Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 196 Regret

Hearing Song Kai say that the beast was in the bedroom, Meng Yao, who was thinking about it, suddenly came to her spirit and ran towards the bedroom.

"Hey! Come back! I'm kidding. Come back!" Song Kai's expression changed in the back and he kept shouting quickly. Of course, he was nervous. You know, there were three computers in the bedroom, and one of them kept Song Kai's shameless evidence of guilt just now.

However, Meng Yao ignored Song Kai at all and rushed into Song Kai's bedroom like the wind.

There is nothing in the bedroom.

Meng Yao was a little disappointed, and then her eyes were attracted by the three computers.

Song Kai shouted and chased after him. He gasped and laughed, "Look, I told you all about it. It's a joke. You still don't believe it. How can there be lightning mink in the bedroom? Let's eat first. I promise to find that little thing for you."

"It's really it!" Meng Yao's eyes had seen the lightning mink in the monitor on the far right. She walked over and tears flowed out. "It's really still alive."

Song Kai walked over and put his arms around Meng Yao's shoulder. The other hand unplugged the power of the computer in the middle. The power was unplugged. The damn computer actually had a built-in battery!

So Song Kai pressed the boot button in a hurry and forcibly turned it off.

Meng Yao just didn't see some, but she was absolutely not stupid. Her eyes glanced at the picture of the computer in the middle. When she saw the bathroom in the picture, she was stunned at first, then rushed to her chest angrily and turned to stare at Song Kai.

Song Kai pressed the shutdown button in a hurry, but it didn't work. He secretly scolded the broken computer, and then looked at Meng Yao with a smile, "There is really a lightning mink. Let's find it quickly."

Meng Yao bit her teeth, her eyes turned red, and tears almost fell down.

"Hey, don't be angry, I'm really... I'm... Well, Meng Yao, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, that, let's go first..." Song Kai suddenly became nervous, very nervous and incoherent.

"If you find the lightning mink, I will forgive you." Meng Yao turned her head and stared at the monitor.

Song Kai quickly said "um". He looked at the picture carefully and said, "It seems that this should be a basement. I think about it. Well, this place is either the basement of Villa No. 8 or the basement of Villa No. 11. Let's go to the basement of Villa No. 8 first."

"Yes." Meng Yao turned around and walked out, and her tone was cold and terrible.

Song Kai suddenly understood that she had made a big mistake. For Meng Yao, it was absolutely impossible for her to forgive her shamelessness this time. Because she did not break out now, the consequences were even more terrible.

Are you going to lose this friend?

This is absolutely not possible.

Song Kai tried his best to raise his footsteps and followed him. "Meng Yao, listen to me. Really, I don't know what's wrong? I admit that I peeked from the surveillance, and I..."

"Don't talk about it anymore. Look for the beast. I said, I forgive you." Meng Yao lowered her head and said indifferently.

Song Kai was anxious. He walked over and grabbed Meng Yao, "Listen to me! I really don't know what's wrong with me. Yes, Mengyao, you're beautiful, but I've seen many women who are more beautiful than you, but this time it's really different. I don't know what's going on. When I see you, I find myself obsessed with you, just like... It's like there is a thread that involves my heart. Tie it on you..."

The white lightning mink continued to whine.

"It seems that you don't believe him. Forget it. Let's just think that my sister doesn't know this person. It's just... My sister really owes him a life." Meng Yao got up, held the lightning mink, and gently walked to Song Kai's bedroom.

Song Kai slept very hard in **. He was so tired that he urgently needed to sleep to replenish his strength.

Meng Yao looked at Song Kai attentively. After a long time, she sighed slightly. She walked to Song Kai's side, gently took Song Kai's coat and left.

I don't know how long it took for Song Kai to wake up from his dream. He looked around blankly and finally remembered that he seemed to fall asleep in the villa of the bloodbird.

Get up. It's sunny outside. No, or the sun is dazzling. It should be noon.

Song Kai patted his head. He remembered that it was already dark when he went to bed. Why did it become noon? He slept for more than ten hours?

When he got up, Song Kai thought of Meng Yao, quickly jumped out of bed and shouted, "Meng Yao, Meng Yao?"

No one in the room.

Song Kai walked around and went back to his bedroom to find that his clothes were gone.

"Famn it!"

Song Kai finally understood that Meng Yao secretly wore his own clothes!

"Hey!" Song Kai sighed and sat down**. It seemed that Meng Yao was really angry with herself, otherwise she would not have left silently.

After walking around the house, there was nothing of value. Song Kai had to wear trousers and go out of the villa. It didn't matter whether he was ashamed or not. Meng Yao left, and left without leaving any news. Even if Song Kai wanted to find it, he couldn't find it.

From Wuxi City, he returned to Gusu City decadently and got off the train. Song Kai looked at Gusu City, a familiar and strange city, blankly. Suddenly, he remembered the situation when he came to Gusu City for the first time. He couldn't help laughing. At that time, he was so stupid, but how easy he was, although he was carrying the task. But at that time, I was alone and careless.

But now, I have my own status, strength, and women, and I have found the pure yang formula. The original tasks and wishes have now been completed, but standing in front of this station again, I don't have the same relaxed mentality as before. Some are just fatigue and responsibility, pressure and burden.

One thing after another, one crisis after another, like a tide.

The name of the ambassador, the pressure of the gods, all kinds of things that Song Kai can't stand now.


Song Kai sighed and walked forward blankly.


A soft smile.

Song Kai turned his head and saw a beautiful woman looking at him, with a smile in her eyes.

"Xing Ya!"

Song Kai shouted, and then rushed forward and hugged the beautiful Dragon Lions woman in front of him.

Xing Ya felt Song Kai's intimacy and smiled a little on her face. She patted Song Kai's back and said, "Hey! Take advantage of me so openly. Be careful that your teammates behind me will dismember you.

"Ah?" Song Kai looked behind Xing Ya. The three men were staring at Song Kai, as if they were going to eat Song Kaisheng.

Song Kai smiled and left Xing Ya's shoulder, "Why are you here?"

"I also want to ask you, my Song Daxia, have you been cheated or robbed? Why are you running around in big trousers?" Xing Ya giggled, very happy, very relaxed, very brilliant...