's enough for you to take these things for months. Why do you push the door out in order to be angry?

"It's also my family's business whether you can afford to eat or not. You can make money by yourself and eat anything." Xu Xinger said and pushed Rong Haoxuan out, "Master Rong is not in good physical well yet. Let's go back quickly. If we have a summer heat or been broken here, we can't afford it."

"You..." Rong Haoxuan was pushed out of the courtyard door like this, and finally tripped and almost fell down. Although he was supported by the family next to him, he still blushed and pointed angrily to Xu Xinger and said, "You girl, you are so arrogant!"

Xu Xinger didn't bother to say half a word. She reached out and pulled Tao'er into the door, and then slammed the door of the house.