Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 491 Living Elixir

After fiddling with the items for a while, the orchid got up and went out. Before long, there was a faint curse outside.

"Give it! Here! Little hoof, it's been three years, and I still remember the medical expenses!"

Song Kai feels a little painful. He hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time. This kind of lack of money must be difficult to endure.

But today, Song Kai realized what is powerlessness, poverty, insulting and being harmed.

Slowly, Song Kai closed his eyes. He knew that everything he thought was bullshit now. He had to restore part of his strength first and wait for him to take the life elixir. All of these things would not be a problem.

It was not until very late that the orchid came back to the house. He carried a bag in his hand with broken silver and copper coins in it.

Song Kai was sad. He turned his head, stared at the orchid, and said, "Orchid girl, do you believe that good people will be rewarded?"

"..." Orchid did not answer. She lowered her head for a long time. After a long time, she just raised her head and reluctantly smiled and said, "I'd rather believe it, but I don't know when the good retribution will come. My grandfather saved people all his life, and now it's nothing..."

Orchids can't go on.

Song Kai whispered, "This time, it will, and the good news will come soon."

It was not until late at night that Mr. Sun returned home, but the good news was that he finally took all the medicine Song Kai needed, of course, except for ginseng.

Several people ate some wild vegetables, and Song Kai lay in ** and told Sun Laohan to put the medicinal materials in different categories. Some drugs were bubbled in water, some drugs were directly ground into powder, and some must be continuously rinsed with concentrated salt water.

A little doubt flashed in Sun Lao's eyes, but he also saw that Song Kai was not a simple person. He packed up the medicinal herbs little by little according to Song Kai's instructions.

It was not until the next day that all the drugs were done.

Early the next morning, the orchid carried a flower cloth burden, called Sun Bao, and asked him to carry half a pig and go to the town.

Mr. Sun sat at the door in a daze, smoking a dry cigarette bag. What he put in the cigarette bag was the tobacco made by himself.

A stream of blue smoke came out, and Mr. Sun was a little confused. He didn't know why he wanted to do this and why he took painstaking efforts to save Song Kai. His family was already so poor. Why did he have to save a disabled man from a foreign country?

However, Mr. Sun didn't continue to think about it. When people live in the world, they have to do something. Even if it's hard, at least it makes some sense.

About lunch, Orchid and Dabao ran home in a panic. When they went out, they brought a lot of things. When they came back, they only brought a mountain ginseng.

Seeing the mountain ginseng, Song Kai's eyes flashed a little excitement. This mountain ginseng may be nothing in this world, but on earth, this level of mountain ginseng can only be bought at least 100,000 yuan.

"Wash the mountain ginseng, don't use the head and tail, leaving only the most essential part in the middle," Song Kai could only lie in **.

Mr. Sun quickly cleaned up the mountain ginseng, and he was not willing to throw away the remaining head and tail. He put them in the jar and was ready to make up for Sun Bao in the evening.

The orchid closed the door as soon as it came back.

Song Kai took a look at the orchid and said, "Miss Orchid, what's the matter?"

The orchid shook its head, and then nodded. "When I was selling pork in the town, I was seen by Qian Mazi. The man was full of bad water. When he saw me selling pork, he would definitely tell Wang San."

Song Kai said, "Uh-huh" and said, "Don't worry, old man, do you have any ordinary cans? Chop the firewood and put the finished medicinal herbs in the order I said.

In fact, there are many steps required to refine the elixir, such as the tripod furnace. The tripod furnace required for each elixir is different, but in this generation, it is too troublesome to make a tripod furnace. Song Kai has to simplify everything and only use a crock to refine this elixir.

A good fire is made under the stove, and the tiles are set up on it. Song Kai told him to heat the tile first, and then pour in the Sanqi water with the Sanqi powder.

"Do you need to be so troublesome with a right hand?" Orchid wondered, "It seems that a real doctor is really difficult."

Mr. Wang has a serious face. He is much more knowledgeable than orchids. Seeing that Song Kai's steps are so tedious, Mr. Wang vaguely guessed that Song Kai is not making traditional Chinese medicine at all. He is refining elixir!

Refining elixir! Only those high-ranked heavenly masters can do it!

But Song Kai actually understands!

Old Wang vaguely felt that the fate of his family had reached the forefront of a storm, or, one step at a time, or a step of prosperity!

Song Kai said, "It will take about a day for this medicine to boil. Let's not go out on this day, so as not to get into trouble."

"Oh," Mr. Sun agreed.

According to the method guided by Song Kai, Sun Laohan kept shaking the crock, and then added medicinal materials to the crock.

Song Kai waited quietly. As long as the elixir was successful, he could stand up again.

Time passed little by little, and soon. In the afternoon, the smoke above the crock became thicker and thicker, and bursts of medicinal fragrance did not disperse.

"Hold on for a while, Grandpa Sun, it will be fine soon. Now is the most critical time," Song Kai said.

Mr. Sun wiped the sweat on his forehead and nodded to show that it was okay.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

There was a sudden sound of smashing the door at the gate!

Four people, including 13-year-old Sun Bao, were shocked.

Song Kai calmed down first and shook his head.

Several people didn't open their mouths.

The sound of smashing the door at the door was louder, and then a sharp voice shouted. Get up: "Old man Sun! Orchid! Are you still here!"

"It's Qian Mashou," Lanhua's face changed. "He must have found something."

Song Kai shook his head and motioned the orchid not to panic. Then he took out a crossbow arrow, which was made by Song Kai and made by Dabao according to the compound process on earth.

Although lying in **, Song Kai's bright eyes actually made the orchid feel much safer.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

Qian Mazi is still smashing the door, "Open the door quickly, or I'll smash it."

Song Kai looked at the tile in the old Sun's hand and motioned to the orchid to let her open the door. If this kind of wooden door is really smashed, it can't be resisted at all. It's better to open the door directly.

The orchid went out with a "squeak" and opened the door.

Qian Mashou was going to climb over the wall. When he saw the orchid, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed and said, "It turns out that the orchid girl is still there. I thought you ran away."

As he spoke, Qian Mashou came in.

"This morning, I saw that you were in a hurry and sold the bride price given to your family by the prince. What do you mean? You don't want to redeem yourself with this money, do you?" Qian Mazi's voice was very sharp, and the pock sharpness on his face made his face look terrible.

Lanhua knew that Qian Mashou must not be allowed to enter the house at this moment. She smiled and said, "How can it be, Mr. Qian, how can we run away? It's just that our family can't eat the pork. It's better to sell it and exchange it for some grain and rice for a longer time."

For the first time, Qian Mazi saw the orchid so kind to himself. He smiled and couldn't help but flow out from the corners of his mouth. Shuiling, in such a small mountain village, it is difficult to see a watery woman like orchid. Even if some women give birth to Shuiling, they will become rough after years of work and laundry. Because orchids play with medicinal herbs with Mr. Sun all year round, she suffers a lot less than other girls.

"Orchid girl, in fact, it's also good to marry the prince. It's delicious and delicious. In this area, no one dares to bully your grandfather and your brother, right?" Qian Mazi said and touched the orchid's shoulder.

The orchid shrank back and said, "Master Qian, since I have decided to marry the prince, then... you..."

Qian Mazi listened to this and quickly shrank his hand. Anyway, the orchid will also be Wang San's concubine in the future. Qian Mazi did not dare to provoke him. He usually followed Wang San.

"Huh... Huh? What kind of fragrance is this? Qian Ma twitched his nose a few times, kept sniffing, and then walked into the house.

The orchid quickly pulled Qian Mazi and said, "Master Qian, it's just the taste of the food. There's nothing delicious in our house."

"Don't be so stingy. We will all be a family in the future. I'll have a look. I'll go in and have a look," Qian Ma walked into the house.

The orchid also didn't care about the suspicion of men and women, and pulled Qian Mazi to death.

Qian Mazi smiled comfortably. His hand wiped a few oil on the orchid's arm. He smiled and said, "If you don't go, you won't go. Master Qian, I've also stewed it at home."

Hearing this, the orchid breathed a sigh of relief. In the room, Sun Bao, Song Kai and Sun Laohan also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Qian Mazi saw that the orchid had not escaped, he was ready to leave.

The orchid followed Qian Mazi and finally sent the bastard away.

At the door, Qian Mazi suddenly stopped, patted his head, and said, "Oh, I forgot one thing. Yesterday, the prince told me to see if the disabled person in my house had left. Why did I forget it? Get out of the way and let me go into the house to see if the person is still there?

Orchid shook his head quickly: "No, no more. Master Qian doesn't need to look at it again. How dare we disobey the prince?"

"No, you can't be careless about this matter, otherwise I can't explain it to the prince," Qian Mazi was really afraid of Wang San.

In the hand of the house, dense sweat appeared on Lao Sun's forehead again.

Song Kai looked around and manked at Sun Bao.

Sun Bao understood what Song Kai meant. He quickly walked to the bed, carried Song Kai, stuffed him under the bed, and sat down by himself.

At this time, Qian Mazi also entered the house. He suddenly inhaled and said. It smells so good! What? This is not the aroma of pork, this is the fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Old Sun was still fiddling with the tile jar and said with a smile, "Old man, I'm a little uncomfortable. I got some medicine for myself."

Qian Mazi nodded and looked at **. ** There was no one, and he looked again. After a circle, the last sight fell on the crock in the hands of the old grandson.

"Old Sun, you are getting more and more advanced. It's just a cure for a disease, and you still keep swaying. What good things are you putting in the crock? It's so fragrant. Let me see," Qian Mashou walked towards Lao Sun.

Lao Sun was entrusted by Song Kai and knew that the alchemy could not be stopped. Once it stopped shaking, the whole furnace of elixir was discarded, so all the efforts made by himself and the orchid before were in vain.

Lao Sun said, "My illness is dangerous. Mr. Qian, go away quickly, but you can't get close to it. It's very contagious."

"Who are you? I must see what's hidden in your pot, ah! Old Sun, you're not experimenting with elixir, are you?" Qian Mazi said, and he was also shocked.

Orchid and Sun Bao are both nervous and sweaty. I don't know what to do.

Song Kai, who was lying under the bed, sighed. He knew that he could no longer hide it. The crossbow in his hand was aimed at Qian Mazi. Qian Mazi was going to the crock pot. He must see what was going on.


A soft sound.