Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 36 Helu Ruins

When the people in the car heard Song Kai's words, their faces were pale. Even Yi Shuirou, who had been sitting indifferent, frowned slightly. If the car really turned down the mountain, even she would be injured.

Song Kai skillfully hit the steering wheel and soon became familiar with the performance of the two jeeps. After the car entered the muddy road, although it swayed, there was no danger.

The people in the car were finally relieved.

Jin Tian laughed and said, "Song Kai, it seems that I really picked up the treasure. Without you, we wouldn't be abe to reach the destination."

"Mr. Jin, you are flattered. Just remember to raise your salary." Song Kaixiao.

"Haha, okay, absolutely no problem." Jin Tian was also very happy, and then turned his head and said, "Do you know the history of this tiger mound?"

The people in the car have different opinions.

Jin Tian said, "In fact, the most famous place in this place is the sword pool. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, my husband hid hundreds of swords here and buried his father, including the famous fish intestine sword in history."

"Ah? Are we here to dig swords?"

"Professor, you are so awesome! If you can dig a sword, you will be rich in your life!"

Jin Tian's face was dark, "Of course not. I brought you here just because I found a husband's address. Today, our purpose is to study the archaeology and excavation of the ruins."

The jeep went higher and higher along the mud road and gradually entered the mountain forest. The forest became more and more dense. In the end, it could only stop the car and enter on foot.

It's early summer at this time, and the weather is already sultry. More than a dozen people are wearing sports clothes and carrying bags. At first, they were very excited. After walking for half an hour, they began to complain. Who has ever suffered this in these days?

Yi Shuirou only carried a small bag and wore a brandless sportswear. She walked behind Jin Tian all the time, didn't say anything, and looked serious.

Song Kai stared at Yi Shuirou's figure and became more and more interested in this woman.

An hour later, when he reached the deepest part of the dense forest, almost all people were already sweating hot. Only Song Kai and Yi Shuirou were still the same. He couldn't see the sweat. Naturally, Song Kai didn't have to worry about it. He was the body of pure yang and could convert the excess heat into the spirit of pure yang, so walking so tired for him. The practice is good, and Yi Shuirou doesn't sweat at all.

"Let's stop." Jin Tian gasped, then pointed around and said, "Look, it's here. I have been teaching in the School of History for 30 years, and I have consulted countless documents and ancient books. I'm sure that this place must still retain my husband's palace. Next, we will divide into three groups and look for clues around, as long as we can find useful lines. So, all the final exams will be 95 points!"

"I want to be in a group with Yi Shuirou!" Song Kai immediately raised his hand and said.

"I'll go!"

"Do you want this girl to be so thick-skinned!"

"I...I also want to be with..."

Seven boys in a class muttered one after another, secretly scolding Song Kai for being thick-skinned. On the other hand, who doesn't want to be in the group with Yi Shuirou? In this deep mountains and dense forest, if they encounter some big stones, they can also take the opportunity to hold Yi Shuirou's small hand.

Jin Tian waved his hand and said, "Okay, you three girls, plus Song Kai, you four in one group, Song Kai, take care of them."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jin!" Song Kai is overjoyed.

Ma Xiaoli came over and said with a smile, "The toad wants to get close to the swan again. However, Song Kai, I can remind you that Yi Shuirou is definitely not an ordinary person. It's not that she is beautiful. Do you know how big he is?"

Song Kai's natural way, just smiled and said to Yi Shuijudo: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

The third girl stared at Song Kai unhappily. Her name was Pan Fang. She was not bad-looking and her figure was a little flat, but her legs were very long, and Pan Fang was most proud of her slender legs.

"Who wants you to protect it! It's true." The reason why Pan Fang is unhappy is that Song Kai has never looked at him. It seems that Song Kai's eyes have always been on Yi Shuirou.

Kong Yongjian immediately protested, "Teacher, I don't think Song Kai can do it. He doesn't know anything about archaeology, and he certainly can't take care of three girls alone. I propose to divide them into three groups, one group and one girl, which is the best."

As soon as the other boys heard this, they also nodded immediately, "Yes, right!"

Jin Tian can't laugh or cry. Is this group of children here for archaeology or take the opportunity to pick up girls?

Just as she was about to speak, Pan Fang over there suddenly screamed, and then there was a rustling sound in the grass.

Yi Shuirou took up the wooden stick in his hand, waved it violently at the grass, and the grass leaf flew over, and then a small flower snake more than 30 centimeters long appeared and was killed by the wooden stick in Yi Shuirou's hand.

"It's a snake!"

"Oh, my God!"

"This snake is a flower. It must be poisonous!"

The students shouted in fear.

Pan Fang turned pale and sat down on the ground. "I... I was bitten... Am I going to die?"

Song opened his schoolbag and said, "Let me see your wound."

Pan Fang rolled up her trousers legs with a pale face. Her legs were very long, and a white calf was exposed under the trousers legs. At this moment, there was a row of tooth marks on her calves.

Jin Tian was also afraid. In case something happens, he can't explain to Pan Fang's parents and school leaders.

"Song Kai, how's it going? Is the wound serious?" Jin Tian quickly asked.

Song Kai shook his head and said, "It's okay. It's just an ordinary lace snake, which is very small in toxicity and can poison mice. It's not harmful to people. The main thing is to prevent infection. I'll bandage the wound first and take an injection of antibiotics when I go back to school. It's no problem."

With that, Song Kai quickly took out the scalpel from his schoolbag, first put blood on the wound, and then bandaged it.

At this time, others understood why Song Kai's bag was so big. There were not only shovels for digging dirt and various medicine in his bag.

"Oh, I'm so lucky to have you." Jin Tian patted Song Kai on the shoulder.

Song Kai smiled and said, "It's okay. It's inevitable to encounter these problems in the wild. There are no poisonous snakes in the woods. You don't have to worry too much. Instead, you have to worry about caterpillars on the branches. That thing is more poisonous than snakes."

Everyone nodded and put on hats for fear of meeting caterpillars.

Yi Shuirou looked at Song Kai doubtfully and was more curious about this man. Is he really just digging?

Pan Fang looked at Song Kai, blushed, and whispered, "Song Kai, I... I apologize to you. You, you are really good."

Song Kai pulled up Pan Fang, "Okay, it's just a small matter. Just be careful. Now, let's act separately."

Jin Tian explained to everyone again, and then the three groups of people were divided into three directions to look for clues.

The so-called clues are actually traces of ancient relics, such as a pressed mud brick, or a representative mural symbol.

Song Kai naturally didn't know much about it. He walked beside Yi Shuirou and said, "What are we looking for? The historic site should be under the mountain.

Yi Shuirou ignored Song Kai and took out something like a compass from the schoolbag behind her.

Song Kai was cheeky and continued, "I said Shuirou, when you killed the snake just now, your technique was very sharp. You must have practiced martial arts."

"Shut up." Yi Shuirou said to Song angrily, and then stood up, looked at the compass in his hand, frowned slightly, turned his head and said, "Ma Xiaoli, Pan Fang, you can look around here. I'm going to the next one."

"Ah? Below?" Ma Xiaoli looked not far away. There was a very steep cliff not far away. She didn't dare to go down. "Shui Rou, it's too dangerous down there. I think you'd better not go down."

Yi Shuirou shook his head and didn't say much. He looked back at Song Kai and said, "Do you dare to go down? If you don't dare, give me the shovel and I'll go down by myself.

How did Song Kai let go of this opportunity to get alone with Yi Shuirou and immediately said, "That's not a small matter. It's ten times steeper than this place. I've been down."

Yi Shuirou said "and" and turned around and walked to the cliff.

There is a sound of running water below.

This is a somewhat steep mountain stream. Below is a river, and the cliff is full of plants. If you are careful, it should not be too dangerous.

Song Kai took out a rope from the schoolbag behind him and said, "The water is soft, tied to your waist. In case of danger, I can still save you."

Yi Shuirou frowned, "You will involve me."

"I..." Song Kai patted his chest depressedly, "I have pimples and muscles. How can I involve you?"

Yi Shui pulled the end of the rope and said, "In case you are in danger, I may not be able to hold you."

Song Kai also pulled the other end of the rope, and the two slowly walked down the cliff.

"Why do you have to go down here?" Song Kai asked, "It's so dangerous here. In case you climb down and can't find anything, isn't it a loss?"

Yi Shuirou ignored Song Kai, looked at the compass in his hand from time to time and adjusted his direction.

When Song Kai saw that Yi Shuirou ignored him, he stopped talking. It was also good to appreciate beautiful women's rock climbing.

For about half an hour, Yi Shuirou suddenly stopped, looked left and right, stepped on a stone, pointed to the left hand, and said, "Hey, this way, come here!"

Song Kai moved slowly, and the slope was also quite steep. At this moment, there was no rope to grab it. In case he accidentally stepped on his foot, he would immediately roll down the mountain.

"Give me the shovel." Yi Shuirou stretched out his hand and said, "You can also help me. Let's shovel it down here."