Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 71 I'm really a digger!

Song Kai also grinned, "Although it doesn't look good, the performance is good and can run!"

Xiao Wei twisted over step by step, and then saw the iron robar behind the car. She looked at Song Kai in constertion, and then looked at Tang Ran, "Tang Ran, your boyfriend... Is your boyfriend digging?"

"Almost, to be precise, it's a monument cleaner." Song Kai emphasized for a moment, and then pulled up Tang Ran's arm, "Let's go, Tang Ran, I'll treat you to dinner."

Tang Ran sighed and laughed helplessly. His eyes turned white, as if to say that my face had been lost by you.

Song Kai also feels a little ashamed. Hey, he should really drive Meng Yue's car. But it doesn't matter. When I arrive at Huanghui Manor later, I can pull it back. After all, I still have the VIP card given by the Yi family.

Xiao Wei couldn't hide her pride, giggled, and then said with sympathy, "Tang Ran, what's wrong with you? Did you give up on yourself, so you found such a boyfriend, but he turned out to be an earth digger?

Song Kai touched his nose unhappily.

Qin Yan on one side did not say anything, but his eyes looked at Tang Ran from time to time, thinking about how to get this beautiful woman. Since she can even accept Song Kai, she should be able to accept herself. Well, if I really catch up with Tang Ran, I will immediately dump Xiao Wei. Oh, my God, this Tang Ran is really more and more beautiful.

Song Kaizheng waved his hand sullenly, and suddenly five huge off-road vehicles stopped at the gate of the hospital. The roar of the five off-road vehicles attracted many people. The cheapest off-road vehicle is more than 800,000 yuan, which is much more expensive than Qin Yan's Audi car.

The off-road vehicle stopped, and five boys and girls ran towards the Xiali car.

Tang Ran was shocked and thought it was a doctor's trouble. Recently, the doctor-patient relationship has been particularly tense, and people always come to the hospital to make trouble.

Qin Yan and Qiang Wei were also scared for a moment, thinking that they were here to trouble the two of them.

Only Song Kai is very calm. He knows that these people are the boys and girls racing in the mountains.

"Xia Lige!"

The vegetable eagle, the leader, camed forward and suddenly grabbed Song Kai's arm.

Song Kai shook his hand and frowned, "I told you, my name is Song Kai, and you call me Xia Lige again. I'll beat you."

"Okay, Brother Xia Li, please, please drive your Xia Li's car for me." Cai Ying took Song Kai's hand and didn't let go.

"What the hell?" Song Kai stared at the little boy in front of him.

"Please drive your Xiali car for me!" Cai Ying was unconvinced to lose. He wanted to try to see what was special about Song's car. You know, when he was on the mountain, six cars started almost at the same time, and as a result, all the way to the hospital, their five SUVs failed to catch up with Song Kai's Xia Li, which convinced Cai Ying how to raise his head in front of many racing parties in the future.

Song Kai shook his arm and said, "Although Xia Li's car is worthless, this is also a car. I gave it to you. How can I take my girlfriend to dinner?

"Let's change! Change it!" Cai Ying quickly pointed to his Hummer and said, "You drive my Hummer. Oh, if your sister-in-law is uncomfortable, you can also drive that Mercedes-Benz suv, which has good performance and is comfortable to sit on."

Cai Ying cried and cried. He finally caught up with him. As a result, he changed to such a garbage...

Song Kai drove the Mercedes-Benz. At this time, he was very proud. He turned on the stereo and immediately came the surrounding punk music.

So Song Kai twisted his buttocks and danced to the music.

Tang Ran covered his mouth and smiled with disdain.

Before long, the car arrived at Huanghui Manor.

Qin Yan got out of the car in a dilemma. It was also the first time he came to Huanghui Manor, but in front of Tang Ran, he didn't want to lose face, so Qin Yan just asked his friend to give himself 100,000 yuan more.

"Sir, please show me your membership card."

In the parking lot, a tall woman greeted him, stopped Qin Yan politely and said.

"Membership card? We are not members yet." Qin Yan is one hundred and fifty-one.

"Oh, sir, I'm sorry, this is a private clubhouse. You must have a membership card to go in and spend." The woman said politely.

Qin Yan had to talk again. Xiao Wei had already got out of the car and said, "Qin Yan, what are you doing? Then apply for a membership card."

The woman looked at Qin Yan and then at Xiao Wei. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Applying for a membership card requires the recommendation of a member, and you also need to pay a card fee of 1 million yuan. In addition, you need to pay a manor construction fee of 10 million yuan every year."

"What!" Xiao Wei jumped up. She pointed to the tall woman and cursed loudly: "Are you trying to deceive us? One million card fee? Ten million construction costs! Every year! You think we are Kaizi!"

Qin Yan also had a blue and black face. He didn't expect Huang Hui Manor to be so big.

At this time, two security guards came over in the distance.

Qin Yan pulled Xiao Wei and said, "Okay, stop talking. This is the rule of the manor."

"What's the matter, Brother Qin?" Song Kai also arrived. He poked his head out of the car window and asked Qin Yan.

Qin Yan turned around and said, "Brother Song Kai, let's change to another one. Only members are required to enter here."

"Ah? Oh, then you can apply for a membership card. It's fun here. Song Kaihun said carelessly.

"I..." Qin Yan stared at Song Kai with hatred.

Xiao Wei scolded hatefully, "If you have the ability, you can do it! A digger is still so arrogant.

Song Kai curled his lips and waved to the back.

When the waitress saw Song Kai, she immediately bent down and bowed to greet her. "Song Shao, you're here."

Song Kai waved his hand and said, "Don't you have a membership card here to get in?"

"It doesn't work according to the regulations, but Master Song, you are a supreme member, and it's okay if you want to bring someone in." The woman bowed and said, "Also, thank you Song Shao for your request last time."

Song Kai smiled, waved his hand and said, "This is my girlfriend. I'll take her in for dinner and play."

"Okay, the other two..." The woman looked at Qin Yan and the two.

Song Kai said, "I don't know them very well. If they apply for a membership card, you can ask the person in charge if it can be cheaper, and I can be their referee."


The waitress bent down and was very respectful to Song Kai, with gratitude.

If Song Kai hadn't pleaded for her last time, she would have been fired.