Spring is as good as

Chapter 97 Go to the market

Taoer pulled Xu Xinger around and finally stopped in front of a stall selling osmanthus sugar.

There is no osmanthus in the northeast, so osmanthus sugar is also a new thing. Most people who bring their children to the market will buy some, one as a snack for their children, and second, they can taste it themselves.

The osmanthus candy in this family is almost as long and thick as the Kanto candy that sacrifices to the Kitchen God. The white sugar is wrapped in a layer of sesame. When you approach it, you can smell the aroma of osmanthus.

The hawker who sells things is also flexible. He doesn't know how to save the two osmanthus flowers next to him. Although it is already a little shrive, it is a new thing, so it can attract guests.

Tao'er stood by the stall and looked at it for a long time. Lala Xu Xinger's corner of her clothes and asked, "Sister, have you ever eaten this?"

Xu Xinger shook her head and said, "This is also the first time I've seen it!"

Taoer squeezed her lips when she heard the words, but she still stood and couldn't leave. When the group of sugar buyers in front of the stall almost left, she came forward and asked, "How can I sell this?"

The hawker threw the copper plate that had just had time to put away into the crock and said with a smile, "Little girl, this is osmanthus candy, three pieces per penny. If you buy it in a catty, it will be fifteen penny per catty."

"But I don't know if your sugar is good or not!" Taoer pointed to the small scale and said, "You broke half of the scale just now. Can I try it?"

Only then did Xu Xinger understand what she had been waiting for. Before, she bought one or two yuan to taste. Only one that had just came and bought two catties in one breath. The sugar seemed to be a little crispy. Although the hawker was very careful, it still smashed a piece and fell into the scale.

The hawker's business is good today, so he has been smiling. Hearing this, he agreed to speak well. He handed the small piece of candy to Taoer, and then said to Xu Xinger, "Your sister?"

"Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xu Xinger raised her hand and rubbed Taoer's hair.

"It's okay, the little girl is quite clever." The hawker turned his head and asked Taoer, "How's it? Is it delicious?"

Taoer nodded hard, then took out four cents from her purse and handed it to the vendor and said, "I want four cents. Please help me wrap two cents, and the other two cents can be put on paper for me."

"Good!" The hawker's men quickly tied up a bag, then took another piece of paper, and finally picked up an extra piece of sugar and said, "I'll give you one more."

"Thank you, aunt!" Tao'er suddenly smiled and said thank you sweetly.

He came to Xu Xinger with the sugar first and raised it and said, "Sister, try it."

Xu Xinger did not refuse. She took a piece to taste it. This osmanthus candy is actually a hollow tube sugar, but the hollow heart is filled with osmanthus white sugar. It is crispy outside and tastes like osmanthus inside. It tastes really good.

Taoer ate two pieces and stopped eating it. She held sugar in one hand and Xu Xinger's clothes in the other. She continued to wander around for a long time and spent three penny to buy a noodle person, and the remaining three penny was reluctant to spend.

After covering her purse and thinking for a long time, Taoer asked entangledly, "Sister, if I can't spend it today, will you go back?"

Xu Xinger burst out laughing, but still answered seriously, "No, since it's yours for you, it's up to you to control it."

It is a little difficult for Taoer to dominate this word, but she still understands the general meaning. She quickly tied her purse and carefully put it in her arms.

"Little money fan!" Xu Xinger patted her on the head.

Taoer turned around and stuck out her tongue and said, "I learned it from my elder sister!"

Seeing that Taoer had bought all the food and play, Xu Xing'er found Xu Laosan and went with him to buy radish strips and chili.

As soon as I bought radish strips and was about to buy peppers, I heard someone shouting: "Garlic, this year's new garlic has been sold for ten cents per catty!"

Xu Xinger suddenly remembered that she wanted to make sugar garlic, and immediately stopped and looked in the direction of shouting.

Xu Laosan carried the radish strips he just bought and asked, "Why do you want to buy garlic?"

"Well, I want to try some sugar garlic." Xu Xinger nodded, "Dad, is ten penny per catty of garlic expensive? How much was it last year?

"Last year, it rained for many days, and garlic growrs failed, and the price was much higher than in previous years, 30 or 40 cents per catty. Because garlic was expensive last year, many people went to grow garlic this year. In addition, this year's weather is good and the garlic harvest is bumpy, so it will definitely not be sold at a price.

Although Xu Laosan is a little slow to the world, he is very clear about these bankers.

"Now there are still some times before collecting garlic. I'm afraid this person knows that the price will definitely fall this year, so he collected it early to sell it. It's not appropriate to buy it at this time. On the one's one thing, it's just collected, and on the other, after all of them come down for a few days, it must be cheap.

When Xu Xinger heard this, she had a problem in her heart. She went forward to turn over the garlic and saw that the quality was still good, so she asked, "Can it be cheaper?"

"Little girl, this garlic is this year's new garlic. It has just been collected. It's all fresh. Such a good garlic was sold for more than 40 cents last year!" The stall owner shouted for a long time and no one asked about it. When he saw a little girl, although he didn't look rich, he still answered with a little hope.

"The new garlic moisture is already a pressure scale. Last year, the garlic harvest was not good, and there are many people who have a good harvest this year. It may be cheaper in a few days!" Xu Xinger casually threw back the garlic in her hand. "Well, I wanted to buy some fresh food if it was cheap, but if it couldn't be sold, just forget it." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Ah, don't rush to go. How much do you want to buy? You... If you buy a few more pounds, I'll give you a cheaper price..." The stall owner raised his voice and kept him. Seeing that Xu Xinger was still walking, he had to say, "If you sincerely want to buy it, let's discuss the price or something!"

Xu Xinger turned around and said, "Six penny per catty, I want six catties."

The stall owner's face suddenly became bitter and said repeatedly, "Oh, don't bargain so hard. It's so cheap that I might as well take it home and eat it myself. If you really want six catties, I'll give you eight cents!"

"I want six catties, and it's almost six cents."

The stall owner shook his head repeatedly and said, "This price really can't be given. If you insist on this, you can't do this business."

Xu Xinger made up her way to leave. Seeing that the stall owner had a bitter face but did not open her mouth to retain it, she thought that six cents were indeed too low, so she stopped and stretched out her hand and said, "At most seven cents."

The stall owner spent a long time and saw that Xu Xinger resolutely refused to let go this time. Finally, he had to gritt his teeth and said, "That's all, seven cents is seven cents! It's an opening for me!"

Xu Xinger picked up a suit of about the same size and watched the stall owner weigh six catties, and then greeted Xu Laosan to come and pack things.

Only then did the stall owner know that the little girl came with the adult. Looking at Xu Laosan, he couldn't help but say, "Tut, your girl is really cruel to bargain!"

Xu Laosan smiled and poured all the garlic into the basket. Although he didn't know why his daughter bought so much garlic, although he needed to add some to the dried radish, he didn't need so much.

However, Ye had already told him not to interfere in his daughter's selling pickles, so he really couldn't help asking. Behind Xu Xinger, he went to buy pepper, salt, sugar and white vinegar. He could no longer hold the basket, and he still had to carry two big burdens in his hand.

Xu Xinger bought all the things she needed. Seeing that Xu Laosan carried so many things on his back, she asked him to lead Taoer back to the carriage first and buy something else by himself.

Xu Laosan was relatively relieved about his eldest daughter and took Taoer away after a few words of instructions.

Taoer actually wanted to follow Xu Xinger, but she still held osmanthus candy in her hand. She was so tired for so long that she felt that her hands were so so sore that she had to go back with Xu Laosan.

It turned out that there were a total of seven pieces of osmanthus candy. She ate two pieces by herself and gave one for Xu Xinger. Just now, she gave Xu Laosan one piece, and there were still three pieces left. She kept holding them down and planned to go back to Ye and her younger brothers and sisters.

When Xu Xinger was dragged around by Taoer before, she had long been optimistic about what she wanted to buy. First, I went to buy two feet, two boxes of snacks, cut a piece of meat, beat two bottles of wine, weighed a catty of tobacco leaves, and grabbed half a catty of assorted medicinal sugar. It seemed that it should be almost done. When I went back, I thought that I bought another catty of tea and asked the shopkeeper to tie it in two bags, and then I returned to the car with a big bag.

Xu Laosan saw her from afar and quickly came to pick up the things and couldn't help saying, "Why did you buy so many things?"

Xu Xinger came to the car and took out a box of snacks and a bag of tea separately and said, "Dad, put this in the back basket and don't press it. We'll take this back by ourselves, and the rest will be given to grandma's house."

"Good!" Xu Laosan heard that the thing was for his father-in-law, so he didn't say anything more. He thought it was Ye who told him to buy it.

I didn't think that Ye was surprised and happy to see it, and he said anxiously with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "You child, why do you still buy so many things?"

"My mother has always loved me so much. Now that I have made money by myself, I should be filial to my mother." Xu Xinger climbed into the car, took the lock from Ye's arms, and said on his forehead, "Why don't you sleep? Why don't you let your mother hold you and make her tired?"

Locker thought that Xu Xinger was playing with herself. Her little hand waved in front of Xu Xinger, and her feet also kicked. She opened her mouth and made an "ah" sound, and saliva suddenly flowed down her chin.

Ye quickly picked up the veil and wiped it for him. He simply tucked the veil at his neckline, looked closer to his smiling gums, and said slightly puzzledly, "The lock has drooled more than before in the past two days. I don't know if it's going to grow teeth, but the lock is only been more than three months. It shouldn't have grown so early!"

Xu Xinger was also curious when she heard the words. She held the lock's chin with her hand and planned to carefully see if there were any signs of teething. Unexpectedly, the lock's body twisted, and her hand was suddenly not held. She was held in her mouth by the lock and rubbed back and back and forth by her upper and lower gums.

The baby's gums are very soft, and it doesn't hurt when rubbing on his fingers, and even itching. But as the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart. The hot and soft touch reaches the bottom of her heart along her fingers, making Xu Xinger's whole heart almost soft, and her eyes looking at Locker become more and more gentle.