Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 020 Kill and Kill

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Chapter 020 Kill and Kill

The array is divided into maze array, trapped array, defense array, killing array, combined array...

Gu Mingsiyi, the maze is the array that confuses the target, also known as the illusion array, such as the yin and yang maze array. The maze array is similar to the trapped array, but there is a difference. The maze array will not launch any attack on the target in the array. It just confuses the target and breaks the illusion, and

Although the maze does not launch any attack on the target in the array, the target in the array is not 100% safe. Some advanced magic arrays can make the people in the array unable to dial themselves, can't distinguish between reality and illusion, and can make the target's spirit be stimulated to collapse and die.

The trapped array is the array of besieging the target, which is similar to the role of the maze array, but the trapped array does not use illusions to confuse the target, but uses forced means to trap the target in the array, so that the target cannot go out of the array. If you want to get out of the trapped array, you must destroy the array

To break the array, you need to destroy the array, and the magic array only needs to go out of the range, which is also a big difference between the trap and the magic array.

The defensive array is the array that defends the target's attack. There is no direct attack means, but it has a certain anti-seismic ability. Like the Xumi King Kong array, just like the trapped array, if you want to break the array, you must destroy all the array to do it. It is the exact opposite of the killing array.

Killing is the formation of attacking the target. There is no means of defense, only means of attack. It is the complete opposite of the defense of the array.

The formation is the combination of the four arrays of maze array, trapped array, defense array and killing array. The more common are the combination of maze array and trapped array, the combination of maze array and killing array, the combination of trapped array and killing array, the combination of defense array and killing array... and the combination of the same type of array.

The combined array is the really powerful array. All the town arrays of the sect stationed are all combined arrays, which can attack, defend, trap the enemy, and psychedelic enemies.

The two large arrays encountered by Gu Chen, the yin and yang maze array is a maze array, and the Xumi King Kong array is a defensive array. The maze array and the defense array are quite safe arrays. Needless to say, as long as you do not attack the defense array, the defense array will not launch any attack on the target.

Gu Chen was an old monster who had lived for nearly 500 years in his previous life. He was determined and was not greatly affected by the phantom array, and he still had some research on the formation. Naturally, the maze was not a threat to him.

A maze array, a defense array, Gu Chen naturally did not suffer any damage.

If the two arrays, any one of which is a trapped array or a killing array, then Gu Chen will be ** annoyed. With his cultivation in the heavenly realm, he can only be trapped in the trapped array. Even if he knows that the array does not have the strength to destroy a trapped array in the array, and it is even more dangerous to enter the killing array Even if Gu Chen wants to hide in his heart, his body can't avoid the killing of the battle.

Gu Chen smiled. Naturally, he found a way to break the Xumi King Kong array. There is only one way to break the defensive array, that is, the strong attack. The strong attack does not necessarily have to be the person who breaks the array with his own power to attack, but also with the help of other things.

The biggest borrowing power in the world of cultivation is not magic weapons, let alone magic weapons, but arrays.

A smart array mage, put a powerful array. Even if the monk is one level higher than the array mage's cultivation, he has a more powerful magic weapon than the array mage, and he may also suffer a big loss in the array of the array mage.

Therefore, if you want to break the Xumi King Kong array, there is one way, that is, to break the array, break the defensive array, and naturally to break the attack-based killing array.

Although Gu Chen doesn't know many arrays in his heart, there are also many. There are several killing arrays that can break the Xumi King Kong array. However, with Gu Chen's cultivation, there is only one array that is easiest to be laid: to kill the three great arrays.

The materials needed for the three excellent arrays are the easiest for Gu Chen to get for several other killing arrays.

The three major arrays need to kill, kill and destroy three array materials: soul flower, blood mercury, and tiger elixir.

The soul-inducing flower is also called the other side flower and Manzhu Shahua, which is the flower of death;

Blood mercury is a toxic metal that represents killing. Human beings will forget everything except killing the poison of blood mercury, and become a machine that can only kill. Blood mercury is also an excellent material for practitioners. A trace of blood mercury is added to magic weapons and magic weapons, and the attack power will become stronger;

The scorching tiger is a kind of fire monster, which represents destruction. It is said that it comes from hell and likes to live in the land of volcanic melt.

These three materials are only easier to obtain than several other killing materials. In fact, each of them is rare in the world.

If Gu Chen wants to obtain these three materials, he must first achieve the cultivation of the innate realm. The cultivation of the innate realm is also the prerequisite for arranging the three major arrays.

If you want to break the Xumi King Kong array, Gu Chen should at least be promoted to the cultivation of the innate realm, but it is impossible in a short time.

Although Gu Chen still has only five levels of cultivation in the acquired realm, judging from his cultivation speed this month, it takes less than a year to cultivate to the realm of the innate realm. After reaching the innate realm, he begins to look for soul flowers, blood mercury and stinging tigers.

After finding all three materials, put three great arrays around this elixir garden to break the Xumi King Kong array with three great arrays. At that time, all the elixirs in the garden will belong to Gu Chen.

Practiced the dust-washing elixir and let his father be reborn. Maybe in two years, Gu Cangqiong will catch up with Gu Cangyue's cultivation. Two years later, he was shocked at the patriarchal competition and seized the position of patriarch. Gu Chen's first step to change his fate will be successful.

To forcibly break the array, it originally required the cultivation of the Shenhai Realm, but with the three unique arrays, Gu Chen's innate heaven can break this Xumi King Kong array. How can Gu Chen not be happy?

Originally, to practice the dust-washing elixir, the thousand-year-old concentrate, the nirvana flower and the original fruit were all unfinished. Now the hope is in front of us. How can Gu Chen not be happy?

Now the only thing that Gu Chen has to do is to practice and then practice, improve his cultivation, strive to reach the cultivation of the innate realm as soon as possible, get the full garden elixirs of the elixirs in the Haotiandongfu, and practice the top-quality elixirs and dust-washing elixirs.

Once again, he took a deep look at the full garden elixir of the elixir garden. Gu Chen closed his eyes and turned around and no longer let the desire in his heart spread. Before he could break the Xumi King Kong array, there was nothing he could do about the great desire for the elixir. It was better to speed up time to practice

I looked down at the blood-crowned fox and saw that it was still lying still in place. It seemed that the blood-crowned fox had just seen the garden elixir, and the talent of the monster let him know that these elixirs had a great effect on it, so he rushed over.

The result can be imagined that the stronger the force to attack the Xumi King Kong array, the greater the anti-shock force. The blood crown fox must have been shaken back by the mana light mask of the Xumi King Kong array and suffered a lot of injuries.

Gu Chen picked up the blood-crowned fox and checked its body. Sure enough, because of the severe shock, he is now quite weak.

Just now, the blood-crowned fox helped him once when he was trapped by the heart demon. Gu Chen also shared the hardships with it in the yin and yang maze array, and also took its blood crown. He couldn't help feeling a little sorry.

He took out a bottle of the medium-grade Juyuanling liquid he carried with him from his arms, shook it in front of the blood-crowned fox, and said, "Drink this down, and your injury will recover soon."

The elixir? The blood-crowned fox's eyes lit up, and it is not like human beings that only professional pharmacists can distinguish them.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "I cut your blood crown. Not only do you not hate me, but you also help me when I am in danger. This bottle of Juyuanling liquid is a thank-you gift to you."

Open the bottle cap and feed a bottle of Zhongpin Juyuanling liquid to the blood-crowned fox. The blood-crowned fox drank Juyuanling liquid, immediately closed its eyes and digested the Juyuanling liquid in the body.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the blood-crowned fox jumped up, and the wound on his body was completely healed.

"Okay, you go to the cave hall with me. Although you have practiced the spiritual fluid, it will take some time to fully absorb it. Go to the cave hall and practice slowly."

Gu Chen remembered the feather cloak on the skeleton in the cave hall and walked to the cave hall. Since this elixir garden can't make an idea for the time being, it's good to get the feather cloak that looks good first.