Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 025 Shangpin Juyuan Spirit Liquid

Chapter 025 Shangpin Juyuan Spirit Liquid

When he returned home, Gu Chen immediately began to practice medicine. Now he got the elixir furnace and utensils for practicing elixir from Haotian Cave. It was easier to practice Juyuanling liquid. Soon, 40 bottles of Zhongpin Juyuanling liquid were all practiced by Gu Chen.

Without stopping, Gu Chen continued to invest 150 years of ice dream grass, imperial blood grass, snow lotus flower... and the necessary medicine into the elixir furnace.

Soon... A strong fragrance came from the elixir furnace, and the top-grade Juyuanling liquid was practiced. Compared with the middle-grade Juyuanling liquid, it was more crystal clear and stronger. It was almost beyond the range of **, close to the trend of solid transformation into elixir.

Gu Chen packed the top-grade Juyuanling liquid separately, a whole 20 bottles and a bottle of top-grade Juyuanling liquid, which is more than ten times more than the aura essence of the middle-grade Juyuanling liquid. Although Gu Chen's cultivation has been improved and the speed of practicing aura is faster, the top-grade Juyuanling

Gu Chen put ten bottles of top-quality Juyuan Ling liquid into the Qiankun bracelet, and the other ten bottles were put in a small box. A month later, the auction in Xicheng began again.

This time, Gu Chen is going to auction ten bottles at a time, double the training speed of the later stage of the acquired world, and add half of the training speed of the peak monks of the acquired world to break through the innate realm - the top grade Juyuan spirit liquid.

Now that the furnace tripod magic weapon of Guchen's elixir is available, and the vessel magic weapon is available, which can be fully practiced to speed up the cultivation speed of innate monks and give it to his father.

However, the elixir material of the innate realm requires 200 years of spiritual grass. The ancient sky is now the cultivation of the four layers of the innate realm, which belongs to the mid-term realm of the innate realm, and the 300-year-old spiritual grass is the best material.

The price of 200-year-old Lingcao requires 10-30 Lingshi; 300-year-old Lingcao requires 60-120 Lingshi. Gu Chen's last auction of the lower product Juyuan Lingye, although the sky-high price of 200,000 yuan, it can be regarded as only 20 pieces of Lingshi, even a 300-year-old Ling I can't afford it.

The value of the middle-grade Juyuanling liquid is several times higher than that of the lower grade, not to mention the top grade, which is more than ten times higher than the lower grade. Guchen auctioned ten bottles of the top-grade Juyuanling liquid at one time. In any case, it is necessary to sell hundreds of spiritual stones, which is enough

The next day is the opening day of the West City Auction.

"Dad, I'm going to the West City today." After breakfast, Gu Chen said to his father.

"West City?" Gu Cangqiong looked at him, and then his eyes lit up, "Oh, today is the day of the mid-month auction, and you want to go again...?"

Gu Chen nodded.

Gu Cangqiong asked, "Didn't you make 200,000 yuan last time? Why are you going again?"

"The cultivation method that Master taught me consumes a lot of elixirs. 200,000 yuan is not enough, and we need to auction more." Gu Chen did not intend to tell his father the purpose of the first prize of the auction. After the auction was over, he bought 300 years of spiritual grass and practiced the elixir to speed up the cultivation of innate world, and then told his father to give him a surprise.

"Not enough? How many fathers do you need to give you? As a last resort, try not to go to the auction. You only have the cultivation of the third floor the day after tomorrow. In case you are recognized that you have no power to protect yourself, if your identity is spread out, it will be difficult for the ancient family to keep you. Gu Cangqiong said with some concern.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'll be careful. There's no problem." Gu Chen secretly touched the Qiankun bracelet on his wrist. There were Yirong pills. Even if someone recognized him as an elixir, he didn't know that the ugly dwarf was Gu Chen.

"This... Then I'll go with you." Gu Cangqiong said that he heard a firm tone from Gu Chen's mouth, so he did not dissuade him any more.

Gu Chen said, "What's the problem? If Dad goes with me, doesn't everyone know who I am? I will change my appearance before I go to the auction. No one can see it.

"Yes... Dad is confused." Gu Cangqiong patted his head and said, "Chen'er, be careful yourself."

"I will." Gu Chen said, "Dad, you don't have to go to the auction later, so as not to make people suspicious."

Gu Cangqiong nodded, "Okay, Dad is waiting for you at home."


Gu Chen came out of the ancient family and shuttled back and down in the alley of Dongcheng to ensure that no one followed him. He took Dan in an uninhabited and remote alley and turned into a short man with ringworm all over his face.

Not long after, Gu Chen came to Xicheng and entered the back hall reception of the auction venue. It was the middle-aged man who was responsible for receiving the auction items last time. When he saw Gu Chen coming in, the middle-aged man immediately stood up and said respectfully:

"Senior, have you come to auction the elixir again?"

Gu Chen's current respectable face is really amazingly ugly. It is absolutely unforgettable after seeing it once, and the last time Gu Chen auctioned the elixir, the middle-aged man naturally remembered Gu Chen deeply in his heart.

When I saw Gu Chen for the second time, I immediately recognized him, but it was a little strange. Although the ugly dwarf in front of me was still short, he seemed to be much taller than a month ago.

When Gu Chen came a month ago, he was still the fourth level of the later heaven. Now he is the sixth level of the future heaven. Gu Chen was a teenager. With the growth of his strength, Gu Chen's body continued to become stronger, and his height naturally grew rapidly. Compared with a month ago, he was nearly ten centimeters higher.

"Well, where's Mr. Gu?" Gu Chen said in a hoarse voice.

"Senior, please sit in the back hall for a while, and the junior will ask Mr. Gu to come over immediately." The middle-aged man invited Gu Chen to the back hall, brought two cups of tea, and immediately walked out to the side door next to him.

Gu Chen waited for a little time in the guest hall behind him, and he heard the footsteps of the two people coming. Soon, Gu Wengxian and the middle-aged man entered the guest hall.

Gu Wengxian laughed and said, "What good elixir did the old gentleman bring this time?"

Gu Chen waved his hand, and Gu Wengxian sat down on the chair next to him. Gu Chen said, "It's just some elixir."

"Some elixirs?"

Gu Wengxian's face was stunned, and he immediately heard Gu Chen's words.

The middle-aged man didn't feel anything. After listening to Gu Wengxian's words, he also reacted and showed surprise in his eyes. Last time, a bottle of Juyuan Lingye caused a sensation in the whole Leshui City. This time it turned out to be 'some' elixir.

The performance of the two fell into Gu Chen's eyes. Gu Chen picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, and then said, "It's still Juyuanling liquid, ten bottles."

Ten bottles of Juyuanling liquid? It is enough to allow a monk in the early stage of the acquired realm to step into the realm of the intermediate frontier in a short time.

Their eyes lit up at the same time, but Gu Wengxian soon returned to normal. In order to hide the surprise just now, he also took another cup of tea on the table and smiled and said, "Ten bottles of Juyuan Ling liquid, the old gentleman is really extraordinary."

Gu Chen said, "Ten bottles... top-quality Juyuanling liquid."

"Ten bottles of top-quality Juyuanling liquid?" The middle-aged man exclaimed that he now has eight layers of cultivation and ten bottles of top-quality Juyuan spirit liquid, which can at least allow him to quickly break through the cultivation of the nine layers of the day after tomorrow. Maybe he can also set foot in the innate realm.


Gu Wengxian never calmed down again. His hands tightened, and a teacup was smashed by him.

[Recommendation, collection]