Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 017 Qiankun Bracelet

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Chapter 017 Universe Bracelet

Open up the cave to practice, which is the magic power of the monks in the divine sea realm. If there were monks in the divine sea realm in the cave, they would have known that Gu Chen was at the gate of the cave.

The monks in the divine sea do not need to look at it with their eyes. They can know the changes of things within a certain range of the surroundings through divine consciousness.

Gu Chen looked inside the cave. It was as bright as daylight, and there was a thick layer of dust on the ground, but there was no half footprint, not even a trace.

It is reasonable to say that at the gate of the monk's cave, Gu Chen should leave soon. He is just a ten-year-old teenager with the cultivation of the acquired realm. Even if there is a big monk in the divine sea realm in the cave, he will not care about Gu Chen through the divine consciousness.

However, Gu Chen looked at the situation in the cave and did not leave, but walked into the cave.

All the way in, the dust on the ground left a string of footprints.

Gu Chen judged by the dust on the ground that this cave should be the dead house.

What is a dead house? A cave without a master is a dead house.

Even if the cave mainly reaches the realm of the divine sea, it is impossible to fly in your own cave without walking on the ground. If you walk on the ground, there will be footprints on the ground.

However, there was a layer of dust in the Haotian Cave Mansion, but there was no trace of anything walking, so Gu Chen judged that it was a dead house.

In addition, Gu Chen shouted ten times in the yin and yang array and no one answered. Gu Chen believed even more that this was a dead house, and the owner of the cave had either left here for a long time or had died for a long time.

A cave without a master, even if Gu Chen does not have 500 years of experience in his previous life, he will know what this means? It means that everything in this cave belongs to the people who found this cave.

Everything in this cave is ownerless. As long as it is found by Gu Chen, it will belong to him.

Walking into the cave, the cave turned to the right. A huge cave hall appeared in front of Gu Chen. Three night pearls were located on three stone tables around the cave hall, and the finished products were arranged in a row.

Shine the whole house like the light of the day, which is the development of these three night pearls. Each night pearl is as big as an adult's fist, which is worth a city.

Seeing the three night pearls, Gu Chen was overjoyed. These three night pearls alone were not in vain. The blood-crowned foxes on his shoulders made a surprised sound, and his eyes were full of excitement when he looked at Ye Mingzhu.

Gu Chen walked to the cave hall. As soon as he stepped into the cave hall, a shold murderous spirit suddenly rushed over from the left, and immediately penetrated the skin and skin, straight to Gu Chen's heart. Gu Chen suddenly sweated.

The blood-crowned fox let out a sad cry, obviously the same murderous atmosphere eroded.

Gu Chen vaguely felt that there was a figure in the distance on the left, which was the source of this strong murderous spirit. Gu Chen didn't scream well. That day, he was stared at by the middle-aged man of the Liu family at the auction. Gu Chen also had the same feeling. However, the murderous spirit of the shadow was ten

At a glance, Gu Chen had a feeling of being in thousands of troops and horses, forced by knives and guns in all directions. The figure on the left, whose cultivation is at least ten or a hundred times that of the middle-aged man of the Liu family, at least a monk of the Divine Sea.

Gu Chenshang, the monk of the innate realm, is not an opponent, not to mention the monk of Shenhaijing. If you poke his little finger casually, you can let him die a hundred times.

Entering other people's cave without saying hello is a taboo for monks. The owner of the cave will not be polite to anyone who dares to invade the cave.

"Is it possible that the owner of this cave has not been added to the cave for ten years? Otherwise, how can there be no footprint on the dust on the ground of the cave?

Gu Chen, full of doubts, slowly looked at the figure on the left.

"Wow..." Gu Chen patted his chest and sighed a long sigh.

That 'shadow' is not a 'person' at all, but a skeleton.

The skeleton sat cross-legged on a gorgeous bench, wearing a black cloak, and its empty eyes were looking at the entrance of the cave hall, which was exactly where Gu Chen stood.

"The eyes of a dead corpse actually have the pressure of the monks in Shenhaijing. In front of this skeleton, at least the big monks in the Peiyuan period of Shenhaijing. Sure enough, this is a dead house, and the yin and yang maze outside is a dead array."

Gu Chen saw that the figure was just a skeleton seen in black. The coolness in his heart decreased. He walked a short distance into the cave hall and left the opposite position of the skeleton's eyes at the entrance of the cave hall. The sad murderous atmosphere really disappeared.

Gu Chen's eyes left the skeleton and swept to the side. The right stone wall of the skeleton was carved into the shape of a bookshelf, divided into three layers, and there were a lot of things on each floor.

magic weapons, charms, books... and some miscellaneous materials are full of the middle and lower three layers of the stone shelf.

Gu Chen was overjoyed. Is the relic left by the great monk of the Shenhai Realm an ordinary?

Gu Chen immediately walked to the stone frame, but he was not complacent. Instead, he carefully moved forward slowly and carefully observed the situation around the cave hall to avoid sudden changes.

When he walked to the stone frame, there was no accident. It seemed that the owner of the cave had only laid a yin and yang array outside the cave, but there was no strong ban in the cave.

The owner of the cave may think that the monks who can pass through the yin and yang and do not know the formation have at least the realm of the Jindan period of the divine sea, and the prohibition will not have much effect. Anyway, he is limited, and it is impossible to leave the things in the cave to others after death.

It is not a monk who forcibly broke through the array and entered the cave. It must be a formation master. It is useless for him to set a ban. The owner of the Haotian cave is also a array mage. It is also an inheritance to leave the relics to a array mage.

What the owner of the cave never expected was that after breaking the yin and yang maze array, the one who entered the Haotian cave was just a ten-year-old teenager who had only cultivated the heavenly realm. In vain, he let Gu Chen pick up a big bargain.

At first glance, Gu Chen looked at the magic weapons on the stone frame. There were dozens of them. There were all kinds of magic weapons. There were also two sets of furnace tripods and utensils for practicing elixir. Gu Chen was thinking about how to get the elixir furnace and utensils, but there were two sets here, and he was very happy.

Most of these magic weapons are lower-grade magic weapons, but there are also five Chinese magic weapons.

The five Chinese magic weapons, the inheritance treasures of the three Xiuzhen families in Leshui City, are just Chinese magic weapons.

However, Gu Chen's eyes were not attracted by the two sets of elixir furnaces, utensils and five Chinese magic weapons, but stared at one of the dark bracelets among the many magic weapons and exclaimed, "The universe bracelet...?"

In Gu Chen's eyes, compared with the Qiankun bracelet, all these magic weapons are just garbage, which is not as good as 1% of a Qiankun bracelet.

Qiankun bracelet, unlike many attack magic weapons, defense magic weapons, and flying magic weapons, Qiankun bracelet is an auxiliary magic weapon: space magic weapon.