Spring is as good as

Chapter 93 Good-quality ginseng

"Don't worry about them. There are so many people on the street. I don't dare to mess around." Shanzi comforted Xu Xinger like this, but his heart became more and more vigilant.

Shanzi is much more familiar with the city than Xu Xinger. Because there are two people behind him, he did not take the shortcut. They all picked the road with many people and soon arrived at Guanshi.

This is the largest market in the city. There was a checkpoint here in the previous dynasty. The south of the checkpoint belongs to the lowly area. What they do are iron and buckets, which are despised by the city people. Because they are afraid that the unruly people will enter the city, they will close the card and reopen in the morning.

Nowadays, the difference between good and cheap is different from that of the previous dynasty. Although the level is still there, it is no longer guarded by anyone. However, because of the early years, generally good people are unwilling to buy land and build houses nearby, so it has gradually become a gathering place for craftsmen and buyers and sellers, collectively known as Guanshi, which is divided into Shangguan by two vertically crossed long streets. , Shimoguan, Dongguan and Xiguan.

Shanzi first exchanged half a taels of silver in Shangguan City, and then pulled Xu Xinger straight to Xiaguan City.

Xiaguan City is outside the checkpoint of the previous dynasty. Nowadays, most of them are gathering places for blacksmiths, tinsmiths, coppersmiths and other craftsmen. Shanzi is familiar with the road and quickly comes to the door of a shop.

Xu Xinger looked up and down curiously. There was no cover or signboard outside the shop. The facade was slightly low. The two wooden doors were half open and half closed, and two faded door gods were attached to the door panel.

Xu Xinger carefully probed her head and saw that it was dark inside. No matter how she looked at it, it didn't look like a place to do business.

Who? Snither!" Suddenly, an old voice came from the door, which sounded full of air.

Shanzi pushed the door and said with a smile, "Mr. Cao, you are still so strong and confident to speak."

"Oh, it's the Wu boy." Entering the store is another scene. Although the light is dark, it is very simple and clean. An old man sits on a rocking chair in front of the window with a teapot on his hand.

Mr. Cao grabbed the teapot and took a sip before asking, "What is your third uncle going to do?" How long has it been since he appeared in front of the old man, but he asked such a hairy boy to come here.

"Now in late summer and early autumn, my third uncle is so busy these days that I rarely see him." Shanzi said with a smile, "Today, I have something to ask the old man. Please give me some advice."

"Alle!" Mr. Cao got up and walked back, "Let me see what it is."

Shanzi turned around and closed the door of the store and told him, "Xinger, wait here for a while. Don't go out and walk around." Seeing Xu Xinger nodded, he followed Mr. Cao to the back.

After about half an hour, the two came out from behind again.

"Is it done?" Xu Xinger got up and asked.

"Well, okay, let's go from behind." Shanzi pulled Xu Xinger through an aisle and entered a small room. Unexpectedly, he opened the cabinet door on the wall and got in.

Xu Xinger was shocked and said, why did she still enter the cabinet? I was pulled in by Shanzi and found that the cabinet door was actually the door of another room.

Two people drilled through the cabinet and passed through two rooms. When they finally went out, Xu Xinger found that this was actually the back door of another shop. It seemed that there seemed to be an inconspicuous shop, and there seemed to be many unknown doors in it.

Seeing her curious face, Shanzi said, "In fact, it's not as ridiculous as you think. The former dynasty here is a lowly residential area, and officers and soldiers often come to inspect casually, so many people connect with each other in private, mainly to avoid officers and soldiers."

"Oh, so that's it." Xu Xinger's face was suddenly boring and glanced at Shanzi, as if she was to blame him for breaking her fantasy.

Seeing this, Shanzi couldn't help pinching her nose and said, "I knew you were thinking about it, and I don't know what was in your little head."

Xu Xinger dodged his hand and stuck out her tongue and said, "How do you know what I'm thinking!"

"You will know by looking at the expression on your face. You still need to guess." Shanzi stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, looked at the sky and said, "It's been delayed for a long time today. Let's get out of town quickly."

Xu Xinger was still a little curious when she came to Guanshi for the first time. She wanted to say that since she came, she would stroll around and then go, but she thought that she had finally got rid of the last two tails. If she went shopping again, wouldn't it be annoying if she was followed again?

Shanzi saw her mind and patted her and said, "It will be the Qixi Festival in a few days. It will be particularly lively here. There will be more stalls during the day than usual. There will be juggling and snacks at night. There can also be lotus lanterns by the river not far away. Let's take Taoer to visit together."

Xu Xinger smiled and nodded, "Okay, we don't sell things that day. We just come here for a good day."

The two walked talking and laughingly, and suddenly heard someone shouting above their heads: "Xu Xinger!"

The two looked up and saw Rong Haoxuan leaning against the window on the second floor of the restaurant, holding a wine glass in one hand and swinging down with the other.

Xu Xinger curled her lips and said how well she met him. She began to drink when she was only a few years old, and she pretended to be Fengyang.

Although he thought so, he still said, "Master Rong is so elegant. He comes here to drink in broad daylight."

"Shouldn't you come to drink at night?" Rong Haoxuan narrowed his eyes and said.

Xu Xinger waved her hand and said, "Let's not disturb Master Rong. Let's go back first."

"Wait." Rong Haoxuan suddenly stopped Xu Xinger and said, "There are a few new mountain ginsengs in the store. They are old enough but their appearance is not good. They can't be sold for money. They can only be used as two. I asked the shopkeeper to leave the best one."

Xu Xinger was a little moved when she heard the words. Although there are many good ginseng in her age, the price is extremely expensive. Not to mention buying one, she can even afford broken ginseng.

But if the ginseng is dug out, although the medicinal value is still the same, the market value will be much discounted. If you can really buy one for Ye's use...

After hearing this, Shanzi couldn't help but have some doubts. The ginseng gang has not come down the mountain yet. The mountain ginseng harvested should not be the ginseng of that year, but if it is old, it will generally take action as soon as possible or simply keep it at home.

And many ginseng can be encountered but not sought, and the participants will be extremely careful. Occasionally, it may be possible to dig them out, but if several bad products appear together, it always makes people feel a little wrong.

Rong Haoxuan looked at Xu Xinger's vaguely moved appearance, thought for a moment and added, "It's okay if you don't have enough money. I told the shopkeeper that you can use the ginseng first and give the money slowly."

Xu Xinger's eyes lit up when she heard the words, but still didn't say anything. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Shanzi with inquiring eyes.

Shanzi nodded slightly for a moment and whispered, "Anyway, go and have a look first. If the medicine is strong enough, it is indeed a rare opportunity."

Rong Haoxuan put the movements and expressions of the two people in his eyes upstairs, frowned slightly, and then relaxed and said, "I still have time now. If you are interested, I will accompany you and go to the store to have a look."

Xu Xinger thought for a moment and nodded, "Well, anyway, go and have a look first."

Rong Haoxuan had a car to take, but he let Xixin send the driver away and accompanied Shanzi and Xu Xinger to his pharmacy.

Xu Xinger asked Rong Haoxuan to walk forward, deliberately pulled Shanzi two steps behind, and then asked Shanzi in a low voice, "Generally speaking, what is the price of ginseng? Should you know? I don't know anything. Don't let people cheat anymore.

Hearing this, Shanzi swept over Rong Haoxuan walking in front of him and looked at Xu Xinger with a wary face. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry, I know it."

Xiang Rongtang is not far away from Guanshi, which is nothing in the eyes of Shanzi and Xu Xinger, but Rong Haoxuan is a young master who goes out to ride a car and has someone to serve him when he comes home. Halfway, he feels pain in his feet and his calves are sore. The more he walks, the heavier he still insists and refuses to show weakness.

He held on in front, but Xu Xinger's attention was not on him at all. She kept pulling the mountain behind and muttering.

"How much does the ginseng cost?" Xu Xinger can't help but want to know the approximate price. If she can afford it, she always doesn't want to credit Xiang Rongtang.

"The price depends on the year, appearance and weight. It's hard to say if you don't see anything. Even if it's only medicinal, it depends on the year. Sometimes even the dug out somewhere will be different." Shanzi is still the first to talk about this.

When the group arrived at the store, they were immediately welcomed into the elegant room. Rong Haoxuan, who didn't care about the shopkeepers and clerks, sat on the armchair and said, "Let's make tea first!" Serve the herbal tea!!"

The shopkeeper quickly sent the clerk to prepare tea, and then said with a smile, "Why did the young master come to the shop today?"

Rong Haoxuan's mouth was dry, waved his hand and said briefly, "Ginseng!"

"Oh, yes, yes, the young master has explained it." The shopkeeper was stunned at first, and then remembered and told the clerk beside him, "Go and bring the ginseng specially set aside before."

The clerk quickly came over with the box, gently put it on the table, and opened the lid of the box. The box was covered with red velvet cloth, and a mountain ginseng was fixed with a thin red rope on the velvet cloth.

Shanzi came forward to take a closer look and casually commented, "The pile of flowers and reeds, the reed bowls are deep and close, the two ginsengs are opposite each other, the size of the adult index finger, the ginseng lines are deep and thin, the ginsengs are beautiful but not scattered, and the pearls are many and clear..." He suppressed his doubts in his heart and said regretfully, "What a handsome across the sea, it seems that there should be It's a pity that the reed head has been broken and the body is damaged for nearly a hundred years.

The shopkeeper's eyes flashed, and the contempt just now suddenly swept away and nodded, "Little brother has good eyesight and can see very accurately." Then he also said with a toothache, "It's really a pity, alas, it's a pity..."

Rong Haoxuan heard this and stared at him.

The shopkeeper immediately stopped and said with a smile, "It's just a pity to dig out, so I can only sell the medicine according to two."