Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 508 Scared Me Miss

"Ah?" Song Kai looked at Liu Ruyan strangely.

Liu Ruyan smiled, pointed to the side and said, "This is my room."

"Uh..." Song Kai was speechless for a while. Only then did he find that Xiaoqing and Liu Ruyan's room was actually next door, and the two rooms were just a layer of wooden boards.

"Xiaoqing is a man..." Song Kai muttered.

Liu Ruyan covered her mouth, "Xiaoqing is actually not even a man. He is born with a vagina. Anyway, his father said it was not dangerous, and I don't understand."

"That's it." Song Kai finally understood why Xiaoqing was so like a woman. He was born with insufficient androgen secretion, which led to the current male and female.

The two were talking when suddenly there was an exclamation from the front yard, and then someone shouted, "Someone is dead again. Oh, my God, another person is dead. It's Li Huyuan."

Hearing this sound, Liu Ruyan's face changed and immediately ran towards the sound.

Song Kai also followed up. He found that this Liufu is really eventful now. It was forced to this by some kind of bullshit dragon hunter, but now there is a murder case again.

There are a lot of people in front.

Liu Ruyan was a little scared and subconsciously grabbed Song Kai's arm beside her.

Song Kai looked at Liu Ruyan, and then stood in front of her and looked forward. In the crowd, the body of a middle-aged man lay on the ground. There was a hole in his head. The white brain flowed out of the hole, mixed with red flesh and blood tissue, flowing all over the ground, which was very disgusting.


Someone in the oil well next to him couldn't stop vomiting.

The scene is really bloody and disgusting.

Song Kai also felt a little upset in his stomach. He sighed and saw the coming Liu Pianshan.

Liu Pianshan looked at the body on the ground and his face changed.

"What the hell is going on? This is already the third time in a row.

"Yes, yes, I don't know when it will be our turn."

"That shouldn't be possible. You see, the three people who died one after another are all in the nursing home in our house, and it is said that they are all very powerful. We two three-legged cats, and the killer should not kill us."

"Oh, who knows?"

The two servants next to him were whispering.

Song Kai was stunned. Unexpectedly, this was the third case in a row. It seemed that the situation was very serious.

Liu Pianshan also heard these comments. He snorted and said, "Bury Li Huyuan, and others retreat. I will deal with this matter. Let's disperse at ease."

People dispersed one after another.

Liu Ruyan's face was pale. Although she didn't dare to look carefully, she still looked at it twice. The death of Li Huyuan on the ground was really terrible. Of course, she was afraid.

"Dad, what's going on? So many things happened at home during the time I went out?" Liu Ruyan asked.

Liu Pianshan nodded and touched Liu Ruyan's hair. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Humph, listen to Yutang. Do you really think there is no one in my palace! The fact that they are so sneaky shows that their strength is not good at all.

"Listen to the rain hall? Is it made by the famous Tingyutang? Liu Ruyan's little face turned white again, and this time she also realized that things were much more serious than she thought.

"Master, I think... I think we'd better leave quietly. Recently, there are so many things in Qingzhou City. When the city owner dies, no one will uphold justice. Now the dragon hunter obviously wants to search for it, and he covets the young lady. If we don't go, the dragon hunter will certainly not let us go. In addition, Huang Yun School and We have always been at a bad time. In the past, there was a city lord, and the Huang Yun faction did not dare to fool around. Now that when the city owner dies, they dare to hijack the young lady openly. It's really bold, but we are really not his opponents now.

An old man with a white beard one side said earnestly. He sighed and continued, "I really didn't expect that our Liufu has always accumulated virtue and done good deeds, but I never thought that we would encounter so many things at this time. Everyone has heard of the name of Yutang. Now three people have died in the house, and all of them are brains squeezed out to death. The death is so tragic that I'm afraid that even if I don't leave, the people in the house will leave one after another.

"I know." Liu Panshan's face was a little gloomy, "However, this is not a problem that can be solved by walking. Now Qingzhou City is so chaotic and running away rashly. I'm afraid it's not a way. Listening to Yutang's young people only dare to do it in the dark, which shows that their strength is not the opponent of our palace, but... I just don't know what they used. The way is to kill the nursing home during the foundation period of Sanming, and to kill them in a quiet situation, so that the three of them can't issue an alarm at all. This... This kind of strength, even for me, I'm afraid I can't.

"What the master said is, so everything has to be considered for a long time and leave quietly, which may not be the best way. After all, it is an eventful time now. We are really not their opponents in this huge whirlpool." The old housekeeper earnestly advised him.

"No! Humph, I won't leave. I will stay in Qingzhou City all my life. If someone here wants to leave, it must not be me, but other young people. In this way, just clean up and let Ruyan and them leave. I'll stay here. I'd like to see the famous Tingyutang, really It can destroy my Liuwang Mansion!" Liu Pianshan said enthusiastically that his beard drifted with the wind, but he really had the momentum of vowing not to return.

The parents of the old manager sighed and did not dissuade him again.

Liu Ruyan realized the seriousness of the problem. She took Liu Pianshan's arm and said comforting words.

"Who is this Yutang?" Song Kai suddenly asked.

"Ting Yutang is... Hey, Tingyutang is not famous in Qingzhou City, but in the main city of the Canglong Empire, Canglong City, everyone knows it. It is notorious. They act cruelly. You can see that the people they kill will inevitably collect their brains, and a blood hole appears on their heads, which is very evil. Evil, the key is to listen to Yutang, always regardless of good and evil, only on the price. As long as they can afford a high price, they can assassinate anyone for you, and they can also choose the other party's death method. Liu Pianshan explained it.

Song Kai said, "That is to say, this Tingyutang is a killer organization? It seems that someone invited Yutang to deal with Liufu?

Liu Pianshan pondered for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know this either, but in Qingzhou City, there are not many people who can afford to listen to Yutang. Ask them to take action. What they need is a spiritual stone, not ordinary gold and silver finance."

Song Kai nodded and said, "Lord Liu still needs to strengthen more precautions. It seems that there is no peace in Liu's house in the short term."

"Yes." Liu Pianshan sighed, then waved his hand and said, "No, Mr. Song, you are also tired. Go back and have a rest. If anything happens to my daughter, please ask Mr. Song to help her.

"It should be." Song Kai nodded and then returned to the backyard with Liu Ruyan.

It was already afternoon when I arrived in the backyard, and the sky was slightly dark.

Song Kai was not sleepy. He lit the fuel lamp and opened a thick sheepskin roll, which was obtained by Song Kai from the prince's mansion and was the geographical knowledge of the upper world.

This upper world continent, called the Eternal Continent, should only be a small part of the Canglong Empire. However, the person who drew the map could not get a glimpse of the whole picture, so he could not judge what the whole Eternal Continent looked like. However, it is said that the Canglong Continent is very large, and the people who survived the disaster are better than There are everywhere, and half-step saints are active in the world. They take action. The sky is earthquake and cracks, and the rivers are against the river, and it is impossible to guess.

Under the light, Song Kai is seriously studying the sheepskin scroll map.

Outside, a team of soldiers is patrolling, and a torch is burning.

The hustle and bustle outside can't affect Song Kai at all.

"Night owl, go to bed! If you don't sleep, be careful that the killer will kill you!" Liu Ruyan's voice came from the next door. She had taken a shower. At this moment, she was lying in a loose nightgown and short skirt.

"I'm not surnamed Liu," Song Kai joked, "The killer will only pick you, not me."

"You have no conscience," Liu Ruyan muttered, "I'll go to bed first."

"Go to sleep," Song Kai said, without raising his head and continuing to read.

Two people only sleep in two rooms across a layer of wooden boards, which is also much more interesting.

Liu Ruyan was a little nervous at the beginning, but when she saw the torch outside, she was much relieved. Slowly, she breathed evenly and fell asleep.

In fact, this small yard is indeed protected by the focus. After all, except for half of the men in Xiaoqing, the rest of the yard are women, so they should naturally be protected.

It was not until the middle of the night that Song Kai just stretched out and stood up.

Turn off the light, Song Kai took off his coat, lay down **, and slowly fell asleep.

The long night is long.

Suddenly, Song Kai suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up gently and looked out of the window doubtfully.

At this time, in the other courtyard, there was clearly a man walking around the yard. He was a man with Jindan cultivation.

Song Kai didn't make a sound. He guessed that it might be the home guard who came on patrol, and it was more likely to be Liu Pianshan, Liu Ruyan's father.

However, after a long time, the man did not leave, but walked straight to the living room. Through the living room, the man actually went straight into Liu Ruyan's bedroom!

Song Kai realized that it was not good. He picked up **'s clothes, put them on his body, jumped out of bed, and listened.


A soft sound.

The visitor directly broke the door railing of Liu Ruyan's bedroom wooden door, then pushed open the door and walked in.

If Song Kai doesn't hesitate, he will say, "Ah!" He screamed and shouted in the sharpest voice, "There is a mouse! Oh, my God, mouse!"

While shouting, Song Kai rushed to Liu Ruyan's bedroom. Yes, he rushed directly!

Song Kai's room and Liu Ruyan's room are only separated by a thin wooden board. How can the wooden board block Song Kai's impact? Click it. Song Kai's whole body has rushed into Liu Ruyan's room, and it happened to be bumped into someone!